HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-07, Page 2x.. • P PAGE TWO, ..he .1,0111 .911SENTINEL LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO "",The Spoy Town•• -- On Oa Huron -Brute Boundary Second' Class Mail Regist iation Number 084' ' Meshed Published Each WeiltieklaY Afternoon. Manahfir.thlt CsWilf,A • and; ;O,WM,A. • 'o a in advance �- to a tT S.A. '.1 5ubscrpti n :Rate,, ��.OQ ..: Yell' ...� ............. • the .. , .. �� �. ••DPWald C. •ThomPsop Publisher: ... • . • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 4 • •WEDNESDAY, JULY 71%; 1971 • • WOULD BENEFIT. TOQ FEW • • Quite an. interest has beeh stirred regarding the, possibility' of establishing a regular air service link„ with' Toronto from various points in this part of Western Ontario.. A meetingwas held in Wingham last week when: re �.resentatives . grepresentatives from 'four' counties,Grey;Bruce, Perth and Huron, discussed the'fess- y of such=a=s ' g hich was 'spear -headed by staff members of CINX Radio and Television in Wingham• In May, . the organizers' arranged 'a demonstration flight in a deHavilland twin -Otter aircraft, ' to : show ' its capabilities on small 'air- fields. Brookside Banque • WEDNESDAY, JULY' .7th i ation g, g gr, The rade ei ht r:a.duatlon was held on Tuesday', June 29 at 7.0Q p..pi. .The grace and"a'toast'tor, the Queen.was given by Barb Far- ba.nqu'et was •served by .the Blokes; U. C:,; W.• "philip' Black introduced the t ona- d'Ritchie head able ,arid D.v _ 14 ,_ , gave a toast •to the school board. Mrs. Warren Zinn .replied on' be- half of the board and -spoke briefly to the graduates. Then the grad- uates introduced•thenselves and'. their parents .or .other guests'. 'Mrs. Grant Farrish, a member: of the teaching staff of North Ash- fieldtoasted th .field Pu blic School', e . graduates; and Debbie •Bowden re- plied, e-plied. .Jirn Boak replied ro the toast to the parents whichwas given by Margaret Henderson. Anne Rising introduced all ..th.e . teachers and . Grant Phillips propos - ed a toast to jhern, to which..Don . Cameron, a teacher, replied,' --- r -y -Bradley t ked -t -he• -lad es who served' the areal and Dennis:' Jur jens• gave a toast ;to the school;., Arthur .'Finlayson , a:,teacher , r:e plied and 'a short intermission was announced: ^fie=promoters_of-this ea. are_ateady talking... abouLsutbsidies . to make it work, the. very factor which caused the. removal of train service to this area a few months ago. It would seem like folly to come up with an'idea that could not -be -self -supporting -in -view -of -the -recent action in removing the uneconomicaltrain: service. A regular air service might attract a few business men who could • 'write off the trip as a ' company expense, but the • vast maj ity of the residents of this area would not he making use of such a service: Most of us could be ; half way to Toronto inour, car by thetime we ar a "e p ane. ! e senior; 'ci en wi • no means. o anspor a on wouldstill have to take a taxi to the airport, airport, plus the fact that he would be required to pay an unrealistic fare on an an. unsubsidized flight.. we are not opposed to an air service if it can pay its own way., But;.if it has to be subsidized, then let's subsidize something Which can be used in a ,practical manner by all residents, of Western Ontarie, not -just a few business executives on a company --expense account; • KE ACTION WITH PRIVATE PROJEi • 'BY BRIAN KEITH GRADE 12D. F. E. MAD'ILL' SECONDARY. SCHOO1., • BROQKSIDE HAPPENINGS Several musical selections -" were presented fora short program• me-whi&h featured4neriibe s o.Ltl .e staff as well as the graduating -F' class. • Jack•Scania.n of .the guid* ance•department a.t Godench..Dist- v �the was rct Collegiate institute guest speaker. He was introduced by .Corey Purdon and Frances Logtenberg: expressed apprecia • tion to him, A number of presentations were made. ,Marilyn .Wagier won the• proficiency award which is, prow- ided by the 'Dungannon Women''s Institute. The .Ashfield Township. Science Award was won by Flora Simpson while Allan Hildebrand received the- one for West Wawa - nosh. These are presented by, the respective Federations 9:f Agricul- ture; The penmanship award Which. is presented by Angus Mac- PO ac- was won by Lloyd Tigert.: Philip Black was presented :w• his ,trophy.. as senior boysehai at the area' field meet by' teacher' Ross Errington Lorraine IvlacD,onald gay,e:t, verbal; appreciation`to' Mr,:• N Lerman;. Flora'Simpson intro ed,,Debbie Ert•in gton•who-was 'valedictorian forth. al an eg raduat class. The graduation close( with the Singing of God Saye Queen, Music Exams Royal. Conservatory .of 'Mus examination,results'for pupil Mrs: DuncanSimpson'.of :Keit are: Grade V!'Piano and Gra( Theory honours, Flora Simi daughter of Mr acid. Mrs Dt Simpson of Kintai.I;. Grade 11) Piano -,pass, Anne, Marie: 1-c daughter of Mr : and Mrs Ro edge. GRAHAM • - to Gary and Judy • Graharri of Oakland, Ontario :at Norfolk General Hospital,;Simcoe ,on Tuesday, June 22nd 1971, a • Son, Gary Jody , a' brothel for Rick Michael and' Madonna H..U1vIPHREY=•.to Mr, and Mrs. Richard Humphrey of'R. R..2, Lucknow on . Friday, June 25 :1971. in :Wingham;and District Hospital:,: avdaughter. ; • LIZMORE• - to Mr.. and Mrs; Jori {Lizrnore (Manilla Sawyer). a daugh= ter,' Laurie. Ann. Marina , at He'nd' ersbn°•Genera1 Hospital, -Hamil'ton on Saturday, June 26, 1971. Weight 8 abs, ,7 oz. MISS DOMINIO1 `'C'ONTEST': •'CON,TINUED,FROM•PAG:E 1 • �A. •' .. , . EirsedAtidisc• er-.ing . si-ted eth a. need for action .m some.. area. The dream' becomes 'a scheme from • in •and around -„Niagara Falls. The which evolves a project with"a definite. objective. girls were. chaperoned at.all, •4 • times 'Many of the. rworld's beneficial organizations • and projects have Originated, • a • minority group or ,even one person has taken it They were guests at luncheons upon himself to start the wheels rolling when, there is the need. and dinners ,throughout the ,Week : _ leading tip to ttie jud-ging in two Consider George Eastman, who started the' Eastman Kodak classes 'swimsuit and evening .Company whenhe sensed the need for+ a simple method of •producing 'gown on. Thursday night., :July 1st p P J . .. .. .• ect . Duringthe wok the, girls: were • photographs; .He worked for most Of 'his life on this ersonalproject and..started a revolution in photography,, and .good business methods: judged for personality and: poise. ✓ham ..ys .` 4-..y.{-";'�� Consider Wingham's own `Doc" Cruikshank, who made radio and television a part of everyday life in • this community largely • through his determination for' providing the .people with- Psomething • better; r Similarly there are. people ;who have seen the: need for :organ- ' izations Where hone exist,' as the group of • teens ers from Lucknow who banded together :to try and. set up a coffee hoose. At an informal meeting, committees were elected to carry out necessary, jobs• in offekAtour !!! a044AT► ._,9 fti77t T lazed when people were wiping to take action to see their desire ful- filled. Motivation of concerned people is sur risiiigly easyWhon the details are explained to'these people ' can offer' constructive criticism and encouragement from their particular viewpoint. From then ail the dreaio takes shapeas unfoTseth problems are overcome untl success is reached,. . ' e. 11 A Whether it be a better 'government or better mouset, change can onlycome When ,,.. le are .i to exert themselves arid act' as pi�tiinbters for the change, 'Why notu�:. Winner of the Miss :Dominion of Canada awardwas'Lana Drouil- lard a 20 -year; -old 'school teacher fr'o�n *-±rrdtoi = —_- ACTUALLY WASHES AND SPIN-DRIES 24 POUNDS 01 CLOTHES IN. LESS THAN -3 .CLEANER TOoI Unique, patented pulsator .: actually, surges Waterand , through-the-,Spin-drievorce-:1oad-while washing-anotl No special plumbing necessary just; roll to any sink, 'slit ,.' _ ... . the hose 'and start w1askiing. Uses less than 9 gallons of hot ins and. there's a sud-saver, too ! Stainless steep tub never rusts. F on large ,casters. Store in: 'one lace . . use in another: B g P -speed-.qPinnerileaves ome=clothes=dr enougi to=utnn, Locai.P P •present '1e • resent for the event on Thursday night were Mr: and Mts., Charles Webster,, Char- lie being chairman of the local Miss Mi stern Ofl Mrs., Albert Morningstar , her two sisters from. Toronto, Mrs. Julia Smith and Miss [Ruby 14unter and brother and his wife from Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Hunter, Peter Gerster of Point Clark ; Jinn Kyser of Toronto and Lucknowites , Mr. and Mrs. keg Jones, , Lloyd .Ashton Mrs. Fil'een Laois. Mrs: Ford • Cunningham , Mt, and Mrs -4. Bol 4Ivlctritash and: Dien M.. 14,.i Gallie • 1 1!k'e' t,,;,ol hard ;o {Wane, • $0•&t li6Y/se 'c e Greer LUCKNO t e PHONE 52 31 •