HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-07-07, Page 1• 1971 c. lc • lc $6.00 A yearin Advae $2.00Etra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1971 . , Proficiency Winners At 4ucknow:Public School 1 Q Sn&e cOps '14, ".• • • It Grade 8 proficiency winners were presented at a special even- . ing for the-gradatingclass and their. parents held At. Lucknow , Public School on TueSday evening of last week, Shown, left to Tighe, .are Dale, , . Van Sternpvoort, son of Rev: • .Arxl_Mrs,.-john:LVan-Steinpvoot-E-.0ft :•Lticknow who won the award fot • general proficiency among grade 8 boy's; Ruth EckensWiller, 13 daughter of Mr:. and Mrs., Grant Eckenswialer of •KinloSs WhO was, Y, 20 se.lf, 4 • • craduation:Day was Tuesday, , J!ine.?9 for Grade 8:of St. Jciseph's Schobl-p-Kingsbridge.' A group-,--- iiieture was ial(en in front of,the Parish Church, This w,as.f011ow,ed by a Mass said by the guest:speak- _ .• the top girl student the gradha- -ting-elass;-MurrarKeith;-*1-3-,'s---On7, Of Mr. and Mit . Evan Keith of' Kinloss who won the award for proficiency .within theschoolband and was the first winner of this • new trophy. • . • 20 torv: • er;-Father, E C E.Keane, Dean of s on erence. The grade eight students took part in the Mass by •giving the; Readings! Mrs John Hall of Lucknow left saying the Prayers of the Faithful, July 1 on a tour of EnglanC:Ire- and a few of the boys served Mass; land and Scotland givenper as Fallowing. Mass a. Banquet was 'birthday gift by her children; Mrs: held in the.Parish Hall served by Wm Cummings of (Nen Sound, the C. W. L. and High School stud, Lloyd '1-1.11 of Luc'know 'and 'Harvey ergs. Cfrace was Said. by Msgr. Hall of East,Detroit, Michigari The Pfincipal,-Clem Steffier.'; visit to, the girlhood home of her was mo,..ter f • 6.ero.onies. A rnother an Athy, county Kildare, iteland __• . • Mrs. Hall will be acconipanied eepsto e inner by " her graridsOri John .M. Hall, tbast was. proposed by Mr. Steffler, • to Grade.,8 students while ' CONTINIJED'OM.PAGE 15 . • ' ' ."... . . . • • roish::•••:.s es A'eit ie 9 110UrS. a g as=gn o 7 0 --• - SOn• Of NI% and 'Mrs., Harvey Hall. pi7eol,3-r-Iiickitevil-41ro' has recently accepted'a p�E Win ham Man Injured In Crash Thomas.IrWin, 18, of R. R. 5,,: Wingliam was hospitalized in .Winghain and. District Hospital .following a three car collision Thursday of last week which sent his ear .Careering through three guard rails to land upright .,•• beside a ..-foot.entbarkmerit.', IrWinsuffered a 'fractured: pelvis and other injuries including cuts in the accident at HighWays./86.. and 4 inirriediately south of Wirigharn. Others involved in the accident were treated and released -from: hospital. ' • • : v4a-c,n , Highway 4. when it *as.in co1li sion with a car eastbound on High a 88.driven by_Hary ey_KaPa:t riCk, .of Belfast with Mrs.. Kil- pat4ck as a passenger. • lame 0 icers r -Legion d Auxiliary Officers of the LucknoW Branch of the Royal Canadian Branch 309, have been named for. the upcoming year as have the officers of the. Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion. Torn Morrison will head the Legion for the second tem and Mrs. Ford Cunningham will succeed Mrs. Clare Johnstone as AuXary President. • • Legion officers are: President, Thomas Morrison, lst•vice,, Brock •Cleland;'Pnd vice, Gordon Mont, :gortiery; Secretary -treasurer, Harold' Ritchie; Sergeant at arms,, Ed Blackwell, : Service Bureau Of- Tficer; Irvine Eedy; Public Rela- tions Officer, Block Cleland;. Ex ecutive COmMittee„ H D Thompson, Joe Kirig Dave Mof- fat,.AngLis-MacDona Id , Art' Erne- Miss Linda Elaine Matti'? •• • : wein, Noble Johnston, Bruce ;,:laughter of Mr and Mrs'. Don- Wainsley aria Alex Ingtis. • ald Martin; R. R. 1, L,uckhow, ladies_Attrafarro.ffiers_ale., ,gradnated,ori-June--36 from • of. Nursing. • ' • : : Fait,Presiclent , MrsGuelph General Hospital School . Clare John- • stone; President , Mks. Ford,Cu-; `' Nursing Gr '79 • . • . ' 0 t LINDA MARTIN rthigham; 1st vice, Mrs. Joan Graduation exereises were held Robinson; 2nd vice, Mrs. Harold -- in War Memorial Hall, University 'Ritchie; •Secretary, ,,Mrs.. 'Philip of Guelph. ' MacMillan; Treasurer, Mrs. Jam- es Gardner; Sergent at arms Mrs. Art Woodcock; Standard Bearers,' . Mrs. Robert Lyons and*Mrs..•Art • • 'Burrows; Executive, Mrs. Verna McClenaghan MrsCecil Garniss, Mrs lrvine Eedy, Mrs. Dan Thomson, Mrs: James ...Mc- Naughton and Mrs Evelyn Bark - well, Sick Convener,' •Mrs Ron Forster 'and. Sports Convener, Mrs., Dan Thonison. , • • • 'Buys Teeswater Hardware Business mi. and Mrs. Clayton Meyer,. of Teeswater have sold their hard- ware.business in Teeswater which operated under the name of C. L. Meyer Flprrie Hardware.. •. The 'new owners' of the busine are Mr. and •Mrs.' rthur Le:,rand of Scarborough They have 'a ' family of two boys, Robbie 11 and Jimmie 8 Mis.Le.Grand‘ds the former Ardonna Johnston of Luck - 'pow and the family are freohent.. ' rhere-.w-ir&flie•—• ;and Mrs: Noble Johnston The Le' 'Grand farnily.h0e Moved Teeswater and Are residing in the Herb Duffy home near the park, 4e-n-,e444-4ayed4--a-sales---- position With a business 'machine Clayton -Meyer -purchased -t e IThcar into the side 9f.a car driven by Mrs: Virginia Newell Wirighain.. The Irwin vehicie, thensmashed through the guard was a consoldtion winner in the, Irish' Hospital SWeepStakes and' tion with the Internati:onal Adver,- received word on Monday that she tiSifig and Public 'Relations Depart - received rnent of Burroughs Corporation,', a had won 100 pounds, 'worth about world leader in the data communp $240 in_canadian,ettpren y ' cations. in us ry. . . , , ..., 000000040 00 44400 of • SS ()minon Cani -year- old daughter of •Mr. and Mrs A1 bert Morningstar of Lucknow , rep- resentedthis area in the Miss berninion.pf Canada contest held At Niagaea • Palls' On Thursday; . July 1st, .Vaferie was eligible fo enter as Miss Midwestern Ontario who is chosen in a contest 'held 'annually lfl CO nnection 'with the.' Lilo know al § ewi enter Gra e 13 at Ripley District High School in the Pall. The week leading up to the ' crowning coMmenced;ori.Saturday, June 26th when Valerie Was 'taken to Niagara Falls by Mrs, Ford CUnningharn of LucknoW.a.'" After registration:and briefing; the round 'Of eVehtSCOMmenced. Valer1e. had as her roorn-mate • om ew, ound land . The girls stayed at the Sheraton -Brock Hotel: Valerie and twe,ntY other girls froni all across Canada .did various sightseeing , attended' fashion' shows where they did. n -rod - ening , atiended parties, went to the hOrse t4det A*13uffalo And tO a fashion, show at Iltiffalo, had a ride on'the maid.of the flit and . cpwiNtitt) cril PAGE '2. , , , • hardWare business in April of 1061 from Mrs. Joe who had operated the business: for Some time after the sudden death of her ,hushanci. The late Mr ware - ware business for a number years prior to hi death, Future plans', for the Meyer farn-: ily are indefinite: They had, been farming in CuiroSs prior to entering the hardware business ten years ago. They'haVe 4• family of *r., Mrs. John (Elaine) Liston Of IlUrlington Donald of Teeswat- er, Gary of Toronto and Brenda At home. . For Swimming Final swimming registration figures for Kinloss Recreation Cbmmittee show 160 young people taking -lessons Initial figures which The Sent- iner.published showed about 100 ; registering but about 60 have up'sin:crthen. Graduate Nurse • DIANE CliAMivEY • Miss Diane Chatnney4) clang I ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney • of 11, R. 2 Auburn, graduated • • from the Perth -Huron Regional ,. School of Nursing in Stratford oit May 29. 4 • , Diane is a graduate of the five- year Arts and Science. program at. the F.. E. Madill Secondary chool, Site has accepted a position at. thd Listowel Memorial liospitali, 0itiniencing th Augusis • . ‘... • ' • . • • • . • . • • • • • f • •