HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-16, Page 15s. • WEDNESDAY, 16th, 1971 OLIVET The Olivet U -C -W, net at .; the home nf Mrs, Rgbert anctlIv.1.4.• _orper.k,'„IsbOrrie On Thursdayeven- ing. The worship prOgram. con- itleted by Mrs. Jack McGuire' Isits•', Ray Hamilton and Mrs.,. Wal- ter black, consisted of reading, • and &skit, Me. Doctor" dealing with problems in the a.c. W. 'The Osborne sisters favoured . with piano, selettions:. . • Therels7more-lictnie-imPrOve------ • ment going onibn the second of Huron. The hotheof Mr. and ' .Mrs. Jack McGuire has a. new • • "QUick Brick" finish, a picture window, and some inside .work. Hammers can be heard at the •home of Mr., and Mrs. Leonard, MacInnes at they are having a • • • „ • new backvorch and cellarway built. In the deinolition of the old.porch Leonard found an old : ten1.7o.ont. piece ; worth_qpite ,a bit more than. ten cents: Mrs. Elmer Osborne and grand. - daughter Sheila. visited at the . • THE. LUCKHOIVSENTIONINF, I.UCKNOW, ONTARIO „.. weekend with Mr.' and Mrs..Ray •PenningtOn and family at Tees,, • water, • Mr. and MrSMelvin Colling. visited on Tuesday with Mrs„, Calvert Finlay OLKihcardine. Mrs. Robert Engel of Dublin called' on Mr. and Ws, Walter .Black recently while at.her-cot-, ,tage,. • M. arid Mrs. 'Day. id Riggs visit-. ed .41 Toronto at the week end. • , ' 'when Mrs Riggs visited her moth- er -in -hospitatb4nglreated—foi- brOlien bones in her foot as the result of a fall. • . • May White and Joanne van, Darn are'cin a camping holiday at hiverhuron Park: withMr. and /vim Warren Rich Of Winkitarn., Mr. and Mrs.Ted White visit- ed with friends in' Owen,Sbund on Sunday: • . Mary Anne Collg:and S inoyce . and Joan Osborne .took part in the Piano_recital.pre.sented by Mrs. ,amble'spupils in'the.St. And 7 rewt „church school-too/in on Wed-. nesday.' :.• • . Verbeek Proper,' ---HvifilTEeliuRcitNgw:$, • Mr. arKi. Mrs, Bill Gibson and' family of Lucknow have purchased the property here owned by Alex. Verbeek and wiarrnove here in . the •negr fukure.. • Mrs, Albert MeQuilliri'aeCOni- panied Mrs. Maccalluni and - • ' • . • . • ankof ontreal The First Canadian Bank • • At the Bank' of Montreal, flexible about granting loanS. Each `application is judged on its 1ndivid- al.merit-s-: • ' ' Joe G.,. a TV repairman "1 alwayswa pied a.mbbile camper. My Bank 'of Montreal manager. not only,loaned me $4,000 to buY*e .. •—cam.= 1 al • a • -Bill Scott to .Wingham Legion Hall on Saturday to attend the': Kennedy picnic. •. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilkens ,.Kaye and Glenna visited with Mr,. and Mrs. Frank Kesso of Listowel. • 'On Saturday. evening when Whitechurch and Hanover Inter- mediate teams played the score was.4 7 3 in favor of Whitechurch. :are. sorry to report Alex' Leaver was admitted Saturday to Wingham and -District Hospital. He is wisheda speedy recovery.,' ' Mr. and Mrs. Gershorn'John- sion attended a 25th wedding • anniVersary, celebration in Auburn Hall on Saturday evening in hon- our of lv,Jr. Ted Robiii- son Of:DonnybroOk. • • .Mr; and DOUrglas•Tiffin of Wingham attended a wedding at • Owen Sound on Saitirday. Baby Lori stayed with her.,grgndparentS /vIr nd Dan Tiffin and on Sunday Mr, and 'Mrs . Dan Tiffin visited with them, •' . • Mr; and Mrs:.. Lance. Magoffin of 'London. Spent .the week end • , •With his 'parenis. Mr; and Mrs,. Torn MagOffin Of LucknOw%. They. also all visited with Mr. and. Mrs, • Ronald Jamieson and family of East Wawandsh. : ,Mr..and Mrs; Rustel.Chaprna.n 'afltNfr.Ms. Nelson Stnith. Of .Marldiarii :visited Sunday after -7 noon With, Mr:.% and .Mrs, 'Jerry', Cover of‘Xincardine.'.. :Mist -Edna Carr of Wingharn was: aSunday visitor:with:Mr; and Mrs,' Russel ' Ross and Doris ..tail‘ the loan With a savir.igsprograrn. • • I now,take my family on camp -outs, and my 'savings account is growing ,‘ • month by month. No doubt about it, 1 got my money's worth." • „ • • • • • • , Miss Alma Conn of TOrontO spent the week end .with 'het sister Mrs. Douglas'Cohley and Mr: :Con ley and with her grandparents Mr and, Mrs. lairrailok. . Mr. and Mrs.. Mack Cardiff of• Brussels atcompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bill'aintoul to Barrie on Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dave berholtzer. • •' M. Mr W and s. y..e Farrieran a Kimberley Of Hanover spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs. Garnet, Farrier,. Wayne assisted with .. Aithiv-ersary-Servic e Ws Evans' and' Mrs: Ed • Walker' were: among those Iron Wingham on Monday on'a bus tour to TOronto withOntario One the Main attraction. • We are,.sorry to report the PaP. sing on Sunday of Mrs.. Carruthers in Wingharn Hospital. SymPathy is extended to the relatives. , • Mr., and Nits. Nelson Smith of. Markham spent •the.week end . With his,sister Mrs. Russel Chap- man and'Mr Chapman and atten a nVelsarY services al e United 'Church; • Mr.: and Mrs, Bob Stewart of Langside visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer T—Sitnia_w-pr end -visitors with M. andMrs; Robert .Mowbray. PROVIDE WORSHIP SERVICE Some of Whitechurch Met at Pinetrest 1\-tanor Sunday afternoon at 1.80 in. for a. worship servide: Preterit Were Mite .Andrew daunt Mrs. Wesley Tiffin I, Robt. Mrs; A. 'Ea Purdon Mrs. 13i11 purdon 1Vir, Mew hinneY Ivito, :Octet Wyliertgai, , t” • • • PAGE FIFTEEN, • • • • • • e. . • • • • tintestmenttp0tOttp. 10110.!;0010$0100400.000.1. If yOowant better porn:f6nd.rnord :because the soil retains all.. the. • ' of it from every acre you.piant — nitrogen' applied andthere is no • • • e • make Money for YOu. 'And- the. . • • Most. effeCtiVe a id economical From expert. recommendation to •„„ way to supply ine, nitrogen needs trainedoperator°application, the of. a bigger • yield .crop is with CO -Operative Liquid .Nitrogen:,:: CO..preAqua Ammonia.,This‘low Service gives you., the ••best of cost fiqUid nitogenfertilizer is.iisuppIem'ental nittogerVfertili injeCted: 3' :to ,4" ,below the. ' iation without your costly invest surface of the soil and gets tnto ment in time; labour and -equip-. actiOn fast With this method oI ment„..Callyouriocal,Co-oPeratiVe application the'•Corri •ets maxi now nd • mum benefit from. the nitrogen , profits this seaion. .1 • 1•• i ANHYDROUS AMMONIA • • .01Leinie4=000.104•0401WHIMIIHM=100411111R111.1.11M1.11.1M4HINNIMK*11041*.A1A1.00.11=1.41411111peill from LJN=1:3 'research : • .... Fertilizer Programmes and Services , for e Ontario farmer; Reg,ste,ed trade Mark. . . . •. • .. • Phone 528-2125 . . • Thurtday: Jiine.10 was a day of., grace 'for some of the students,_ ,but for .others it was, the oppoSite, ,Air.-averarge7-afT-Q016--irreacir-sub-.!. --- jeer is needed. in Order to be ex-. cuted 'from writing thefinal; • exams,: These exams started on' Friday, June 11 and WillfinithIin. /huisda)J7 Whar:9 Simirner and Celebrations? d• THE YEAR IN REVIEW • Ori---W-ednesdA'y iri diming • the,i,Siu_d7.. tintsnts assembledin :the .gyninaSiti'm for the last tin* this year; Byuce., Aitken reviewed the year by' show- ing tlides of various tehOol'events. The slides brOu bt back rn- mernoriet to t e stir ents. For grade thirteen', this was the last . assembly in which they Were , part of the R.D„ H.S. The niern- bers of grade thirteen will now take the most important .step of their lives: Brute Aitken is plari-:. nirig �n entering.Onelph tinivet Sity where he will pursue' a' course in Agricttlture. Gail Courtney is entering University 9'1 WaterlOO . • for a course in Physical ,tdueation,„ Susan -Elliott w,ill attend fanshawe , . . college., London fOrg, course in • Secretarial work. Marsha Huai- phrey'plant to attend Victoria . IHOspctril tOlearri-ffieprattises-, of a/nurse: _Jackie Johnston is entering the field Of fathiori. designing at,Seneta :College • TOsonto!, Brian 'MacDonald .iS . dirig F.a,40a4sto course in electronics. .,Mary Mc- Creath will:piirtue a career of nursing at Victoria."HOs ital.' Don - th:surninpr7geiting more involved in the Pine River Cheese Industry *and hopes to attendK erriPtville College of Cheeseinaking next: •- .Winter.' Robert ',Rooney plans t� - W sty and enter the political scien-: te courSe. ;Jean Scott will take • secretarial sciente at Western UniversitY',. London. *Judy Hodge is now attending the spring tern eSter at ,Guelphin- the IL A. course In conclusion then., We'hope • that youhave enjoyed reading our oluninin the 'Sentinel this year and that you will be AnXionS. to follow our activities during the 1011..i12. tthaitil tdattio 4 • •