HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-16, Page 13WEDNESDAY JUNE 1‘th, 1171 5T: HELENS NEWS On. Wed nesday afternoon Mr. , R• and IM's. Andrew G aunt. were host and hostess to.one hundred and sixty. -five farmers:from. Welling- ton County... _ Four chartered, buses toured four Huion. County. Farms. There were, two, associations in ,attendance; .na y,•, •mel ,the Wellington County - Shorthorn Club' andthe Ontario Bee€-Improu hent -Assoc anion .f _ Guelph. • 'TINE LUCKNOW SINTINIL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO NEW COUNCILLOR CONTINUED FROM' PAGE ,T+ would:.have an observer in Luek now on Friday of last 'Week to view the mlinicip.14Lim Th has been operating on temporary. permits from the.governrnent branch:for some time, • gover,rlrnent has proposed dump ' Mr; Ga unt. showed his=Shdr[horn cattle ;to the group and' at the conclusion of their day in Huron. County.. Mrs', 'Gaunt served .lunch;' *PROVE IT ring bei done on a suitable site and• be carried on as: a trench land fill method. Reeve Joynt stated that Kinloss'. Township was faced with the . same problem ofa dumping site .and thath; and the Kinloss reeve', .had done some preliminary inves-, .tigation in the area without too. much success. He said 'that ;a suit ;able site ,which will. be accept- able cc e p ept able under government reg alai.,. a tions, will:ate difficult: to find and. -t?iat--the-who e-pro1ect wi cost a lot of money,' OURSELF THAT What has: been looked for ;is a. high sandplateau. with, a drop off which could be filled periodic- ally. It also has to be isolated from, residences and roadways to. fit , government requirements. Some discussion Centred around the sending of ,a suitable memen- to'from••the; village of Lucknow . which' might be presented by Mur-'; ray' Morrison to an official in the city of Lueknow, India Murray'. ' is serving th ssurrmer with Cross roads in work near I icknow” in Is The o s t.' P a la to b le Most •Nutritious o.la UMBL Ration, You'f:Have:Ewer Used -EXPANDED CRUMBLES UNIQUE" THE •FIRST,COMMERC,I.ALLY: REATEST . ADVANCEMENT IN.:BABY'PIG NUTRI'TION SINCE TH'E;LNTRQDUCTION. OF PELLETING. 3 WEEKSOE _AGE ; A. LITTER OF',A=1 PIGS(1ST;(,ITTER,GILT) AT 3A14D:AGAIN AT.; S.�dCEEi S -OF A -GE -NOTE HOW.. EAGER THEY EAT CUSTOMERS REPORT -•'— :...'"1 T'S TH.E.MOS T. •PAL.ATABLE'RATION: • HAVE EVER USED, :AND I''VE TRIED MANY • DIFFERENT BRANT S." `'I' COMPARED .THE,SE EXPANDED CRUMBLES WITH MY PRESENT PROGRAM 0N4 20 L'ITTERS`O.F.PIGS STA.RT'IN'G BETWE'EN,: 10 DAYS'AND 2•WEEKS OF:AGE AND FOUND ...THEY EAT EARLIER AND CONSIDERABLY • MORE DAILY, AND OF COU -RS :E, GAINED WEIGHT MUCH MORE. RAPIDLY•.". N TRO•L`CED t- ED I N:G E X PERWEWTS :..SHOWED THAT WITH'. THE EXPANDED p.. • DIET, LITTERS OF 2`WEEK-OLD:PIGS GAINED„ 5.WEEKS OF AGE` FEELING INS`T'RUCTIONS ONE BAG PER LITTER THEN ON TO • O r o 0 ►V'AiI ABL 1.3-16%.(2 TO 2i' LBS. PES PIG) FASTER. FROM`2-5 WEEKS.Oi AGE ON'THE SAME AMOUNT OF FEED, THIS MEANS THE : AVERAGE LITTER'WILL WEIGH • 20-25 LBS, , P HEAVIER AT• THE SAME AGE.. LOCALLY':EXCLUS,VELY AT LUCKNOW' 88• • PAGE THIRTEEN' India. Further thought was .to be ,given this matter:: Clerk Wayne Jamieson read the• resignation of Councillor George Newbold which was accept ted by councilWith regret. Council auth'orisedshat the use' .of the 'dump ,in Lucknow would be ,set at Tuesday evening 7.30 to '8.30 p.m. and Thursday after- . 'nouns 2 tix4.p. m. ` An attendant would be on duty to supervise proper dumping.The clerk ad- vises - that these hours 'had been .. advertised`„in the 'Luckhow'Sentin- el. They are the same as prey ions years.; Council felt that a strict. supervised method of dump- ing was the only, way people would not abuse the town dump. 'An .early, :springcleanup•with pow- ler machinery had left the dump in •good, condition, but with the .facilities left open, the users of ,the dumping ground soon'had the. ;grounds. in:.a...,zness _again. . A, sec - and cleanup w:as, ordered -by roan- cil' and machinery' nioved in ' . amid week to again put the 'du in order:. :Council met. with. Leo' Murray, chairman of the operational committee; Gerald - Murray , arena' manager and, '• George Newbold ,. , formerly .the secretary -treasurer of the arena', committee•who.'offered 'tris. serv- des in clearing -up thefinncial. matters :of the operation following his resignation,. Council had',', earlier. discussed with-c-�anEe•r-n-t-tae--fie-t that --a —�� • number of'accounts receivable' and accounts payable ;:.concerp ing, the .arena , , Were still out - standing., One Owen Sound firm had threatened to'sue'• if the •account'',was not paid at once, ... •The,. clerk••reported,that he had. :received seiieral`calls about 'ac - counts 'which tad :beenslow• in'. payment by the;.arena•'opeia,tional ; committee . After a. brief discussion with Lucknow council, mernbers of the,' die-na committee -adjourned to .• another area and did further work on 'the arena. books and records,'.. 'It ,was indicated ,by Mr.. Newbold that the slow payment was because ..• bf some•accounts: receivable being. 'slow,coming: and a lack of work- irig• funds to pay •the accounts. .o• Lucknow Council discussed the .' possibility of purchasing ',rear • mounted mower.. Tenders froni two local dealers were being sought Village .Works. foreman -Cliff Crawford_sai_d the,_present mower was suitable only,on flat surface and that.satisfactory work could not be done,on ditch.. .es or other areas not easily. acres' •sible . .Further discussion centred o _. the •problems being experienced 'by wager ,Users.at the south'edge: .of the village. Ahalf dozen ' residences, located in West Wawa nosh Township have for some__ ,years been serviced by the Ltick-. now Water System, . Difficulty' has been experienced in .pressure min tha-t..-vicxrt-t`ty-411111water-supply drownonil, on -some occasions, A proposal is to be' submitted to • the Ontario Water 'Resources Cors rni scion to seek then opinions. survey of ,users and potential users will be.made and''an over -cost worked out'.. Council feel that the costs Of a satisfactory,.. approved service, will be quite high in relation to the poten- tial revenue for the water system. After a cost breakdown is receiv- ed',, the matter willagain be stud,- led. The WW1:foreman was a'uthoriz ,:ed to rilOVe tike fil1,created When ditches were cleaned out, at the west end Or 'town, r