HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-16, Page 10• • r AOS TI • L,; LUCKNOW ONTARIO • KINLOSS NEWS,' Members^ rom: eknow and Dungannon and other congrega- tions joined with South Kinloss to observe their 115th anniversary on Sunday. Rev. Glenn. Noble welcomed his former professor, Allan Farris. M.A.. B.D. , M. Th., of Knox College, who was the guest speaker. Professor Farris had 'stirring messages for both services. In the morning he spoke on "The Peril, of Conformity" and. in the • Trinity The Jute meeting:of Trinity United Church Women was: held Thursday June 10th.. : The presid ent opened the meeting by read- ing apoem "Step by Ster:Iymri "Jesus is all •the world to -me", was sung followed by the Lord's Pray- er repeated in unison. The scripture reading for the devotional period Was taken from Proverbs. 31, verses10 - 31 and read by Mrs. Marvin Scott. The meditation on the scripture "A Virtuous.rWoman" was, given by Mrs 'Blake Alton. • Mrs. Jerry Cranston offered a: prayer. This evening "Oe__Cm:Land Mad."... The-warthn_Grandmothet:' mee_tingg,._. Christian should become angry. when he recognizes wrong -doing„ and do ,something to correct it. Special music was. provided 'by the, choir with organist and choir leader:, Mrs. Lorne S • . rks. ' an ' -pianist-, ss -Lin ' a -Spar Both Junior and Sefor Choirs sang pleasing.anthems and at the morn ing service Mrs. Sparks.and'Mr. Frank MacKenzie. sang "How Great Thou A*'; Miss Sharyn "Mowbray,. Was guest.solo}st in the. evening and_Mr-s-S:paxks=and Lind .Contribut'ed organ and piano dets at both'services: Mrs; .Ross Gam. naay shoo Anniversary K. de 'Koeiier, minister of Blnevale ;and Whitechurch United Churches, was'the guest speaker. at the Lucknow United Church .Sunday School anniversary Sunday: Rev. Robert• Nicholls.: of Lucknow spoke at;. Whitechurdli anniversary morning.and evening. Sunday Sc-hool ehildreri-at-tend'ed the •church service `as a group. The call to worship was given by Mel Morrison. The scripture was read by Donald -Ritchie and' Beth Hallam led in prayer: special music was provided by the Junior Choir. ' IU;KNOW UNITED , CHURCH Row Robert Nicholls J3. A MhQ ster JUNE.2Oth 10 a.m. Sunday,. Sehool. 11 00 a.m.; Morn ng-iNo. rship--; Sacrament . Of Holy Communion EDNESDAY, J.tJNE 16th,,1,911 POINT :In .PONDER • Forgiveness is theperfume of the •violet ; on. the heel that crushed it... Charles Wallace LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN; REFORMED CHURCH' • J. W.. Van Stempvoort Pastor 1 `Services; 10,00; ..a.m. English ;2nd Sunday Dutch, 2:s30 .p,m: English VISITORS'WELCOME Denominational. Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To) God. Hour", every . Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) r -- 2:00 P.m.; CFOS (Ow,en Sound) — 6.00 p.m, and the President.Mrs. Alex Hack - mothers. WhO Were in attendance. I Hymn "0pen, My Eyes,That'l May See" was sung. • The Minutei of the last meeting were.read and Will be held on July 15th (3rd Thursday) in the evening to make -final plans for -the -show. There • will be no Auguit meeting. The ladies were reminded about, ihe "Retreat" June 16. The Sun- day School and Congregational Picnio'•will be held on June 27th. Mrs.' Alvin Alton ave a readin "History repeats itself" and the Trinity Tattler was,read by Mrs. The. Study Book'period was ' condncted by Mrs. Warren Zinn.. Her tOpic was "Religious Education answered. by a 'Verse. with the: word "Faith". Mrs. pussell Alton sang Hunter. gave.' two readings "Sthall Farm Grandma" and "Hovi to groW:old gracefully":. The treasuter reported On,the garden ." -p..1qy and. other business .which had.taken place during the last month. Motions.were made to the Walkathon Project. The. draft. Owing to inor-eased-costs-to-the--Lii System for jast about everY cninniodity.you can/think of (includ- ing power supplied, line construction, expansion. and growth, wages, etc.), it now becomes necessary to increase the hydro rates te you, the ,custortier. 1. Although the average cost per kilowatt hOur under the new rates will move from -1.02 cents to 1.14 cents, we would like to point out that we have more than held. our own over the last Not Cost Per. 194. 954 1961 Kilowatt -Hr. 34 -1 1.14 1965 1970 It has' worked this way becauSe YOU have made it work — by making fuller use.Of electricity. . YOU do have Our' assurance ,that • we will ;continue to fight . rising costs to the best,of our abilitY through efficiency „and good. manageMent and you can expect us to Wring top value bold each dollar Spent on your behalf. We are determined to 'Maintain All addit4Onal kWh Lucknew Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A.‘, B ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH .The Rev. R. Odendahl, Rector JUNE ,20th St.. Paul's Ripley 9;15 a.m.' cension Hinlough 10:30:. a.m.° Deters . Lucknow 11;45 -a.m. urcb-School, 10;30 a.m., in.SchOolr and "Motal Develop. ital and home calls: Hymn "0 Was lung and Mrs. Hackett Closed. the meeting with prayer. .Metiary presented 'gifts tO the .tollOwing,Grandrnother. ,with ;birthday nearest lune 16th, • Mrs. Jake Hunter;' Grandmother ' June Mrs:. Ralph Cameron; Grandmother With Youngest grand 7' , Mrs. ,Reg Broome; youngest. Grandmother.; /vim: keg BrOoine; Grandmother Coming farthest Mrs,. :Zinn-, doderich; 'Oldest 'Grandmother Mts. y. A; Cam - ren Mrs. Tom Hackett, ,LucknoW..' Mr' s. Bert Alton gay& a reading ; .'"Are we Losing 'Our PiOneer. Spir ett., Mrs. John Hunter and ,Mrs. Allan Ritchie, . The Any meeting will beJuly Phone 5.28-2740 . . JUNE' 20th ' 10 a.m. Sunday School 2nd and 4th SundaYs fol, Ord' and5th Stmdlyi Rev. Robt. Nicholls • as Guest . 'roster . • tweet' natiOns and people must , C urc h'te be bridged.. • People are forever, W.HITECHURCH NEWS between what we arearidwnat Whitechurch United Chinch', ; • corne alienations in.otirselves be, decorated with;spring flowers,. on fOre we Can 'assist Others. There Sunday June 13th witn.guest . is, disappointrrient in United -Na Minister Rev .; Robert NiCholls lions.becanse they can`,t settle all LucknoW.' Organist was Mrs. problems; Communication dan Garnet Farrier and pianist John, be .styled overcOme 'Obstacles gibb. The choit gaye, "JeSus between nations and people,. All. Knows" and "Take Jesus ;With you". barrieri can be broken by lOve building Walls fencles.or barriers music was given by Garnet and Wayne Farrier wiih pianist -Mrs, Garnet. Farrier — The morning message by Rev', Nicholls was' "Misdirected,,LOyalty". Christian love demands.discipline..; Many think when they give their 'tithe that is the mOstimportant ) , , thing and they are so busy earning r.„;. Lorne:Woodropehed-her—•:2ier are:to celebrate what, the. : home to the St. HelentS.u.C. W. church liar been and can, be: Meeting on Thursdayiwith and.their elders must:wOrship in teen ladies preient. Folk'musiC Marne Of Jeius Christ and. ke Of Brazil and Trinidad was enjoy- loyal to God and:religion. In: ed, on the .record Player, Mrs. closing we were reminded to let Mintz opened the meeting with • nothing stand in. the, way of lpYal- the can io worhip'. Mrs. Don ty to our church and Jesus' Christ* . 'as none but Christ Can Satisfy. cameron read the story of leis iTrri 2.6 0.8 The above'rates are NET, and abject 'to a t% Late•Payinent charge. The DOW rates Will be',effeCtiVe Oft 466-ottits ret;a4i'ed'im and atter Augu.st 1st, 1971, RETIREMENT NCOME the bible, s John Cameron, Mrs. Tom TOdd 'read the script9relesson from.: e goer , Irene de Boer , Janie , Adams gave the' song Message ' isinging Hymn Of .Youths , He; and 'mist Hummel took tile topic . Ptit Your Hand in the Hand aCCOm; shi showed pauied ,by pianist John Gibb and ' Rev. R, Nichollsmessage was talk with the record playing of the Lord's Prayer as sung in that Bridging Bat4ers. /Separation be - country '; Mrs. Mintz closed , the devotional period with prayer. ' Mrs. Gordon MacPherson tool( charge of „the business period, An imaginary tea Was.planned for the bale mutt have it in immediately to Mrs, , ler. The new version Of the hymn botild will be ordered fift..t.t... THRUM LIFE INSURANCE contac't Mrs. Gordon MacPherson. June 27th is. Farnily Day and a picnic will .be held ,following, the churCh The meeting closed with the,' benediction and lutich wag gerve& by Nits, Wm, Itutherford ate Mai CONTACT Will. J. Kincinan Whilharn 357.;19$7 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA