HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-16, Page 9• , WEDNESDAY,JUNE_ 1**,1,71 • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • ICINLOSS Mr. ROSS, .L, MacDonald of Sud - • , • bury is; now. it ClandOP410. Ross has sold his Sudbury home and 14 much of the year • here. • • , 'Attrziit14: Sou,Th Kit1loSS•,AnniV,' ersarY and visiting after With Mr, and Mrs. .j4cli• Forster. and, fa rpily ••••, were Mr, and Mrs Ronald- PeFrott. • 'nd gir14...ot:doClerich.. • ' ' • . Mr. Arid WIts..%7011P MoWbra.y. , moved yi them -,hOtrie VP: • •••• •-highway R.yest on.,Wedflesgay;' For several years they have relit/ • ed the.fOrrner Walter •MacKen* zi,e.home on the 4th Concession. • Mrs', Donald C...MacIrityre and son.arrived /icing from:. •Wingham And District Hospital on • Sunday.• . • . , • . . .• The- Dicknow. Band enjoyed, a trip to Ontario place in• Toronto on,Saturrlay.. • • kairshea W.I;are planning a •speciallrieeting for-thi,s4nonth *This. will begin with a Pot Luck Riper • at.6.0 8'p.m, There will *.be a:Sunshine Sister gift e?cchan-.- s. ge anda.business meeting follow-• ed.by„a•Tweedirnuit History Tea lc . ' .when the bOo,s, Whic,h Mrs; Wal- , Hughes have compiled over the' yeare,..will,be on disp1ay• . • Mr. and Mrs'.. Ian NenieCek of • Toronto •were Sunday ivisitors .a.t1 .the home of lAr • • ployed for another summer at • •'"Keewick" near .Port Carling.. .Prof0,siii-Farris-was:-a dinner • guest Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs•.. • Jan Needham. ."For•the evening meal he was entertained along • 'with Rev. and Mrs..Glenn .Noble •• •arthe,home of Mr. and Wire: •' Frank MacKenzie. •;• Dinner guests.Sunday•With Mr. . • and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon and• family were Mrs. las.' Ritchie, Mrs,' Kenneth Cameron. and Barb- ... ara of LocknoW and Mrs, D. L. , ,• MacKinnon and John. • Kenti.edy.Reunion. HeldHAtWirighailt 'WHIT.B,CHQRQ.HNEWS •, •• The Kennedy Reunion was held' Harold France of Wingham, Mr. 1.8aturday, , June 12 in Wingham ' and. Mi. Cameron MacDonald of Legion Hall, wOere.around sixty '1.14ckilOw; MX. and. l& ' s.. Albert. ,' o'clock. Mt •"alld MrsPeter, . Earl Hey- „Bladkwell, Christopher and.' gathered for the dinner at 1 . Blackwell, ',Mr. and r s; Robert Wood..gaVe rnusical entertaininerit_41,43f LondOniand-Mre,-Ed:-Fox-of-- during the afternoon. Those ••;, Kincardine. , - :' ,••• , •, attending foip-a distance were , MiSS.Vi0a,faore celebrated -lie 'Mrs-.7-:-RusbyrcarroT71*. and Mrs 13th, birthday by holding a 'Pylarna Carter , Archie McCarrol, Mr. party for son -4e of her school Mates. andMrs. Bob Figure, all of Sault Vicki's guests on Friday night and Ste. Marie; Mrs'. Jean Farquason Saturday morning were Misses of B.C.; Mr. and. Mrs. john Slat- Mary Lynn Ferguson, Nancy Coin- tery of iiarro'W. Nearer places • ish, Helen Jean'Emmerion, Prie- represented were GOderich, mokri.s. ;cilia Zipfel; Heather Boyle,.Lois ton , ••Guelph, Winghain , Kirmar- Needham, Terri Fair , Sharon dine, Lncknow.. ' 'and li.m Bolte. Mies .Ann Zek- . PURPLE GROVE The past week was, j.seemed:. visiting week for lvir, and Mrs. Don Robertson..• Those who called orrthe Rf ) be tSOTIS; -"fale— Mr. and- Mrs. • • We are Sorry to report George Kennedy, was admitted on the weekend to Wingham hospital. 1. • Mr, and-/vIrs. Alex Verbeek and family moved their belongings .to their farm near Molesworth on Wednesday. . They were:assisted by. JohnVerbeek and Bill Versteeg: 'Mr, and Mrs. lint Paterson of. • Kitchener were Monday visitors veld was.unable to -attend , The giqi played records'arxt took • walks and after dark liad a . • . 'marshmallow rOast and told ghost istories. : . • •'• '• ' • . ' ..• • / :-. With Mr, and Mrs Dawson' Craig7. • Mr. and Mrs.' Bill•Craig, of .Toronto spent a few days the 'first of the .week with her sister:Us. Robert Ross who returned .with them to Toronto On Wednesday for a few day. ••• • • Mr. 'and Mrs. Floyd Wilken•;-. Sharon and Michelle of Listowel visited-M-ouday wittrth , arid -WC- -2 Earl Wilkerr`and fain Hy... = Mrs": .Earl.Wilken has been laid up with a broken blood vessel in her ankle and she was very apprec- iative of the assistance of Mrs. MIS C4(.55i.C>5%Ar, ,0 D f 1( E — • PH0,111,g, 524-7811 Fri:riut19 0111.1,01Tilleeent van Laidlaw e Mrs'. 'Walter. iviciore JUdyJainieson and .Kathy.:Wyben,-. ga in keeping the,,booth'oPen., During the close electric storm • on Monday the motor on the oil furnace at.the hoine of Russel • 'RitChie'was blown out. • • W11111,100 .41 eill ' -,.. .. . . .itiCardt.0e: oz,.. :'-te • • 6 1.9CAITP:'N;p4'.TC) •GOLFING, ROLLER SKATING• ' '',.,'' : • : , '‘IVI'NIMING...&CAMPING,, .. • • : :. ft14161E-396•723(1 :DAY . PHONE.. 396 2107 . ... **********Iit*:********.'.. . • : • • _ _4 ' • / .; THURS4 FRI., SAT., ;Iv -NE 16, 17 18 .19.:. ...„ gjtam CfARK MMMIPIIi °Ius IAIVIFORIO -ROLANDAIBBFE—LIAvio IRASTEINEN ROLAND XIBBEE•. ta't SHERIN '. • Y • CHARLES ORO!, , • ' Et.MOR LEONARD • COLORI;yDelire ' • . ' ENTERTAINMENT • 4! ME • COIORby oewke. wow ******************* SUN., MON., TUES., JUNE 20, 21, 22 LE-SAGA-o1-441P-BARKER1- 06-N "'OH ••••••• SW I11 Y V,IN1F RS • • 1111100414 Illa pm* -••••=1.110111111.111, The Swappers JAMES/DONNELLY' LARRY TAYLOR • VALERIE SE JOHN inn" 0,01C•10 fry ,f0•00•0l0 Al • DENNIS HAVVINKrit • DEREK- FORD- STANLEX:LONG PAT DON DIANE 'OW( FORD...STANLEY LONG WARRY.71ZOBS FRAPII! -,:,T:RelJ114--NARS --A-S*1-0N.7.1401311e-T-1 &TT CttN • " 0111,1141111 ************4********1 WEDTHURS., FRI.', SAT., JUNE 23, 24, 25, 211 A MELTING POT OF LOSERS!' en4 k t,*?•: DATIONk DIIITILS SOME MACHINES '\ MORE THAN MOST MENCAN -91 HANDLE!. 110•• • *MS 'orb Minos 19 A tnie...tiiTife adventure a.s big as E. Africa itself! -2 ..1)' AGE MINS • nuffinumnunumumuumn1111ffilitunlinI11110911DIWIWIDIMIWIMIRIWOMBBIMMIIIIIIIIIIIE . • 2 -one, is incieed Made WW1 a •with laughter' E Fri.18 ut.19 sun.20 „...3.4•Latepo4.pptAket•tpt • ‘411C ; • •• GOKWIIDER•• CV.kP,.(4aOf The Prqducer,8” • 0 • c014V1. • . DOIVID•.SUTHEMIJI13' •11,41‘.• '•,freao-trertifa4A.s.H.:L__ r • . •• • •toracipi.co *otiose/ WaRttER, eeps• •mon.2 • ru..22 wnt OPENS AT 11, 84° P-11- GlorlOGrahamer. klie • ,•.111010.11E, 524.181 and• • //s7744'6DRIVE.IN THEM Y 8 GODERICH A' CONCESSION "'D 4 •,t VISITHERDS AT ST. HELENS, DUNGANNON Too, ee ote. «•° = • = , • • STARRING • • • : = • ANGE,LIQUF PETTYJONN • CHARLEOE:JONES • •. • ',WM/ AL1VER;;PAICtIAEL, GREEK •E: wilionmaisantaimilmanaupwintiiiimamimplax • • I . • • Dungannon, owned by Al Sher- •••• • • wood tour .members saw. the 35r • cow herd a. good.groUp of Regis- tered Shorthorn cows ...Ai pasture with 'their 1971 Calves. •On one • farm, the aged bull, Meda Ben- Introdu"nt a ne. Lind ol 1110, It. r • e e . ' cop es joyed:the tour in Huron 'County , sponsored by the Wellington and District Shorthorn Club and the Wellington Beef lrnprovernent' 'Society;., Presidents Adam Clark, Dundas, ofthe-Shotho 0 and. Alex cconnell.; HarristOn, cat!. led it a real success. First stop w•as•the beef:feedlot of George Wheeler, near Brisse.4_,_a_splfindid e.xarnpie �f:a moderate size' oper- ation, feeding heifers only , ,grow- ing feed requirements of mainly. ensilage corn, some hay and b. grain,,'on.what certainly appears well-ininaged fairn. prOject. • :a• • •, running with cows of good Size, • quality and •mothering ability.: Aberfeldy Field .Marshall was ,on , pasture',on another farm , with 'another good grbup, Of'cows , and 'red--bythis • triple A .1)141 that looks•very_fresh,_' _ and active. •T.hough not in the Purebred Shorthorn business many years , Al•is to__be_cong-ratuktecl—,-' • . on the, good herd built up at Carn- atipn Stock Farms... Final stop was at the long-establ • , •lislied and highly -regarded Hi Hill '• Shorthorn herd of Andrew „Gaunt ,. • • •LucluioW. This smiling. "young :Louada BILLY VvILDERS THE I. LIFE OF rlif 'KO HOLMES • Highlight oldie days' visits had Belmont,on.pasture with the 50, to be the tour Of the several orig7' • • .or more•cows '• most of which had inal.100-acreand 200 -acre. , their 19-71-calveS•along a very farms that now comprise the (anti Uniformly goo d beifoup.,; :kertotirl,, operation of Bodmin Ltd., near ' 'ance Tested bolls in 'one:paddock , • Brussels, about 1200 acres owned ' and year old heifer calves in an and •another 200 acres tented, by other-,_-made.-interesting groups . . . the owners, Stewart Proctor and :to inspect, before moving to the. , . •. his sOns Charles, Ross and.George..laWn where Mrs. Gaunt serVed. ' Likely One Of the 'largest in•cgrPor" .coffeiand doughnuts. .: The.' hos-. . , pitality, of•all hOst farms was' mush-e-maree-itted-..-bY-tli 1M. group of tour members. ' • 'ward planning ,' wOrk; and dedi- '. : ,. . ,. . . . „supHENs cam "Ea ated Family farms in_Ontatio, .the o farm di.splaye :the resuys: that tor- .__1Ituy [AL DIAMOND ...m.orteltencireeleu = • operationtotai.f the PrOctor'' ildesz wa23 . .sunki.cokswitS.:pteste. 110•11 IMMO MUM NM0 000 faMlo •M” cation to the job at hand, can produce. With each son respon- sage for certain parts of the oper-.. ation , yet all, available :in peak - Periodsin individual circurristan- ces,Idur members were much im i pressed .with the large corn fields, =-TECHNICOLOR-7 ---.0e4-0-es4pr-7-grain-rotitrancl--=- F01101ifilliiiiiImpitifiliiiimiliimoituitimilimmillii then:winter cowPasture' the• - feed Mill and grain drYing •Mr. andMrs. Blake ,.Tor- -onto, were liortie'iiine 5th arid., 6th, and' On' sunda Mr.: and Mrs; Arthur ' Hamilton , Atwood, also visited. , • H•4 Eugene Hanson, East . ,• ictrigairepent,"rlie w.0<, at the home of Mrs. Cecil ,• • Blake and enjoyed meeting merit on•one_farmr the 75 Purebred Shorthorn cows and their. 1971 calves , on pasture the 1970 calf crop, just off their own Performance Testing Pro:,; gram, coMplete 'data .for 'Which has been kept for its sev- eral years cif operation fot. both. bulls •and heifersfthe entire calf 'Tertirevacitl*TitttirrPlir-t--„ the Jame issue of the Shorthorn News. ; a 100 -,..Sow farrowing pro-: neighbours'and friends. / Other . iePt-an.._one another has.'a. bait ' fixed over for. fourlten-week periods•each year of chiclsen broil- ers , and a 12 -week period for turk, eys, the 18000 turkeys out:on Thornhill; and Mr,: and qvits_LJI.L,tarige on anothethe_linettp Blake' and. Becky of Galt. .• ofIarge scale miChinery required. Miss Debbie Higher, Tont Oi for efficient operation of the farm .spent the Week .end With,Barbara • lands and of prime importance ' • the complete bookkeeping for Recently Mf. and Mit. :Hairy , each farm project and the total shackietan.4. :60deridn, also farm operation.' It is.interesting Mr and and Mts. Gordon Dickson, that after a good college edtida•- Atwood" Visited the Blake familydon, each Proctor son started out •Mr, and Mrs. Iotin Kilpatrick , in other work, electronico ,feed agriCLIffiltal OtterisiOn, and now•a11 are happy Ott the farm•, At .tatnation 'Stook Paints; , :ed him were Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick, Agincourt; Mr. and Mrs.:Dick Kilpatrick of. Wingharn; Mr. and Mrs. ',Grant SowerbY., tiNTON';.-ONTARIO.-77 BOX OFFICE. OPENS AT SO PJA: . FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THURS.; FRI., SAT., SUN... :June 17,18,- 19,20. DOUBLE ;FEATURE • • 'PAINT YOUR • ,„, • , • . • VVAGON" • (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) • LEE MARVIN: — CLINT EASTW000 and JEAN .SEBERG . • and JEAN "SEBERG — (Colour) Arkona , visited relative in Dun- , COLOR .0Fr NruimmitNt. HA 11 1 riolytALHooN.LtikitigtN Local -gnnn Lucknow and Beigtave . the past few days; . ..• ,. , . 1, .. . ... . . . 2, • . • . , .• . ., • . . . . • , . • ' • . . . , . . . . r . , : '• . . . "TARGETS'I ;'. • (ADULT-.;:EN-TERTAINM COlour • Condon • , d9sci Monday, Tuesday / • Juno 21, 22, p.....1%.4,04,,44". WED., THURS., FRI., SAT,, SUN. • June 23, 24, 25,26, 27 • 1/0()DSTOCK" • (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) ThE ROCK FESTIVAL ON THE SCREEN 7:WITH THE MUSIC GROOVING tied the 400,000 persons doing their • thingttfl Coltour CaHoon • • Due, to length, •One 'showing. nightly' atappr�x.9:15 • a