HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-16, Page 6PAG* $IX: T� 'ILUCKNOW° SENTINEL. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO i AUCTION SALE AN AUCTION SALE of complete household effects and antiques will be held for Mr. Herb. Duffy at his residence in Teeswater on Thurs- day, July 1, at 1:00 p.m. Complete pat In next week's paper. ' Auction- eers Wallace Ballagh, phone 392-' 0170;; Grant McDonald, phone 395- 5353. ; .•q • AUCTION SALE Of ;Household Effects 'willbe held for F MRS.` JESSIE HOWELL At, her residenc•, one block east of main street. in Teswater on SATURDAY, JUNE 19' at 1;00 p.m. • Chesterfield and chair;- swivel rocker, arm • chair and hassocks; 2' :floor lamps;. 2 table lamps; 2 smok er stands; Marconi 21" T.V.; arm• chair; desk; several small tables; , AUCTION `SALE Of Real Estate, Houshold Furniture, Antiques will be. held for WM. GRIFFIN Havelock St., Village of Lucknow ON SATURDAY,,30. JUNE 26 Refrigerator. T.V. u' set; vacuum cleaner; floor polisher; washing machine, -chrome kitchen -table -and chairs; dining . room table . and chairs; chesterfield and chair; cof- fee table- 24beds and -mattress; clothes closet; lamps; electric/ fry pan; electric stove; china cabinet; 3 dressers; trunk ice box; dishes; silverware; 2 antique rockers; bed- ding; radio; electric iron; tea ket- tle; mixette; ironing board; wheel- barrow; garden tools; Frigidaire refrigerator; Westinghouse electric. oven; hot plate; 2 hall runners; wool rug. and: pad; child iron crib; mats and ,picture frames; mirrors; t drapes ,wash- stand,, numerous Kenmore 4 burner electric stove; Hoover vacuum cleaner; G.E. floors polisher-;. table' (36" x 8') -with- re-. movable legs; .. kitchen " cupboard; Roy refrigerator; Wash stand;1 Beatty wringer washer (,double tub); single couch; . 3 bdroom suites; :2 washstand sets; sewing, stand; couch; : table and stand; metal bed and table; chrome kit: -Cite; - chrome kitchen table; 4 wooden chairs; 2 wicker chairs (1 rocker) `and wicker flower stand; quilting frames mix master; quan- tity of uantity'of dishes and' cooking utensils; wooden lawn Chairs; 2 lounge chairs; wheel barrow; laundry small articles. Real Estate ... ' The_real-,estate-located-on -Have- lock St. in the village of Lucknow consisting of frame house and lot, house has 2_ bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, dining :room and full base- ment sells subject`+to reserve bid rquiring • 10% cash day of Sale, bal- ance in 30. days, TERMS -CASH ALLAN MacINTYRE, Auctioneer, Bruce Fargo. Repoli CORN AND BARLEY'' SWEEPSTAKES The Bruce County Soil and Crop Improvement is spon- soring : Corn and Barley sweep• stakes again. in,1971. BARLEY The rules for the Barley .Sweepstake are: ' 1. An entry fee of $5.00 must be paid with each entry by July 1,' -th`tOnio. Department of Ag griculture and Food,Box 1330, Walkerton, _Ontario. 2. The stakes will be $280.00 plus` the 1971 entry fees. The to three qualifyingentries to 'receive 5O,, -30 and 20% of the stake. 3. The minimum size; of a field' is ten acres. 4. The ' qualifying . objective is 2 tons of barley per acre. 5. All entrants must provide cost . of productionfigures to the Bruce Soil and. Crop Improvement As- sociation. CLEARING•AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery Will: Be Held For SILAGE CORN: The rules for the. Silage Corn Sweepstakes are: ::. 1. An, entry fee of $5.00 must be paid with each entry by August 1, to the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture and Food, Bbx 1330. Walkerton, Ontario. mi 2.' •The mimum size of a field'_ is ten acres. 3. Th tons of silage at 65% moisture. 4 The stake will be $100.00 plus p1 i entry, fees, to be divided among the top three qualifying entries at'. 50, 30 and 20%. 5. All entrantsmust provide cost 'owe -the -Bruce• til "and Crop Improvement`. 'As- -TO-cation. s-: Oc�a"`_tion..:.• EARWIGS Theannual pests have appeared again. Spraying a band all around the house and up the foundation with chlordane or malathion is... the best control. HAYLAGE U you are tired of handling bal- ed hay and have decided on hay • otheLart,tdesmerous to mention. • TERMS CASH Owners and auctioneers not respon- sible for 'any accidents, that may occur day of sale Proprietors Mrs. Jessis C. ' Nowell Auctioneers. ,Wallace Bellagh. Phone' 392-6170 Grant McDonald, >Phone, 395.5353 BROWNIE The lst'hucknow Brownie •Pack met on Tuesday, June 8th. • The . meeting opened with'a game, "Fire On; The Mountain"..' Helen Winer was'•'the' Fair' Queen-and:after she had placed the .Toadstool;.they had Brownie Ring. The Brownies hopped their. Fairy Gold and each Sixer,did ' inspection in hewn Six. A ;L IRWIN Lot:-'41,--Concession:12; East-Wawan osh, Township, : '1 block south of Wingham and Ya block west of no. 4..Jtighway on "THURSDAY; JUNE 24 1:30 p.m..j' Ford 816 tractor with freeman. loader and .L.PT.O , Ford . 9N tractor; W.C.- Allis Chalmers trac- tor with W.D. kit and pulley; M.T. John Deere tractor; ;'International 3 farrowplow 3 -patent : hitch cunt son 'lished a air •of shoes and • po. ..p Joan' Hamilton passed, her test for 'sewing on two kinds of buttons.. , During Pow Wow Brown'Owl told the ;Brownies' about the Pack Holiday that will be held in ,l/uly, • Joan Hamilton showed her picture.: made from blossoms and Marion . .___. na tlioldLthe__BLownies gab tor; M.H.'. cultivator; M.H. seed drill; New Idea 7 ft. mower; Oliver side rake on. rubber; M.H.. hay loader; ' • 26' ft. George White ' ele- vator with motor.; M.H. binder with canvas; M.F. wagon' with 16 ft. rack; New ' Idea . No. 12 manure spreader;= M.F. No. 9 baler : with grain .kit ,(like new); George White thresher ' with. 100 ft. belt; . Letz grinder with 60 ft. belt; Woods vac- uum pump with . x horse ' motor; Pipeline with `stall to ' s • 2 .Univer- s . milker units; De Lav . e ectric cream separator; Beatty feed cart, cattle clippers; 200 gal. water trough; Baler,' twine; cedar ' rails;. chains; scrap iron; gas cook stove electric and wood cook stove; Num- erous small items. Owner . or auctioneer will not be responsible for accidents. TERMS CASH 'about BRIAN' RINTOUL; . Auctioneer. • am collection which.'she W ih-t�echurch Plwne 357.2349 her, . stamp had brought to the meeting. Brown. Owl presentedthree Brownies -with their Second Stripe,, they were Jill Murray, Dawn Nel- son:and Joan Hamilton., ' Mary Lynn Cayley received- three inter- ,. est badges, Minstrel, Housekeep- • er and Cook., Tawny Owl then. presented Joan Hamilton and Nancy Thompson with thele Gold- ,.. Ivlaclntyr de dernonstrated :for the. rest of,the Park how to bandage a.... cut -finger and; a -grazed knee with Susan Thompsonacting as• -the patient., . Brown Owl told the Brownies that this was the• last meeting. for- June and that Brownies would start again on Tuesday,. September 14th. r . The meeting closed with, Brown- ie • aps an everyone • eaving •y the Arch. es or tor: shfield will D he Tm:.ihIrot Before londay, November 1st, 1971 ent and • DONALD M� SIMPSO ,, CL RK lage,..here is.; a short recipe. 1. Cut• early, 1/10 bloom. 2. Wilt down': to .50: to 65% `mois- ture. Usually :one; day. 3. Chop fine,:' one inch maximum. 4. Use' a distributor in; the :silo.. • M. R. Bolton Agricultural Representative SflNcIVE NVITATI WEDNESDAY, JUNEEl6th ,1971 R.R 1 LUCKNOW HIGIWAY'• 86, 2 MILES WEST OF `WHITECHURCH; 11 Hornelite, with its worldwide reputation .. for quality products and expert service, chooses its dealers with care and s proud to recommend our newest repre= sentative to ,the chain saw buying public. elens... unggnnon They St. Helens, Women•s Insti tute held their meeting 'in the `hall on Thursday e'vening`s This was the. Historical Research and Grand- mother's Meeting.' 7Thirty-five .ladies attended... The roll call•: ;was answered by." 'A. popular, song During the business it was ,d'ec- ;ide'd that we should ..buy ten•doz- en knives'and. forks. for our'.hala.. '.r A donation of $10; was given to 'the 'Waikathon.. The members will help serve meals at the Craft . ' • Show in Lucknow in July; Mrs. Allan Miller, 'announced that Mrs. .Harold Gaunt is•the'•new,district President o iron •est, e� St, Helens ,W .I.. are very proud to hav Annie as the.District President. • This is the first time, for sixty years that St. Helens has had this honour. ; ' by INTEI?NATION41' OF STRATFORD ' 24- Hour Approiak 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES Arranged in the Convenience Of Your Home LOW . cost. gi can 'call p m, todayYofor helpful courtto10- eouls service. Prompt invest- ment nvestmenta Corp.. 'Ltd., 330 Bay Street, Toronto. Call collect. 366.9586, Svgs. 231-8146 It was decided. to hold our. bus trip on June ,22. : Mrs." Russel Philips gave a read- ing "How To Grow 01d Gracious- ly". raciously". • Our guest speaker Mr. Pi -farts M'athers. was 'introduced. by Mrs. E. W. Rice`.: Mr Mathers spoke on--His-tEir-i-ea-l-Resea-reh and-als showed. slides, which were quite interesting. Mrs. Gordon Struth- ers thanked Mr. Mathers and pies ented'him with a gift.,• Mrs.' Chas. MacDonald resent'-, ed Mrs. Elwood Barbour with a •• gift from the W.1, and Miss Helen Harper will also receive one as they are no longer living::at St. Helens. Thirteen members of the Dun gannon Women's Institute met. at. • ` the home. of Mrs. Harvey Alton. Ou0<roll call was answered with a clipping or article about A Eskimo ori Indian Development; Mrs. • Clarence McClenaghan dis- 'a-dell-made_of . ` Prairie' gopher fur. and beads P g • from: tine Yukon,: which. had been presented . o Mr. Robert 'MCClen aghan .by his'-grariddaughter Beat- rice.. A. rePort, of the' .Officer's. Con ference in Guelph. was. given by Mrs. Fred Young. - ents and the W.I. scrapbooks' were. on display. The tickets. for the two -.quilts -were then. .4.rePo r-ticket for the large quilt was drawn•'by our oldest member Mrs.• jack-�'Ryan c1-nd-the--w-inner._w.a. Mrs. Arnold' Stothers of the Nile, The second quilt' draw for. the . crib quilt was pulled by Mrs.. ;Win.. SteWart. and the winner was. lvIrs. . Bett` Pennin ton of R R: 2 • Contests -were- held for the • Grandmothers which proved quite entertaimtng A lovely lunch 1•8..served by Mrs. Bill 'Purdon, Mrs 'Mussel. • Phillips and••Mrs, Lloyd Whytock. Wingharn The topic was very capably given by .Mrs Lorne Ivers and in- Vo-lvodall rrre-mbers-pres-ent =I tin -..•:.- meeting closed with the: W. I. •grace and lunch was provided hy,• 14s. Chester Finnigan, Mrs : ,.(Iu,ih` McWhinney and Mrs. Chas. Travis. Several of, the .Dungannon ladies attended the District Annual at Londesboro.' Mrs, ilarv. .ey Alton and Miss Iva Carr were in charge of the memorial serer vice. The day.was much enjo,�cd. by those who attended. The Dungannon W I.'s next meeting win be held on'JtIfte 24th at the home ,of Mrs. Wilut Brown, with the theme' being 'Agriculture.,: