HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-16, Page 1$6.40. Advang• -:- $2.00 Extra To
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NEONESPA*. JUNE' 16th, 1971 •
.Siflgk Copy .15s
20 Pages
Toronto Graduate
" .
Oliver Glenn of Lucknow was,
',last week sworn in as 4 'member
of Lucknow municipal council.
He made the necessary declara
'don of office at the regular June
council meeting Tuesday evening.
of last week.
Mr. Glenn fills one of the
vacancies in council created by
the resignations of Harold Greer
and George Newbold. One .vacan-
cy is yet to be filled. . .
.... _ . .
Initially, Lucknow council had
passed,a bylaw calling fora nom-.
illation 'Meeting 'to fill the posi-'
tions, but later Were advised that
appointments could be made to
fill the Vacancles. ,The bylaw
Was rescinded at last Week's,ineet-
Reeve George Joynt appointed
:vir, Glenn to head the sanitation
and. property committees of -
It Was reported it the meeting .
that the waste management •
branch of the Ontario government
Janet Bannerrnari graduated at
• the University of, Toronto on
Monday,. Ivlay,31St with a 'diploma„
. •
,in Physical Occupational •
Ther4Py, :She the former Janet ' Township Council m t
vise arru ers, aug er o
-and-Mrs. Virden MowbraY— all members present
of Lucknow and is married to Dons • '
• •
-ald Bannerman of Kinloss.
She is, now interning for'two
months at Chedook 'Health Centre,
Announce New
Hydro Rates
For Lucknow
!Unions » Lucknow Public
By -LAW:. il ,1971.Was;,passed
. .
se mg e various mi 'rates or
1971 . ,--.-_ .. ' • ,
1971 • 1970
Receives Degree
• .
cOnferred upon Mrs.Rose Robb. at
the 208th Convocation' Exercises
held recently at Alumni Hall by
the University .of Western Ontario
at London. • *
... •
Mrs. Robb is the oril dau•hter •
of •Mr.. and. Mrs. S,. H. Coulter .of
-London-and the wife of
of R.' R. 3 Lucknow.
She is presently.othe teaching
Staff of Lucknow Disttict Public
. 4
HOWell :Fraser*. •
Stratford'and.formerlY'Of 'R. R. 1 •
Ripley celebrated their 60th wed-
ding anniversary on Saturday,
June l2th at Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Pollock in Stratford.
. .
All members, of their family
attended, Mr: and Mrs.
ence Politick and, family OfRip-
ley, . Mr and Mrs. Glen Fraser and
family and Mr. and 'Mrs; Grant..
Fraser .and frnUy.ali'of Toronto;
Mr. and M.rs. Harold Pollock and
family of Stratford; ..Mrs. Bill
?Bell; ofStratford and Mrs. Pete
MacDonald of. Ripley..
ua es rom
latribton College
DonMcQ�illin has recerit4Y -
om LarribtOn. Got g
of Applied Ar.ts_and.,
• Res'. Com. Res., • Coin.
14.17 14.17 15.54 ••15.54
Huron - Perth Separate
te.... .....
uron - Bruce Secondary - 14.24• 16.82 19.96 22.18
28 53 • • 31 91 2155 25.95
6.60 •••• 7.33 18.05 • 20.05
13.05 •••.• ;' 14,50 ••,.' 18.05 2005.
.28.06 ' • ' 18-05•
Ripley Secotidary 1190 , 20.16
Elsewhere in. this- issue ; ‘'I'Hurn Township
:now, Hydro Het tric System is
.announcinga rate change._
:•The adveriisenient Outlines in
'detail the new rate structure and
information leading to the
increase which becomes effective:,
Humber Grad
eps Question
Planning Methods
The Public School rate for
KinloSs-Lucknow School Area is •
substantially reduced as cornPar
ed to 1970 by the.arbitrated'stir'-
plus,of.$1,715 when this 1.014.11.-•
ship, School' Area .Was succeeded
by the 'Bruce ‘County Board of
Education. :This surplus will
,Brttee•-c 1• ••• °
are unusual in the proyince•Bruce
County council was told...
• , The $1 million Ontario Hydro
project .at Douglas Point is ,rdeV.-
elopMent that ;.,."raiseS'queetions
and sharpens the need to look at
development policies , E. R.' ,
Gornme; of the community plan-
-g- ra ep:a iiient
ic trial affiars , said . • '
13ruce_also hasatioSeLdeielop- , •
ment problems' inherent in an area..
of extensive vacation develop-
ment, he added.
.In most instances planning
'should be done on a larger scale
.thanthe local municipality, but.,
the county is not necessarily the
unit: He conceded that...
county boundaries have become
'suitable plannfng. limits in Huron
arid irt Waterloo..
Bill Cheter,„snn-Of: Mr,-a-nd
Mil. ken Chester of Lucknow,
graduated ,on §aturday ,Jme5th,
at Ilumbe,r 'College of Applied
Arts and T hnoiggy, , Toronto,
Puneral Service Education.
Nil is now with \, W Miles
Ltd.., Toronto.
Attending the graduation were'
Mr, and Mrs. Ken bhester, marg'
Ittt Jean and torn of Lucknol'At
alit] Mr; and Mr td Marshall •of
(:)Itynot, sot -1'0f Mr; arid
Mrs., Lylc Gaynor of Tavistock,
• ,•
graduateci from ri3 r 0 C liS, V r . t Y 0,
. •
St.', Catharines On May 25.
lie recciVed. his1.1aliclor
Arts, degree., '
Mr, and Mrs: Lyle (ialnor„
Sharon and:Patricia a ttended, the
gracitiatioff, • •
John t;oynor is iAtiind8oti tf
Mrs, .Eliza ,LueldiOW.-
There is also .a reductiOn in the
secondary school rates on the •
same principal it is expected
• ,•
School teaching Horne Economics
to students from Lucknow,•Ripley
and Teeswater.
In Eskimo •
E, McKim Of Lucknow
id -her -daughter cira -
hair' of Toronto left last Friday • .
for a trip which •will take thein
through the Northwest Territories,
the Yukon-, Alaska and home by
boat through the inside.passage to
Vancouver-... • '
They will spend , a day in the
Eskimo village 'of tuktoyaktuk
.on the shore of the Arctic Ocean.
Having successfully completed
a'three•:•year rourseln•Business
Adtriirtistration he has accepted a
:position with Canada Packers Ltd
in Toronto.
...Don is the son of Mr. and .Mrs.
grandson Of 'Mr.. and Nirs. kichard."..
IvicQuillia, Holyrood. ' • ' ,•,
Died Saturday
Mrs. John Carruthers of Wing.?
ham, , formerly or *know, pas-
sed away in Wingham and District
Hospital on Saturday p June 12th.
. . • , •
The funeral service was held a,t
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, ,.
Lucknow on .Tuesday, June 15.
, _. N
Interrnent.was in South icinloss
Cemetery, '
,btioHesso young people are_medal winners inspeciai
olympics, 2000 compete from Canada and U.S.
" • • • • . • .
• • , •
This comnlimity•ean,
proud of their yoUrig•athletei'Who.:
attend the Golden 'CircleSchOol •
Five youngsters ftorri:the school,,'
the only entries from HuronCoun-
ty, entered in the Canadian Spec-
ial Olympics at Toronto last
1 -1 Gold
medal, 4 silver medals and 2
bronze medais
gi_aufed a bov-e-a-re411e-t-wo---.----
young men from the Lucknow area:
Qwho.'proudl)/ show off theinmedAIS.,
On the left, Alvy Morningstar, • .
son of Mr. and Nits. Albert Morn= '
ing8tar of Lucknow, proudly dts
lays_hig_gtiv.zeiJi -1--
tecbrid.in the : broad Jumis. Ant! his
bronze rneda 1. fot placing third in
the high ump, • • , .
On the right is pavid:rtbOw Of
lucknow, son of Mr. 'and Mrs.
Don TebOw, who won a bronze
medal for placing third in the
softball throw,
' Darrell Zimmerman of Wing -
ham won a silver medal for plac- '
CO:NT I.Nt.1,,P.1) ON PAGE 2
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