HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-09, Page 13wiDNESDAY,' JUNE 9th,„ 197T '
HoId Spring Meeting
%NiFs, ,o, mcch4r1es
• ore thaii.150 delegates from •
24 Fair Boards Bruce and Grey
coutisgatilpred fOr.0 11.41c -hon
t'kinottrkilkut United CFiuchoti
T4rsday, June cl• at. 11.45A ..in
TudSe,trQ1111-.1„10<PRW.,S9Ciety1ncludc?(J 1r and N1r ".
Pau /VIC
joile, Mrs. IZobert Struthers, Mrs.
Robert Gilchrist, Mrs. Russell
..lrVin :Glen Walden; Bake Alton
'.1111Mr.„ and Mrs. Oliver McChar-)
• ,
Jim lia.rris, pre$4.1erit bLtrte
Kincardine society welcomed a.11
to the. Toviii and hi•eptiolied' that
. they were. one of the Fars that
ha.d.Chailged dates t� cater
'tourist trade., •. .
-Ge1die.,-..13ackinZtanT -re-Fe-se-M=7
:,ing;Kineardine Towne:extended
greetingsand said Over the numb'-.
et of years heitiad been assoc:iated
•'•with newsPaPer. wOrk'had attended
frianylairs in the area 'and .would
°aid c ntinue for
S '
t Kncardjn e
•Fair should be discontinued. If
• Fair Boards are dependent 1000/u
on grants:then they were, al-
.1119St certain to go (1ov:ivas'the
grants are the icing Oa
Peo.ple• are going- tTi-sto
sec thihgs.. Rut the things th,ere.
they want to
picnic tables where 'faMilleS can
enjoy npon meal and .Fairs are
where families are going for they
can do so without spending a
whole week's wages.. InYite city
•families to your. Fair,
There are:things at Fairs that
can't be seen anyWhcre else. It
yfould be well to take a long hatd
look at your Fair. 'Asl< yOurself
a few 4gestiOns such 'as 1..Have
the-reuu-.ired-number ofpad
, •
up members. 2. Have you made
any. attempt ,to encourage young •
people., you the reeOir7
ednurriber of Directors. '4. Hbw.
•new is your prize list.
your Fair Educational:and Enter -
67 -1 -low about. your,
•'Buildings and griburidi - do they
present a pleasingappearance.
I....Do you promote your .Fair on:a
•year round basis, • •••••
years:to Conte.. Greetings. Were.
'extended from Harold:Pair, , , •
Reeve of i<incardine Township
7 • , • • .
and, George Grant , Warden..of
13rucecounty. •
Albert Carson of Listowel. •'1st •
• Vice President of `the Ontario
Association , ,brought :greetings:
hors') the gatarioAssaciatibn as
did:Mrs. Pobti.:Gibsbn•Of.,Qorrie
representing :the ladies,diviSion,
John Thonison, District 10. rep-
• resentative, gave a report and
called onivirS. 011ver MC•Charles
to introduce 'Ed Starr •,'OntariO
• 'Agricultural Association.DireCtOr...,
•"'• IvIr,:Starr said regardless of Wh,at
we hear or what we think, hehas.
no intention of every saying a ", I
Weed Control
• In Corn
A complete Itheo!iagriclti.:..r.al chemicals i›.ci6
at your Co•operativ.e,'Varlc.tactured
Canadian ondtton CQ Qi:" Weed .KIllers andPestieides•:
..' areyour hiost'effecte nleans (If crop prOtectic4'n.. Where• •
• reqyAred,:yoy•r C0:0P.Salesn',an ad;ice
• • •andguidance-On any contrOl
. . • '..
..• .„.„....,..,..„....N
:, ..,..,..,,
....0 ..
, POcket*.§iie Weed
corltrd1: Handbook '
,..1 . Ne.gt tm)e you re at vow
- - .: •
at ets could
be staged to.,attgrflont, the finanCia
standing of,the,Agrictiltural Soc-
iety provided. the Money inade
wasnied sblelrfor--.this purpose.
'Moneys raised couldn't be:, •
pledged to any other source. Fie • -
'said he Was convinced that an ors-.
aniz,ation, that,nad,,stoodthetest
•fdit ,Over 100 years Still had plenty
to offer and if a good job was. to
be done, allniernbers should be
givena chance to do:their part
7tTORtt1O 500,2. door hardtem, V8p�wer brakes
power steering
3 ,1970-CHEV Impala 4 door hardtops, V8 automatics, poVier,
1970 OLDS CoNOsi:SupreMe; 2•' door hardtop, .pewer brakes,
power 'steering' • ' • ' •
.1969 Clio,' 4 door Sedan, V8:autornatic; POWer.steering
1969 GALAXIE,500, .4. door .hardtop; • •
19.09*PORD__Cuitorn-'4 deor,:..1/8_-autOMatiei-power-iteerine ,
2 — 1969 DODGE Oolara 4 door, V8, automatics, power 'steering,
',Over brakes
148'PONTIAC, 4 door, V8 automatic!
1968 CADILLAC 4 door :hardtop,. full power and, air atiditiqning
• • . •
1967 PONTIAC Grand Pariaienne, V8, full power: ,•
1967 DODGE Monica' 4 ,..door hardtop; V8 automatic; 1)e*er..
brakes, power .steering
1961-1*ERCURT !, ton beaVy duty equipment
I this handy% '
For •biggeryiqlds mbreprofitable • • .•
date guide. on.the
crops use CO-OP agricUlturatchernicals selection, and apOlt-
at your CO-OP Store now tation of CO -012'
' • We,ed
. • R egis I el ref Pale Ma, els em•
\Agricultural Chemicals Protect Your Investment
be they piing ,.. Middle -a ged..or,-.'
Create a Carnival athiOspliete,
•add: educationland fun and you'd
haVe'a Fair said Mr., St;irr • . ”
Lucknow WI ere
Holyrood Guests
,...Livestock parades,, and home
baking, Sewing. and fine ,arts ••
Were attractions' that. can'tbe'
found in the Super Market. •
Use the Pair buildings fOt.,
'winter Pairs, Sommer Faits and,'
the original Fall:Fair. Bt don't :
lose sight of the original idea
of promoting Agriciiltnr,e and its: •
need in our,.Way of life. • ,• ••
. .RepreSentatives from Bruce -and--;
• cHgv ton panel •. •
1986 PONTIAC Parislenne 2 door hardtop
* * * * * * *
john 'George:Smith of
Kincardine died suddenly at her
borne on Friday May 28th in her .
64th year... •:•'••••
. • ••••
.e-Wis:•4.1-1e;-for m er- -Ella
beth Kaake., daughter of William.
E. Kaake and. Eva E...Russell.and
Was born. in • KinlosS, townshfp' on
-L-NOverriber. 24t6 ;1907. •.
The Holyrood Women's Institute
met on Thursday evening,in the •
Holyrood hall.when they entertain. • •
ed the ,Lucknow Institute,. • /vlis.,'
RaYilard":Ackert presided and •ekten.
ded a'„Welcorne to everyone. The
Ode was sung and the Mary Stew-
art collect was repeated in urilson. .
Mrs.. Lorne Eadie•read.an account. ,.
of the recent bus trip that was
gave a few:ternarks. on Fair Work'
and .how it benefits.ati
The Bell gingers', as groUpof
public.-sehool.children, provided
joyinent, • • ••
Mrs. .A rt. MacDonald: of Tees
waterconducted the In MemOr-
. :brother. R. J,•• Kaakeof WalkertOn;
d . S ieg
rani period. The 'report from the antwosisters Mrs
zler -at-ForOnto:and. Mrs. -E-zta-Stan-
• Mrs.: Sniith'was predeceased by..
her husband, •••She is survived ' by
two daughters Mrs. Willis (Joyce)
Potter of R. R. 1,Grand yalley arid
Mrs, Calvin (Jean)We,ber ofWel,
land;two grandsons ,, Michael
Potter and David Weber; one
SchdoT For, fudges held in Hanover • . . ... . , ..''. ..... . ' •
,recently . was presented by Mrs. • ley of LiiCknOw• • ..: . ..... • , ' : , ,
Oliver IvIcchatles. , NIA'. Eldred , MiS:. Sriiith waS' a inernher of
Reid:brought 'the-. conitelie§ and . - : 141t0e-Trii-C---,:t---C-fitiOfi'rlos Tirriaff-,-.7
proMptly atf9 tYci.iciceVerydne • ,,eardine. • The Srnitb Family test: .'
left for nonic•preparedio.flesent • ,ided in. Lucknowi for a time 'some-.•
abetter.Fairtir-1 . ' . ' -years* ,. . i •'.. ' . ' ,
The. fti petal'. serYice wai held at
the Lint Horne; .kiri
• • cardine•on, Sunday , ,May 30th; „ • ,
PURPLE ': GROVE: ,Rey. .Allan
• 'iter.. Interment wa's in •ki-ntaid-i-ne-
McDOwell was rniniS-
• .(ii .
.. Mr,. 'and Mts.Cemetery.' . '
:,.Eari 'Elliott ,:. . .
Pallbearers were ,Allati 'and •
loyce and 'Ian attended their
weddinon Detroit' on Sat -
HarveY Miller, Edward Smith,
nier,s."S '•
Roll call was; answered with "sdrner .
• thing. unusual I rein'ernbet
Seen': on illy way to school", . Mrs. •
•jack Scott was program convener
arld introduced the guest speaker . ..•
Mts. Beverley ROwbothani of•Ber, ,*
.Vie ;who was a member of:CroSs
roads:Africa,in.1068.: She first
showed articles of clothing worn •
btlie African people and then
gave an illustrated talk on het •
Wqific there Which .was flinch enjoy
ced2 • Mis.•,0. A..Murray thanked
Mrs„ kow.beitharn..and presented
her with a sift.. • •• •
.Mrr.q,orne'Eadie ga-crerliTinter-
• •
esting report 'on the Officer's Con-
ference which Sheattended in ' '
Reading i were given • ••
by .Mrs. Lyman Sutton and Mrs.
• Mary Eadie favoured with two •
piano nunibers and in keeping
with Dairy Month, Mrs.. Dan Mc-
* *.* * *.*
utdajr, , .. '') ' • ' ' . .,
*fames -Hall, Floyd. and La-rry
, .
Mr. Ceeil Hill returned home. 'stulleY0 all rlePlieW.. ' • : ,.
• to Sarnia after visiting Mr. 'and • ..- FlOwerbearers wde'two grand
MrS ; ia 1ph,11j11 and neighbours. sons ,. bavid Weber -,and Michael
• Mr. and Mrs, Don Johnston,;..Potter and a nephew l3rian Smith.
;Mark_and Susan_ofklississau •TaL....„ •
PHONE 523-4342
spent a fe'W.days With Mr and "•• • • •
M. Walter Votster and family •
and Mr. and Mrs, Cliff. Johnston.
Miss ,Sandra Collins,. whd. 15
employed for the summer in,
• Quebec pent the week end with
her family, •
Mr: and1Dn McCosh vis—
ited Mt. and Mts;Atdfil Matdit •
oL Sundayt: • ,
Mt,: and Mrs. •15•311 Mtebih' ,
and Mt. and Mt4„.. Ardill Mason'
Were:dinner pests ort'81.triday
of George CO1Well, . • •
_to• It
nes gave two su4
• The meeting closedwith "0 • ,
Canada” and graCe„ Lunch' Was
served and a social time enjoyed. /
The July hostess will be Mrs. Ray,-
narci Ackert.
• .
rot sound counsel and a fair prke on a monument.
correctly designed from quality material, rely on
• Pat O'Hogoti, Prop,
• Esttibiiebed Over Sixty. Years
• 014TAItIO