HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-09, Page 8• P 1 if Or! THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LtJ ,I NQW ONTARIO. edy op �Westock 'ishownictita.t Clinton .fair George Kennedy ,,jwho resides .• yin .Highway 86, in West Waw•anosh` Township, east of Lucknow, came ane with •eleven firsts and seven conds from the .Clinton Spring how. and Fair .on .Saturday.. George"ls`'long been kn.own for his prominence; in the; Hereford cattle circles. Besides the firsts`. ; and seconds.Mentioned; he also had champion Hereford and the -champion herd over all ,breeds. George ,is ''pictured ,` right; ' .s. ba n1 of Canada trophy, forplacing high. in .points.,in'the beef and 'dairy division'.of the show from bank; manager Harry Merriman.. ./ THIRD MEETING CONTINUED, FROM PAGE'v education to the taxpayers of .the. county form of.a paid advertisement° in the.' Huron. County weekly news- • papers.: .. .. The advertisement is an elabora ' 'tion_ of the board'sosition. ” "Per = P ., .tentage increases are 'often a ' D - Y 1 . -. poor means of actually. outlining raises given due to non-financial, or other items,".the, advertise: ment says. According to the stat.ement, the terms 'of the 1970-71 contract signed with the leachers allow .a *salary range of $8',800.to $14.,70( over, I5 years. for a category four teacher. The maximum salary' under. the- prese.nt. agreernent is achieved by an automatic incrSase of .$30.6 in" . the second year , and $400: in each, • succeeding year- . A salary grid included in the advertisement.:compares' the teachers'. request ; as described by;' the board , with the terms'of thea. • present' agreement. The -compari- son shows ;thata, category .four teacher would ' start at. $8,800 in his or her first Year increase of $300' In the second. year. Bdt•the teachers' re {nest calls Air' annual increases. of succeeding years:a. between' $400 and $600. These increases result in a .maxi- mum sa-la-r-y-ef-$1'5 5 0-ae-hreved„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1971 Check 'fines, .engine align- . ment,brakes; • transmission. Perk -u -p your car-; it fasts“longer; runs Cheaper! Our.'experienced .mechanics know how to• do ,it faster:' Up-to-date' toots help th.emdo it better;Drive right in for better :car care . for betterprices, tool' with the same. ers), a teacher receives; 15,Q 3.00, over a period: o(15.years: -..By the teachers'..request , a 'teacher, • receives a 'total of $196,000 over :15 'years. This is a: difference of,: .$9,300 per teacher,." <The advertisernerit•says that "due ti) the fact that we have'2.69 secondary -school teachers and 335.'elerrientary `teachers ,• who are presently or will. be degree people, an increase in salaries paid of 604 times $9 , 300: equals $5.,617,200 over`the .next 15' years without ever negotiatrng--any-further%if creases." • The board; in opposing higher . . salaries,` notes an;ncrease:`of,15 per cent over.1969 in tax arrears'' arrears are now up to $337,463,: according to the advertisement;.' The board also disagrees ,tire ;advertisement he;advertisement, says , 'to increasing subsidy payments, "from 50 per cent••to 66 2/3 per cent on OHSIP,, CHSC and group life:in&urance. It also does •not seethe justifica - tiun =for=it ain-di g-a-•-iiew etfaie item• Blue •Cross' Extended Health Plan. " A retirement\gra-tufty had been lifted from the board's agreement with thesteachers , but. has .since • been_replaced _becausethe board felt it was unfair to withdraw it, without prior• warning. 'I'she grat- uity was re -instated inthe board's last offer to theteachers- increase of 5.5.'®er cent rovid e• t e offer was accepted, 'accord;- ing. to :the advertisement. • .The gratuity system' allows a leae•her ta'e•lafri3 0--days-per-year- sick leave; The teacher'inay :.' accumulate a maximum of .200 days leave, altoWing hien ;to elan one half a year's salary at retirement. • p-loyed-l-is sui - he cleaning. .up. of 'roadside, a.lake shore d; river bank :litter prob- lems an mro ein i v m.ents ,to loc- al P al. Conservation areas.` - The' 37 Conservation' Authorit ies• in `Ontario•.expect• to .hire a total of some 1000 students for varying periods of time: Another 1000 students will be hired by; the .. Ontario Department of Lands at , Forests for similar.Work:• in 14 years, .accordinglo the .ad,- vertiserne.nt. 'It`.continues; .. "By, the board's present agreement (with .the. teach - N. } Throwing Your; back into somethll,g means:that maybe you mighTjus throw you back' out: That's painful ' and "no way to:enloy the nice things in hie • V hen you' got to' move or lift something, first test the weight:: if you r, . cant lift it easily, get Som help. That's self-defence. And it works, for you and your family. fence.It works. Your workmen's Compensation uoard and Safety Associations, Ontario. Project' Sweep The MaitiandVa11ey Conserva.y Authority i .participating the P q` on krYv'nee of Ontario 1'roI`ect ' SWEEP (Students,Working tri ann ancement Pro= onmental Enh rare' Students' 18 years of -age afid over frorn''both high •soh00% and pt.secoldary..Yevets•-wilt be` ell_ 1 -F -Y0 U: WANT A• LITTLE MORE . ..FOR YOUR MONEY BUY OUR— GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES This interest is guaranteed on 5 year term purchases. Other terms available. Minimum deposit $500.00. Interest rate subject to change without notice. STERLING TRUSTS7 NO 372 Bay St., TORONTO You.,. can buy our Guaranteed Trust' Cortificttes from your Iocal .financi'ai 'counsel' ,or Alex' 1. MacNay' BOX 125 CKNOW, ON's.