HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-09, Page 6• 'AAfill $Il THE t.tJCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. e Interim Payment on Taxes In WestWawanosl is June ue on ANNOUNCEMENT. J. H: Crawford, -Q:C., and Alan R. Mill, B.A., L.L.B.,`of the Law. Firm of Crawford and Mill „are pleased to announce that • Mr. Ross Davies, ' B.A., L,L!B., has joined •'them in .the ractice of p _ KINLOSS Congratulations to -two more Uni'v.ersity__students who last week..' heard the,results of their first year at University, Rod Mackenzie ' • from- Western .and. Bruce •Colwell from Waterloo, Dewier. Dicki;e:was, on a business trip for Dominion. Road Machinery. ington, last week. Lynda Dawson.of'London:was ho.rie for the week end. Lynda is a employee with the. Bank of : . lontreal there .' . Guests•'at the home of `Mr-: and Mrs: Allan. Maclnty'•re.for Nancy'Vbirthday " on Sunday' were: ' Dan:Rose of.Erno; George Ander- son• of Toronto, Mary IYIacIntyre oftucknow and Mis.-plive Need- ham of Kincardine. Sincere: sympathy' is extended.• to: Mrs. Harold Stanley and family in Harold's sudden passing on Sun - .day. • ROSS D:AVIES, B.A., .L.,.B.. Mr Davies was born. in Toronto, and > raised .in'Cooksville. He 'at- where he attained his Bachelor of; Arts and lie also obtained his Bachelor of Law.at the .Univer- sity of Toronto Law.School. Mr„ cavies. was called to the bar in March, 1971. He is Single '. and has taken up residence in Wing 1 ham: raptures -Arm In all from Swing ASHFIELD"NEWS;: Mary Lillian Simpson , . younger daughter of Mr. and firs: Dunc: Simpson had her arm broken when i • Mrs. Fred •1\,1acGregor• of Peter, boro'has been•visiting relatives • • here and in-God€rich. Next ' rrie an • 'eruce o we 'spent. 'several days last week in Algon-' quin Park: and 'report .a successful fishing trip Mr.'.and Mrs:. W. F. Map:Don, a•ld:_of Lucknow were' dinner guests :Sunday'at the home. -Of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie and also vis- ited with isited.with Mr:. and ;Mrs. Geo, Lockhart;• Mr Gilbert•Hamilton ,was able to return • home fo W"n h a • �r m ing am an' !istrict. Hospital ast wee Mr and Mrs. Harvey MacDoug- all of. Bayfield were guests.• Friday ; evening with Mr, and; Mrs. John Needhar arid• Janie. Sunday guests. were Mr, and .Mrs: •Wm:;• Andrew Jr. Glenn England of Whitechurch visited on the .week end` with DAV id. 'Cart -r'. At 'a, recent Athletic Banquet at'the F, E. Madill Secondary School, Ruth Graham daughter of Mr; ,and Mrs:' Allan Graham•, ,was the'recipient•for the trophy for--the-,most-rm-provedmnast ..P, . IvMrs .'Lorne Sparks, Pat and � d'. Beverley. :arks ' S .Linda attende y . p . wedding in Marian, Indiana ;on 'Saturday.. On Sunday Mr.:and Mrs; Harv-, ey Houston visited with Harvey's.. sister, Mrs.. Nelson Howe, who is a patient in the General arid'' Mal ire Hospita.i ;' OWeii ,wee cl�"sne its ie v ng for:Alberta • Sound Th a �L, d h With her brother George. Bail4 . • Dan Rose of Northern Ontario . and his mother Mrs. Steve•Stoth. ers were Sunday visitors with rel:, ati'es here.. _ Congratulations are extended • to Christine• MacLennan who' grad.. uated from the Stratford School Of Nursing and .Jane Moncrief from Stratford T:oachers' College, • Anniversary SerVices will•oe• held at -11 a.m.:and S p,rrt,'.h: Ashfield Presbyterian Church 'On June' 1B ,' Rev. l..00lthart'. Royal B.A..Y'as.•guest pracher; •ey o visite .wi :^.ir.. and :airs'. Howard. Clark, R. Owen Sound':. • The 115th Anniversary of South .Xinlos.s Presbyterian Church will • be otter ed -Pune 13 : ;: Prof. Ala n Parris of Knox College, Toronto will be guest speaker. •• lk.IiE.,r FamIds euni�n: Guests at the home of lvtr, and Art Gilmore on Sunday Were` Mrs. Gilrnore's'six brother. "and their. families.' The occasion:was a farnily reunion,with thirty: -two in attendance;, • Present .were Mr. and Mrs; Wil-' (red Kelleher of Detroit, 'Michig- an; ichig-•an ,Mr,' and Mrs. AllanmKelleher of -Burlington; Mr, Johnellehe. of Toronto;; Mr .'Stanley Kelleher • of Pt. Hawksbury, , ,Nova Scotia; Mr. • and Mrs. -Robert Kelleher of Brampton: and family;; Mr.... and Mrs.. Ted Kelleher and family of Burlington Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKee of Toronto Mr.. McKee is a cousin of the Kelleher family. .B.ruce-F_arm_.-Report: • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1,971 HOMES TY CAS 4-H. AWARDS Over . the. "past month. the BIH members:' have been considering a change in their 4-H . awards pro- gram 'on a provincial 'basis. This , past month •a vote was 'taken „ of . •r-inthe `count of Bruce and it was their decision that they would like to have a tan- gible award : in place of the.; grant in cash:which: has been offered. to:,. them over the'past:years from'the Provincial and Federal' .govern--`. menta , UNITED KINGDOM_: DELEGATE VISITING IN' BRUCE COUNTY • Yes;; the' Junior Farmers' in Bruce County will..have the 'plea- sure. of hosting' Mr:' John Fraser- Rendall raser Rendall of Brackens,:Turriff, Ab-, erdeenshire,. Scotland. Mr. '.Ren- dall will `be visiting in the County from June. 7th to June 21st • and staying in local homes in the „Tara .and Teeswater. areas. We hope -that=as-many. people -as -possible w.il3 have the' opportunity to meet and visit with Mr. Rendall as he is a very interesting viditor from Scotland. ' Bruce . Stevenson Extension Assistant ALFALFA:: WEEVIL The Alfalfa'. Weevil has:already been reported' in the southern'part of. Bruce' and. it is ' in , my opinion that it is'' throughout most of the county. The: number probably :'de Couples 'or, families • who can' take on short notice, distraught youth who_are n_pe o emergency short term care, usually 1 or 2 nights.: .`. , _ ;CAS Boarding home rates CALL THE CHILDREN'S AID: SOCIETY. IN WALKERTON 881.1822, OR BRANCH OFFICE, WIARTON 534.1762. Huron ,School Bo• •ard.R•epres•enta•tive • Reports On County Business .. -BY MRS..•WARREN'ZINN • The •Huron County Board of Education learned' at their. last meeting that space, at the ,former nurses' residence in Clinton is' :noi sufficietrt'to'house the present' administration offices, and addi- quired tohouse the new' personal ;for Special' Education. .The 'board, of Clinton P'ub'lic,.Iiospital,advised •the board 'of Education. that •it':is' • not interested in evicting other" tenants presently occupying office space in the building,' building an addition.•to the..prem- ises. or• selling it ,..To. add ,even. ' more urenc 'to the quest for new'quarters , the board of education'•s lease is• u'p i' the '• formernurses' residepc'e July 1,' 1971 Accommodation was sought at .,the'Canadia n Forces Base but no. decision •has conte •fioirr eitliei Fed•era.1 •oi Pioviitt ial .governments. As the Chairman stated. ; if 10 ,000 sgyiare feet is too srnall'.it would indicate they're not too anxious to find tenants for 'the •unoccupied base. '.•We may be insignificant but we :spend'as: much money as- anyb-odyiif-the_-_ County. of Huron e -The'• have been 'received up to May: . • creases the 'farther •north` one` 25that F. E, .Madill Secondary School f Mr. D.. McCague; Steph• en Jones; .Mrs. Laural Hewitt; .. Gernot Fuchs, Alfred Melito , Mrs. T. Barr`, . Miss ,Gertrude Van Beers , • Ralph Wareharn. The--followin appointments were trade at F, E. :P Madill S . S .. Charles Baetz'' (London .Bd bf'Educataon); Paul. Jury (College of Educatio'n); Terry L3t en (O C:. E -:-).-Pahl Elgie(Al.- ._ - When �f-u�ll�grown,��thelarva is Berta). - goes The insect is mainly a pest• of; first-growth alfalfa,. although>in 'extreme cases the: aftermath may also be damaged. Most of the' damage is (caused by' the larvae (growing worms). which. ;attack the opening; buds 'first and later the. lower. leaves. A severely dam - ,aged field Will take,on'a .greyish'. appearance • nearly i/i' an inch long and has a green body with a wide white stripe down the::middle. The head of :the insect is a' dark brown or black' colour.' /. Because the larvae are just be- -ginning-IT-feed; be--ginning`tar~feed; it- would -tie- ad visable •to check fields regularly' from now: on. Feeding is usually greatest along the edges of the. field.: If you <find the larva, then, "a control measure should be con- sidered. > .. ab _ . and cheapest _ method isto cut early (just. before first flower) 'and re- move from the' field as soon als'. possibl-e:-hutting--earlyh'as-twt benefits — it controls the weevil and also ensures higher quality forage than if ,it had been cut later. r • If 25 to 50% of the leaves in the: upper third of the stems show -feedingdamage-•andit is not, pos sible• to cut immediately, one 'of the recommended • insecticides could be used, A. recent - study in- 'dicates that the stand must 'be 50% alfalfa before a profitable re- turn is obtainedfrom spraying.' For further information, please. contact Denis Quish at the Depart- ment of Agriculture and Food of- five in Walkerton lick Uphold' Soils and Crops Specialist -William E. Carter (front. Brant • 'Count as -hired a y Board) ). w s psychologist, and Mrs.. Sandra Orr from Goderich•Psychiatric Hospit a-l:.:wi11 be -the ne-w--PY sy�c:hoinetrist. Of the nine persons hired fot Spec- ial Education r `five were from the. County of Huron.: • . Questions 1. Do the Board members know the names: of the Secondary teach- ers'who resigned on the.3lst of May and therefore " pink'liste.d" • the Huron. County Board of Educ.a- tions°. • At an,emer.g.ency, meeti,ng of last week ,• the Board voted' not: to, have a ;list:of the teachers' names who. had ,resigned;.shown to them while negotiations were still going on. Since all resignations are published after a'RegularBoard. meetin.g,, it was.felt that iii "w•a1i • • could be built" ug. within each staff r.00rr# an-tong/teacherswho resigned and those who:had not handed their. resignations..in Some board • mernbers..had •.pe.rsonal. '.. Ir ends ri_.the tearhinb, sr'i'ff cZf ri e various,secondary•.schoas:•.i:n the .County ,and.: they did not wish 'to. know either.-,... • : . • long 'a .•timedocsri child ha•ve'to• eat :his, lunch at noon.' •At:B'rookside , a student:nr'trt; stay in:his seat for eight .iuinutes • and: if the ,teacher is .net on yard duty can,.have .twenty nunut; e's.•to.'eat Lunch, ,This policy was made'wheri children.were,le rvinhi to'pla'y after eating only, for two . or•three minut•es.: NamedTemporary Bruce Co, Judge A fdrmer •Kitchener lawyer,has • been named temporarily as. judge of the provincial court; criminal a ivision; .for Bruce County-; Judge Morris .C.:. Hay,_.rec'ently appointed J the 'bench ,'..will': • succeed Judge O • C. Mc•CleJis. who retired in May. . YiidgeTf y was born ifi Stratford 56 years •ago. ' After being called to, the tsar in 1944, he: practised law in Kitchener. ; Later he was secretary and general., counsel for. B. F. 'Goodrich Canada Ltd. --;--He-moved-;to-Ottawa to-•t-a-ke-a--- .---�- post with the Ontario Labour Rel-.,• ations. Board. Subsequently ,' he . ` ner On the Unem,- was a coinmissio,f ployment Insurance Commission. Since,his.•appointrri-ent• to'the bench he has sat in York and! • Carleton 'Counties " R�IPLEBTATTOI Custotn' Butchering •=-- Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping -- Sausage 'Making Fast Freezing HOGS. AND 'CATTLE ON MONDAYS .......�. , { t-..�..,..-C.K-.T��v�l�l.�•-9N-F-R�1-9/I Y-S� ,_�•.� Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two 'Big Coolers, We Are Able To 'HangYour .Beet Froiim' • 1 to `3 Weeks - Whatever Your Requirements. Are• ' For Home 'Freezers We Sell Choice Home Filled Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At 'Lowest Marketing .Prices ALL. MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED F"OR •YOUR "PROTECTION CHAS', HOOISMA; PRfSs. ' AIATTOm 395=2905' . STORES.