HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-09, Page 5WEDNESDAY, J VICE 9Nh,, 1x711 HEATING O1L3;`. •SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS.. LUCKNOW ; • • Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681• FREE BURNHR.; SERVICE Products For Farm, Home and Industry . JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL }HOME` . Modern and Convenient Lucknow, .Phone 528-3013 Day or _Night Serving All Faiths .. According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices • Established 1894 THE! L{KNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CARD. OF THANKS h wishto express thanks, and ap- precdation .to all. the friends, who remembered me kith cards, gifts, flowers and visits. during—mystay in Victoria Hospital, London and 'for the many acts .of kindness since coming home, • • Sincerely Chriss, ; MacMillan , Joe Conley wishes to express, thanks to all who remeinbered him with visits. and: ,treats, while he was in ` Wingham - ancL,District.._Hospital. Thanks also to Doctors Corrin and McKim, 'All was, greatly apprecia- ted. • I would like to thank all those who remembered me with cards, gifts and Visits while a . patient in. Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. McKim and Corrin and the nurses on, the 2nd floor. Vera Purvis Gilbert Hamilton would ' like to thank everyone who remembered him ' with 'cards,_ letters; gifts...: and:: visits while he was' in... Wingham Hospital: .INSURANCE FIRE, WIND,.CA.SUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIFE . To PittedYour. Jack, nsure,. .. Paday. • McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW • Barrister; and Solicitor. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO•, ISN LUCKNOW' Saturday Afternoon Office in :the Joynt Block ''Telephone • :Lucknow 528-.3116 • . 24 HHour Approvals 2nd and 3rd. MORTGAGES Arranged in, the Convenience ` 'Of °Your Home LOW cost. You can call to' 10' p.m. today for helpful -court- eous . service. Prompt invest- ment . Corp,., , :.Ltd._,.. 330 Bay_ Street, iToronto. Call collect:. 366-9586, E, ... 11-8i46: • GAVI ..LER AN=D COMPANY.. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' AUCTION AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock and machinery: and; :Feed. will—be--held--for---Chrstoph�on Unruh, Lot Gra; Con. 25, Greenock Township, 11/4 miles east of Kinloss and 3 corners west of. Riversdale on Highway 9 and .1 mile south on Herd side -road on : Friday,. June -llth at 1• p.m,.' 'Grant McDonald; .Ripley -Phone -395=5353;. Wallace Bal lagh, Teeswater• 392-61'70, Auction eers AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of Real Estate. and; Household Furniturewill be held for William Griffin in the Vil- lage of Lucknow on Saturday, June. 26th at 1.:30 p.m. Terms cash. Allan Mac,Intyre, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of Household of fects will be held, on: . Saturday, June 19. at 1 p.m:. at the residence of. Mrs. Jessie . Rowell, Teeswate Full list next, week. Wallace Bal- iagh,:-°Teeswater and Grant Mc- Donald, Ripley,: auctioneers..• LOAN K.:.'J. MacKENZI E, O. Optometrist NOW IN.. RIPLEY.'. EVERY 'WE:DNESDAY' Office Hours 10:00. a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone Roy- Alac'I:enzie, Ripley 395-515.4 for appointment iIPrtq ; l TENDERS, Tenders ,clearly marked; as. to contents, will be. received by :the undersigned until 6 p.m. Monday, July 5th: 1971 for loading and haul ing approximately 10,000 cu. yds. of, -pit-run gravel. State flat rate per• cu. yd., minimum of 700 cu.' yds; per . day Lowest or any tender •not necessarily, • • accepted: ' Certified ° chequeof T0%Ho conram• to ac- company each tender. Harvey_C 1bert, .Road;. Supt... R.R,• 6 Goderich TE.I DERS RE PAINTING Tenders will be "received by the 'undersigned for painting the . _out _ side trim on. the Children's Aid .of fices and; County Jail at Goderich.. Specificationsand' tender forms may be secured from the under- signed upon request and tenders- Must endersmust be returned in sealed envel ope clearly marked by. 12 :noon, We'Hnesday, June '23, 1971. . Lowest. or any tender not•:.neces- sarily accepted.' John 'G.:. Berry, . Clerk -Treasurer, 'County, of Huron, court House, • Gode'rich . PAG' !IVO. LOST LOST or strayed 'from • Lot m 5 concession 3, Huron . Township, . a first calf Shorthorn_heifer. Finder please. call Bob McNain 395-5347. STRAYED -- from. lot 14, and concession 14, Kinloss Township, it Hereford heifer weighing approxi mately' 400 pounds.. Anyone know- ing ,of its whereabouts phone :Edi Bert Bushell. 395=5212.. `' LOST : anyone! -.having the : pipe -.. .vise --and woven vire stretchers be= longing to the Lucknow District Co-op please return same as they, areneeded immediately; • • NQTICE., HILRAY FARMS LTD. R, HOLYROOD The best in. Home Grown, Dry Fed Drug Free . Beef. Try our„ Fresh Horne Made' Sausage. Custom kit ling by- :appointment. _._ Phonet_52,8 2.13.2 NOTICE FARMERS 'The: best • returns for: your fat cattle, ::a canner cow. or a fat/ steer, call Omar Brooks, 5283839 :CHILD NEALTH•'CLINIC • The, child health : clinic of the Bruce County.Health Unit. for pre -l. school children and infants will be. held in the Legion ' Rooms, Luck .now on Tuesday; June 15th;: from 10 to ' 1.1 30'-a.•m,• -"Do h-ask;what you're going to do' with the money .whenI make a•deposit?" u■■■■•■■■■m.■■■.:■■■■ s ■ ■ ■:' _ ei ‘111t.S1 ■ ■ ■__l' a ■ ■ ■ i■ � � RE A1- ,-5 ■ ■ ■ • TED C,O.L'LYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ;Specializing In • ELECTRIC -HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING•.REPAIRS. . . I,RWIN'S _:A ICTI-ONN. ALE .. MANAGEMENT SERVICE Contact "Bill” At R.R. 1 Kincardine ■ ▪ SCENIC 40 'ACRE. .. . • PH "ANY .•T:YPE` OP: AUCTION''.t.; ▪ Located west. of ,Teeswater hav=es :inga „mostly " hard maple, some: ...hemlockcherry and pine re- ■ Phone 08.1-3471 • CRAWFORD and- MILL: J.' Hi 'CRAWFORD, .Q.C. . •ALAN ;R: MILL, B.A., L L.B...., • ROSS• E. DAVIES, 'B.A., L.L.B.: W.1NGTIAN • IN•LU.CKNOW' V�ERV: WEDNESD ►Y 10 : a .m•. .to1.2 � ,noon Located: in . I3reckles ,Block•'` Phone.' 52$=2320 INRIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY In Ross Martyn . Building Phone', Wingham Office 357=3630 - Res; 357-2330. ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. Hydro ' -Financing Available • Lucknow —phone 528-5802 R. BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC' 197 JOSEPHINE STREET: . WINGHAWI; PHONE 357 1224" WING -IAM MEMO GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. LL , OPTOMETRIST -- GODERICH The Square (Phone JAdison 4=1661) A. M. HAIL PES LL . • CHAkteiteD ACCOUNTAN 1' S5 * 5`) Southiree`t, Coderich. ..telephone 524.7562 1IEASON-ABLE LIMES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph, 357.1910 Res. ' Ph. 357.1015 n A creek-,4--with—a: ■ good place for a darn . Full■ �listed.price•only$11,000 : • .LURGEN BEACH ■ ■ Lovely 3.year old cottage having■ John Mansville sidingcontaining� i combination living •room;. dining ■ ■ room, up=to-date kitchen; 4 pc,:. ✓ bath, 3 good sized bedrooms and "electric heat: Private location * among lovely .evergreens, fronts lawn. sodded, close to .lake ,and ■ beautiful sandy beach: 'and 100■: ■ . feet from Pine •River; 'Owner an-: • xious to •sell. .see: it now.-- • • III ▪ . GREEN, GREEN.... •• -■ • GRASS ■ 100 . lush acres having .45 work-:. ■"able, :balance 'scenic, rolling and o BSoine low land for.. pasture: 21. :good, spring creeks. All and all: ■ vides a pictthesyue setting. ■for all those country admirers, ■. Located west of Teeswater. • Low■•. listed price.only $12,500. MacKENZIE MEIVMORIAL CHAPEL •FUNERAL•SERVICE • Services conducted according' Io' your wishes at your. 'Home;. your Church, or at our Mem' orifi Chapel at no .additional charge. : • Lucknow, Phone28'3 5432 Day o'r Niglt ' • • ' i bered, by sister; brother and in- laws. IN MEMORIAL RITCHIE — in loving memory': of my'dear wife Mrs.. Russell` Ritchie; who passed away on June.. 15th,. 1967. • . . Four years have passed' dear ,wife Since you : were called away, 1.Iremen:tert • ,.. sad day,.. My lips .cannot .speak how 1 -miss you, • My heart cannot tell• what to say, God -only knows , how I miss you I who loved .you,—.Sadly ,miss you As it dawns another year. ' When days are dark. and 'friends' are: few, , Dear' .wife how I long for. you. Frienis-- are friend-sifAhey- are------ true; But' 'I .lost 'my best friend •when •I Sa a .dlly. iSsed y m:b: husband. RITCHIE _ in loving memory of a :,dear_..sister., _ Sadie.Marguerite. Ritchie, who passed ; away .Thurs- day,. June 15th, 1967. . • • We miss, you more •than' anyone knows, • As each. day 'passes the .emptiness grows . , GET RESULTS i••••44499a•BsaBaBBa•a.••. 200 ACRES, 130 acres . workable; 'balance bush : and ',rough ;pasture. Excellent 5 :bedroom 'brick' 'home,. good barn, well suited to general farming. Listed. at' $30,000.' Posses- sion can. be, arranged, Located in Kinloss Twp., 282 ACRE FARM in: Goderich area, 4 bedroom improved • home, 'Cattle., . .barn 75 x 36 plus .a .silo ;1:6 x 50; . a • liquid •manure .tank" and feed tank, etc. If .you .are interested in good', corn•;land and: -a modern hog, set=up;. ask to inspect this. A F.C.C•. Mort= .:gage•..canbe_ar-r=anged 100 ACRE retreat '.acreage,' Luck-. now river: 'crossing entire property: . also a spring creek and 15 acres of ` cedar & hardwood bush, Excellent ` • building :.,and= eainping=site 1- 1 at '.$11•,500' with' immediate posses sion, : . The tears in our hearts will wipe away, `But the ache in `:aur hearts will ' always• stay. . Sadly missed --and -ever.-reme'm`-- 100 ACRE highway farm, 22 acres: good ,.maple .bush' `balance ' work- able, good . barn, lovely ,8 room stone home._._in` top condition, Ask- -411g - ask --Ing.' $22,500,.. possession and terms .to'suit you. ' • 200 ' ACRE. beef farm, two sets of, "' • buildings. all 'drained and work- able land, ' silo.. unloader.. pa•v yard, choice cor�n;.alfalfa, and bean. land, asking $53,500. with a F ,C.C. .mortgage available. • ■ -■ • ▪ DON•. HOLST REAL . . ESTATE LTD., -• ■'u ■ WINGHANI. ■. ■ 'RURAL ONTARIO • •i • ot▪ .• SPECIALISTS' • ' sr ■ III ▪ 1 11 • - .. 1 • Lucknow' Office MI ■ r . 528.2031 ei !Barry McDonagh,. Rep.,: • Res. 39S4326; ' ■ t lriUE■ili�i■UUIilii■■Eiii■isiii . MOBILE: HOMES •T' -14114K -UNG -OF i MOB ItE�H OM E OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE? Many. makes and models to choose from., For a better deal, drop its a line or telephone RUSTON M OB•I•LE HOMES 1.:Tb 547 PLAINS RD., EAST BURLINGTON . TeI. /(Code 416) 432.8400 10 i f-rin---4-bedroom-b . i k home, .avereage barn,, all level workable ,land, :an unbeatable bares •gain at $17,500 with $5,000 down, immediate possession. WARREN ZINN Phone 529,7350•••.. red McIfltee:..; o., Limited;- WALKERTON • Member of the Grey and 'nice 1Vlu.ltpl'e. Listings Service List M L.S, OvPer' .'60 Sfleaine■ Y 'Working or. 'fou_