HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-09, Page 2"THE.1.; The LUCKNOW SENTINEL - LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" .. On fho Huron -Brow, Boundary Second Class Mail Registration' Number 0847 Established; 1873 .- Published Each Wednesday Afternoon • Member of the C.W.N.A.. and'.O,W.N.A.. KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW• ONTARIO Subscription Rate, .$6.00 a year in advance to the 'U.S 4., $8, Donald C. Thompson, Publisher. WEDNESDAY, JUNE ."9th , 1971. eg'Istration• Parents desiring.to have a :Child •attend kinder - erten at Ripley=Huron Central School .during .the. S .72 -School Term are re=quested';. -to --register; with Mrs. Betty Elliott,, at the. 'School THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 77th, 1971: aclennan ame to Lochais WEDNESDAY, JUNE.9th, 1971 Register For kindergarten At Bro.0kSide School LOC;HALSH NEWS Johnny MacLennan; nine-year - old':son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacLennan• of Stratford and; grand- son of Mrs,. Emile MacLennan of Lochalsh, is to be soldier Joy in ';.Much Ado About Nothing" in the'Sfratfoid Shakespearian Fest- ival performance. ; . Johnny , who says he would rather be, a lawyer:, isn't too ex- cited about the fact that he has been chosen to, play a part in Macbeth' as well , ' but, likes the part he plays, getting killed. He says,you have to be a good actor and stay still, not laugh or any- thing. His favourite festival. actor,is William Hutt ,,who is directing 'Johnny ,, but he confesses his fay., ourite actor in'the whose=,w orld, is Bob Hope, >_ Johnny as a grade .� strident and has•.'had small pates •in/the ,Festiv- al' Theatre , Stratford' for 2'1/2 years.. His mother -is the former Annetta'.Pealden. from Scotland,; Residents at Lochalsh.are proud to know Johnny and Lucknow may Well boast of having had a part in Johnny'svoung• life a. she lived t with'his parents in aiiapartment' above: Johnstone Furniture Store a •few years back. • bird M�eting.Beiween Huron Count School Board and Secondary School Teachers Federation Slated For June _b from. 1;00 to 40.0 P.M. PROOF;THAT THE. CHILD WILL -BE. FIVE YEARS OF. AGE. - BEFORE . DECEMBER .31st; 1971,. IS. REQUIRED ,AND '.IF POSSIBLE TH-E •CH1CD- SHOULD ACCOMP/ t4T PARR.ENT AT • • . TIME OF REGISTRATION: • • A third`. meeting 'between neg otiators'of •the Ontario Secondary. School Teachers' 'Federation and HuronCounty board: of •education is scheduled.' for. June 16. Theboard, was pink listed Mon- day of last week •by the federate tion after a ma jority• of the wisp,. Presenfed'With Award For Sctfety Jack',Wilsori' of Oakville, 'who is associated with the Oakville Police a's-a..safety. officer', was. presented with an award for .his • dedication to the cause of safety and:the advance'•nient of "respect, for law," , :objctives of Optimist International'; • Jack " J is also'supei;intendent of the Halton .Peel 'Corps of the St, Johns Ambulance Association and• • -ry of the OIkv..ilIe Saf . ety. Council. .• ' • Jack is married to .the former. Gwen Stewart, daughter' of Mr..' and Mrs'. Philip Stewart Of tuck- , : PROGRJ `Revisits friends `. And.iLocatlonsQf Dill parker. and his 25_ year-old.. daughter Carol have been' -visiting sorne o'f'Bill's "'war tirlie friends" m Luc..know.and area; for the past": several days:.: Early iri fpr f The eritineT'p (ff lished'a letter from ,Bill whose home is iri \ferry Hill , Wolverhahm pt•on., England`;which set the ball telling in retracing friends'of 27 }ears ago. At that time he was with the Royal' Air 'Force in their training .program .at PortAlbert1 from. 1940 'to 43 ' D'uring. his time at .Port,.Albert,: he Made Many friends in Luoknow arid area and through his letter to The :Sentinel,: which' was. published;, he received several letters inviting he and'his ter t.° visit Erre while' in •ty's 269 secondary schoolteachers • resigned, The resignations become effe'c-- tive August 31'. Pink .lists have been sent out to he 34,U0-ritemb ers of the OSSTF,'askint? there to refrain from accepting; positions; on thee` Huron Couniy'secondary school Staffuntil negotiations with the board, have 'been completed . It is -understood .that the same mes- sage 'Was sent••to this year's_ grad`- uates of the .provincial•collegcs The OSSTF action :came after several weeks 'of negotiation by the teac'h;ers with the -salary commit- :tee of ,the. Huron Board , during which. no. agreement was reached. ,Eede.ratron._and Board=f-lest m:e-.`: Ma•y, 2:7 i•n a marathon session Which 'lasted from -',8 p ni, until; 5:a . m. the next 'n:iorning:. • • Wednesday 'night; a Second -Meet iia;--w.as-kr l -b., nt. ...WILL BEHELD -AT... _KINGS'.KAMP' ON_SLLVER-LAKE E OM ' JULY 5: TO JULY 23 7nder:`the sponsorship p R- cre t one--Cornmittee ss ownshi N ,QUALIFIED' RED SS INSTRUCTORS AND G.UARDS WILL CONUCTCASSES EVERY MO;RNING'MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 9 'TO '1;2 FOR BEGINNERS, JUNIORS,; INTER- MEDIATES AND SENIORS AS RE_»UIRED. rounding and Girls areas of oss Township and the immediate sur Boys Girls from Kiel ding' . Huron, Greenock, Culross- and Kincar ireT i _ . _ _ • . .. ownships-are�nv�ted to register: everyone -is ; r-espvnsbl for their -own tr artstiniQ- da • was reached, ..Both sides agreed:to limit :the meeting .to two hours and • it ended at 10.p:m. A message-fr-orn -the board of • CONTINUED ON PAGES .' / A registration fc.g. next, }tea. is .kindergarten class was held' at , Brookside Public School on Mon da.y, May 31. • After'.givingprtrrcipal Angus Maclennan and the Public: Health Nurses , Miss ,Sykes' a nd ,Mrs C, Dou:gl-a-s; rhe=-neeessa y in tion,•, h mother took her child to. eac see this year's Mass One at. work'in the kindergarten'class mons . . The thirty-four children •who, were registered are.listed below with the name ,Of their parent:lit brackets:, ; Steven. Alton (Blake) R. ll, 2, Luc know.;'lSuza•nne Alton (.Ken) R. R. 7 Inc know; Kev in' Be,r,ttiL (Michael) R. R. 3 Goderich; ,Jamie here (Mary),Dungan.norr;, •• Wilma. Brink ('Herrick) R. R. Goderich; Lisa''Brown (Parrie) R. R,'•d G'oderich, Sherry Carter. (Tony) it.: R. 3 Lucknow;. Celia Chandler (Peter) 'R;:.1Z. ham, Paul-Cra'►i torr (George) R,. R ' 3 Lucknow,. Annette Curt u'i (Grant). R R. 1 ,Dungannon; John ,Curran (Donald) it,, •R.' 1 Duiii;tii;'• non;" Stsan•Dauphin (Joe)';R. R. 1 Dungannon; '• Cindy.,Dic.kson (Art;)` R.• R.T'3 "oderictz Shannon hi son (Eliz'a beth) R. 'R. 3 "Auburn:: Gordon •Farrish ('William) R. Lucknow Steve 'Freem•an{Joseph).'. R, R k Goderich,' Tracey `'c l tail agh.(Barry).R. R. 3-Lucknow; .Ronda. Noble •(Murra.y)'•R. R. 2 Aarbu;rri;. Karen Graa am Oitar) R. Gode'rich;;: Mark Gretrtidier le.ne liaggit.t (Raymond) R. R. Godericli;'.Shawn Hill (Donald): R. R. 1• Lucknow; Michele i1un - 'phrey ('George) R..: R. 2 Luc kriow ; Wtrieta Jacobs (hlalcoliri) tJ c;oderic.h;: Trudy Korten (A lhe; t ),: R. :R. 33. ,ucknow;.:Itoc-k} .Litilc .` (Cecil): R R. 3 c,odericli;.:Ke\`i i Livingston, (Willi.itn) .R,: h, 11 Dun'. gannon Leslie Livingston ,(('tiff) R...R..'1 I7ungannon;bradle} (George) R4 R. '2' Lucknow; Ka:th', •Metzger (Joe)' R. R. .3 , Luc know Diane Raynard (Douglas)•R R Lucknow:; Nancy Sproui,.(Dayid) . R =:R. '3'Aubrirn, 'L'orit" Wall (:�ttl ur)'Dungannon. Darryl Wilson. '(Murray) R.' R. /2'Auburn.;, Canada,. Bill and, Carol arrived in New yOrk-City and: -after visiting rel -. 'rives en route to Lucknow '; they arrivedhere last Friday. They • made their.hea.dqu-arters Wit -114.U., and Mrs. ' Keri Mowbray. and soine of the other friends .w,ho they •visit ed included Helen Thompson,' Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold,Greer and Nirs. E.-Hollynan Of course ,,•Bi11, hadalook at -Port Albert where all trace of an air training school has disappeared. • E.REGULAR: COLLECTI • THURSDAY, NORTH -OF CAMPBELL ST. • FRIDAY, SOUTH. OF :CAMPBELL, ST. All water safety equipment will be available, but for.'this year there will be no facilities' for, changing clothes.. Fees must be ' paid of regrstrati'on, and will be $5 per ehild or $12 :per family. - • , • .REGISTRATION' :• . Mahake pl 1 atmtate' Scout Hall in . Holyrood . on, ' ween 7 and 9 p.m •. it ... y ,Further 'information may be Obtained' by eotlta etvag the teation Committee . Chairman. BARRY JOHNSTON, CHAIRMAN' KINLOSS TOWNSHIP RECREATION COMMITTEE i They -planned a visit to 'ToroPt° and Virginia in the U.S... before returning=home. ';gill was a close friend of the late' °strand-, 'er when' stationed at Port Albert. He• is in the automobile business:.:: in ingland.I�us..Parker did not accompany them because of her apprehension of flying. A rather strange coincidence • occurred when seeking the use of a teaephorie in Guelph., from. where he'phoiied Lucknow friends to tell of their arrival. He 'phoned from a gas station where a copy of The Lucknow Sentinel was lying on the counter. HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE. ONLY 'W`RAPPEL'fANI3 IN CONTAINERS SPECIAL LUCKNPOW �IIIU��CI TUESDAY..EVENINGS THURSDAY AFTEIt1rIf)< 3 4 :P.M •