HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-06-09, Page 14 sr.,. "' • rt ,, . , . -... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . • PALA -Year-In_Advanco--graT01)SA.-------;.----4 ----- -- WEDPIESDY, JUNE 916;1/71.- , Single -COPY l'Sc ,• rsing Graduate To.wnship taxes sbow slight rise in '11 Township Council The budgetfor 1971 was auopt ; • rriet on June 1st with all members ed and the following rates were present. esta:blished. . ASHF1EL.D TOWNSHIP TAX RATE .1971 . 1970 'Res. Com. Res. , Com. Town0h#0. • 24 26.5 21:1 23.4 County 20.4 . 20.4 19.9 19.9' Public School ' 6.5 • 7.2 9.5 10.5 Separate .... 295- 14.2 151 Higli!Se400ls 22. 24.5 20:5 23. . , increased by 9 mills over 197.0. tvl. • ••• „, • kiithetfOict,..fr the . . federation... 4refilber: signed: 10... .Hur . . . The tax rate on public school • supporters.is:iriereased 1 7 mills and „separate: schobl supporters is. ' • • PH. ')• ta c DO NA LD . • Jargaret' Anne:, "Peggy" Mac,Don, aid, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,.• • •Iloberf *ihtirsday, ' from Si ' School of Nursing . .KitChener. • • •••.• •• • . ,:101.10 rt Mac Dona f • Luck - now, 1111.1 and Mts.'A1( Martin jack and i)ialiIk of Listowel, Ivlr and Mrs Jim Brown of BurlifigtOn, Mr;': ind• ken :Niacnonald and Angela a.,pd MrS... John Pollard of Knicardine:iatcrided the gradua, ' • • tion 'and -.a d diner. h rcfi f011oWeer ••,..at the ,BreSia ir:Ilotel;, • .• • , .•• . . • •-• AIhlRLP NEWS.. f • Mr and.: ,EQ11.1 Fox sold th.c•ir home .on•the,...Second•con- • cession of Huron and on moving • to•Bayfield ,gave their dog to friends living in Seaforth,. One morning this 'week When Mr. --Janine , new--owner-of the.house went QUI 10 •io to work, there was the dog at the-dd.:it'. • That's some, walk. for any dog I ‘• , CONTINOED ON PAGE 18 eo. Newbold Escapes Serious Injury As !A.T011:..M001:11*Toppl..4.-whe*u:njoiong French For Air Bruce Next Year Grade 7 and 8 In I:iench will bL taught in or.ades 7 and 8 at all county schools s t a rt ing ne--t-S-e-pt-e441-b-e-r-T43.0 • County:board of educatiob:offie- • ials have announCed. • Duting, the 1970-71 t'erms,66 per.eent of 1de 7 'and 8 pupils received French instruction. • • • The board sofar has eight Lined:-a:P •for aeXL terni including tWO part -timers • to teach the second ,language in eletnentaty schools,•. • Ripley -1 hrron. Cc ntra Sehdol• tF;tte't-let this past year' as has Ifillcrest Central at 'reeswater..-..,, This wall be LucknoWts, first year for French instruction: 'Phyllis Bannerman Will teach French. in Lucknow and Ripley. ' with Judith Elliott teaching grade 7 French' at 'Teesw.at,er and: Phyl - , • • • BannOrrnan grade 8. ' staped 'setiolks inkty_ad4Ossib•- 1e death on Wednesday of last weel.< when the garden tractor he... Was feri.o.,04.44cau -,the'_back-o_f7a truck toppled over and tumbled to 'the ground. The inae.hing weight half ,a' ton. • , ' • deorge7suffered two broken / ribs in the aceident_and assorted bruises and scrapes.. : -c-e----4-7--t7r-t-cd taken the machine to London the previous day for •, • CONTINUED ON PAGE 3• .. • • • , • • • • „ . • Graduate Teacher .1600 students in o9 classes in •Bruce in 18 schools' will take the' French .program in lirue_e__4. _The_ Hu ron-Cou nty-Fed of ,Agriculture welcomedits• ..• 1000th inernber in a shOrtcerem- ony on Friday, June • 4 JphniRutherford'of the St.: Helens area was -presented• with hit inbershrp pin at Jus fa tin in West Wawanosh ToWnship, • • , John, wha.operate,s.the.f325 acre Cehtury farm himself, ,:bought his membership from Vince Austin of K. Dungannon "to get' him Off baek", he.said :joking. Gets B.A. Degree Blair. Red Mond son of Mr and. 'Mit. 'Theodore Redmond -of, Arts degree from Alumni Hall, London at the convocation exer- cises on May aittr, • Mr...and Theodore Red - Mond', .Leo Redmond; 'Mrs. Blair , Redmond andiMictiael,of London,.• Mr, and Mrs. Angus Ciine ,,.Water• down; Miss Mae. Redmond of Sarn- a, Mrs ViPlet 1a1pn, Hamilton A. reception f011bwed at home in London, John is pictured; onthe left, • .cONT.INUD'ON:PAGET18-.Y- Med Suddenly • ' Harold•Stanley of Kinloss Town• ship ptissed away ar lns horn -e'on Sunday, ',tune 6th,, He was in his 70th year. . • • ; The funeral service will be- tield•on Wednesday JUne 9th at I 2p;111. -At-theloliiistane Fuiteral Home ,.Lueknow With interment in' Greenhill CeMte,ry. elens Womun Named President Huron West W.I. • HAROLD GAUNT • •.• . • • . • • •• Wawanosh Township,' a member '• • .• ,. • CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 .• • ackedixea.tn,n_ew---_s-hirnney„sewoge-reloco'tian TIA,f\!.(-,Y,K1RKAND'- .• • ; • .4\411054ti 1 land, d'anghter Of *, cierden 4<irktind.'or' Ashfield; re'vently giaduated front gtratIO:rd Icachers' Nanq ivo7 been hired bythe littron,County School tloard to ' • ! •1.6aeli a/t.. North AsIffigld • .8tlioo1 in S'eptembeic: , • • I • coritiligenc • r unforseen construction work at Lu know school additional $500() has !leen approved f(Ar the contlnge tic y fund in 'the construetion.and renp- vation of the' ltiknOw rind District PLA • . A n earlier .a mount of $i0:„:000' " had been Set up as.,.a contingency fund but unfOrseen c5<pendittnes: . provedthis uuou-nt to be irtsuffic, 'lent.... . ' * 4. The'contingency fund. is Set lip in'addition. tO the normal Cot tract. iii), Trice to hdle anunforscen ex ,c n4- 4tures which troll np from time , to time in most eOngtruetion .. projects,,, •• ye-hrman ai, of original contract was let 'fix • • Leoliard Courtne, the •LueknOw school building ro $423,000 have been a nevi chxm- jeet made the request at the • recent rnec.:Iing of the ruceCut- IL� t r,duca foltuove r .Cost of struetinalrobleins whien have arisen.. 'Roland Swanson, the.board's director of finance , out linc.d' v a rions probleini encoun tered the process Of. making alterations to the existing build - and Stated that several defects In `the original' building were not evident a tthe beginning Of the projeer.° • " : Amppg the extra costs since the ney at a cost of $1800, the' replacement of a cracked beam in the 'auditorium at a cost of $g700 n -a ,fiei.NrseWage re, oca tion,. as well as pumping station' A t a coit Of about $3000. There have been 22 Change orders in the original contract since Construe - tion commenced, many of them , concerning the renovations' to the former building, 'The increase in the contingency funddoes riot mean fhat it all Will be used. Any funds riot npeded will.be returned to Ole board treasurY. " n , ,• ' The-crackedbearif.has been a point of concern for .years but earlier investigation had •• „ declared it safe and it WAS closed in out of sight. However , it will. ot--be=p- 'setf7a-s=1,3eingetur-a-11 ,safe under, the new building plans, and will be replaced. •. . .New roOmS added and old rooms 'renovated , presently in Service, at the school, are siX, No Andrei will be moved to new 'class roorris or locations until the Pall. Original tender date 'of ortiple tion, was the end of May htit:this hat been advanced witthe dilan- , ges`which have to, be ttade.4 , • • . • ,