HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-05-19, Page 15wEbNESDAY,.MAY 1,9th, 1971 • THE. L.UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUcKNOW, ONTARIO • . . , . PAGE FIFTEEN . Mortgage Protection / through Life Insurance? CONTACT 2. i3h an socknow Phone Wingham 3574987 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA OLIVET • 'A. number of 'ladies attended the bridal shower for Miss Janice • Wylds oti, Friday evening in the • Legionpall in:Ripley. . Mr: and"Mrss.• Stanley Black-; well visited in Toronto with Mr; and Mrs. :Bob Blackwell lastWee', endand brought little bobby back with there for a holiday. patient in Wingham and District Hospital uncleigoing test. , 'Mrs.. Alex MacTavish accom- panied Mr; and Mrs. Victor. Haines of Wingham to visit With Mr. and Mrs,. Calvert Finley Of Melvin Coiling and , Sharon visited in Sarnia on day Mr.. and Mrs.' John - Carwardineand family. 'Their• daVghter, , Ellen, was ShaiOn's • •. roommate...during' her first year in: • Universit and is to.be married .ozin MaytWenty-ninth." ,• • ,Mrs.. Don Campbell plans to fly to7England...next_Week_tO_Visitli_ • with her mother.41'11e Campbells . live on the Edgar Wats.on farrii.on the.fourth concession. Mrs.. Martin McNeil and Bob of Williarnsfoid spent. Saturday with•Mr. and Mrs. Ted White. a. Holyroo Lady Is Institute Speaker • HURON SCHOOL • CONTINUED FROM PAGE•14 ' conducted in Clinton, beginning in the fall. • •• • • - Sixteen year§ ago, when F. E. Madill S S. in Mingham, open. ed , the school it replaced was • deeded to ,the Town Of *Wingham with, the provision that it be return ed to the school board when no Jonger required by the town,. In .ensuing_y_ears'74-simila-r-arr-ange— rnent was made between the town and•CKNIX Ltd. .which .operated in ,the fortner secondary •sChbol building. A Winghamsolieltor inforrned, the Board of Educatidn that. Wingharn has signed is Claimso-that the 'sale' may be 7 completed requested the Boardqo' do the same. MOwever , to prOt-,.., ect the property whieh'.changed hands in 1955 for the sum Of $1.,. • the board agreed to sign a .!.'quit, clairre in :favor Of CKNX Ltd., h- . ja 6 OOOOO Holding Ltd., , providing theprop,- erty Continues to be .used as a .. radio or TV station. -• I attended an Elementary • • , School .Principal's Seminar .held at.c..F.B. Clinton in whiatrall elementary principals of the county attended ,: as well aS*..aci- ministrative staff. • Topics dealt Mrs. Jack Reavie Was W.I. Speaker • The May meeting Of heSt. Helen's Institute was held Thurs- day ev eniyi 8.30.. wi;t11 President Mrs. 'Allan. .Miller in the chair. Following the singing of the Institute 'Ode and' rePeating the Mary SteWart Collect , the roll.call was answered py-Some.7`„ , thing"I've Learned Since I°Left School. , " • ' tli-er-4--wAchieyement-Par--"„--: will be held Jo Wingham June 19.. The District Annual will be. held May alst 'at Londesboro, Mrs,.', Frank McQuillin gave a• short' report of the work of the Wingham Hospital Auxiliary: Flow Geritly Sweet Afton was sung with.Mrs. E. W. Rice at the piano. . • Mrs. Jack Rea'ie of Wingham •arict her three teen age panel were. •introduced by Mrs, Peter. Chandler as oui-.-guests for`the•evening.'This. .panel 'discussionproved quite inter• esting as they411 are associated • with the'Colden Circle,School for • Retarded Children'in Wingham.• .• Following the, diScussion, Mrs See our selection of INFANT AND TODDLERS - SWEATERS, ----B SLEEPERS . I • 94.It soyte,.:00mApfigis SHIRT AND PANT SETS. AND JACKETS •FROM $2:992,-7:$3,09 .1.1,,..1.66111.:1;!,110.60666r1rr..061..!...6.6416.km=16444o • • ADORN SELF • STYLING HAIR SPRAY REG. $1.98 Special $1.35 • • • 'L__OR-W.-EDNESDAY. ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: • Clairol •HAIR SPRAY REG. 990 79c Monoca, •Hand CUT EUROPEAN. STEMWARE REG. TO $1.19 1•FOr.$9c • LUcluiolki Phone 528-3214 ock thanked thepaneland Ms: Reavie and presented .a donation, for the h��1 from the Institute.. 'Mrs.. ' Harvey Webb gave the .. motto, .kernernber All Nations ,, ..„ • • • • • . • Over 100 gathered' in the United Smile in the Sarne, Language.. Church basement in Lueknow last iano instrumentals were given,, A - 4 IP - • . - - i i • . . miscei s. Wm. Rutherford and Mr.,sli laneous shower was held for Donna Fred McQUillin. , , ..• .. ••. Corrin.. . ' •. • . • ... • Mrs. Wrn...Rintoul gave a read- ' Mrs -,-Jack Mel4Fn--%!1-e1cOYned ing: MrS. Bob Aii,chiSon gave her ' 'everyone and acted as chairlady report Of the,conference she : : for the evening... Humorous read - attended .at Guelph.' ..• .. ' ings were given. by Mrs; Harvey : .. The meeting closed with P .' Webster and Mrs: L., ,C. Thor -11137 Canada., Lunch was served by : . son Miss Helen Thompson sang .. the.committee in clil'ige; a,solo.accompariied by Mrs. Ross Cuninaug§. .An entertaining con - Donna Corrin Honoure • Wit Several Showers with .wpre; 'Leadership Develop- • merit ; .Problern.solving of Admin- istrative',Levels; Motivation of , Staff,.',E.stablishing Improved Com 7 inUnication.; Practices' and Proced- ures, for, Effective Supervision and Handling .Misunderstandings. And Conflicts:. • • •• That the: Salary Committee. • of the :Board of Education have beenineeting with the Salary t4at444-C-644-.m44,• entary School teaCherparid Huron County District Of Ontario 'Second ary School Teachers -.on alternate , weeks for the past six weeks, ,• • • •Thirty., ladies,met at the .Leg 7 • ion Hall Riley for the: -.May. meet. ingofthe, Ripley :Women's trip:to ,Toronto is .. •!. planned,. to visit. several, lace§ .1,o interestThis will be on May• 260. A report of the tei.held., for the hospital auxiliary stated •. •that approximately $100.00 was 3 different vOltinteers attend. . auxiltary Meeting, each month. • • since the .Ripley Wornen'Sinsti- , tute is .an affiliated. Member. . O Relations. delegate tothe Officers Conference at Guelph University, -reported averrinspiringtandt ,interestingconference, stating• . • that.close to 700 delegates. auencle4.fro-r-io. : Brian Boyle, a tOplevel.public • • ipeakerfroM Ripley District High. •'School:who placed. 2nd at. Rich • rn9nd Hill, delivered an exCel- .•• leataddresS on "• • utationle2i- • 'said "KnoW:what you know and 'know what you don't know". He retnarke,d that Knowledge and 'Education are irnportant to' all:, The roll call "The history'of •irhome-744-as-m9st-interestang-. • Mrs. Harye'y"HOus•ton of HolYrood Vvdt introducecrby Mrs. Donald -Blue-as-guest:.speaker..;-!She-spoke on het. experienceS:4(Wornen's• Institute Conventions; and part: iculagy the convention.in Ito a aSt year. am y •was served by Mrs -Lohnes Geri and Mis.:.Joe Scott. ' •'Plans are being made for the, JuneArh meeting at 8 p.m. rather tharrin the afternoon when Mrs.. • Devitt will speak on "Interior,Dec orating .EN.and FREEMAN (01$0N. cHOICE NT Rv.N.. .;.. • CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHED GRAVEL SAND, STONE AND FILL HAULAGE Dungannon, untario Honoured At Social Evening •- ,.ST; ,HELENS NEWS: On Thtirsclay evening, -Mrs: Margaret .Pannabedker was guest Of honour at 4 ,soa1..venipg-in ..° the St': He'len'sHall. Mrs: .Allan - 1 NO 1 . thejadies gathered;and Mrs, Ern- est. Gaunt was•Cbairlady,'• 'Readings Were. given by: Mrs. Peter Chand ler , Mrs Charlie McDonald,• Mrs, " Ross ErringtoR; ivlrs Gordon Mac- Pherson and Mrs. Frank •MCOuillin. Contests were 'conducted by Mrs.: Harold Coopet, Mrs.. Ross Gain.. mie-and Mrs:'''Allan 'Miller. Mis7. ical'numberS,',were-giVeri-by.-the-L St. tielen's 4uintette;' Mts. Wrd. Rutherford; Barbara Carneron; rMarjoile ,Efurray and a.trio 0,f Mrs. TornTritcharci, Loree 6a riirnie and Karen 'A-n-,--tddr-ess-of--goodT,A—ahes-lwa read' by Mrs. Frank McQuiliiri and :the gifts, were .presented by,M s. ‘Nttn.. Macpherson , Mrs. Angus McDonald , Mrs.. Ross Gammie and Mf4-1 Pannabeckcr received abridge' table and chairs and.a tree lamp and: sMaller gifts. She expressed her-oppreciatiOn t6x,heiladieg- - after which Cake. and iee.creani.. were enjoyed: . ' • Mr, and Mrs. Fred McQuillin' were. weekend visitors with Mr. and Mi i: Barry. McQuillin andfmii '. • M. and Mrs: Gordon Miller of Imidon were Sunday ,visitors with Mrs. W. I. Miller arid Isobel. Attending North York Schools' from this corriniunity this:Week are.,Gail and Janet Macpherson, Valerie Errington and Lori Miller. Pupils from North York visited last fall at Brookside and were billeted fri frie'll6ples'atotind this Aistridt aethat, time, test was held with.Mrs. Elmo pritehard Mts., Bill Hunter ,,,.,Mrs. Chas: Ander* and Mrs. Harold Greer participating . • . Maly MaCIntyre. addressed na on behalf •of those present. Donna -was assisted:in tlre-.-dp'eninT . . and .displayirigofthe gifts byher •four sisters Nancy:, Deborah Arini Arlene and Suz:anrie•Corrin..•,, Donna thanked, everyone. unt wassrve...• •. •'A•neighbOursshoi4ers was'held .for Donna recently at the: home .. of Mrs.. Alf Ritchie .who Was ."asiisted-hy•her daughter Mrs• . • .. • . • • • George. McTeer (Donna Ritchie). Friends of Donna's rnother.Mrs. M. H. Corrin, met at. the home of Mrs. Stuart Collyer in the after. rioon,of duffed Donna ata dessert shbwer.• :A girlfriends shOwer was'held Joynt.on Saturday,. may 8,th. ROOM ONE'S ASSEMBLY . k • • On,'Fridy; May 14 RifornOne'• held their assembly with the help'of their teacher , Mts. 1441n—hey-opened the-ir-asserrx, bly with two songs, Oh Be ful Little Eyes and joy Is, Like the 'Rain. Following The.tord's Pray- er, :Erma, Nolt told a Bible Story:. Room One sang There Came to My .Window A Plump tittle 'Robin with eight pupils using, the tone bells., The girls sang, two.songs Miss Palry'and When ,I.Wat ..a• • Baby.... The class then sang BINGO, and -,Five, Little •Black Crows. Take • You .Riding in ,my .Car -Carzapd There. Was a Little Ford were •, • r. . • . presenta-by-thboys. The class • then presented four dances entitl- ed, 1., 2,, 8 4, 5 tittle Indians, • Indian Dance, Terniskaming and :. • Shootthe Buffalo. They ,closed: t eitassem ty with 0 Canada.. . . • • REBUIL1DING THE CHIMNEY Workmen are Prsently taking. off the old brick of' the school :chimneybecause it Was cracked, and replacing it with new brick. • . ... • The noise is lreard7thrOughout • , - Many of the' classrooms, The primary children are restricted in their -outside 'playing area while the men are working... . • „ . SuggestedList • 89c • c==Eziot:::261:30==io ISCOUfl t•• •