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• WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1911.• •
The, May meeting• o.f``Trinity •
United'Church Women washeld at
' the Church with 'MrsGeorge Henry
as hostess,;' Mrs.. Russell Alton
condueted• the -Devotional . Period
With Mrs. Wm'. Andrew reading
the scripture.on the
Parable 'Of
the Seeds. The meditation was..
given by Mrs.. Alton.. •
The roll call was answered by .a
"Favourite' hymn and it's author".
Mrs-; Warren Zinn gave the treas-
urer's report.
The Study Book on ;",Columbia:"
was conducted. by. Mrs. Chester
Hackett with a film pertaining to
this country shown as she .explain
ed -the country and it s conditions:;
• During the business period,: Mrs.
"Donald Hackett -reported 145 lbs.
were sent in the':bale The
ladies of the LI:C. W. are invited
to Dungannon'to.their bazaar and:
tea also to::the A ..le .Blossom
inlough. A.C.
Mrs. Ronald Thacker was host-
ess for. the Anglican Church;,Wom
ems. meeting on Thursday a ter-
noon,` Mrs,. Gertrude -Walsh 'prey:
ided and gave the meditation "A.
good Neighbour".
Mrs. Howard. Thompson read th
scripture ; Psalm 91. The word
for the roll call Was "heaven".A
questionnaire from Mrs. L. hit
grim, deanery president; ...•
was completed and Mrs. Howard
Thompson,read a letter from the
Prayerpartners'Rev•. and Mrs.. '.
George Honour.of Central Patric -
Wedding Tea at'Lucknow United
The ladies were reminded about
. the meeting the weekend of May
28-30, at Westminster .college
• also the Huron Perth Retreat ,; June .
16th, to •e • el -at Goy eric. '.
ing of the Church, the Grandmoth
er's meeting in June:,. and a spec
:Jai speaker for the Tha ll ffering
in the Fall,' A Tha nk Yoii note
was read:from Murray Morrison
and reports given. on the visits to
hospital and homes, „`Mrs.' Humm-
el • closed' the meeting with prayer
T e Plant Sale was held with .Mrs
Frank Ritchie as autetioneet.
Lunch yras :served,•by the :commit-
tee in charge
The June meeting will be, held
Onthe .10th, with Mrs. Marvin `. '
Scott as hostess.
A quilt wassold arid 'the' pro.-
ceeds .weregiven to the church '
flower fund. Mrs. Jim Smith
gave -the -courtesy- remarks:
Rev . R. Odendahl closed the
meeting with the Litany from the.
A: quilt was quilted during the.
afternoon:. Delicious refresh-
ments were served. Mrs.. George.
Graham: will be the June hostess
.and. it will be a devotional' meet,
• Messengers.
Calvin -Brick Messengers held
their May meeting on Sunday in
the church.
The leader was Helen Chandler
and the pianist was Alice Beecroft.
The theme •was,' Sow seem :on fer-
tile 'soil.
Marlene McGee led' in prayer.
The scripture was read by. Michael
Moore. Lori Jamieson and Donna
Whytock received the offering.•
Janet Whytock .
Mrs. Lloyd Whytock gave the
story visiting' Favela.in'Brazil
after which all went to their Sun-
day School .classes;
".Responsible Stewardship was
the theme of Nile United Church ._
Women meeting .in Nile Church
Thursday , May 13. at 2 .p.m.: Mrs
C. McClenaghan and Mrs,, Len
Christilaw were in charge of Dev-
otions •which included .Scripture
reading from .Matthew , Comrnen
Lary and Prayer by, Mrs. •
A skit entitled "Who Me' was
presented, Those. taking .part
included Mrs. •McClenaghan as
leader and :Mrs. L. Christilaw,
Mrss. Charles Johnston , Mrs. Wil.
mer Rutledge Mrs.�jDoug Young..
A question period followed. • •
Mrs.. W. H. Talmay, -2nd 'vice
president, presided for the business
part of the meeting.: The:roil
call was answered by 12 ladies and,
visits to'sick and.shut -in's were
CorresPp ond"ence included'
. from Mrs Reg
You . •iinores . • g
.Ryan and Mr.. and .Mrs,. WM.'• Mc--
• • An i vitation was read •
from Dungannon U.C, W: to
attend their. Annual Bazaar ; Bake
Sale and Tea. Mrs. Wilmer Rut-,
'ledge read the Treasurer's report
which showed•a balance on ha-nd
Of $88'.97.
'MAY 23rd'
10 am. Sunday School
St Joseph's CWL`,
St. Joseph's .Council • of the C.
W. L. of Kingsbridge is celebrat-
ing their. Golden Jubilee this year.
To mark this occasion the •League
is' having a banquet on Wednesday,
Ma'y.:26th Mrs. Lawrence 't.
Edward , Diocessan=Presid-ent-c
W.L. , will.:be; the guest speak -
A special 50th Anniversary book
will be published and available
for saleat this time,
On Pentecost Sunday, May 30th
at ALo'clock a, Golden Anniv_ersar
Mass of Thanksgiving will be said
by Msgr. F. J. Laverty, Chancel
lor; of London biocese 1-e is del-
egattd by the Bishop to say the
11:00 a.in Morning Worship
Apple.Blossom Wedding Tea..
Wednesday, May 26th at 8 p.m:
n Lucknaw_.: Inited, Church_
It life is a comedy to him who
thinks and a tragedy to him
who feels, : it is a victory to bind
who. believes.
Author' unknown
"•The Langside C.O.C. met. for
their first'•meeting of the year at
the .hall .during:the church service.
`Seventeen children 'were•pres-:
en... lancy.•e :oer, e.
renin a singsong Mrs•. Jim Young
introduced 'the theme or/comrr,unt
ication and divided the children
into two groups for their study
After their story .the groups join -
:ed for their worship-serviee. Mrs: ,
Wybenga Med in prayer. Jesus
loves me was sung: Liane Young
received the offering and the
Offeringprayer was sung.
three weeks.' Wi1'ma Visser :was
elected- secretary, ' Jamie Young,
treasurer and Marty Young will be
president at,the next meeting.
The meeting closed with .t'he
Lord's Prayer
neighbouring Councils areinvited
to attend this special Anniversary
Mass aNd the social gatheringin.
the Church Hall afterwards: •
_ resbyterian-- Churc
V. 'Glenn Noble,. B.A. •
phone 528.2740
10 'a.m. Sunday School'
1.1:00 am. Morning' Service
awe - Rive
.The Pine !Oyer United Church
Wo en met at the Church. on
Tuesday evemng--fortheir--.
May meeting. The President,
Mrs:: Perrin Lowry, opened the
meeting: The roll call was.ans-•
wered by "Suggest some form of.
-scIplinebthert • pora
punishment .for. youth
Mrs. Donald Courtney led' in,
the Worship Service, opening
with' a poem.called 'A her's Prayer... Scirpture was read .by ,
Mrs. Leonard Courtney and•Mrs.
Duncan Thorburn led in prayer,
Wendy and Shannon Lee Court`-
ney sang ;a- duet acCOmpa_ni e&by,
Mrs. Bob Courtney.
A lively and interesting: d`iscits=
sign 'on the theme -"Church Wotr
en's Responsibility to Youth"
was conducted by tsars.: John Hill.
Mr Ddnald Courtney read let-
teres from the Unit's Sponsored
Child and closed the Meeting with
A delicious iunoh"was. served
to'the ladies along, with their
guests - ladies -of the. Bethel U, C;
A, cominunitshower will ' be
;held in the 'Church May. 31'for'.Mis
Nancy 'Taylor, :who is; to married
June 5;:, `A committee -to pTan_'a.__
program willinclude'•Mrs. Clem- •
ent Mrs: Charles Johnston and I.
/Mrs. George Sillib. Mrs.., Wilmer
Rutledge . reported that Arnold
Stothers would pipe water to:the
;church for $100 and'cost of water'
Mrs. Don. Robeson •
Was CGIT Speaker
A number from here, attended
the annual Mother and Daughter
Banquet' of St.,, Andrew's United .
Church C. c:.1. ?r, , on, Thursday
evening... The`delicious meal
was served by the daughters.
Margie Pollard' proposed a 'toast.'
to the'mothers; and; Mrs. Pollard
Four girls' graduated, Fern
Aiken;, .Donna. Needham, 'Cherie
Pollock:•and' Susan Brooks.... They
were•presented with pins by their
former leader, Mrs. Bill Tranter,,
Mrs,.. Tranter aaso received, a' pin
presented by Mrs. 'Rouse, and a gift:
from the girls, presented by •
Cherie Pollock.
Cherie Pollock and Donna 'Need
ham .led in devotions. The guest
speaker was Mrs. Donald Robert- .
son of -Purple Grove. 'rhe presid
ent Mary. A rine MacTavish,
thanked the leaders and : all those .'
Whip -ha- dlelped to prepare" the
A.'pleasa:nt evening .Was,brought.
to a .close' by all singing Taps ''
per year would. be $5,. A bus trip
to.:Palmerston Hospital is 'scheduI-
ed -for spetembe.r.16_,. _Th.e.�neet-
ing closed with the Mizpah' Ben:cd-
fiction and lunch Served by Mrs..
Les Johnston and Mrs. 'Charles
Johnston,and a social hour enjoyed,.
A• beautiful quilt was on display
which. had • been finished -this week.
The Rev. R. Odendahl
MAY 23rd
Sunday After Ascension
Paul's Ripley
Ascenslon Klnlough 10:30alai.
St.. Patera+ Lucknour 11:45 a.m.
:Church -School -;10.30- ;ate.
Pauls,°.Dungannon :--r 8 p.m:
2nd! and 4th Sundays
Grist, Church, Por Albert
• " .a 5tb Stitiday8
J. _Van_Stena:pvoort
10:00 dm. English
2nd Sunday' Dutch
-2'.30- p.m. English .•
Denominational: Radio Broad-
cast, "The Back To God Hour",
every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford)
2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen
Sound) — 6:00 p.m.
The• Subscription Rate To•;.
. win.
$6.00 Per 'Year In" Advance
'o .l�nite'd States & 'Foreign
°'' i 4lers!
New and. renewal subafriptiona' wilt be received at
the present rate until
176114, May 28th,1971 at 6 p.m