HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-28, Page 11WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1971 , • •.• • " • • ••• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THE ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL k, DINNER MEETING OF THE HURON PERTH TB AND IRAT WILLBEHELDINTHE CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT • - HIGHWAY 21, GODERICH . • , . WEDNESDAY, MAY Sth AT 630 P.M. • ; Speaker — Ed. Thompson, Toronto,,who is with the. Ontario TB and Respiratory Disease Association and who formerly was with "Pollution Probe". He will discuss the latest developments in .the campaign against pollution. emnimmaimismit , A Promise For The Future • liV .N1RS, BE,N MALDA "Yoaiii,ts itic ft.quregf,th.e • Clivreh:": This is an old slogan, '.bUlitheld' real meaning arid • proplise for me:on Saturday , • ' 'April 24. I saW 3.50 Caivinettes, (girls ages 10. -. 5and their 59 ••• epunsellors (Ages .l8-,50);. repres- .' enting.12 ChristianReformed Churches, participating:in a ..Rally • . held ni the,Crinton C.R. Church. The Theme for'the day was "In Touch., With the Wend, world arid • ...rig girls participating with. • •.ppern$: Mr. had .,been asked• W write a Poem based on the .ente:—T-he-44tiningLentr..y70 ' edch Club Was.reeited at the Rat- lyi Dianne Askes•of.R. „ • totiaiii.. represented -the -Luc -know .1lerpoerri.*.on,send ; • Are you TOUCH"• • De you ridicule theliandiCapped? :13ymaking thern feel a.s,if they'd ••• • . been slapped?.. •1)o you do some things just.to join, .,the cfoWd'.) • Like playing i-neari. tricks or being, 1oud Do you judge. others without know- ing fa'ctS,., • • . • And deny our Saviour with' lying , . If.yolf do loti're not "IN . TOU'Cli" •• • But .., • • ' • y p ws .w 19 are. a/01y . . . ..13ynuiking them happy.and giving . ' .• .If you tlialce_upyour:irfind es -Whoever rcinains2, in-41e-,---and- our oWn, thing , . • . instead of fdllewiplig the other . • I in hini Will bear IIILICh• fruit; for, yoit can do nothing, without 'Ale."' • The. girls partic-ipatedi. in .listen king. And if you ib ever you, are,'..'. That God is watching. you from •alat Then you are "IN TOUCli" by Dianne • • • The giris.participated 'in song: • •Youthful yolees, accompanied by. -songleacter-w-it-h*-,itar,; :almost . raised the 'roof with their spirit.: d singing and handclappingOld and new favourites, me. that old tirne religion.' to "Put 'your, hiand in the hand of the • Man:bf.Calilee" gave expression 1 9 ..uber and '• Demonstration On Flower Arranging ,The Rip1ey and;istriet.1.1ettic, 'ultnral 'Society held their rpeet-r'. in on Tuesday, April 20.at 89p at. the Legion Hall withari attendance of -nearly 50. , • Mrs, Connie Van der Hoek. Pres7 idcd'and welcomed *.29 members 'and the. matigiiests. thejoll gait featured either .bringing:a,.''.. friend or. atint on avoiding lutionand 5 guests from the Wing- harn Horticultural Society helped ffiale the Meeting a very enjoy:7. ablCone. 31.1sin'ess .was discussed and,:•• a•rrangements finalized' for.the Spring Flower Show on N -la' 18. Mrs -Oliver MOCharles gave • :the report of the District: Annual at Lion's Head. A bus. had been . . jointly chartered. bythe Lucknow and -Ripley Soefeties. and 18. ihem4, bers attended from 'Ripley. Guest speakers:were Mr. J., P. Johristone the Trail'and Mr. ilart- noll on land.Scaping and insectic ides etc. . • ' ce ;Mrs, Iv.ICCharles introduced th 1.1..estSpeaket fOr the 'evening; Mrs*, McKee of Benthiller wpa, dernonstrated flower arranging Using only a' few.flowers. She, rnade five beautiful airrangeinelms USifl pntsywillows; forsythia, enthusfaim. The girls..participaredin diS- • portrayed ; ,in, their own original way, what it Meant .td: the rri10be ,;"IN TOUCH Arranged objects, made from all kinds of felt, pops io kle stic k's ,,.t0o,thpiCI(S , bristolboard, piPecleaners', paint: - ed; Maps ; ; all. cami-nuni cated the Thepie of:the:day; i. was,artazecl,..and totich,eehby the creativity of these giris• . ,The Lucknow Club,*16,-menibers, whO had studied ; the Christian Ref- orrned Foreign . Mission field •du r ing the' la7p In 'Season.; entered...a snia 11 ,trec . :Eleven green bristol-• board'leaves,,•Orte for cach, • Country , .rianging •froM:ilie 'branch-. es,' TaVe. information in, picttireS.• and words. abotit tl-re.wOrk o missionaries. •Thc'y based •01Cir display Ori. Jblin I3i.5 ."1 (Jesus) ain.•• .theNine and yoff'are t•he' branch'''. n? ..., tngt 'Mrs. A; Benkcina of Clinton -srsakeff•-tri7c-C-*'-: being "I14,TQLYCI11":.•God:niust pinch:you with • lis tioly SPiritbefore yOu..can tQflOh oth:ers. .. Re a yetir I3i ble7 and .sce:. hOW the lives of the blind ;the' changed., 'wheittoUched by,JeSus. he touched by Christ,. HOw•dd you, stay in tOtiCh? By *rcad' ing Ilis Word,,, praying , and reach - out to those around on Totich your Idniily your friendS, those Who-are'iondly, those who are unpopulat.. .13e in touch, , lifCitrist arldtivt.-tityoursaelf-L--- the girls participatdd With gyrnnasties, ref - lectioriS each other as -eadh diub`rundered their prografri. It was a day 'filled witli 11"yotiare thinking:of '.' .. • • ' buying a ,lionieand need... .• . • ;. .mer'igase,i' lisitiey,.....eanit.4.O, :•,. .., k• .7:•-•:,---VictOrii-arid':Grey' Whet: .:-..niOre than.80.yeats...• . . ••• • q.peiletiee.will ,help:gtiide.... you; .Ourreat estate '.: ' • .' ,.. ap r$T 4 i s o t s are thOtoughly -• •ti- • , • .,nr,inuger$ are keen to inake :sure y t the mOst kid va rit a-4 .,geous loan possible.. todIttY, at Victoria and Qtey,...'• and S "r t15,1i-PANy 1*6E39 full.proiiiiic :for the lattire, $unday 25. ‘ras.Calvin- 'ette Sunday throughout the S . A. and Canada • 'llidusands df girls. :participated. in the worship sery - ices and "t.t11,0, 1/1C OICIlle 801:4 T9IlebCCI Nte' (by Willia nt j; 4 • ( '1,itiler)•• The 1.4tle1\ ritescndcd'their 'Spe'cial day by singing in 1inc Crs;'• They eiljoyed their visit with the residents, eee - . • • 0, and. a few tfilif daffodils etc. :She showed, What a' variety Of' ttrac ive .arra..nge- ments could...be *math.' withlimit • 'ecl iriaterfals.and.ocp.(:•06:' , 'Mrs. t.)ayid,ElPhick;t11.1nked Mckee.for her••:Occellent... denionstr.atie.n.: The. convener Mrs, • Walter ,Fairell•leenducted• ..• lucky draws for the 5 • arp)ingements and Manyplants and pl,ant fertilizer; house . A:srnall,'plant'and bulb.sale -$5. 65, to help. defray' .• The iiiering cloSeii.' with .a served, by• the.. host.- eskes, Wyld•s•*,',NirSi..1).... • •NI.r.s; and .Mrs.... Hackett and a social tinie.,was..enjoye • PAGE ELEVEN A•Singssnig iti a child! brokenhomes learning the joy of making music With a guitar . . and gentle help . and happiness.. Yes, you can buy . • • hapiiinesS;For others p Please N6w.joday. •-• ' 'veto e 4.4 1-V-0-t1artAftitY7.7-77- Red SrileldsAiNie.al, LOCAL BLITZ MONDAY, MAY 3rd PURPLE GROVE Many'people'enjoyed the Mar • • iety Concert Thursday and Friday nights at the Ripley Hrgh'SehoOl,., Mr. and Mrs.- Don Robertson held a card party af.their hotnet::. due to faulty heating at the Coin- miinty ' • 7. Warren and reg Farrell of Kin- cardine were Visitors' with Mr and. s, rancis Py e an arm y. • • • ..• ; • ' Mr and Mrs., ;lion MeCosh •wer;e • Sunday visitors Or./vIr. and Mrs!: ,' • • Albert ColWell Mr, and Mrs, Francis Boyle and 'farn4y :Spent' Sunday afternoon, at :• .1\;;Ir. and MrsBill Hughes of God -• • Heather, Corrine and Kevin ' • • I3o.yle visited. with Mrs. Bessie : . • • • Farrelland.boys of Kincardine • ' Miss Cathy tore was 'an. over - night guest with 'Miss Sandra John,. • 0 stone o tic, no • • • Features new Eiectrphorne.Total Touch: ,Tuning. Press•a 'button, and picture ancl,Goior4oGkAli-ailtomati-eally-.. • • 10' Big 2"..TV'Iscreen` With. 6 -year wa .ranty-plan • : • •o: TwO,speaker§ plus' Instati on/off • Superb natural walntit. lDeilcraft cabiriet CAOILANO • I priced for 4144****44144***4•4144444.40•44444$44.4 LUCKNOW flIONE.528-31.12 . • - •