HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-28, Page 1•
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• , , • . .. ' ; , .. .. WEDNESDAY,- ApRit:728th, 197.17.--H7-7-7---77S-hlikoPr-15c; . 14, Pag01::.
540. A7 Yvan. In .A0anaiv-:,,t1,00,•Extrairo-u4, . L .
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Lucknow OK AdOpt*C0100, '.:.iii.(bild' • .
toUgh.,Foser.: tirents'Plail; .Family. of
Ten Living. In One RoomWoodenShack ..
l• •
Facial Burns In
Garage Mishap
Wally Forsyth, • operator of the
Fina Service Station in Holyrood,
suffered severe burns on Tuesday,
Apri1.20th when operating a cut-
ting He was using it to •
cut a bolt to remove a leaky. gas
• tank,from a truck when the gas ., •
tank explOded. He .was rushed to
Wingham and 'District Hospital
where, he is improving favourably.
The community wiskes him • a very
fifT. 111Plirio 4prair
•4•Ya. 07,4,1 .4.4,z,)
Mrs . Albe.rt .W.'•Alton of luCk
now passed away'at;Huronview , •
Clinton on Monday, ,..April 26th.
She was in her 92nd year. .•
The. funeral service will be at
Mac Kenzie emorial Chapel,
LuclaiOW. on Wednesday, April'
28th at 2,'30 p,m. •
Interment at Dungannon Cemet -
ubscription Price
e Sentinel
To Advance Shortly
Collecungitems of,intereit is •
'a hobby of the Rev Harry•Jenriin0
•.• of Carling terrace:in:Wingharri..'.
Remindersof afiye,year 'stay. at
Great Bear Lake, 'N''.W.T:.•,,,are; a •
'1)earhead•and piece of pitchblend„
ore from which uranium is gained.
The:typewriter is•a-threellank'
• • • • ,
keybOard Oliver; built about 1904
_Which .is .still in excellent 'working
condition. •
'Rev. Jennings, ,now liVing re.-.:.
tired in Winghani;.Was a forrner
Anglican minister in. bucknow..and
area I' • ; ' .•
-4dvance-Tirnes PhOto.
• .
• The winners 'in Junior Division
were 1. JOU Blackwell, South
Speak.ing Contest
Friday,On April 23rct the sec-
ond annual Huron County French
public speaking. competition was
hosted at central:Huron Secondary
School, Clinton with Mr. David
Brazeau .0•Ohairman. There.were
eter, Seaford" arid Wingharn
Huron Secondary School, Exeter;
2.. Joan Stephenson 'Madill Sec -
ondarY School, Wingharr"; 3. de
ratd,Charette,, South.„FliirOn,..Eite
er. • • • :
. „ .
Senior Division:1. Cherub'
Thompkins, Madill S S , Wing
ham, 2, Pat Sparks:, Madili
ral HuiOn.S. , •
Faye Henry ; R. ' R..,•; ; •
a member of the Bank staff in
Lucknow, has "adopted" ten-7year., ;;;;;`;t'''•-
Old 1-lolarida EraZo' Of Colornbia,•..
contributing $1'7 a' month
Canada ,. Faye gives the ehild'afid.
through Foster Parents Plan of '
A, ,. ' •••••,
the family material and financial
aid aimed at strengthening the
family unit ,by helping eachmein....
her. • The child is symbolic of aid
given to the entire family.
Before Miss Henry :became
'Holanda's Foster 'Parent , the fam-
• • The'price of The Lucknow Sent-
inel, will advance in•a month's
time to $6 per year in Canada ,
$8, per year in the United States
and Foreign. All subscriptions
received up.to6 p,m. on Friday,
May 28th will be.accepted.at the
present rat .of $5 to Canada, .$7
to the United•States. With a
month's. notice bcing-giv-en,
there will be absolutely no excep-
tions, to the May 28th deadline.
The single copy price of The. •
Sentinel will remain at 150. The
Six month price will. be $3.25. and.
anything less than six months will,
, be 150'per,copyr • ,
Steadily increasing operating
_COS ts mal<Lth e subscriplion
crease necessary•
Sklitiengths In Style Merl, In Style
.,•„•••••• • . .
., •
• • • . ,
-:§tyles usually.tortie back.
tiiiite .Ervid.ent by .the' heitliftle
Ofy this grotip 'Of tucknovtli.gli*
8v1iooi .studentt of *about fifteeri
ye.att. ago, Left to tight arc
Ernie C;ibson, ;Sybil BLr4r4 Ma y
Alta; Donna Johnston rninet
, • '
hie , 'Ben Monitor', Irene •
Elpliick,„ Gladys Kiipatriel, Shit -•
ley McClure , Isabel Mael)hersori
and ilosg McDonaglf.
struggled to survive on' an
• .
come of $39.25 per Month. ,This
, .
was earned by the father as a
miner $28...25 the mother as a
:domestic ($5.50) and Honda's
brother as a baker's helper:earn-
ing $5 .50. per month The,. fami-
ly makes scant meals, based Op
riceand beans, -Plantain (some -
thin like banana coffee., with
brown sugar water for energy.'
They sometimes have a bit of
.fish and a -small piece of the
:...cheapest.glade..rtreat.a a holiday
treat. The faniily lives in a •
wooden shack rileasiiring :18." x 36'
that, belongs tO Them bfit itJ'as not
been completed yet so they live •
Kiflgsbridge Yout
Group Sapp°
urray Morrison
. '
Twenty-five young people from
Kingsbridge Youth Club had an
enjoyable afternoOn.Stinday in
the Kingsbridge School. ,I'Murray,
Morrison, a ..Lucknow native, del-. At Brookside .....' 1 .,.....
ivered a well explained talk on •
MisS, Dorothy . Elliott of Brussels'
"Canadian Crossroads Iritrnation-
has been engaged to teach next •
A1" Project. . He emphasized the , ,
tetnl'at Brooks,ide Public School.:
point that this is a voluntary'. .
, . attending London
..organization which recruits young She his. been
people frorn, Canada g . Teachers' College.. ,' .• .. • :
:other-.C-euntvies.4.+1414o.a...-and.the...._,,7` 151411-iott-w-i-lbeteic-hing :
West Indies and to India Murray: some of the new French program.,
said' that this organixation'is an
at Brookside and North Ashfield
exper.i.mentLin coml-nun. icati.on7: for .grades 3 to
also in,the agricultural ' field He .. .
Will be: laving for. India in June. ' :Mrs; Gordon Anderson of. Ash
field'haS:also been engaged,: to
ouestions Wgr eLaske_dLanLpart.-- .
icularly onequestion was ptit to." .. iteaoh at Brookside- next term
, ': ., •
. . , •. , _ ... .Mrs, Anderson has been doing sup(
CONTINUED ON PAGE. .2 • ply teaching at the schoOl.
!•4* •
indiCk*P1 e
In FIoWeiBed.
• ••••?• •
• •
White clay smoking
•with unusual designs, 'Was,recerit- • '
ly found by Verna IvICClenaghan
of Lucknow in One of the flower .• ' •
beds at her horne:.
:Part of the Stern was broken'.
from the pipe. The pipe 'had:a
design of a heart on one side,'a
hand on the other side nd a leaf
back and front..' •
Aitintititntim ininathointitiiatiiittinatInoinohntheeihnitiuto-ianno-nninikikt
„ • • •
SOOTOAssist Murray Morrison In India •
, The official board Lucktibw.
day of ,last`week , pledged $560;to
Murray Morrison of West Wawa,'
nosh Township in support of his
volunteer work with "CrossrOads"
lifiVidikthis summer.
:Murray, a student at the UniV-
ersity of Guelph, will spend his
suirir-a$0'volunt6er worker
• near, Luc krtOw , India H is the
son_pf Mr and Mrs. Gordon. Mor -
VT *T1 0.7 -
• ,
He.is member of LutknOw tJi .
ited Church and has been ti act
ive wotker in Sunday SchOO1 and , • •,,
other youth work. •
-nye nattWo Stiridayt. tpetia:Z- •
donations will be teCeived1nthe
church offering with the Official'
board. of the chUrch snaking up`: the
difference, if necessati,-
, •