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LUCKNOW "SENTINEL,Y R ,� .,.;.: .:..M.....•_. . ......- 1st 1971,
• 4 FEET z 8TEET z %
American.. CheXrY. � Random Grooved
4 FEET. x .8 FEET x' 1/4 .INC
PHONE 528-3118.
By Rev: Duncan McTavish
In .my boyhood, days ;there lived
in my home community .a,number
of boys who had come from the
Old• Land ; wards of the Barnado
Honie, "They were spokenof as •
"rli:Offie. oy ,''by most people ,, and;
,worked on. farms round about for a
mere pittance. Some of .them-
.were well-treated.. SorPie='f-'t ren -
I am sorry to say, were not so fort
unate,,' but very few of them rec.-
"he ^lrbert -a'nd the -freedom -
!accorded the average boy in the
corrirnitnity, `Most :of them• were
kept under a rigid discipline' and•
could hardly call their .soul their
.own. _
him as alba. folks .like :to be treat-
ed , • but • Johnnie didn't know. how
to.react to this. ' He bought a•
bicycle and began •to roam the
country, far and wide He got -
home' in the;.wee;•small hours of
the m'or'ning; flung:himself upon.
'the bed too tired to undress•,'and
in the 'morning his boss could '
scardelY.g .et hirnzrI3 2at•a11. •His
money was, soon gone , and a
thoroughly industrious boy Was....
' fast .be:corning. a .soCiall problem
when ,an. neighbour. worsan'expres-
--sed lierse f. alJout"hinin.ifliese�
words,.' "Poor Johnnie." , . she said,
"He's just going to the Devila-
horse -back:" : "
Johnnie, w`asn't the only boy to•
do this..Not 'fa•r away was who11:did •
the same thing. Nor was such
conduct confined solely`to ':Hbrne
Among, thein was an Irish lad•
named' Johnnie, Johnnie worked
his three years fora man who kept
him under his thumb. Only: once
a year did he ever see town, and
that. was the occasion of the
Annual Fall. Fair, when Jghnnie
was given a trickle. for pocket
money; the only money he hand-
lei-Ati year.,
Well ; the term of his probation
ended and Johnnie was now his
own boss., free to hire where he
liked and do as he pleased. He.
had also in his possession a hund-
red dollars which had been saved ,
for him , •to give him a start, But
he, because of the. past ; was
fitted to use this new found
liberty, He hired with a man hi
the neighbourhood , who treated
Boys". 'It never is. It reached
out and still reaches out to'all'
sons anddaughters who are no
given some. liberties in• early child-
hood; and taught from the begin-
ning how to use.„them.Discipline
rtiay haiie; is place _ but a too.g-
id discipline can do more harm;
than good. The Law can be laid
down so effectively in the ho'rne as
to destroy the very qualities it;
hoped to espouse
WI. Elect Of facers
At Annual Meting.
Whitechurch Women's Institute
held their Curator and Annua..
Meeting on Tuesday 'afternoon
April 13 in Whitechurch .Common=-
ity „Memorial_ Hall with. 25 in
attendance: • •
The 1st Vice President Miss Merle
Wilson,: welcomed all and opened
the meeting with the Institute
Ode and repeating'the Collect in'
unison. A thank you 'note was:
read from.Mrs. Russel Ross,.
The roll call was answered by
a ,by-law from the 'Hand Eook., .
Payment of Fees:•and a donation
of Homemade Candy to. the Wing-
ham. Hospital. Mrs .Russel Gaunt.
w.as alppointed.to represent. White
church W.I.toassist the,•Hospital
Auxiliary. .
The inottiy, look back, live in
the present, plan for thefuture
was given .by Mrs: ,Gertrude Scliol
•tz; Fame arid acclaim are never
else *ial to -the -bet -ter -me
'World,: Human beings Who. glor-
iously give of themselves as they
Perform their best in their, own •
way, .are•irue benefactors aiid
they :need have no;,worry as t
know how the Districts and Areas
report to Mrs; `Walker by reading`•
her report . She also read: The
Fanning Mill..
Mrs. 'Mclnnes conducted a con-•
test. What age? Mrs Emerson
was, taken by surprise and present
ed witty a corsage. , After much
thinking as to. who the .donor was
she, found it •to be Mrs. McInnes.-
Mrs.- Robert R6ss; Mrs,; Gertrude
Scholtz, Mrs. Dave Gibb and.MrS.
Fred •Tiffin, ,with Ivfrs, Farrier, ;a
pianist , sang, When You and 1'
Were Young, Maggie and Loch
Lomond. The ladies were dressed
in old time' costumes. • . '.• '
The' election of officers fol1o.-v
.ed with Mrs. J. McInnes in charge
Past:President, Mrs. Y. Emerson;
President., Mrs., Dan Tiffin; 2nd
Vice, Mrs.. Ezra,Scholtz; 'Sec.. -
Treasurer, Mrs. Russel McGuire;
'District Director, Mrs. Victor.
Emerson,; Alternate Mrs.. Bill •
Evans;. Public, Relations Officer.,
Mrs. Don Ross; Branch Directors
Mrs. Russel. Ross, Mrs. Albert .
Coultes , 'MTS Garnet Farrier ,,Mrs:
Frank Ross; Press Reporier, , Mrs. ` a
Victor Emerson; Pianists; 'Mrs.'
Garnet..'Farrier, Mrs pan
rs. Garnet.
'Farrier , ' Mrs `
* Russel Ross, Mrs
Wallace Conn; •Mrs "Ed -Walker
Auditors , Mrs'. Elgin .-Johnston, : ;
Mrs'. Thos. ''Metcalf;, Sunshine;and
°' Cheer,Mrs.' Fred ,Tiffin , .Mrs
their permanent plac-e' in fte
'ar Thos.' Jamieson, Mrs. Dave Gibb,
y,ears..:•Wh.en: we live in the Pres
ent that rneans just for to.da�`y 'o
take care of your body exerc'i'se
it , case; ;nourish and .do not:. abuse
nor ne,glect: it . • T.oday strengthen .;
your. In Ind. study and learn
wrll act ,courteously;, be liberal
with' flattery andwon't citicize
nor find fault.. In planning .for.the'
future' ma ke:. i`t. a habit. to .look for:.
ward,' By'..kee, ping perfection .in
the rr id we ligtit a lot of guiding•.
•lamps along the ,way of life.
Think :forward ideas and you will
go• forward and never stand still;
The curator Mrs. Victor, Emer-
son and. her comrriitteeMrs Jas:'
Mclnnes and Mrs: 'Bill.Evans had.
planned•topresent the topic in 'a
panel discussion;. Mrs :Evans ;was
unable . to 'be present owing to ill
tress, hence Nlrs. McGuire read •.
Spring and Mrs. Mclnnes from the..
Tweedsmuir.Histofy Book. told of s
the •Pack Pedlars Grindstone and
the •Boot •Jack.• .N4rs.• Emerson
DieaIn Regina
Frank. Gill died in
ina ,'. Saskatchewan .On April :13 in,
her 91st year,. She was the fornli~t
Fmma ,Johnstone , 'daughter of N�,
and. Mrs, John Johnstone
field Township and.. was.bor•non
January B. x•1881. `
She taugh 'school for a few,,, .
•years" before her marriage
Frank Gill.. They ,rrioved.to Sask-,
atchewan and farmed at Jasmin:.
;for many years. F
Mrs... Gill is survived by her
family, of four daughters: and two
sons, .Edith , Mabel, Bertha ,"J.ean
Richard and Robert.'They all.,
live in Western Canada except
Robert at .Bowrnanville , Ont..
The funer:al•took. place April,
16 at Jasmin, Saskatchewan.
Mrs.' Gill was an aunt of Mrs,
Lloyd Robb of Ash -field;,: Elmer
Farrish .of Gorrie , Lorne' Farrish
and John' ,McDonagh•of Luc know .
. 2,.
Delegates to District • Annual,. Miss
Merle Wilson, Mrs,.Rilssel ;
McGuire; •Mrs. Victor Emerson:',
Mrs. John Currie; Alternate, Mrs,::•
Albert Coultes; Delegate to Con
vention, Mrs. James McInnes; -
Alternate; ;Mrs. Sen McClensghan
Standing conirn:itte'e conveners
are:. Horne `Economics and' Health
Mrs Ed Walker; Historical' Re-
search and. Current Events,..Nlrs..
Jim Currie Citizenship.and Educa •
tion, ,Mrs., Thos..Metcaife, Resolu-
•tion, Mfrs.:; Russel Ross; Curator. ,• •.
Mrs. Victor Emerson Mrs V:
Evans and Mrs. Robert .Ross A.gric
ulture and. Canadian Industries , . .
Mrs. 'John Currie.'
At the close of.the meeting'Mrs;
Emerson, • Mrs Russel McGUire, • •
Mrs :FrankRoss, °Mrs Johnston.
Conn and Miss Mary 'Helm were:
presented with 'gifts for perfect.
The during
the year.
meeting dosed 'with
singing of the Queen and •the
answered rhe - uestion How doyou : Institute Grace The lunch.
.December 1970
•Mr. . D. t. ''rhbrnpson ,
Publisher ,
cknow Sentinel.
I.am enclosing;'cheguCfor a;r�
'renewal of my subscr:iptioin..Whil
4;'an3-rxiissin lae—nafl -- ,,,�;a
of my old Earl ds, and n.ii,, lihoiir
and see sev,ral rre"�r �andinnfarn-
i1i r; nares; ,I. still look forward
to n y Old Hornc'Town paper,
each' wee,lc
I, wish you and y'oni <{ rt
pleasant New Ycars and',ill the
best,in 1071. .A special Hello`to:
your' Aunt l lele'n.. I` a iri' thinkiii
.of, her now'' back' when'slic was
teaching in our S.;, Scction'onAiu
lOth . of ` Kinloss:
. Yours sine ciclt ;
Mrs Evelyn c. .0 heCl;
(n'ee tilts. tiirrr.hl�,j.
ebmrnittee Mrs-.; Ezra Sc•i;olr',
s..Rolnd 'Irk 1t n.
Currie served'lubertossnch.:a
67-C E•YY- -1 4-doo
67 CO, 8 automaticrpower
sieering and brakes, 'with 'radio
-67 CAMARO, 8 automatic with radio
66 : PONTIAC GTO Convertible, 8. .'
cylinder, 4 *peed' transinission
p w steering an
3, ! 3. e 6 2
6t RAMBLER, 4 door, 6 standard
65 'CHRYSLE'R, 4 'door, Power'..:.
ui0Pedr" _ -
• OUTH 2,door hardtop, '8
., � matic • with radio
5 PLYMOUTH, '4.'dotor,,6
automatic ...aw..ith....r_adio
5 FORD Galaxie XL Convertible, 8
automatic;: power- ,steering tnd
brake •
L 6 standard with
66 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic
with .radio.
6 ' FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hard=
top, 8 automaticand radio
, 8 autom
6 : F. 'ORD 4 door � *tic, power
steering, radio
i t.,,
8 automatic, with radio
63 . DODGE, 4 door,. 8 automatic,
poWer ° steering