HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-21, Page 12EWE • Ar h;, • • oeCourtney 1� President Of , Kingsbridge CVVL Twenty-four members attended the annual meeting,of the •Sit,; • Joseph's Council held on April 12th'in the school gym. Father •• . H. . Cassano Opened the meeting. with the League prayer and Mrs. Antone Van Osch .presided. ' The Recording Secretary., • read her annual report'. The Treasurer gave'the annual report with one correction made. Corgi respondence 'was read and includ . „.ed best wishes for the 50th.Annie-. ersary of St. Joseph's c. W. L Mrs. Walter Clare' reported on' an enrollment of 30. girl guides.' Larry Wallace recently celebrat THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, "LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Gives Travelogue On Visit To Japan mere during May,, I The Annual Convention 'will be held on May.18 -atid 19' at the. 'Holiday Inn in Windsor; Anyone. .interested in .attending should . contact. the .new ,president before May 1st. • . Plans were .made to have 'dinner at the Tiger •Dunlop .Inn on Wednesday , May 5th.;' . Father Cassano spoke a few words encouraging -the members'• to accept responsibility and be ed his 91st' birthday.: Members of. . the C..IN; L: visited and: supplied dinner.Allmembers are'remind g cloth ed to. bring 'in for,Comber g ASHFIELD NEWS Mrs. Richard' West was in ,chargeof the W M S. Easter meeting held Thursday evening.in. the Chureh• school, Guests were, ,present from Ripley, Dhngannori-,c_ Whitechurch' and ,Luckno.w, ' Mrs'. Ewan MacLean,,president,, spoke a few words, of welcoxneto the guests.. 'Mrs. R. West., Mrs: J. West; Mrs.. S MacLennan .anti, Mrs. Alan'MacDonald presented the Easter program from the Glad Tidings. • Mrs: W. Wylds read an Easter .poem. • - ' " Choruses were sung by, pupils from the Explorers and a .quart - ette, Janet and Barbara arri h , 'Lorraine MacDonald and Flora. • Simpson sang. Mrs. WM.. Ross introduced the guest speaker,: Mrs. Murray Mac, Lennan' of Wingham , :who told. of :her trip to Japan and showed willing to serve the League. We must. love our League and Council to rna ie it active. We should., try to do, our best and 'remember the words.' of St. :'Paid 'to Timothy! "Take •your share of suffering, like a good soldier of Christ. The. Lord'will grant..yoy'understanding • in everything".. ,Father presented the Papal •B Bless* mg to mark the :50th Annie. ary • to r ntone. Van Osch. • • ers He expressed appreciation for, all she .. :has done during her term, of office. Mrs. Antone Van Osch,, retiring resident' • ave an excellent "re; port of the year's work.' She thank slides. • ' 9 Lunch was served'; • Ashfield Presbyterian ChurCh Lucknow Presbyterian (hurth Rev. Glenne' Noble, B.A., B:D. o, Minister Phone 528-2740, APRIL..•25th .. . •. No :Sunday School Will resume Sunday; May 2nd .11:00 a.m. Morning Service: LUCKNOW ITED CHURCH P .g School will re -open next Sunday; April 25th at 11 a.m. Pupils will joinwiththeir parents in the. church service for the opening, then go'to their classrooms•for ed th o e . their lessons' at 111. - .- tion and support.'..: Mrs.: Jac ;. igert a• bourne' meeting and' Father closed with ' • prayer •' • Father H. Cassano ,..Mrs. Carl''' Riegling and ' Mrs.. Gene ' Frayne' '• Conducted the elections.. The new executive is ,as follows .Pres ident , Mrs.. Joe. Courtney; lst• Vice President , Mrs. Frank Riegling; . 2nd. Vice .President , Mrs. Mark. Dalton;. 3rd Vice President:.` Mrs. Walter Clare;. Recording; Secretary, Mrs', Joe O' Keefe;• Corresponding .: ;Secretary ,. NMrs. 'John'Howard and Treasurer ,: •Mrs`. John Austin. The• new president, Mrs. Joe . Courtney',: thanked the ladies and asked for. their co-operation during the coming year. •'.Lunch.was served.' • WEfDNE DAY .. APRIL 21st, 1971: Mrs Gra ai Presented With � e bershTm The Dungannon U.C.W.. ladie§. were hostess to the Nile ladies at a luncheon at 1 o'clock Thur.sday, Apriti5th -Warm-,5th:'sunny, weath- er. encouraged a good crowd. Following _the dinner; Rev. Mc Clenaghan made a presentation of a life membership pin and certif- icate to Mrs. G. McNee. _Mrs 14. Johnston presented the pin and Mrs. 'Graham'�McNee replied. This life membership gift•wa :from Mrs. McNee's family.. It. was a suitable time for 'this ..to be presented as Mrs. McNee was formerly with'the Nile U.C.W. before 4100-11g to Dungannon. .Rev. McClenaglian announced Mr.•Bruce.Heath of"Goderich,' who showed'..a filen entitled` "Wherever There Are Children"..'' Mr. Heath then gage a short'talk on Children's Aid work, and. a question and answer period follow - . Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister APRIL 25th 10 a.m, Sunday. School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship;. 7120 p.m -Youth Group POINT TO:PONDER Jesus said, . "Not everyone, who I i says to me `Lord, Lord', shall enter . the Kingdom' of '' heaven, but he-who--does--the- will •of -my Father, who is in heaven., HURCHES SUNDAY MASSES ST. JOSEPH'S KIN -,G r_F 8 A.M. and 11 A.M. ST,. AUGUSTINE'S ST. AUGUSTINE 11 A.M. .angside L-A-NGSIDE-NWS 22 young people attended the Y.P.S. Meeting' at the home' .of.: Mr; and Mrs • Bob Mann on Sun day evening. In, the devotions Carl Dore' read the Scripture and .Cliff' Mann gave the meditation. John Visser led in prayer. . Henry Wybenga 'received the offering. The :.next meeting will beheld at Mr, and Mrs.. BobBregman's, in two weeks The Y. P. S.:decided :to aid .in\the church service' 'on ;Mother's Day, May 9th. The. meeting was closed with the • 9ene diction.“' Lunch was served . ' . Nancy, de Boer thanked Mr., and Mrs:. Mann fir-havrng-the-rn:e'et±ng; • ANGLICAN CHURCH UMW NOW AREAS PARISH ST. MARY'S,' LUCKNOW 9:30 A.M. .' . The Rev; R� Odendahl Rector APRIL 250! EASTER 2 St, Paul's 'Ripley 9:1.5 $:tri. Ascension Kinlough 10:30 a.m. St, Peters Ltreknow 11:45 a.m. Church School — 10:30 am.'. St. Pauls, Dungannon, 3' p.m. • 2nd.. and 4th Sundays Grist. Church Port Albert 3p,m ,;' • '1St,. 3rd and '5th Sundays' LUCKNOW` CHRISTIAN REFORMED. •.CHU.RCH V-antempv Pa tor' • ' Services: � :0 a.t i, English' 2nd Sunday l uteir 2:30 p.rii, English VISI'TOR'S WELCOME ' Denominational Radio Broady cast, "'he .lack TO God Hour"' every Sunday: cJCg '(Stratford)• :p rni., CFOS (Owen' Sound./ : 0:00 OM Vlrs_._ otilobertso 's Easter. S . eaker;. A.M:SERLEY •NEWS Mrs. Wm' Wiggins thanked'Mt.' Heath.for his interesting .frlin and talk. Mrs. R. Brnidley.conducted., a."Kinds. of Soap': contest :This,. ;was followed by a reading entitled 'Just to be•Tender".' ' Mrs: Pollock, thanked' the. Dun • . it'1 aMrs .. *;,Reed said a few words, n, reply. lugustine' �1ect Nevar Officers •'Kin-ah.tin`- ' J . R.R. 2 Lucknow Phon•: Wingham'"357-19$7 ;SUN' LIFE ASSURANCE .. The April meeting of the C. W. L. was held on Tuesday.., April 6th in St.. Augustine Parish Hall Mrs. Hickey;was In the chair and Ft. ' Cassano 'opened . the Meeting with `prayer. 'Mrs. yr -h. Redr.nond read the correspondence and reminded the" ladies of the ' Convention' being held/in Windsor on May 18:and 19th.. She read:a letter of thanks from Clem Steffler,:.•Principal of St. Joseph's School,•:Kingsbridge: for, the. prize .'donated .to the :excur- sion:'bingo. °1r. Cheria a•lso.'wrote' thanking the ladies for the dorm,. Ilk tion` of money.'sent to hili? -in: •Peru. at Chr'istn as. He ',also told..tis • ' about :some of his work that he ts— doing in Peru. Mts. Van Aaken-reported on the treasurer's report •The,election of officers then took place.,; with the following ' ladies accepting';these positions Spiritual Director , Fr Cassano Past/President , Mrs.:Joe, Hickey; President', Mrs. Emma Franker; lst Vice 'President , Mrs Mary •Kinala,n; 2nd . Vice President', .Mrs. Jean McInnes;' 3 -rd Vice President.; Mrs.. " Catherine Van. Aaken S.ec - . retary •, Mrs.. Mary' Boyle, T;reasur er,.:Mrs., Nancy.: Stapleton. `Our cogratu:•lations to, the' new executive. Fr.. .Cassano gave: • praise t0: the 'good 'Job•.,that. \trs..'„ Hickey has done for the past''2 years as President. The inieting , , closed with. prayer,.' �:' The U. C, W. `.meeting, was, held' in Pine R ver'Church on Wednes _day .evening. Mrs.flelhprr.•.WL1-T son and Mrs.. Bob Courtney were conveners -for this,Easter rpeeting •with:the Therne .- "Go• -After-the singing gf:1.4ymn Mrs. Wilson and Mrs:,:'Courtney read'pa'ssages 'of Scripture, verses of,devoti'on; and prayer.. Mrs'. Bertha Scott. sang a :lovely'solo ' entitled - '':Follow' Nle., Mrs, Bob C ourtney introduced the guest speaker for the evening lvlrs'Don Robertson, from.: Purple Grove,, who gave: a most inspiring Baster rn'essage,'in her :usual pleas- ant manner, She was thanked and presented with a gift or, appreciation by Mrs. Leonard . l ey.,,anbehalf of tI e -la -d -i -e -s_../...:. Following.. the ."Worship Service the 'business. 'portion was conducted by the president'; Mrs i,iarion ,Lowry, The roll call was answer- d byficin a frien.d:..a i d`:..rrat oma' Duce her It was announced that there .would be a bale prepared so the , ladies are:asked' to leave: donor tions ;o'f gond used clothi,(ig in the Church basemen] bountiful lu'r c.lr waS servt ' after the cl'ossing,of the titeetxty� THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY HELPS THDSE WHO ARE ILL WITH: CANCER ND It:NEED OF ASSISTANCE •TRANSPORTATION TO TREATMENT CENTRES •'DRESSINGS •PAIN,RELI'EV1N'G DRUGS •HOME AND 'HQSPITAL VISITING . •HOME. NURSING 'SERVICE e HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE., -: -LODGE---At4 0ivin UlAT1-0t--_ • DIVERSIONAL ACTIVITIES. HE 'CAMPAIGN IN LUCIcNOVV AND' AR E • .WILL" -BE :APRIL: 15th TO APRIL' 3Oth .. YOU'It:'CAMPAIGN .CHAIRMAN IS ik1R$.. J. L. ,MacMILLAN!. • m`ttnit i rove'ment, .p tic:. ci x This space is donated for CO • 4 TOWI+fL, TRAN SPORT ' LiiVES' I,TD . • Oufarlr4 ',i'tiver` 13hick Flt•