HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-14, Page 13WEpNESDAY„ APRIL, •1;4ftfh,• 19?1
Many 'Fror Area.
At Judges School
1?istrict lu Ontario Association
r,('A� ricultural Societies, 'grey
gaud Bruce County.coinp],eted a,
..School for Judges dtrriri ; the past
'In 'the past month those ...iriter
with a
new home
Mortgage rates are lower',"
unit our capacity, to serve'
you with an ideal., cus,tonn,
kiutit fur -year lean .was •
neytr greater: So dont let
.that ".%Vh.ere-will-1-het-the- .
Money?" problem get you.
down. Hand it over to
andi'n xpt rte who
have bp. hind' .thehi er
eighty years of -experience •"
• in .:tailcor. ing m itgages to
indiyidu,<il needs.
Solve .yoir•problei'today.
'at Vic'toria, and Grey,.
TRUST .CoMpANV s.rNct• :1.eee ••
,Lealand. Hill:Manager
Elgin and Kingston Streets
Goderich 2 524-7381
,ested; in' Judging at Fairs attended
a school in Hanover town hall.'
Courses were taught in judging' .'
hay,,, grain, frutr flowers., Vege-
tables„,„ iivestpc ,
egetable,s•,••livestock, baking and
st'w iit,.
3.1 1<e Alton , 004410 -Mum
;� lto l
Oliver McGIVrles took tiie• lay...,.•
grain, fruit'•, •vegetables and -'live-•.
stock 'judg ng•. ` Othar Brooks.,.
., ,
l3urtoti llod;gins, Ken Altoit,,
AustinMartin• took hay , .grain
,and :vegetable judging., The
„instructors for these courses were.
Messrs' Bolton, Stanley
and Reeves, 'all from the Ontario
%De'partMent.of Agriculture and •
.food, •',
Ladies, from, :the area who attend
ed and took courses in fruit, flow,-
ers,,:vegetables;; baking and, Sew
ing were Mrs. Russ Phillips. Mrs..
Bert Alton , Mrs. Burton l lodgins;,'
Mrs, Joh>ti 13ushell•, Iv1rs., Cecil ,
llollands, Mrs. per t._Mason ', Mrs.
'Waltcr••Farrell, Mrs. Dari t'1clnnes,
lilt's. Alex kiaGkett , .I 1rs, Howard
Thompson, Mrs. Wirt. Arnold and.
I lrs, Olivier• McChar'les, ; Sorne
took a • few courses .and some took'.
all••.tbe subjects'offered...
:1'h,ese•courses were taught by
ly, Reeves, IvleNiell,: all from the
Ontario Department. of Agriculture
and Food
The, course• was. *cry successful•.
With4S people• for tic first two'
weeks and }a for tie last
-')'he-r-e-s-hott:•l e beta—e xhiiii+
ors , Dircetors• and judges' in-1Dist-
ric't 10 as' a result '
Mrs. Oliver .h4erCharle's , wrttr
the assistance; of Mrs:. Reuben ,
.Schaus'a:nd Mr, John•:rr1 hipsOn,
N1rs,, Cecil•llollandsand Mrs.
Elni`e-rGoleuT•i•were th-e proinoters
and arranged: for. the, course', Fin- •
ancially- it was well takeit.
care :of and a review,,d'ay will.
Abeheld in October to iron,out
any problems; arising. at Pair
Mrs • l7Qrence Mackenzie has
returned to her home:•in Lochalsh
after spending the .winter in Wtng.-
l>:arn where she n{ses.� •
.7ss Doris' Wyl.d.s Qf •Toxonto,
spent tb'e Week end with* M. and
Mrs. Dan; W'yld's
Misses Linda and Donna Wyrds'',
of London spent 'the weekend
with Mrs and Mrs. Warren. Wylds..
""Mr; and Mrs, Lorne Luther were
recent -visitors in Rid.getown••with'
relatives, • '
John Bradley of Guelph , where
'he:attends�•Veteri•nary. College.,
spent ,a few days with his parents
Mr.. and Mrs. Eldon Bradley.
John will spend the summer in
Ottawa with the Canadian-Rese-a-t-
c.11 Cou,nc'iI.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Collins;,
and: Laurie, Janice ,.,J ilia and
Shelly, visited recently in k!lontreal
with Mrs:. Collins', sister.
Mrs'. D:av:i.d Mac•Murchy is visit-
Her daughter Mrs. Chas. Hath
erton in Elmira
and Mrs;. W, Oliver and
cit w o spell; ' e A4/.1.n
F1o.rida•,: are,holne again,
Easter. visitors with J. .N. Mac°
Kenzies..werec:Nirs . N'.. J. Macken-•
z.ie of Lucknow: and :hir, artd Aus;.
George M'acG;regor of I-1a'rliilton.•
• Ja.n'Sinipson of Tor.pnto was
how-te_for tide •v e�ekind;
•\1r,. and \1rs. George roster;of
Rodney'wer.'e•recent visitors with
Co l> t1 1`j()w r c ;
, Alr acid Airs George.
Leadbetter and •Barba:ra;.of `fr6nto;
spent:'the'w•eek eild''with•N:1rs.•
Colili 1\1acGre•gor..
Ca tin.e lacU nnan oaf Strat.- .,
ford .wa.s'.J1oh ie.for'•the wee•R.end.
:':'The, wartit weather of the: week'
:end produced the `best •ru,n of ,•
n ple sa.p'this 'season.:
ItflNlf I�111 IIINilIN111 if IiEll1N 1L IIIN,II.IEIiINII)t•IiINILI.NiIINIIIUl1IN��IEII1111.11111111111
How dam you want: gout:
•Atyour CO-OP you can: have your Nitrogen.
any way you want it. Just talk to the Crop'
:Product Specialist, and discuss. your •
requirements with him,'He'1i advise you,'
qua. mmonIa
• for corn.side dress, or pre plant. With3' ta4" depth.of
application Nitrogen rs available when needed in the early .
stages of growth Convenient to use. Custom'
application services
for•sid'e dress br•pr`e-plant on corn• Apply it yourself.of...
ask at yqur Co-operative aborit custom application ,
to •meet your requirements:' •
for top di,aamg.fall
wheat• hay,•pasfure,
corn. and corn stover
CQ.=OP spreaiiers•• .•:
available for•either
Own use. or cus ohl .
'spreading .
Third.. abtlt it.
When yott play•'tennis,. you •
'•wcar;tennis s.hoc,s.wken c�u:wa1k;
,you:wear g ood wal k i n•
Shoes. A'nd wheii you
WOr ` you •Vet[1'.propLr.
-too w'eat for. (.011f(1
t+vd._pt }te-04(- i
Take.a.gobd look at.your
shoes.' Make sure ticy'•re
not g ettin r.un down at;the
Change fray in lac
heel.. Cha ge y g � ..es:
And.chc6k,.thc soles•to'see
ttit tT' �e in rood cot c it on.
qy �
Sul„c.,fo.titwol,k'b�,��1�', with
ence, t •watiktt„
"oi?Wctrkntett"s con%pcnsatic t1 Barrie' '
`ii ld tttet " /�ssocitltic�nS. (�nttific�,
li} iitiilloi.111111,1110111 I Irl,■Ifl�ll �III�IL' Ili�ll{�Ill�il1 114�II;I�IIIAillaflf�lf I IHS:
Airs`: Harold Bannerman pres •
'ented the new slate of,officers
for 1971=197.2 -'and. were installed . •
.by •M'rs,.•Ron•.Thacker ”
.Presid'eni, Atrs;'•Clarente
PHONE $,q,41,212.5 _
"everything,/ you' need for "everything" you grow:
111R'..I.• HoIdAnnu�I
lnstal' .Officers.
Si-1-u.e like Women'sins_t tate : -le-y;-.1st Vice Pres -lvls. G10.,
held their• annual' meeting at, Mrs‘; ,Haldenby;, 2nd;Vice Pres. , M's.
13111: llod Tins horlle; T•lte Presid ' '
� 'Harold'' Bannerma f1; 3rd •Vice. Pres •, �.:
•ent Airs: Jbh.•n;,TAiodgins opened_ the,
. -1\4s :--1� y-St-a-tole-y.;-�Soc-re-t�ary-Tr-ea s..
'meetingwith the Ode and, Mary,::•
user Mrs, Ehison Hodgins; Asst:
Stewart Collect•. Ro11 call wasSecy •Tr.t~as.. ; i\lrs. ,Harold Banner•. ,
answered with the, payment of .
• • ri=Tan,—Dl�trlot;-1�LCe.C.tO.r:�_.MrS
-fees. '' , John Hodgins; Alternate District
The guest speaker Mrs.Mort an Dir
rector, Mrs. Clarence:/Hedley,
Johnston was introduced .by Mrs. Auditors., 'Airs,. Ray' Stanley,. Mrs.
Glen Iliaadc'nby Mrs.• Johnston Bill .Hodgins; Sunshine Committee;
demonstrated the• Making •of a Mrs.:,WilliamStamey; Press
Trost -flower, candle usit3r-acedy
iRepOrter, Mis., Cordon ,
glass ani eolourcd cotton organdy
;Md eDorlald, Pianist, A1rsv Tames r'
Airs Glen `Youi g thanked Mrs. :;\1cEwan, •Mrs..Horn r •,Devitt•,
y '•Johnston• and •presented her'with a
_••.. ,Iv1rs, Glen Haldenby, Branch Dir
lift:. ectors, Mrs. lion Stanley, \h's.
' It was decided to have a, var-' • James'Lizrnore ,- Airs. ionald..
iety concert and bake sale the. : • Thacker
•da'tc to he decio,ed later. Mrs:
u, Converters of Statiding Coltiiilit=
Ronald 'Thacker reported on the
p tees; Agriculture, X1rs. CYle.n '
, ' District Directors mectu g held _Youn .; lndu'str_ie.s_, 1rs. Ed hurt
Bushell`; Elistorica I.Reiparah , . vlrs.
Keith. Kerslake;•.Home Economics,
Mrs.•Willia ni Stanley;• health
Ivtrs. ,Harold •i3a.lnnerinan; Citizen
ship, :Mrs, 61e11414aldenby; Ed.uca-
tion, Mrs. Flay Stanley; Curator,
Mrs. Clarence 1°1.edley; Resolutions;
Mrs. James McEwan; Public Rela-
tions, Mrs. •.Cordon MacDonald;,
Current Evertts, Mrs. James Mc
at Bervie
The short coutse "Pashio
Cues ,for YOU" will be held' Ma.y . .
7 from 10 a, mo to 4 p:..m'. Rip- ,
ley Women's Institute wilt:be
host;. • The' has trip joining with
Purple Grbve 'W J wi11'•be 'May
4 It was'doeided to make out
, the 1071-1072' pr'og'rams April 27..
Annual 'reports were given by the .
Standing coininittee oon'veners.