HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-14, Page 8PATI EIGNT� TH. LUC.KNOW SE,NTINEL,,;LUCKNOW ON,TAR:O for tafetgs Sake ItT US' CNfCK... Driving in the, ' rain is difficult. •. Don't 'add``. to that with worn window wipers which impair vision.: Come in...soon,for a complete checkup of your car. It may save you. See through Rain i 5 HOLIDAY IN: CALIFORNIA Mr. and•Ms. Gordon MacPher- son and: Mrs, Keith;; 131ack are . 41 idaying in California. While . ;there ,, they will, attend the 50th wedding anniversary f '1rs ..' 'Pherson's aunt and uncle. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Gardner and farm '1y of Luc an Were holiday, , visitors with Mr.xand Nits, Jirtt. Currat and :Paul. 90th BIRTHDAY Congratulations. to Mr. Win'. Rptherford on his 90th• birthday on: Thursday • Carol Webster,-isa patient in. ' Victoria •klospital; .London where she, underwent surgery fast. week. Eleven tables enjoyed •the' Shoot Party on Tuesda;;y evening High' prizes went to Peter Jefferson and. Mrs. Gordon Struthers withconso la•tiot prizes going to Win.. Caes'-: ar and Alex .Leaver.. The travel- ling shoot :went to Frank•1'Mlewhin-: ney 'I'he next party.. is•ort ,Thurs- day ,. April• 15th with ;a pie counter:at the,conclusion.'' Garry Garnniie'of the Yukoii is victtitig with 1Y 1r . and Mrs .: R+4ss Gamr ie and Lore;.. Mr and'Mrss.'. Joe Murphy', Co.l•. leen , ,Diane, and. Shawn of Strat- ford; Sheila and Sandy of Mouint. Carmel visited..•on the week end th their pare ilfred McQtillan,. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14th, 1971 PLPSODENT TOOT "REAUTIFLOR" LIt B'RO1V0. SELTZER, COLLATE BRI;G�IT Reg. $1.19 _ PASTE, .eg. 1,G9 99c. iUID WAX, 52 oz'. • oma, 'Reg:A'1 SIDE SHAMPOO, ; _ 91_c;" 59c $1.23, I.D.A, MOTH KILLEI L.ISTERINE, R;eg.. $:1 Reg:.. iLgRUID SUNGLASSES ALL STYLES • RESDAN, Reg. $1.59 =Y 1:99. 'union Leave • Barb: Hanniton•was champion for the girds with a high single of 190 and a high double -of 328:.. Jim'.Ritchie was cha.mpion'for the boys with a. high•single o.f. and a high double, o•f 406; Teat points: ,Life Savers 5•',' '.Wagop: Wheels 5, Chiclets• 0,..Pot - to•.Ch.. 0 _ a ips , .. . Te T, am standings:, Life Sayers; 70' Wagon Wheels 5: •Chiclets,46 P.otato Chips, 26. The Banquet is:,on .Friday �. the .16t -h- t tare-L-u;elg Rainbow Leagu± High single Was rolled by, • Margaret ,Anti Wilson with a: 280 :; High triple .went to Joy Dennis with 632 Games 200 and ,oyer:Margaret Wilson 280 ;:;:Marie Stewart. 279 , Ruth ,jardine 245", Barb Sanderson 242,•233 ;Joy Dennis .241, .2,10 , Rena 'Forster '239, Mary Lou, Barger $ar�er 233 , Dianne Carter 226 , •: 206.,•'Kathy Gibson 226; Armes', Wisser. 225,,. <a.y. - Craw £oxd. 225_,_ 206..,Anna: nay o nsto 223. n J m.points: An na`ohn t Tea n J .. son: Blues 2 Eileen Lavis' Reds 5, Ka hleen 'Forsters 'yellow.s 2 'Ka n'w.'Bo Crew -ford. Violet .Dennis':' o. wlin,=-Jy Alley' at: 5.30 p'. m ras B$:JrijSch�du!e April 7 and• 8 found the Luck now - Dungannon Bowling League closing off the season -with a bang., The Cub's took the ''A" group. Are To ,championship, with 29 out of 35 points. tongr-a-ttr-larions l Oranges 7; Kathy Gibson's Greens Team stand :,' Oranges :24, Violets 17, :Yellows 13 , 'Reds 12, Blues 12,'greens .6 el Kings Carrot w1er: The high triple lady of ,the ,•week;. was' TrudieNels nwith a. won:. Lettuce 5;A Turnips 0;-Potat.= • The Town and: Country..League. 'fi std K eir season. with three teams very'cloSe:. Team pointgl • High single of the week went to. :Jessie Joynt who`'rolled a 276' gamew. -- Other ',top Other',top lady bowlers in "A" roup w.ere Betty McDonagh 255 Trudie Nelson - two games, each 243, Cora Thompson 232, Ferne MacDonald two games. of 231 and 229. _ Bud Thompson shone fol T_e' men with two games of 275 and .250 which:'along,with his' first gathe gave him the week's triple also of 740, k • -.Bill_ Steva rt bow led_a 251 • a me Standings were as follows—Cubs 29 ; Tigers 20, Beavers 18 'Wolves ines.16 Coons 13, Squirrels 9. • For "B'' group the 'Zebras carne u . _ through With 24 points for the trophy.. • Mary Cleland had, -the wee`s -triple of 567 . Clarence'Greer:rolled 681 triple and Waiter Arnold' the Meek's single of 2$5 . Clarence Greet bowled' ,a, 284 gamey and Cato MacDonald See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. s To vague PIay-o' Congratulations •to the :Opa11s who'tool< first placc in:the''Play-. offs'. High.,bowl r of.thc evening was Jeanr.Phil.lips.with a 242 single, a &5 Gaines of 200 and oyer,;' Jean -o-'es-5-•-and G•aitzots 0 _ itthe-season_ tearil standings: are• MeI King's Carrots .73 , • Henry Carter's Potatoes '72, Clarence Bell's Let= Ince 70 and Jack Campbell's' • Turnips 55: High lady of the meek' was • Anna Dexter with a.•197 single and a 372.double. • Ialo-'ian 17ad high single for.- the rrie•n of 207 and tied with.. Wal- ter -Dexter for high double•with' a 366. The banquet will be held -Friday,. 'April 30 at 6.3:0. at the Lucknow will be open bowling for Town • and Country club, .same tithe 3;30; The "B" ,group standings are • Zebras 7.4;, Lions 21, kangaroos... 20 , Ch iprrtu nks 1^ , Co.ph er;s '12,.,: the• pole Cats Yl.: Congratulations to ail " rinnets' ee• you ail on. A:pri1 1 "til r .for the year's Wind-up festivities •' • 'Phillips 21.1 , ‘4.:`1 '2, ,,' Anna rtirncy 226,, 1: crbt, Nth c'Dona ld, 210 , • .202. •ta''tati Canibe11 '..'u.,.:,.ta'', GFart'ii.'s 2;:3..8 Mildred 'Cameron 201; lean Johnson 208, Gracy. .• Elliott.21x Marion Mackinnon: 20.3.,. '204. . TeatrI'o i ints::Cat ne... / • Sclunid''s.Di.irnotr.•ndsi , _\sarins ., Creer s.pcar .,, U 1.,1a\lt Llunt rr''s•Or , 1sH-, 1Tc•!1L �1ok's +I'1111.'t� i, .11i1clrcd�C.i{ �croti ,. S lfl I, Ik L, 1rtidy Ici{ari's: f nic�:ralds '1't' im standings: Ovals Rubie.s22 Sa p phires 20 17 ,, hiannortds 14Pear:1s • :I Iopc. ,to See.cvcrbocly tt till batiil.uc t,. Ails 1%c•ali 1' it sli 1Ii111, 7 p..lii: sharp ,. Monday'. . Apri.l.• I�tt1i . Jf CQPILA'N.o, 11:Features :new Electrohorne Total Touch Tuning Press a button, and picture Ming crs1'zy7.__l iEn i t tuatic.ally;,.._.,._` ... e'Rig 25TV screen with 6 -year wart. ranty •plan. �. Two..speak,ers, plus Ihstavu u,rifotf' e Superb natural walnut teilcraft'cabi"r et lil•ic cl.'fir quick sale. 44444“4444“4444 4444410 414W 44.4 LUCKNQW' PHONE 528.3112