HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-14, Page 1• • , • • $5.00 A Year In Advance —52.00 Extra To. U.S.A.„ sin910,---- „ y , . „ Messenger ,Group Tour The Lu/cknow el The.,Messepger„Grouii from • , Lite.know",C"nited-Chtrch visited The..LtiohnoWt..Sentinel.on NIdnda>. of asi• week 'and, keeping in line •• •:with their.studying..of tion'mw.,th.c.'15asits.Of al:Weekly newspaper operation. Pictured left to Tight ,. as they watchlinotype oPeratoC'Tony'./ • JOhnsione. are John McIntosh, • Na ny' Thompson • Debbie Bolt Paul Finlay Dohnie`Greer, Lori NteKini, Kevin Bolt Greg Gard= • • • • „ . .•. • her, Pamela N cIntosh, Billy Gib InstrUctor.S of the MeSSenger . Group , .3\irg.....ErneSt•Ackert and McIntosh, ae.:conipanied. the,,children'on-the visit to The • West awanos Takes Initial Steps To Form Recreational Committee In Twp. °Meet -With Reps -Of -Other Municipalities •.•Thc April session:West; WaWa ..wei.e read 'and:adopted On.. trldtion. nosh TOwnship.cou.ndil was held: •of Councillors .Aitchison And .Durtt- oit'Tilesday ; April (3.,.at the • in... . • • • Clerk's. hornwith all rryembers'... • ill:Attendance. Reeve Lydns. pie's-. • • The •Nta,rch Meeting minutes. ,.13y -Law 7, 1071, lcyying.a 'special rate on the East half.of •;CONT1NtiED ON PAGE 7: '‘ • William Rutherford of St Thursday April 8th. ••• • , Fie is the son of ,Iittgh„Ruther forq,and'Elizabeth Durnin. He • 'was bon on the farm a.few miles ....West of St lielerts';' where he now w-iththrs•-wiferrt-ht-Ior-nier---• Etly•eI Maepherson,.and theii'• soh •JOhjk. tre has two other sons ,Ilugh of ,Kinston and Grant ' of baiSsa; five grandchildren arid Mae did in a car accident a, itunthr of ears ago. : • •RutherfOrd 'has. ot*er_z •of lielorare , lit, still enjoys fairly godd .,lic,alt11 and is quite interested:in the allairs,ofthe community. • ):rr , ay warzeTchrated7 \;vith"Opc'qi 1fotis6" being held in 1•Aic.know-dp Thursday afternoon at • tile home of his niece Mrs, Bryce 1 lli,ott i nd Mr. , When. Sixty friend's and relatiVes •,.o1.11cd to extend congratillations And vood wishes to him on his, hirthda.y. `4*Lintily dinner' parfy waslield at tIa Lo, Galin Restiurmt.that 4 C. BIRTHDAY •••qt,'' • • • LETTER. TO ?HE EDITOR Bruce Constituents Favour Controls As e�nsOf Ottawa , Lucknow Lucknow, Ont, o ution April 5; • ' , . ;.• FindsOId !tents-, ApartmentIn 111./011 Reg Jones Of.1.4ieknoly uncovered sOm0••intereSting items pertaining to the early history' Of the village when, remodelling the upstairs Of his residence abpve:the Pro Hard - Ware. • ••• -An assortment of old bottles,a irea.1 find fo'r •any, collector , were all tiriepered in the 'wall of the apartment, A Catsup bottle • , dated 1884 and a "Hop Bitters" bottle, for, almost any akin -tent and dated 18'72„ gives some idea of the, length of time the bottles have spent in the wall, • . Lucknow was only 14 yearsold. v./her) the Hp Bitters bottle was • The name on One, of the bottles was T W Grant Jefferis:;sticces- or t0 J. S. I. , c:herpist.and Druggisf,,N1edreal Hall,' LucknOw. Among other things ,found were. the •lid 6f..an•old tea pot a stirrup, an old pair 'of, glasses Which are ri lit .in st le again ,;larap wick holders, 'pills for the blood and an . . ocial Evening resentation For Ars. M. Donaldson A,social evening was held at BroOksideSehool'on•Saturday, April 3rd to hdnot•UMrs Mat]ddi - Donaldson prior to her l'eai4g the edfnniunity. • Mrs Donaldson, proprietor of the General Store 4'Lines on the lab Colic isilon Of 'ASTiffeld-1-6t,a number of years., sold the business in January of this year to Jirn Arn- old •gr' Lucknow,with the new own ers Mr. and Mrs: Arnold taking ' • Dear: Don: • '• - • A coT1eof mOntlis ago; I sent out 15:,5,00 fornOetters to My. : Constituents, giving some 'infornia tion as to whathad been going on in OttaWa• lately. At the en&of the -letter' 71: that we in Canada Were caught in a cycle involving tither •over 'the 'first of• • . • -The evening was spent in cards followed by a program during • Which.oitVin Reed read an address of -appreciation- td, Mrs . Donaldson with best Wishes to her in her. . retireenent. A chair, tre&-larrip and two•rugs were presented to the guest of honour, on behalf of the Comintinity ,-1).y. -Andrew Ritchie, Wilfred Hackett., ,Ivirs.' John How ajd Frank Alton and Bill Andrew -unacceppt.ble inflation-arTon the - other hand,•an intolerablT EPO E2 Mrs.,,DOn4ldson expressed her, appreciation and hirich, Was; Served G 1 " 1 1 • • SI 44 v 7.1 ' • • • • • / • TO ASSIST IN INDIA: . rant $250 T� • urray Morrison • • Murray Nlorrisori, 20=year-old . • • son of Mr and Mrs: 'cordon:Mor- rison of West WaVanosh Town- ship,.HighWay 8(), three milas east Of Lucknow,, Was granted ',$250 at Monday's...Ft-jetting of Lucknow Liois C•1113,, .• Last week's, Sentinel 'carried a • story 'about NIurray's planned sum- mer work near Lucknow , India with Canadian.Crossroads Inter- national. He will join with other.. •young people across Canada .to..; assist the indian people at the Oting.Parrrier's Institute near' • Lucknow• • Murray will.rec'eive.no pay:for . 'his. work in India, only living. ' • ' :expenses.. He is required to pay $50:0 to the Crossroads org,aniza-. tion as part of the expense 01....‘":...' sending him to India'. In .addi- , he F1-bresp�nsrb1e other expenses before and during his tune abroad.... .o -Tetrenfus cionatiOn of -$2570.. •by Lucknow and,„District Lions Club: is: an exeellerit: startinhis attempt to raise' money from local interested groups and.indiv. •••*•••••••••"••••••••••••••••••••••4: • * * • • .• • .• • „. LETTER TO THE EDITOR', • Stationed At Port, iIIReturnFor ._ • • I isit Shortly 204 coalway•Rd., 1\lerry • WolVerliainpton,W\q:' 7N1-1„..England„. • ' . • . • 28th Match 1971- . • Litckridw. Seniinel. • • / I)eay Sir- ••• During 19:10-43, I Was stationed at the R.A.F. ,Port Albeit during' • ' -W-Titelftint el -spent; many.'Tiappy hours in Lucknow Unfortunately, 4. • • over the last 27. years,: I have lost cOntactwitheVeryone rrrLuckiiow Can yciu•help r-0 to trace anyof CONTINUEI), 0.N PAG • TO HIR.g 16 NEW TEACHERS rct es 3 to • • . • -NI,T-Frrbtrs7ilf---the.-111-1-Foil 136.a rd oi--- • • • ' .NIRS. WARREN 2I .;-I-NN---.7--- tion--tviro-dernot rteci'v. t it (..Ould . neetino, Eddeltion. eVe,to Monday after , . • , • . . . • C 0 l'OARD PEPIZESFNii‘TIVE very wellbCcome.the.future w.eI= noon gild ninL agreed . • • arc recipients and chronic law 'i,,' • provido a special education pro- . five secondary schoolguidanc 'e ,. • . • f!, i•-•alti throughout the, County he- teachers at $54 ,00; and tree ,0h ( CONtINLIED ON PAGE 13. ' . qinfino this'fall.. The full prot ; elonierttary school 0,uid,ande•coun- ..- ,. . . g,r.ant.: would cos—VOt T.,00, tor 7--tr'.oi.at $4.• ,.... . -1,•pltacn, the year 1071-101,t , It ca 11.4. for. tion during. the after 110Orl 8C.Sgibil, uron Count • MeSSages-of congratulatiOns, were rcceiVed from his sOnslingh and Gratit,who:were attendl. Prinic Minister Piertv Trud- . eau :Nluiray C;anni'M.P. i;ithd a scroll iron, the PrOvincecf C•Int,'-• • ", • • one snrcrinte 'Mott t;; pointed up, the fact that .ithnie • ; .a.salar,y $4.1.„900;,one psych6k,: Children have special learning. 04st t$11 1„ psyL4110,11;iet handicaps Whichtari only he over it it $10', 8 00; oPe ,reisped ia 1 read Cfl101> expertrilrthe fiCfl of Mg Specialist for secOndaty's.chools edticatiork! These -handl t$lotsop,; three..sp.eeeh, • • r•L.Ips can in&ltide,s6ch thinsas Per therapists for the; eicin•entqy ceptuallprohlerns, schools at $7 ,800; th,r,oe..,s,reeia4tal difficulties„. inotOr .cOntroll. learning d i 111itic pL i.i 1ist fOr trblibleS 0. etc, •It wai.'stated that.. tite,gletnentarylchddl.S.at,0$.800; persons in need.of Specia1.0,duca4 Died In Hospital Mrs': NiarS',, .COoke of Lueknow passed away in Winghanr \and. • 'District llospita I bn Nlnday , Aptil•12. She was 83:o: fheyremains Tested at • Ketizie Memorial Chapel, Ltik ,now n TOsday ,evening with . , funeta4 'service .ta king prate at • • .