HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-07, Page 19it WEDNESDA Y, APRIL 7th, um THE .LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAO NINETE$N LUXURY - 1. PANT 'SUITSAll outstanding collection of purewool worsted fabrics new colors and models. Sizes .36, to Double or sn_gle_`:_ breasted f Reg $79.95 t9, $135.00 SPcRTCOATS Single.- and double breasted , styling plains,; checks,;, ;in all ' new colors, All ! sizes. ' • New Spring Jackets' in, stock. Drop in; and look . them over. MAZER SUIT 'The Versatile "2- way,-; suit'' wear it complete or the .coat • alone as a • blazer ' 100% pure wool diagonal' . . weave- with ' flare pants. In Navy,' Brow. n and. Gold , ' Regular $79'95; .' For $69.45 A quality 'Coat by One .of Canada's best :makers:. Cotton gabardine, completely silk lined. In Beige, :Loden, and Navy, `Sizes 36. to 46.: Regular ,Value $29.95 (lUCKNO Dress. Pants in stock to ;match sport coats if desired• Ll1CKN04,4 INDI,r1 CoN i lNU fD • ROM S'AG'E 1 hree otlterSA 11,.joinhim .in the.. ea-m--Mu-rray`hd s not n et -`tine ther. three :young people who are ern various parts of Canada. Canadian Crossroads Internation- rran-e-xperi•1nvnt--rn-cornmrrrit a, n. • volt,tat•a-ty--br;a#riza[toii--- ich• recruit's oun 7: eo le y.. gp.p. . ostly unix:ersity studentSyfr. r}ad __EO o ttt eot1ntrie•3-in rick ;: tire. West Indies -and to • ,Tlic'pa rtici pants live and 1? :: rk with stude-nts.and/or;resid-. is of the local area . ipants' Career- and life plans; and . helps enrich their 'contributions: to`their own societies The cosi of sending a Crossroad- er to another country and return . is:est.irf ated at $2,;000 00.. The• participant paysl 00 tp--wa tis-" this. In addition :he or she is' responsible trot--tra,vel,liuig expen' ses from home to•the paint 'ofdep .arta re' and back ; passport: fees.;:a nd' cost'bf i edtca�.exati-tination•as well a's incid'rntal `expenses while . a'broad'..:. Cheque out a crippled &ad today. See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. attic,la % , is part of'tlac.. global 1innllity in w.hiCh lid one is • e tllati 20 hours way, Cress_ s hclieves that rlilitllal respect tinderstandng are 'essential' edients of Irlterrjat.iorial peace dcvelopnieiit. :Coirttntrnica - is vital to the adhievement is ,e lad. �_1/ot k_c t CY1 e Crossroad's' rrtain focus. Spec, rojects have been';added but rictla`ry aiin .is to'bting .toge:th• ope from differing upi ltures riz;to .tallanc:'t 7 : _ i. o leas--n•-� • rough face to face 'irterae- ii a working; living environ .iiluttalrespect and utdcr. in develop. This 'experieii,- en' `radically alters the pa'rtic. lviurray hopes to enlist, the. aid :of interestedor'� ' aniztis' at Oand i,, 1i'idiVldtlais in thisarea.who wi11 he l p-- fi n'a t rc- -a• l ly in ' thiS -w of ii -4n other lands,. Ile reccive.S. no pay- ment ay-t'1Tent for his' service ,111 11tdi'a only living expenses whilc'the re. `l he:work'of: the:: four yonn "people going fo India. will bt ;tit tlic. Young 1 .Miters`. 1tisti•t ttc., a. division.:of Lit:craCy •1 iouse: • `1"hcy will be-si-t-it i -t -ed about stvoil in:il_cs froiu Luc know , India . The .Itisti - tiite aims .ltialtc yoniigt •faril) ers and their .wives functionally -liter- ate with special.enlphas s on tivatirr habits of modern agriCU1- It's 'getting :c lose .to Easter Please rise Easter eSeals in yoqr up- n nom- ; ; t -i- I l a �1 i1-LL1 l S f oIl':owinw'' s.'a further list 9f onto ihutor; toqhe Lions ;F ,ester Sial jlinl. Intosh, Wti ,D: Rutherford Jar'es Durkin , Mrs. W.. R•. Hamilton J • e v Hon 13ruee •Hariiiton , ,Noble Jahn Ston lv1a;udie -Fisher;.. Wayne Atkinson, Wilfred Hackett ,. _Eiatiice Dunsniuir, .Sproul, fohn Rltciiie; Fvai i eith, Donald ••' liacke.tt, M. Sykes, 'Vr. . Humphrey; Jarries,Little.,• Robert McAllister, Mason'McA'llister, Wm 'Houston , Harry Nikon : W. Barger Jr. , Robt .Moffat; C:. MacDonald , ,Earl McDonald, ,)7L,fansibn, . I.. •Prrrne).. Wilfred 'Drennan G . Struthers Isobel .I1111`er; v1rs. N. I. May ..:� ;..'.it'tlrx-'--:--.- I ltrb. 'Finnigan; . James" C, Drennan:. V. A;• Stewart tdgarCarrre,'Wi l Ai dret,w, Pen ,Mole, 1311.1 Fblaclr. feet ;h'as'been rented to weavers; rug Makers, those Whoknit es , crcie-t ; sew , • ma dolls ,, doll ffurniture, do., needle point •,;:. make artificial; fruit: and • .flowers, cluilt;nia.kers.,..and even cooks: and gardeners 'are going to :O t t-4-1' . 1;'11, Jiiii Nzlsoti, 1)on.`1'llolitpslorr, Riltlt ltatlt�r,.1.a1 11 C,arlieron, J.S Jan1- iesott, '1e ;c ti'i1"I7n, :I itvreti.= c<4 1�1a'eLco�a', Jas: 5,'rlit}l C. Car;: � Y rick, toy N1ach:ay,•Jach Fisher; c 110�rb1 ;lltiektoi, Walter ,,il,lton, Or- land Richards 'It1ar1< )oltnston, . . 1�4rs. Jean 1lenry,Wtllia111 lrw:in, Murray will .leave : by tapir• for. • India the end 'of .May ,or eafly June, Ile and, otherniem:bers of Crossroads.will be available when nth -rex e they=�r-e>t-ti r n -t-b•-�ta�-�' et ,p iences.with. groups and individuals' in Canada and,particular"ly 'our' area . . The Sentinel 1 . ho aes to further .`. ra , and 'Iris/wc�r'yz: hear from lv•1ur.,r y near Our "Maternal Ci.y of Litt:"1�- n'ow Ind is Wm , .. untui ,rti Toni M. Anderson., .t1. Lockhart. 1Zoss T:. 1�tirriin, Barry McDon- a Ali + Russ }lrttton, J. C. C'afitp- 1, hell, Th. C. Van Diepeii, -Nicholls; [ll4ilt� .A`fton.,' Dorothea MacLeod,, Wtn,, R. 41un,'= ter., Gordon Tvci'hersoia', Evelyn ' ;Barky 11, Leo N array, Margaret `Plioi'ti son. • 'Oliver McCharlcs , tie yd,'htat'1) tival1,. Xit°s.. Wilfred a'rrisli, .Jrihii.'Crowston, R. Me ake- PIaflsFor Crafi Festuval- C:rft ''estival met Saturday evening" at • 'the honic' of Mr ..and Mrs. Wilmer 'lardy at Carlow , who are helping roniote the. Festival as_adviso. rs as Mrs. Hardyhas, been:the prom- oter of the now well known Car= Tow Christmas pair:' • There have bee na' ..11 T e riYixyPatros and-SrI-pi a otters--af--tide •Lnaltnow:1----- , t`estival to b:e held: fn the Lucklow. arena duly 50 and,51. (They:have ,helped,get the id'eab"'off•the ground''.' Space for the rent tCrafters is i iiow at. a 'Pre iiia ff., aSS o'V0t ;200 - e e • • have: the.. opportunity to sell their wares.. "Antiques will be on dis- play`putting into comparisonthe handicrafts of yesteryearand of today . There will 'be a'n old'.fashioned ice cream,patlour,.arid: d"ernon-= .. strations will take place on the spot •,• such as weaving; portrait ,painti'ng i • rug ,making , candle :making .and. Wood turning:to men- tion --a 'few. Volunteer workers are neededto.help in 'serving 'food setting up tables , selling tickets and' helping crafters find their 'space. . An open meeting will bc` held in the near future to which two representatives frotll- each organ-• .ization in and; around Larlinow s rtcrid, .asthis ftlstiva.l.wi:ll. be of benefit to all of the area; The details will be explained as. to the ftiture' plans. Watch the notice .prr}sQrr it o . -o- ate:I being prepared and will be' • available for promotion of the • `Festival by•April 20th These are to bePla'ed.in in for i a"ttit t:f.*ntres-° motel -hotels.' and stores a:er`oss Ontario and will ' bring throngs of people to Luc know" to look, see, and buy. Make platin, �kn now, for the "Lticow Craft •:Pesttval -, 'and snake tt an annual surtitne: attraction , '