HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-07, Page 18• PAGE - EIGHTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, IUCI&OW,ONTARIO R; • GRADE I NEWS •.,• • •• We ,are. back ;to, school after our, Winter:Holidays; Everyone .had -a, 'u•ood. rest,.and lots of. fun _ 'We `hop e g P. spring 'is colrnin :because today•is nice and March is • oin g out 'like:' !• .•alamb ' Me. ate forward to seeing; . .friend," f stable ' ael 'r this 1 :, G e. , i . r• oon He co afte n is in': toa- mf k 1 usand show .us -vie to a MOvie . about snowmobile safety - . 2, GRADE NEWS • . " . Grade Two enjoyed . the. skating art at the arena.on. the' Friday ' � party - f-rer'-Hol a n 1 be ore�'Wm id ys. Th �n rs goes to Mrs.. Brooks forgiving• us• a r..• ride to and from `the 'arena. ' Sorrie ' of our students have prepared and given vera interesting -speeches,' e as . wo,surprise'visi ,ors our 'room.this'wee.k:„Patti Elliott ' • brought'in two small turtles for us :' MOOSE'FACTORY CONTINUED FROM; PAGE: 1 was, arranged:, Kirtgsbridge:•stud-- encwill return the 'visit to Moose. Factory .the week of ,June 6th Upon their arrival by train, > n ToXonto.gn Friday morning:, the . . • • .. - Students ent took a tour to observe a'nd talTc•.-a.bout,; twenty bne. st d s , •S...ri. b' on'ts way! .... he r p ing must . e its y., : of Toronto, along with their. er; chaperones., teac'h'er ban Dalton, and.Mau lvlrs,• Sutherland een r •. a N' •who• Dalton,,•R g. , nurses in ;Moose Factory.. ' .The ' were 'met• later in the.day y by the students with 'whorn they • were to stay in" •Kingsbrid•ge and. St Augustine., and their chaper- ones,. They arrived b bus' in Kingsbridge ti'e for.Supper which:was •served in. the Parish. Hall .by"the ladies; of the' C. W. L. Also.'•a•t the dinner were Rey. Fath er.Cassano, the 'teachers:.and SKATING'PART1 by17ebbiellaofher 'ancients .front. grades ?and S R Care or On March 1g ;' the:Senior''s• • Skating Party Was cancelled:.due to ,bad weather;, • '1lowever;.the ' . BREAK IN by Arlene Traver On Sunday•,• March 2 1, the • •Ripley".Public: School portable classrooms were broken into. The. Ontario' Provincial 'Police investigated. and found;. three pairs. of'scissors.•whichwere apparently used to aid :the: sus ects :in enter- ing the• buildings.. Nothing, was' taken however,, and' -not 'much' damage was done ' ' • .• �A t r supper they asse nbled : inthe school'`gym for, an hour of fun and *aines`.be:fore .retirin 'to the liorites where :the were. to stay. Y umor. s.'s ate s rorn.•. ; ! to; then came back to,,the'., school fo•r. •hot d.o' s.` • The. students who; had` a child in. their F omes were; ' Mary Van • •Di•epen:(Airie)', Nellie Knoop (Tony),'. Marianne Frayne"(Gene), J a wie:n_c e. Taga.ti(Ioliri--I io Peter Vogt (Gerry),,'. Joanne ty (Clarerice),:J,oanne O'Neil (Jim),' Brenda: Moran.(Alvin),• Kathy O'Keefe" (Joe), Paul "Dalton ' (Ma.rli)., Judy Tigert_(Jacl<)'r int Rayne: (Don), Terry Austen (Wilfred),. Bernie Boyl/e (Raylnond), •A l z a t1tlX.o1 t n. C hishd r _1.R. n ard), Delores• Neves;•(Louis)' Alan and Leroy Prennen ('Henry),' Lis- et.te •Van Diepenbeek(Frank)," Sh't l Sinnott (Jim). • •On Satu:rday,•they went on a bus, tour.stopping at Bob. McAllister's Maple Sugar Operatiot1 in West • Wawa nosh, at,Eedy's Crans•ford Tarots to veWlieet cattle‘and.. pigs, Burgsrpa's Poultry Plant, ken' Hodges Mill at Dungannnon;, Montgornery rractor.:Division;• Lu'c-knt w, rad :friraily, forflhe evening ,milking at the Dairy farm of Larry Pentland, .Sunday was spent quietly••at home with their. "buddy"...' Monday tooted Codcricti•. .arid' industries there..A.far'ewe.11 assembly was held at the school 'l'uesday'inorning and at :nooil.tltc. 'students left for Midland for a short stop oiler and on lvednesclay •morning they leave on their •long. Tourney home ley train to the North, • • • .• Dan Daltoti is the son of kayo Dalton of R. 1.Lucknow., Mrs. .Slither. and''staycd,With,ivlrw and .' . Mrs,. Prank 'Rieglinq,, • 3" .a... FREE Anti -Rabies clinics conducted by the 'Can- ada Department of Agriculture, Health of:Aliimal's' Branch, in co-operation with the Bruce Co. Health Unit and municipal iovernments are being held at -the following locations 11.1—this area..; BERVIE ODDFELLOW APRIL lath 900 a.ni. to 12:00 noon.. RIPLEY -= FIRE HALL APRIL 14th,_- •9:30 a. m, fo 12.00 noon OLYROOI --- TOWNSHIP H '',APRIL 14th 9'30 ay fi fo•12:00 noon. LUCKNOW ASE iEN. O, .... TOWdN H APR1"L '14th • I:0440 pat'. TEESWATEI �- MUNICIPAL SHID' j APRIL 15tH- 1130p.m.to4:30pm., Cou WEDNE$DAX„ ,APRIL '7th, 1974 niversary • W1:11TECHURCH`NEWS: A,:h'appy event was'eelebrated .• ,wlienMFr''. an. �s.. Torn Jamieson,were pleasa;ntly r `'. • s u.prised by a 'member of their family 'telling thein' to dress up that they were taking.'themout' to dinner. ' The family had •made arrangernents `for• a dinnef to be served 'at noon. at. the .Anglican ' Church '403; Lucknow. It was here Mr. and \'irs. ,Ja.nrie� son were taken and what •a surprise, to see all their relatives gathered, togcelebrate with them their::50th wedding anniversary; • The couple were 'rn_arried in NGSBRI Mrs, Stan Doherty, is a patient,. tn. the Alc 'andra And' Marine II -o pita l •''Coderich. • • Mau.reer Dalton, who isa Reg-: istered Nurse'at Moose factory,.:• lies n, a - - Mark Dal•ton by arriving ins Kings- bridge on ings- bridge"on 'Fridaj•'w;ith the exchan-,. ge, students She will return: with them on Tuesday. Sympathy is ;extended 'to Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Vogt an the. passing of his father Peter.'Vogt, Mr NrOs p'” assed" away in.Niontr"eal on. Sunday Morning. Ile was..also a ,: brother—in-law to Franl< Sullivan'.. ,J IVa -n- sch":'' visited with relativs in Crediton on:Sunda Y• T'he `ladies are 'reminded '� f•th o e annual. meeting of the C. W; L. next.\1on h" •' 12th d-a-k�-u� ver11111.Ru • -.Advance-'ivies Photo;. Wingham at the h•lethodist Parson • - age by Rev, •Arrnstrong March :3:Qth ,.121; .Their attendants s were .Athol Bruce and 'Grac'e Scott; who; today - . are'Mr.. and Mrs Athol Bruce... , . J ;\fir a:mie.on is the son•of the ;. . r h'n'and• M s.: Jo . Jamieson and .Mrs..• Jarnieson is t•he,daughter of the late.Enianuel P Stapleton • and Mrs. St'a• 1eton-of •l luronview Clinton: After the marriage cereriion y a weddi'n T dinner was Y g r 'served at•the` bride's home'.: 'Poi -- low ihg tool-lowing this they returned to the roonr's:.farrn in East Wawa•nosh;'• g where .they lived.till June 19u1 when they Moved to Whitechurch. r. and �Vl s arnie.or ha e n i •ohs four•••so`ti s Ross `.• f � Wi 1 a nl" n J. g . of East': W.iwanosh •• Earl of :West Waw•anosh:and Ronaldo st • f•I;a a h. Ohthe li . i. e.f ri'n W, watlos , o t or 1 a 11 pee ed . �r-anti-f--t11 cr 8'7 years rs ago.' They have 11 grand 7,, 'childrenand 2 'Tr:ea't RTra:ndchi•ld -, ren. The: fa racily presented thein with an electric cloclt; caseof silve:rware, •flowers..and several •'" gifts from other rela ivies After. diener in Lucknow they returned;• to their home in the village where they found a:gift of a ina•c azine rack and lar. p• from 'the • neighbours. on their.street:,, ..A11. en:Joyed the afternoon and lunch .: was served by the fatnily.. On Sunday 'they received a hill fold for Tom•and• a watch.. -.for &Itd-ysvir::om-thetr-o-1 net htiotirs on .the, • 13caut,ifu:l'cards and greetings from Prime Minister Trud'eau,, W`nl.. Da''v,is Murray Garintacid • -Rerss-Whitcher-we•re':received, =I i —•— I t Professional Nursing Care 24 hours. daily • 'Dining Room and _Tra Service Member;-= Associated Nursing Homes Inc. Ontario Associate Member:— Ontario Hospital Association Municipally Licensed Licensed by Ontario Department' of Health MARY ;It, 'NEWBOLD, REG. . N... ` GEORGE A. NE:WEOLG, 7CDMINISTRATOR /Drawer 220 pliotie 52 2i86 , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO