HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
W.I. HoidAnrual
install Officers
The annual':meeting'and pot .
luck supper: of the Lueknow Wont
en's' Institute yeas: held iri:uthe
assembly rooms on friday April..
2. • Following the supper , each
lady presented her; Sunshine .'Sister
witha gift;; followed by the:Open:.
ing Ode :arid Mary:Stewart :collect.,
Mts. 'A .. J : Wilson 'presided for
the .rneeting, and'tli,e. treasurer's"•
report was read by Mrs. Mel,
• A letter frbm`.our president,
Mrs,. Alex MacKay, was read ,
thanking'all those who had carried,
�•n so admirably in ,her absence
three months'on account of ,
• ,illness. 'Mrs, P. S. 'Stewart and
'Mrs. O. • Brooks reported on' the
District •Directors meeting held
at Ber,vie:
The 'minutes of th,e last annual
meeting were read and the annual
reports from th.e :different cornri it -:
tees. were given and adopted•, ..:
The slate of officers `for 1971.-72
was read by Mrs.' N. J N.lacKen
zie, and• duly installed -by Mrs J'.
L MacMillan President;'airs
.Alex, \McNay; .Past President,
Mrs. Oniar' Brooks; 1st Vice;,,Mrs.
A _ J. Wilson; 2nd Vice
George Whitby;'S:ecretary-Treasur
er, Mrs. ;\lel Gree Assistant ,
Mrs . A ...J.. Wilson:, Pianist ; .lrs
Me:n'shighxriple was won' by
Jack Caesar with 706 and the high
,single by .H
,sarold Errington with
285.alnd Keith Blake°285. .
'Ladies high triple was. wori by
Ferne• MacDonald with 758 and the
high single by Mary Fisher with
Men,over •250:: Keith Blake 285:,
Ila_rold_:Erringtori-_285. 7, Army .._W11- .
son 284, . Grant Chisholtp
Jack. Caesar 262, Zeke Zeran
Stuart Jamieson '251,: Gord Brooks.
Ladies. over: 225 Mary Fisher
300, Joy,Dennis 281' 'Fern Mac-
Donald 282, 276, Irene Blake
272, Tru,die Iiielson,261, 241,'.
Gwen Caesar 258, Grace °Elliott
251, Catherine• Andrew 247,..Anna
Johnstone '241, Marie 'SteWart .232
Linda Rathweil 231.
Poii4.0woii: Cliip,iiunks 7',, Lions.
0;. Cubs 7.,, Wolverines, 0; Gophers
6, ,Pole Cats : 2; ,Tigers 5: ; . Squirrels
2;',Zebras 5,. Kangaroos 2; Beavers•
.5.,' Coons 2
.Stani`dings A Group: 'Cubs` 24, , .
Tigers 18 , -Beavers 11,', Wolverines
Wes Ritch' 2; . As:'sistant ,
D re cto-r Mfrs . .
Omar'Bro'oks; Alternate Directors,.,
Mrs. George Whitby Cheerio
Committee, Mrs. Ch,:t:les-Steward,
Mrs; Pinecrest
Mano'r Committee.; Mrs. Frank
'Miller; Auditors ; Mrs. Harry
.Nixon, Mr -s.• W :.F MacDonald,'
Federated News ;.'Mrs: > Win,;. Helm;
Institute,Directors•,' :Mrs P'.` S
Stewart, Mrs'.' Walter.A'lton, Miss
Elizabeth •Robinson; Agriculture
and .Canadian :Industries, Mrs.• .J. ,.
L. Maclvi Ilan, 'Cit zensh'ip and .`r.
Education , Mrs.' N.J. MacKenzie
Home"Economics, Mrs., S. B, r
Stothers; 'Historical Research, Mrs,.
'' Alb'et Gamrnie; Resolutions, Mts..
'Omar Brooks,; Curator, Mrs. Gar.
field'.MacDonald; Public Relations,
Mrs. Gordon Fisher:
The: Meeting closed With the
'singing of. .the:Na.tional•Anthem.
11; Coons 11 Squirrels 9 .
B :Group; Zebras 22 , , Kangaroos.
16 Lions 16 , chipmunks ,15
Gophers 9, •• Pole Cat's, 6.
Ra nbow Leagues
Kay Crawford took: the honours
for both ,high. single .and high
triple with 248 and :647
Games.200 and over Kay
• Crawford. 248 ,_:CL5 , .;Mary Cleland:_
'229, Kathy Gibson 227.,Barb
Sanderson• 227.,, Rena Forster 221,
'Dianne Carter' 221, Loreen .Alton.
220 and 203; Donalda Scott 214,
Grace Hopf 208, Tina Gardner
206, Margaret, Wilson 202, Eileen
Lavis'200, Anne., Wisser 211:
Team points: Kay Crawfords.
V o,lets..0, joy Bennis'_. Oranges .7;_.
Eileen Layis' Reds 3, Kathy Gib
son's Greens. 4;. Anna • Johnstone's
Blues 3,, Kathleen Forster's' "01
lows 4;
'Tea.n 'standing: Oranges. 17,
Violets 12, Yellows 11, Blues 10,
Reds 7 ,' Greens '6, '
Tv W N anal'
Ida Barger .was highl-ad thi
week with a single •of 187 and a
double cif 324.
For t ie men its -13111 Sproule with
a 211. single: and a 371:double.
' Team points won Carrots 3 ,
Potatoes 2, Lettuce.3 and.Turnips;
-7Team standings :." iel Kings �
rots 73, Henry .Carter's Potatoes
67, Clarence hell's'" Lettuce :6:5
and.Jack Campbell's. Turnips 55..
See'you all next week -to play
the `game from the storm week
Bow�lin _PI_a-o
'The . Fords' are the winners of the
Play o:ffsl!
Clarence Greer; •was the. top
bowler for the last night:of bowl'-:•
of this:season for the Men'
with the high ingle ga re:of 1�::,
a:nd-xhe-=high-t• Lille of 817.'
Points WOn 'Pontiacs 7,'Dod.ges
,0;;' Fords,;?, ,Mustangs •0, Oldsrno=
:biles' 6.; '•Buicks 2
.Games of 250 and •over: 'Car-
, ence Greer'316 260 ,• Don .•
Hackett 2S6; 8tuart Jamieson •
6:1•, Harvey Culbert .280 Jack.
aesar 25:3 Herb Barger: 26;3 , '•,
Harold Ritchie 258'
'Tenn standing: Fords 23,'•;
Oldsmobiles:21', Mustangs 19
Pontiacs,l7 , Buicks 13', Dodge 12
.ni.or league
Ju g
Lena Garniss had A high hysin .le '•
g .
pf 270'an'd a high double of 517.
Jim Ritchie-was•champion for,
the boys .with• a high ,single of 248:'
and a high•,double of 384,
Team -points: Wagon Wheels':5
Potato Chips :5.; Chiclets '.0 and..
« •.
• ,;Features new'•l ;iectrohome Total Touch'
Tuning. Pre's's a button, and picture:•
and color lock in automatically ,
• Big 25".''T:V screen, with'6-v.eai• war
rhty plan
• Two s.heak,er p1 1 Instavtvon/off
•, Superb natural: walnut J)eilcra:ft :enbittet,
p 1`i ced f`c.rr
c to 'k ,�ilc. •:
$44$41$44444444$4$ 44$$4$ • .4,,
L Ud(NO 'W
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7$b, 1971.•
Cfiek;- tires,,''
engine, 'align
Perkup your car it it lasts longer',
•runs cheaper! Our ex erienced' mechanics
know how to,do it, .fa r.'Up- to -date tools
help them. do it better; Drive ,right in for ..
better car care ... for better• prices, too!:
Lifesavers 0.'
Team 'stanclih!s:.I tfesavers 64,
Wagon Wheel's•;53 Chielets•s l'
and Potato Chips 2J; '
7 P. league`
Present Trophies
'Che s 7 p.n1.: Bowling:
League ,held .their banquet: on
Saturday.; April 3r.d`at the' Pansh
Ha11 •
:•• A delicious beef dinner,prepar-;
ed h `,the--AIrgl c-a-n.ladie grow
was enjoyed by all
After•:the dinner th`e .followin T:
trophies were yiv.en`oiur., Season
winner.s', were`the ' Vultures." with .
'tea lh ..playeis,Ab i\luriou(c.api , ).,.
Fred Horton , Ja ke Conley r:13i i
Hunter.,<.Wilbur Brown , Earl
Swan,• Art Yutne;.
..:I unriers U , the '."()wlti"•
'Stariley',(capt.),.. 11el ry C:�rrter.,
Hugh Johnctoi , T)on Deiirtis
-Charlie. Webs'te'r,'Alex Andrew.:
1'ndivd'ua.l trophies to l{r.h
Sin'41e. of the year went to henry'
e;aerter; high triple to lion Stanley'
'and,'geor ;e. Stanley (tied); high
season avera,�;:e to`Rot1'Staril'ey. .
aid niost.iriipr.oyed;player, henry'
• :Cong'ra,tulat;ions to yo'u, all •
c again --next se so Eta .
30 LES S
Kathleen Ma'cDortald rollecl'thi
hich siligle ,anis. of 24.4 and 'Jcatt.';
i�}:rihips the high triple of t;80.
Carnes '200 and-overath
1e& 'lacl)onaid `K1ti Jean
fu ntc;r
tri croft ,,,r, , 1:ii;i: I k fld-
.(reef 4't1
I'( i;1t 1'CJ1f1ty ',',i1ic C 1 'r .
5ap.phir.cT� ,; (,ath,4ine ;5t 1'irrtid'` "
I, iifiilioridj t t11�a 'Mae FintiterY's
Opals t'; Belle: "•-i,.
I rt cly Forart's Eh ieralds''w`,
Tera in statidifhpq 'Op,i1, ;•l,
I2uhi-es •l; , 8.a pplar,6s It;
i.P11'eta Ids 14 , 'Pearls 1•i .:l, 1)ltii'1i1aiids
Sint eyrE° rt't:'1 ,w . ' ilial
1n(' fel. " i
• Lucknow:Fl a Hockey•1 c.aiir
:wound:..0 the .s ason'on.
.f� ..r
rvt,li LtoweJ edgin•s;•thcl.lr 1.
in 'Luc know ,
Steve Simpson se'oi ed :two for,
'Lucknow and ;.12a•ul11aiiiilton 1;•.;
-Assists went. to Jiff \ an-St'e-
..voort,..Paill N1tirra y and I3ar.r. ,
This season the.'1'leas la ed• '.::..
1?. y .
g C
3.0 arnc..durin.Y the , C ea..ori'=
with 14 wrn:' 14 hiseti incl 2:.tio .
•'fhe•v .scored 101, ti,oais ,a'.nd'hUd
Oats scot`ed'aga:inst''tlret1:1.
'1 tie t1`c-' :would',111<L to
titanic the Recrcatiot.r Coiliirli i�
for giving this. grot:ip p ' boys• o
ninth leo tr:iris. , also to,.thc
‘a•rents.who.brought.the hoti:. to
practice and `;ganiesanti',coo
ted all winter, a1so to the hoy_
'aid: then. wl'io refereed, all wirltu
frree of char8e; • .
`Charlie : ,blrlrra'y ., 1 Ia,rolcl c.;reC ,
and. ,Ran' Alton •w'cre in chi rbc: of
the team.. Follow ins4their plrac-
rice •session•hast'tacb liliin :
was presented`w.iIfTr. i pen. 1tid j ii
ci l set froin' the ti>a: to 11171 Ill l)C.r<,;
P'hOle. 528,3:OI,3