HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-07, Page 6THE; LUCKNOW ;SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' CONSIGNMENT, AUCTIONI 'SALE For VanEyl Brothers Saturday,, April 10 at 1 p.m. On Hwy. 9 1/4 mile west • of Clifford 20 wheel. , disc . 28-32-38-048-62-72 plate; 10 :plows;; 3-4-5', furrow mount -ed' .and__ emi-r iountedl :•.__10 „cult"- NELY & MURPHY---18-The-Square Goderich,Ontario,Solicitors . ,for ,for the Estate,, for; Lands- and Premises situate lying and being. indthe 'Township of West Wawanosh, in the County of Iiuron, and manymore items' too. Moaner and being composed. of• the north ous to list half of Lot 21, and the South half' of Lot 25, both in Con. 5, of the said Township of West Wawanosh.. Terms . Ten (10#0). per cent by. certified cheque, payable . to . the estate of Thomas Leddy, at the time of submission of ,tender . and the balance incash within t60 days: This property is• subject to '•a re- serve bid. Highest, •orany-tender not neces- FOR SALE 'BY TENDER FARM -.PROPERTY ; OF THE . LATE ' THOMAS ALPHONSE LEDDY SEALED TENDERS, properly marked asto contents, will be ac- cepted until 4. p.m: on Friday, April 16th, 1.9"71, at the office -,of DON - vators, 10-12-1415 feet; 10 packers hew and used; .14 corn. planters, 4; row and 2 row; 10 seed . drills;: 5. • manure spreaders; 1.'mix inill; 10' harvesters, , augers and ' wagons; *:silo fill blowers new 9.5 L-15" tires' NQTICE RE CHANGE IN -SALE DATE, : The sale of. antiques and house- hold furniture: for Francis H. Mit shell on April 10,, 1971 has been postponed to May . 22, 1971. AUCTION SALE O.f _200_A_cre_F'arm, 'Machinery, Hay, Grain, Antiques Will •Be Held For EDWARD ;SPEILMACKER. Lot 18, , 19, Concession 4, Kinloss Township, 2 .Blocks North and 1 Block East of Lucknow or 3 Miles West of L;angside, Store On PRIL: 17 1:30 P.M. Machinery • . Ford tractor with pulley; W6 In- ternational tractor; 3 point hitch 2 furrow . plow; ' 3 furrow M.H. plow; 8 ft. 'disc, .Cultivator; 3 section sPrk sarily accepted. TENDERS HE.PWORTH, ONTARIO TENDERS for ' an Addition to Amabel; - Hepworth Central Public School; Hepworth, Ontario, will be received, until 4:45:. p.m., •E:D.S.T. TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1971 by. the Bruce. County Board of Education ' roller; 13 run fertilizer grain drill,' Dti rip, ral:.., 4:,,bar side rake; New Idea 7 ft.'' mower; Oliver 60 baler; 18 ft: bale' elevator; . 8 ft. Intern- ational -binder-;--2_;. _wagons racks; Allis Chalmers 6 ft.. power take off11 combine; International 75 bu. spreader; New Idea 75 bu.,man- tire ' spreader; . Extension:ladder, buzz savti, chainsaw; Scales,awheel--' barrow; Steel stone boat, horse harpess, ; sap. ,pan; 5 sq. roofing; Hay and Grain . '4;000 -bales `Hay,• . S, ton &ain and corn., . ..Furniture.. . Antique. cupboard, 'love seat, trunks 3 bedroom suites, chairs; picture ' frames; jars; . numerous small items Farm. ��. Consist of 200'acres, 165 workable balance in hardwood bush. Barn 4 70' ,with good::'. stable, in pens, drive shed' 14 x 20 with '' cattle pen ow_Hous modern conveniences, water .' 'on pressure.. Farm will be sold at 3 pin. subject to reserve:bid. • ' TERMS CASH, • except on.; .farm when terms will. be . known day of sale Owner or auctioneer will . not be' responsible' for accidents • BRIAN RINTOUL,'' Auctioneer. Whitechurch ; , AUCTION_:: SALE'. P : AUCTION SALE of farm ample=' rnents; livestock, : hay and some household-effectsill--be--held for F erett Taylor, Pt. lot 39, Con. 14,, Hullett Township, 1112 • miles • east:. of Auburn on County Rd, 25 on Thursday,. ,Apri17-22-ati1 30.- ie Cash. Allan. Maclntyre; Auctioneer, Lucknow. Elgin tables were, in play at the Gard party in St., Augustine Hall on loam, AJ TF2ndT aftd-was sponsored by the. CA/ .L, 'High: pdzefor• the; men went` t. Gus 'Devereaux with second high to;Father, Phalen':; High •prize for the ladies.went to Mrs-; Victor-- rr-ington, with --sec.._ . e ond� high going to Mike. Boyl. ...,_ The dao'r prize was won by Gus. •Devereaux.. The prizes were all donated. 6y Wayne Redmond... ST. HELENS.: Mr. and. Mrs.' Lorne Webb of Goderich•visited on Thursday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Harvey Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Webb hadjust reg turned after.four-r-nonths in Florida., Sympathy. of the community goes out to the Woods family at this time in the passing of Mr. Lorne, Woods on Wednesday. of last week. TENDERS . for mechanical and electrical sub -contracts will be de- pose ea .;a e c e r- Bid_ Depository until 3:00 p m Fri- day, April 23,;1971. Lowest or any .tender notneces- sarily-accepted. SALTEIrand : ALLISON,, Architects 29 Clapperton Street Barrie, ,Ontario • Spending the .mid-term school holidays in the Barbados: were Misses Barbara •Ptizdon of. kitchen - E er, llen Fedor and Edna Fair of Hamilton er and amie ,WEDNESDAY, APRIL; 7th,, 1971. Bruce Farm Report Occasionally it .becomes needs- Y. sae .. for - fanners , to decide whether or not a, poor . stand of corn should be torn up -and planted If .the stand 1s almost a total loss, tlien it -becomes: an easy decision. If,, • on the other hand, the stand is 75 per cent of what you •expected, it, •becomes a Much. 'more difficult problem. Hrere are -some-points-to=-consider-. t- 1 It isenerall. ; known. that • a g Y late planted crop -will yield' less` per plant than an .;early one, 2. In this part of Ontario,.late panted corn has a better chance of being hit; by a frost beforeit matures. " 3. ' Replanting does not guaran- tee that the second stand will be. any better than the first. • 4. Replanting 'costs , money:. Seed, labour : and fertilizer will cost $10 to $15. per. 'acre, not, counting repreparation of the. seedbed; should it be necessary'. Will the yield increase from re- -planting -pay for e--planting-pay--for this- added...cost?. 5. • Corn plants compensate to, a considerable. extent forskips in the row. Chances are, a plant which is next'to, a barren .spot will put .up, a. bigger cob .thanif it hadbeen beside .another plant. It may, . even be able to fill ' a'. second cob: Rick Upfolds Soils and Crops `Specialist' • .ELECTRICAL•:, CONTRACTOR ELECTRIC HEATING WIRING AND REPAIRS'.. 0,00 ELECTRI''CAL •;MODER.NIZATION FINANCING. AVAILABLE LUCKNOW -Phone 528-5802: NorthHuron' CoUniyLOLMeet When hog prices are low, there is a naturartendaney to cut' costs of : feed: The Manitoba Depart- ment o : griculture .ran . some 1 feeding-testson • groups, of wean- ers to see how' long' it would take. to finish them.if various compon= ents.were leftoutof .their ration. IN MEMORIA WEST - treasured memories of 'a dear husband,' father; and grand- father, Jack West, who ` left us April 6, 1965. We never lose the -ones ,we love. For memory keeps them near Time dims the loss and :lets the Shine bright and sweet and clear Lovingly remembered by' his wife Mary, Lorne, and Joan .and. their families. •fe•: sl ra AUCTION .SALE: AUCTION SALE of 35 beef cows $11.4 grain and some household effects. will be held. for Major Youngblut, lot 32, Con: 14, ' Hullett Township, 3 miles;east, of Auburn or 3 miles . west of Blyth on County -Rd. 25 on -aafurday-, April Trat 1 ?: Terms Cash •Allan Maclntyre, Auction-. Gai Dat' San Jan; Boy • cak eer, Lucknow. eavc . Inn •CLEARINd AUCTION::SAL -CLEARING AUCTION SALE of lay, Household Effe"cts and Antiques land' ' ......wi11 heYd=f rs; ° �� o omaon and James R. Arnold,. Lot 3, Con. 11, Ashfield,' Township, R.R. 7' Lucknow:; SaturdaApr ' y�il 10'; 'at'. 1;:30 p.m Terms Cash. Owners 'or auctioneers, not responsible for ,any ;accident that, may"•occursane:la ; Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Rip - le y,. 'Wallace lilag h, Teeswater, . of London were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs`. Andrew•:Gau.nt. ,LEG INJURY Frank Mewhinney returned, home on saturday-from'•Wingharn and District.Hospital. He had suffered aileg injury in a farm.. accident.' • GET YOUR IMAM WITH A PLAN AHEAD H RPER - in-1oving-rrieniory-of . dear brother Duncan Brown'llar per who passed , away five 'years ago, April 5, 1965. Loving and kind in all his ways Upright ,and just -to the -end -of -his days . Patient and kind in heart and mind. Never to be forgotten by , his sister Helen.: 11 b bong.. � MoD lea► Stev Gleni 41 .32, TIFFIN: . in lovingmemory- of :.: our parents. Reuben. Tiffin, who passed away ' March 30, 1942 and Mary Jane Tiffin, who passed away January 25;71964. •- Nothing can ever take away The love 'a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps -them ' near;- Ever remembered 'by son Fred and daughter 'Valetta and. in-laws Gertie, Elizabeth; Russel and .Vie - tor. Vic -tor,. CRANS-TON in memory -of Isaac Cranston who passed away April 13, 1959.. I have a book of :memories With -pages adexifgold To=day T•' g ntly turn the page' And. remember . happy, days.. of old, Always remembered",by his' wife and families and grandchildren, The driver who •has to slam on the brakes to preventan ac- •cident is probably not a • good driver. Experienced.. drivers sel- dom have to take such::, drastic etion: hey. not -only -drive -with care, they ,keep a carefuleye on 'other drivers. By watching the road ahead, you can >'. recognize potential dangers. Planning ahead ' is the best way to buy insurance too. For details about • , CIAG' auto mobile coverage, call: JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW-h- Balanced. Ration'. . . 109.5 $ .9.33 No Protein 174.5 24.62 inera s173.5 11:. M 1s : .7. . No 'Key0 No, ••Key . Vitamins. 122.0 9.40 No. Antibiotics 121.0 9.58 All: the . pigs reached: market weight except the group without protein which-tweighed, only 54 lbs at the ; end of the test period:.. It can be seenthat scrimping. on protein .is poor econmy. In the. long rain, ' the 'cheapest way to save 'money on feed . costs is to reed-for=good-feed-conversion. A boar, Which . has reached'200 lbs. QUICKLY with a LOW BACKFAT masurement is the .best'way-to 'at tack, high: feed bills s Colin Reesor Assistant Agricultural Representative: Compasses point to Magnetic,. not astronomtc,-north: these 'two:'com- pass `directions coincide; in _`the Thunder •' Bay, Ontario, region." •North Huron County Orange lodge Met:recently' in. Belgrave with: a god .attendanc:e of mer? = . hers:and visitors from 'South' 11 it on. ' County Master Harold Webster : of Aubtirnconducted they .meeting.: and•Past County�la-stei John--�- H'enderson'•of.South Huron who had judged the primary lodge. re ports,: war -Pre -Rut arrd-preseri the county shield'to Re.c'. Sec.'• , Allan, Webster of Dungannon lodge who had• won the competi tion. A committee'was nanied'to rr e a ch'u'rch seirvice 1n June_ r a arrange , hast County Master'l-Ienry Patti '; son Int ro. uced JohnTayto • - ,. . of Belgrave a member. of the Huron •'Count.y Board of Education; Whospoke about. education in the... county concerningseparate. • .sc hools':a n'd the tea:chi-ng.o f • ion. lie also answered duLstioins '. from the members. Those: present signed a..card :to, be •sent ro Pass C'or,n.ty'Master;', Charles Stew ,rt ,of X13 lyth wlio 'is, in hospital in Clinton. • :c o`unty Master. Webster was named a delegate to Grand Lodge' 1n Guelpli'on May 13th}nd I rile Lunch brought an:.enable • evening to, a'close . Front 1.82-5 ,_to 183.7, the Mira- michi fires' .in, Maine and BtLrnswick burned .:3 million acres, and killed moire than • 100 settlers. CIAG .INSURAN O.OPERATORS.INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH: REPORT 'FROM CO`1JTI1I7]rD1F120'1v1 PAGE `7 ;farm vacation bus mesh Farxriets e-a•n --also. calif ar Tier tree for each diseased or • dead elm•tree :cut down,- up to •a, maximum of $«500`, The'trees have 'to be• marked by the Depart merit of Ag_r'iculture and Food, prior to being cut ;. in ,order fo be ell able for the ants • g grapts, Realize -the - highest -returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization. • SHIP•COLLECT TO Our Registered , WAREHOUSE NO. 10 CAKLETOIelnakt NTA1atO Obtain sacks and twine •, without charge from .Norm .n , a I�cDOwell HE BRUCE COUNTY BOARC OF EDUCATIT" 'INVITES 'APPLICATIONS FOR',T,HE .POSITION OF 11 TO CARRY OUT THE USUAL DUTIES OF AN AUDIO VISUAL, TECHNICIAN WITH AN EMPHASIS ON THE PRODUCTION LAND DESIGN OF P_ROJECTURALS--M IN ENAN'C:E, AND REPAIR' OF AV EQUIPMENT UNDER THE DIRECTION 'OF. THE SENIOR TECHNICIAN WILL. BE EXPECTED. .AUBURN •or 'by writ) • g, to, CANADIAN CO'' -OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED Claif`,Avenueat Toronto 7; Ontario. • Apply b - .Aril' 15 : 1971 . giving qualifications, k erience start- ingY p � >.g g q t , eP . ing date and.salary expected' to: J. -P. COYN'E Audio Visual Coordinatoit Box .i 80; Chesley, Ontario J. L BOWERS bisector of Education Chale