HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-04-07, Page 4THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCK$OW,.ONTARI9 • WEDN,USDAY, APRIL 7th, On • • HOUSEHOLD MOVING Local, and,longdistance Midwest- aernmoving and storage. For free +RStimates call Eric Walden, Wing - film, phone 357-3221. ' BOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT - on Ross St., Lucknow,_ 3 -bedrooms 4 ,piece bath, livingroom , kitchen with • built-in cupboards, utility, room. Immediate, possession.; Ap- ply . Albert Gammie 528-3104. FOR SALE a young Polled Ang- lo bull, guarantpedguaranteed breeder; :.milk -' ing machine, pump, motor, pipe- line for 12 cows, one unit Universal milker. Phone Frank Eckenswiller 357-2087. • AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley agh, Tees.. meter ':.. Licensed . Aucl ioneerr Sales of all types Phone. Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater .392.6170. ^ T SINGER 'SERVICE': 'TRepairs to all .Makes, and models;. alas ,and: Service,on nevit products: SINGER CO OF CANAD_A�. Phone 357-3730 after 6 STABLE CLEANING moving piles',. and'–snow-plowing. r machine: Sy mes with. ' � crawler" y Bros,; Lucknow, 528-5203•' or` 528-. 2608.. FOR• SALE Holstein„ bull and also : beef calves, '9 ' .. heifer calves,' .,,days to 3 months old, delivered: of 10- or more• Holstein tree in lots , heifers' or steers 400 to ' 800 lbs., springing, Holsteins and Herefords,; Phone Collett 395-2211, . Elton- Mc- , Lelland,;: Route 4, 'Kincardine: (at • Bervie )•. ' 'OR S BERG ,STABLE'EQUIP E.:T Contact Lloyd Johnston; R.R, 3- Flolyrood,''phone 395.-5390, FOR SALE - 8% foot McCormick power -lift cultivator. Contact. Gor- don Drennan, R.R. 3' Goderich. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL — is for, sale at Mel Stanley's Supertest; Umbach's Pharmacy. -and H. and B. :Discount in Lucknow: FOR SALE — 3000 bales hay and •-1200 -.bales oat straw_, Frank Mc- Quilliin, R: 2 Lucknow, phone 528= 5101., • - _ -— WOOD FOR: SALE 'hardwood. slabs,,. truckload lots, $4. per. 'cord;. softwood • $3; Craig's Sawmill, Au-'; burn, 52fr;1220. FOR—SAYE-- 1 Murray ,Wilken, phone 39515055. FO11 SALE dropped calves, .Hereford and Holstein. Alex Far- rish,- Rite, 7 Lucknow, :phone 529 - • Ripley;. f.QIR'A GOOD DEAL, On a new • or. top quality used car. Contact ARCHIE HAMILTON At W. J. Mills Motor:- Sales__: Ltd., Goderich Phone: 'Garage 524.7314 Residence 524-9397 .. BOBBY 'ORR SPCIAL • BIC PENS buy two 49.c pens,: get four 19c pens Regular $1,74 .value for 98c at The Lucknow Sentinel. MORTGAGE LOANS Free mortgage information. First. .and second mortgage • loans..- :Mort- • o hidden Charge's, Call 396=33fi ;AL)vco lta, Realty Ltd., Kincardine, Ontario, FARM:, FOR SALE north half of; lot :22;: concession 5, West Wawan 'osh, 100 acres, 10 .acres: hardwood - 7305 _ bush, 60 acres plowed. no buildings. • SUPER CASH BINGO , Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold game — winner take all,. 14 reg- ular 'games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack pot Game for slam on 56 calls or $25 consolation prize., SLIDES `TO' BE .SHOWN The. Lucknow Agricultural.Scc ety will meet -on Wednesday, April. 14th at • 8:30 p.m. in the Lucknow Town. Hall, Glen: Walden will show. - slides of his' East Study -Tourspon- sored 'by the United Co-operatives of:Ontario. 'The; public is, welcomer to• attend to view: these slides: • the -country or apartment in .town, Phone. 528.2477 or 528.2391. • .: 1 COMMUNITY YOUTH .NIGHT MAY *8th, 1971 Lucknow concert Band Dixieland • Br. ass , `Town' and Country Four WANTED WORK WANTED' ' tile ceilings, paneling, remodeling, all carpent- er work, pit silos, concrete. walls and floors. Reasonable rates, Roy. Schneller, Kinlough; phoneRlple 395-2221. Y WANTED 'T -O RENT: house, in BENEFIT DANCE ': , .A benefit dance for Mr: and. Mrs: usse -- , , . ,< .. •WORK•WANTED'— bricks, cement` hoe and all • belongings by fire] try, remodeling' g' and" repairs, jack• will;be held on Thursday, April 8th: ing • and straightening reasonable: at ' Dungannon Agricultural Hall: rtes. free 'estimates.' Wnrden Tiffin's Orchestra,' ladies please•` Howald and, ,,Sons. ; Lucknow 528 'bring lunch. :A 1 Guaranteed 'service ,.I.o all. types Complete 'appliance repairs': at'. R':lE_,_,_•, EL+E CT R1. • •Wingham .3574450 All replies to be in. by April 15, 1971,'. `or J:: W. Andrews, Auburn.'• C FO_R' SALE — 1961 Chevrolet. Im Electrical Contractors, Apliliaiices . - Motor Rewind out :: nierg'enCy • , S ervrce Pala 4' ;door, good • condition, Mech- anical 'fitness certificate. Don, ;Pa- quette, R.R., 1 Ripley;. phone 395- 24 H E .. • 5175. HIGHEST: PREVAILING •PRICES' HAY FOR 'SALE about 2,000 paid` for dead and disabled. cows bal16s. ',Donald Murray. R.R • 2 and'. horses. ' ;C.ah collect 881-3459 Lucknow,' phone .528-5100: Walkerton. Graf Stock .Removal. - ---'EASTER CARDS FOR "SALE -= One 30', x 60". barn'• Boxed. Easter Cards at The :Luck-. with'• a hemlock''frame; to tie noiN Sentinel. . • ' moved;: phone Carl Hooey 395-2881 i— - ,FOR, SALE:— shell corn; 20 steers; -1 Minneapolis Mol- .SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE FOR SALE P wet' `inti about'800.- • 900 ounds and .as power- ' KINLOSS, ONTARIO • g •. -pounds me•;tractor; Jet•Star 3:, g . X20 _heifers •about600 pounds. Donald • ed; . fully :.:equipped, 1 Overunr,-4-,— Open Days -and: Evenings Curra R. 1' Dun loin home hitch, Lucknow n., R:. g . •+ P, , furrow'plow;.3'poixet. rt • Closed''' Sunday a:m, and 529 459: •'. • •528-2125:: • . . • • District . Co-op,.•phone Tuesday 7 �p.m- Shop For Our Weekend . Spe,cials'.FOR SALE —'tw'o formal dresses, TRY.; OUR SUPER` ICE-CREAM (.one. white, ..size 10 'and one 'yellow' • CONES ' ' -size_b • ' GALLONS 85c i Phone 528-2423. ,, a CUUSTOM. SLAUGHTERING " Every Tuesday *and Thursday', Pigs and Cattle, ,.Tuesday Cattle only,. Thursday bylpm ' • BILL'S,. MEAT .MARKET -I',OIt'-.SALE-:=•-.teatty-�--automatic ;- ' •- ul feed and manure :handling'•eqp •. sand _ ressure' s s_ Ment, stabling P • . ;• Y • teins. Contact Beatty Farm Sera.; vice •CE:ntre Ch•nton 482:9561.: .. „II.IC't'UitE,. FLitAMTNG -- our_spec-, ialty; wood arid ,metal.. 1Vlaxwel1 Photo Studio:, Wingham;. James Snyder, proprietor, phone '357-185. • .Da Sal ;lar 130 cal• eaV BARN EQUIPMENT - complete line . of Acorn Equipment and Clay 111 11 FOR SALE, cedar posts and FOR SALE ----'a quantity of mixed, poles and. •tamarac, poles, up •to 40. grain, Garry oats & Herta barley,. feet,.suitable' for. 'barn timbers, Doug ' Drennan, •" R.R. 3. ^ :a....,..h. "Cla ton Alton, 'phone '' 529:7295, :. phone 529-7425. y --- - FOR SALE a boy's suit, size 14, LOT 'FOR : SALE approidmately like new .condition. Mrs. Vernon 76' . x 100', corner 'of Canning. and Hunter', phone 528-2072. Palmerston Streets,. Lucknow:" Ap-. -plyAlbert Gammie 529-3104. __TV.-ANTE'NNA'S'ERVICE ' 2391. • EUCHtR.E AND 'SH'uehreauOOT hoot -a , cattle; • good and good •water. E. sup y . Contact Jo n , r Mac e ,Card 'Party will ' be held . in' the , nan R,R'. 3 Goder. ich Bone 395 Lucknow Legion Hall, Wednesday , f P m:: -o sored ; 5197 April—;�.•at .,1:30 ::p S p p , .__ • 'by,'the Ladies Auxiliary: Everyone. WANTED' -= .Buffalo; robes, rust welcome. ' : be in good -condition, Melvin • R 13. 5, Lucknow, Ont:, ", Ben f3 • OPEN NOTICE !'roYer Fashions By Janette Beauty Shop:'. • will be...Open. on 1Vlonday, WANTED April t.—•grass for 35 head; 300 and Monday, April 26 forthe con- ;to 600; lbs. Phone Ripley. 395;5093, ,•veriience of customers:.` ' : call after .8 p.m. • FILM DAY'FOR NURSES RD Film Day; for Nurses Perth -, Huron Regional School of. Nursing;' Wednesday,: April ning .at 9:•30' a:m. Luncheon • will 'be. NOTICE • HILRAY FARMS LTD. I, ABATTOIR; HOLYROOD rovided at -the :School._and-:Confer .s, P � The best in : HomeGrown; .l)ry-•l'erl— ence closes.. at :4 p.m. :.This educa-' Drug Free: Beef: -Tr oar Fresh tional" day; •for ..nurses is 'sponsored,; Hotue Made Sausage;' Custom 'kil- 1 by the' Huron - Perth TB: and .Res lin' h, 'a ointment: •iraor ,:' Disease. Association, ::12 • g Y • appointment P t y as, • 1. •�. -. •.Phone ';i28 ?132 Wellington Street,. Stratford, Phone • -- II Huron Township' garbage . dump will be kept o 'P en 'on Tuesday after ..` p Y • The Mount Forest ' Musical :Group, from ...April 3 until :further notice, MUSICAL. GROUP ionsand ''Saturday ' forenoons• 'Repairs .and Installation. Free, SEED GRAIN FOR .SALE' R.. Estimates.' Year • Round Service, Cramm and Son 'at Pinkerton carry Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313, Col; a good stock of -No 1.Oats; Barley lect, Box -46'7, Hanover, Ontario. ' '''-and Mixed -Grain, also Registered-' - and Certified ''Seed : Grain, Grass COMET WELDERS • (180 and 300: Seeds Ho a wn 1 lfa ,_ .... nt • ,for. . ushbutton` farm-for- „ftrn gro A fa Red. • lquipme . p . amp.) compressions, ganders, � `ing;- W-esteel .'Bosco Gr-anari powe bi=n; elearie_ rods and accessories. George Mes- senger, area. representative,' R.R. '1 Ripley, Phone 395-2815. . ' Smith Roles Ltd,; London; Saskatoon. Try ' •Comet before. you buy.. • `;' Chore -' Boy Milking Parlours; si+' ' ;'r Also Complete:: Line Of Corrug-' . ntcd Metal Culverts; -;....,'6".. to 24 sizes on hand at all times; larger. P by pipe Order; Lowry Barn Supply, ne .• . Am'herley 395-5286 . lay SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS • Anyone wishingto have exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please call or write.. -This can be-done-now,aG�farrri;. r_oasorralsle;_fees . GeorgeWraith, Box 95, ' Godericli. - Phones :Residence '524=7002 or Shop'' FARM TAX SERVICE... 524-6511. resents their ` Western musical ' p --Earl •Toot_._Cletk_. With cast of 4.1, in the Ripley Dis trice High .SchoolSaturdaY', -APril NOTICE FARMERS , 17 at :8:15 p.m. Sponsored : by the Ripley Agricultural Society. Admis-; Y, •sion,',Adult $1.00, High: School, 75c, PublicSchool_50c w =__.._ The best •.returns for' your fat cattle, i, t e, a canner � cow or. aa :ft call'' Omar Brooks; 528-3839 REOPEN"NOTICE:. Beatty's Beauty Sho inLucknow' • Y Y P L.O.1- CARD PARTY ' —Dungannon L..OEL,-324 will hold their last: card patty in.Dun annon •. , . g Orange •Hall on Thursday April Clover,, Birdsfoot Trefoil, 'Timothy,. 8th, at 9 --lipped--Br-ome-grass--also all other grasses.. Order seed early and take delivery you ou: want it. We sell, Stewarts and .Prided Seed :Corn.. Order: early for the variety , you. want and arrange, for us to do y Planting Seed inoculant-in-st Custom. grain and seed cleaning every . day by appointment. Roy Cramm and, Son,: Pinkerton,. phone INCOME TAX SERVICE Tax' preparation, financial, state= ments ;averaging basic herd, etc, cash or accrual system, work done li h, Don Mei Way Stec` Glen •11,3; '6.'6( PLAYING CARDS , Plastic coated single decks` from i.19 u r: as well as double ' decks and ieuch�'e gee s; -euc re s - only 1, Drop in at. The Lucknow Sentinel. ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, windows, -doors, awm, gs ��s'din s "'n - For Tree-` g ;, estimate. call' Roy Emberlin, your local dealer, `rHE• TEESWATER 'NEWS' -- , is available at The Lucknow Sentinel, 10c per copy. If you are interested ' r.and Dia- rn the Jews of Ceeswale tract,, pickup a copy, Phone' 1-438-0401 1.• OPEN HOUSE 'Oen House will be held to hon- our Mr. William Rutherford of St.- Helens on the occasion of his 90th' our ..birthday, Thursday,p April 8th from 0cK 2' to' S p•m. • at. the• home of Mr. and' Mrs. Bryce Elliott,' Lucknow:. Relatives and ` friends are invited .to 'call, Cargill 366-2394. PREGNANT ANIMALS - Supple- ment feed .With Nixon Calcium Phosphate. • Special advantage eont-ain's—Vit-amin_D_te assistsi�h assimilation of calcium and :phos- phorous. Elmer Limbach Discount. Pharmacy, 'Lucknow: FOR SALE —''4 ton seed. barley;. Vernon_.Alfalfa.._seed;—:Climax-.trm othy seed Empire Bi`rdsfoot tre- foil;'19Pi -gs, ; 8 weeks old. Alex Hac- kett; phone ' 529.7267, FOR SALE Red Clover seed,. very good sample; also Climax timothy seed. Fred Crawford,. R.R. 3 Goderich, phone 5294134. 'will, re -o ;en 'on Tuesday, April 1,3t1i. P Y P . NOTICE NEW ,HOURS hours for the remainder of -open the year . Are - .Monday, Tuesday. •, 1 _Wednes iday . 2 and' �?-Y-;-�-Fr Y `9 - - 1 11"set- 5,30, Saturday 92, clo 'Saturday afternoons and all day Thursday. For 'Quarterly Plates this'. office will remain, open on Thursdays. Dep't. •of Transport:' 0_fflce,_.L:ucknow. LOST FARM FOR SALE.— 100 acr es on 4th of Kinloss Bill Haldenby,•,phone 395-5142. FOR SALE Massey Harris power lift seed drill, 13 run,. good. • • RUMMAGE SALE' • • The Rummage' Sale, sponsored by the Olivet Messengers, will, -con tinue on Saturday, April 10th from, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • in :the former od'' Building=,-�l , Lucknow: Bargains'. galore.. WINGHAM BINGO W;ngham Legion' Bingo at The Legion Hall, Wingham,,. Wednesday;_ April. 14th' at 8:30 'pm.: 15 reg- ular games, $10 priie each game;, 2 share -the -wealth games; $50 special, must go. Jackpot game $570 on 6 calls with a $35 consol- ation., Admission $1.00, Extra and special cards ,3` for 50c or 7 for $1.00 I” . , • Goderich, phone 524-8044.•. FOR SALE.— White 990 tractor and loader, 2 year old;'.White 880 trac- tor, 2 years old; 2 red 880,tractors,,. 1 with -loader, -2 -Massey -35 tractors with loaders; 2 model 44 Massey tractors, ohe with hydraulics & live power; I model 333 Massey'with live power.? 2 new 101/2 ft, cultiv- ators, 1 Case, 1 Kongskilde; Apply Stan Horsburgh, i mile 'north-east of Wingham, 30.2/44, LOST male Doberman' Pinse'r, brown and, tan, 1 year ' old, green tattoo inside of `right leg. Harold Londry, Lucknow, phone 528-436, IRW AUCTION and SALE: MANAGEMENT RV Coontact Blcl1 At` R.R. 1 Kincardine °PHONE, 395»5491 ANY TATE. OPf ,At eT1ON vowel.