The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-31, Page 14PAft
• Visitors from Ripley and. Luck
•riow talk;Scout business with •Wing-
' ham Troop Scouter Don Rintoul,
left.: Ted- Rouse' of .11ipley and Wil,
liam Searle and George Lucas
both of Luc:know, look at an array:
of bad.ges'on:a sash. A. new Scout•
troop has been formed at Luc;know.
with.•8ri1 and George in charge ..
-- Advance Times Phdto.'
•, 1970's in various models, sedans. and 1 door hardtops in Fo d..,, Chevrolets, Pot>acs 4
including Catalinas, Skylark Buicks and
Cutlass Oldsmobiles
1969 FORD custom,power: steering
2' 1969 CHEVELLES, a 2 door: "hardtop anda 4 door sedan
1969 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door hardtop
1969 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan
5 -1969! PONTIAC^parisennes, m. 2 and 4 door ardtops -
1969 IMPALA Custom 2 door hardtop
1969 FORD Custom' 500, 4 door
1968 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hardtop, fully equipped
1968 PONTIC • j aurentian sedan,der
— 1968.CHEV Im ala .4 .doorPs
'Med. 2• ..
Used cars from 65 to 68 ;in various models, sedans; hardtops
and' 4 door : 90% of all cars are. V8, ;power steering • •
and ' all automatic
«NN••#..NNN•• •••NNN•••••.NN••i•••
Ross Henderson, son,.of :Mr..:' and
Mrs. Eldon Henderson bought
Wellington. Webster's, farm, just
west of 'Lucknow. Wellington in
turn bought ;the Brotchie farm at
Mr. •and Mrs hes Ritchie purch
ased the , Ashfield' Township fano
of Caswell Hackett.:
• Canadian National'Railway off-
icials :Conferred with. represent
atives of the sever • al municipal
= ities in this area and announced."
the 'Railway's proposed plan to
discontinueall passenger rail '
Service between Palmerston..` and
Kincardine..This would be 'reps:
aced'.. by .bus.service connecting'
With -trains at Palmerston for
Toronto. Only freight service::.
would be continued by `rail
Owing to a drop rn all food,.. ,
stuffs; R..J. Button announced a
drop in • m i k -pr-ices to -13 quarts, : ,
_ ...�.. •.
FrPPze for A schoo
lre ortof S....s. No •
. 9' • .
yAsh'field earned -the -fen
please.we .. :PuPi
ls! .Olive Blake ,.•
Anderson Alma Curran,
i•,A top-quality clean -burning hea
Kilpatrick Cliff
p did Blake,
Chester Twamley,• Muriel'Blake,
trtra Qj1iati , ``E1n ra A lrpn r . .
Harley :Phillips, s,. Phyllis. Blake'
Mary' Horton, Wilamina Lannan,
Lorne Phillips , Russel Alien 'Eda
r_Phrlli 's Clare •La maa,A lyin
Cooper. Teacher, Olive L, And-
ing oil. Plus: Automatic deliveries.
Free 24 hour burner service. Easy
y ; year=round. payment plan:- Get
complete, carefree heating service:
:�et;.Sunoco Heating I iral todayr--_
0N4. ma srs' b% famous cuttom-blended
QIu .Sunoco,Gaaoline •
9 :...
the regtiest of a number of
Teeswaterbusiness men, a branch
of The Molson's Bank was opened,
in. that `village. The Teeswat,er
branch was in, charge of Thomas'
S. Reid , who had •held the posits
ion of•adcountant in the Luck-
now branch,:P,eid was 'succ-
eeded in •Ludknow by E. to, porter.
Miss AlIena• May Nelson :passed'.
away at'Winghaam` and: District.
Hospital on Friday, March 19th
in her 90th year.
Shewas born at HanoV'er:on
January 20th :1882, a daughter
of Allan And Sarah .Nelson.
Since childhood she has'resided'
witb her sister ;Mrs. Thomas John-
ston and family at lot 40 Lake
Range , Ashfield •Township , latera
moving to concession 121.:
Mrs..Johnston-passed. away
1900, leaving a .young family of
dour... Miss Nelson assumed -the.
care of the Johnston children, •
Dave;. WM.',who died at the age
of seventeen; Mary, who later . •
Married Reuben Wilson; 'and -Sadie,-
An infant .son Richard predeceased,
his mother at:the age of eleven
months. Mr. Johnston•died in
March:1925 ,
928=1MIiss--Nelson ;,wasstruck'`
by a Car While visiting in-Toron_.
to and it left her. crippled .since.
Nineteen;' Years>ago her niece
Miss Sadie Johnston, R.N.- 'gave,
up her nursing career ro cate
61711 r, aunt`;
Three years ago,. December . • .
12th; 1967 Dave Johnston and
his sister Sadie bought a:. home on
Inglis Street, Lucknow and con
inue, ;to care for their aged aunt
until sheentered: Win ha1n •Hos it
g P
al on March' 14th.
Besides her niece and new
p .he
ii Lucknow'and siic other nieces
and nephews, Miss Nelson is, surviv
ed by a sister Mrs, W.R. Barnett
of Paisley;. who is'96,years•of age.
She was predeceased by four:
,sisters—ran.d one brc3ther.
The .funeral service was conduc.,
ted at' the Johnstone Funeral
Horne , Lucknow on Monday.,
March' 22nd.. Rev, Kenneth koon•'
-ey, ir'iltriite of Astifiel 'Presby
terian church where Miss
Nelson was a member;: was in
charge of the service.'
Temporary entornbrneryt was at
South YinlossN I;lausoleurn with
'final resting place Greenhill
-- 1979-- V. 3/4. to 8 -en ine
1968 CHEV van, heavy•.duty V8
1968 CHEV , 1/2 on pickup with. automatic: transmission
1967 FORD. 14 ft.. stake bod
1967 CHEVROI.ET,..1 ton panel, MI
1966. CHEVROLET. tilt cab, 14 ft stakie' body
1966 CHEVY, i. ton panel
A numbereof Econoline and Chevy Vans from '64 to'
• BP•. Service Sfation `
J(jrbridgt Boys _.
in Scout Tourney
Kinssbridge` Boy Scouts attend
ed the Huron District :Boy Scouts; •
Air Force Base :on,Saturday,
'March 27 with their leader..s Ken
Fit2patrick and• -Desmond. Court ._
The boys first met the Lond'es:.
born -Scouts: and -at, the end -;of reg
ulation•time the score .was tied
3 u 3. After 22 tninti•tes ,of over='
time .the • Kingsbridge boys were
'defeated 4 = 3.
The'Y next :met the Goderich.
Scouts arid defeated them3 0.
John Crawford-played:well in the;
Kingsbridge then played Bay.
field and defeated.them 2 1.
The Londesboro Scouts won
the C Aieh -
bridge boys the consolation win-
ners. Each boy was presented
with a gift.
Bruce Ends Year
Pallbearers Wer+ :Ganieron Mac-
Donald y Noblelofnston and Char-
les'Mason, of Lucknow,• 1 toward •
Robb, Janties MacKenzie and.
James Bradley of Ashfield
Bruce county finished off 1970
with..a surplus in each of its major.'
-aecotx its -Fie-:getrerd1 aecotrr- trs -w
came put $41,000 in :the black
while' the highways account was
$l§ ,000 -ahead.
..County'council was asked to:.
approve county rates tot 11irig,:.
$1, 228 ., 000 .a i ahnount '$8,', 500
under; the 19'71 figure The de'=
crease will';be taken' froni•the...
The finance committee. reconit
Mends inclusion of the t51 .(3P8 •
re uested b: .the Children's'1fti
Society'in the budget,,but this.
amount to •be 'subject to a further
review •by-th_e. iinanci eoniniittee..
"The tinance coriimittee expres=
ed concern.. with the accelerating
costs of the;'s'ociety, Estirnated.
.total expenditures: by the society
for ,1971 is;$239,877 and' the' :
rnit{pp eel this with
$1,20,•; The amount for
1967. was $15'5:•',921, In that year
the society had 111 children: in
are•and in 1970• there 'wcre.jtrst -the••-cxpeL d tures
had increased by 45 per.ceft.•
An examination of expenditures
showed that niore•than*2,-•per
cent of •last year's buds et w I
spent for special'carc fo'i• nine
'wards in outside iristittit ciri'wri r'e•
drily costs range'from $.W: <Ol