The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-31, Page 9EpNESDAY, MARCH 311t, 1f71 THE 4UCKNOWSENTINE4, L.UCKNOW, ONTARIO 0* $IIII'� RK GOO RICH 30 TNE. SQUARE.' PHONE 524-781.1 ALRCONDITa0NED ELVIS PRESLEY "THAT'S THE WAY IT IS" and 9:15 huts, #t S_p:�tlsFn. & Poorly MrtIfH Apra' Syn. Mon.' TuII.. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT, Act of the GHear. t, Genevieve .BuJold Donald • Suther.Iand', ONE SHOWING NIGHTLY•' AT 0.00, P.M. Tui. STANLEY NflGMFR "IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD" filmed; in,. ,.. . ULTRA PANAVISION".aWa TECHNICOLOR" • QNE. .COMPLETE SHOWING ..8:00 ;P:M. 6eneaI�gicaLSoc. Bruce Genealogical Society' met: Tuesday, March 23 at the Bruce County library with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Basil Underwood was ,in,. the chair and outlined .the work being carried on by the society:'. The April meetingwill be held. in Port Elgin' April 27• iri. the` forrn' Pi' .a,dinner-. - 'rhe guest'speaker Will be Phillip..Silcox ; president of the' Ontario Society.` T1ie'rgroup will also attend,the annual Ontario Convention May 7 and 8 held at.. McMaster U:niver'sity , Harnilton. 1'1rs. Joyce Johnson, chief lib- rarian for the county.;.introduced her assistant Mr. Chris Peppier as guest speaker.. • Mr. Peppier talked on the mat- erial-avadable for Genealogical research bothin, the libraries the county and/other sources,.' .He. was thanked by Mrs. Blatt' Robert- son of'.1ort.:Elgin., •. ens .m. hoh:sinrle a 286., ,Jack Caesar had'hi •h triple with 69b ;• -Mustan s .5',: g•. °Buicks. 2; .Fords 4, bodgei 3; 01ds mobiles' 4, Pontiacs 3. . Games'osf' 250 and •bs er :garner-. on MacDonald 286 , Frank. Alton: 257., Bill. Button.*253/, Jack Caesar 273,. 'Howard Agnew 251, Omar Brooks, 262 .Pla. -oS f f . tandings• Mustan 19, 'Fords 166, Oldsfnobi,les',16, • ,Dodges (2, .Buicks 11, Feentia.cs. 0 • ro • an UN TR Y Vera• Purves.was high :lady this, week with a single of l88 and•'a` 1, 1 - For ;themen it was Jack Camp-7Bell with a:,197 single and a double,. Teani points 'won; Carrots 5, • i:unips 3 , Potatoes' 2,'and, Lettuce ainbow League Kay, Crawford rolled the "high:; single with a 282. High triple a 694, Games''20Qand:over: Kay Craw• 'ford X32 , 223 , • Marie Stewart' 274, 217 ;' 203';.'Margar:�eLHamil ,tori 239, Anne "Wisser 236; 214; 4Barb.Sanderson 235, Josie Hamil ton; 228., 204 Tillie Wilson 224, Margaret. ' Ann. Wilson 224 , Maudie Fisher 220, :Kathy:Gibson'220,. 200, Irene Nelson 202,' Margaret'., Hackett PS: Team points: Kathleen Forster's Yellows 5,:•7 -Kathy 'Gibso n's :Greens •2;• Anna' Johnstone's Blues: 0, Kay Crawford's .Violets .7, Eileen.. Laois': Reds:2, Joy. Dennis' Oranges' 5. Team standing; Violets i2, ,Oranges 10, .Yellows 7 , Blues' 7., 'Reds .4.;• Greens• 2. ' Henry Carter captured high single .of the.evening with a • PURPLE . ,GROVE Sympathy is extended to the families of .the late Mrs. Kenneth Me Kay and Sam Pollock,' Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. :Bob Thompson (Judy.Storgard:)• on. the birth of •their son on March. 20th. Judy's 'mother is visiting, ; with 'therm 'for awhile. Mrs.. George Emerson and :Mrs''_: Howard. Thompson enjoyed 'a five 'day stay in New'`. York' city Recent visitors with Mr, and1 Mrs. Don :Dore were : Bob Emerson, Stuart Dore,, Hank Parker of .Bur-:. lin_ton. Mr. and 'Mr Of; Ripley' 'and Dianne and 'RAnnie ''' Team' standings:, Mel King's' Carrots 70, Henry ,Carter's Pot - ates 65 , Clarence B'ell's. Lettuce ----r12-rnd'Jack .Campbell.% Turnips: 53. :/• . u Cknolir Dung armor ...hien's .htgh.triple was •wotiby Jack Caesar with 762 , who "also. had the high single':of 295. • Women's high' triple went to 'carie Stewart with 646 aril the' high single to 'Wilnia Chisholm with 260. Men ..over, .250:. -Jac -k Caesar X95 Cani'MacDonald 266 , Zeke Zeran 257, Barry McDonagh 262. 'Ladies over 224 Wilma Chis.- holm his-holm 260, Lorna Britton 240 ., • Marg Wilson. 233 , toy -Dennis .24.1; Stewart 226, 226. Points; Lions 7', ;Gophers 0; •' Cubs 5 , C00 fig'. 2; Kangaroos 5,. Pole Cats 2;. Zebra -St , Chiprriunks. e -r 4-; '' eave°r'ra °Wh`i` rr- Biles 9... Squirrels' 8. • • Standings:. A.'Group,. Cubs 1"1', Tigers 13 , Wolverines •ll, . Coons Squirrels 7•; ileaVers 6 13'C;to tp . Zebr �17 , Lions.l(.,. karlga roost' 14 chipfirnu nks 'Gophers' 4 , Pole Cats 4 G ane • • e - e e - G,ta'nt 'Philips had a high'•sinnle of 174•'and.'a thigh double of 342. .. 'Barb:'Hariiilton hada high singleof 193'an7i: a high:cl"oube'of809 • Tearn'poihts Wagon . Wheels Lifesavers 3 Chiclets.•2,, and Potato Chips O. . Tea.ni standings Lifesavers ',6•5 , IWagon ee s. �:,': is e'ts'4 , and "Potato' Chips 21 • IE Marion Cartlpbeil Was thc: top,. bowler ill the third wcek'oftlic t�1ay-offs with a 2 0 single and 2 6 `0 .triple. Good bow ling Marion ! Games of 200' and aver: Marian C�rrrpplselL'28��,...23°0, Ja�fS��Mc __._. Pherson V7, Trudy Foran Grate 'Elliott 23:3'; Carol, NiVi s 200, 202, •Fertie=MacDonald 209; ,Catherine Andrew 216, ,Matie Greer 202; Jean Phillips 212, qua: c : enag ran tr iss 237, Edith Webster 200', • Team points:.Anna Mae ltir:nt-,• er's Opals 7', Marie C+rcer's P? arts 0 ,.�fiildreci; Carnrcron's.. Sapphires:.. 5,`Belle Mole's Rubics'2; Trudy. 1 --tit'an's Emeralds 5;,. Cathcrijlc. Schr id's Diarnontts 2 ' Tearn standdingS Opals 17 .Sapphires 1:4; 'kbies'14;' •Enier,ilds 12, Pear•1s 4, Diamonds 2, Just two More 'wecks`l' ` ri'?q 'y. •Ga'm.es, Over ,225; 'Fred Horton` .259 ; `Ab Morton 226 ,' Bob Nich oll-s 231., e Geor g... Y -tante -' 228 , Henry Carter'355 , Hugh john - stone - 226 , :Ran Stanley 231.,'.292: Team ,oints;'',Owls .7, Cardin- als'Q;' Vultures 5 ;..hawks 2; Final .points . Vultures:16',. Owls' 14 Hawks'10 ,''Ca'rdinals 2. • The Bowling .'Banquet. will'b'e •". held ; Saturday ;April 3. at 7:p. n . ,at the k'ahsh Hall.. :See' you: ail then e ' l er V. mics M PHONE 357,1630 SHOW TIMES Friday_ and S4turdays;at=-715 and. 9:15. All . other days, one show at 800; . except ' where noted on; the program.. -Or *****•tr***,,*. THUR.,, Fgt., SAT., APR. •,; 2, 3 "Elvis .Thaft The war It . s. Colour Panavision Starring Elvis .Presley This is a documentary .about Elvis Presley,, so it you are a Presley fanmake sure you see it. ***•****.* ****.. SATURDAY MAT. • APR.. 3' AS - That's ...and Mrs. Don: IVidCosh:' were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs.` Bill McInnes and family of Teeswa.te;r Mr. and: Mrs. 'Harvey Thompson' and: Wray and Mr. and Mrs.'•Randy. McDonald spent the week end in. Nashville, Tenn, Those in charge of 'the. card ,t. party at the Purple Grove Com- munity .centre ommunit ...centre' on Thursday even= ing, were Mrs. Harvey.:Needham': and Mrs. 'Victor .Cawley. Mrs'. Brian King of; Kitchener.,. Dors.=Bil:1-McInnes.„indaa-n Dianne Dore of Teeswater, , •visit ed` friends in.Purple Grove .on .Fri- '' • day. • Miss Cathy Dore spent the week' 'end with Miss `Sandra Johnstone, of ],I, c know . Visitors; of Mr', and 'Mrs;. Bill Arnold, of Ripley on, Saturday were Mrs.;. Jim Mc Ewan Mr. ` and Mrs: Don.,McCosh and Mr:.. and Mr's... Hector Knight of Pic;ton. feed and animal health euviix leadership in nutrition ARE THAT MONE N'T:BUY... l ET1T W1 N_UR GAIN continuous research 0 management skills $ growing animal health service 0 • •Good. service is just a little more than carrying. -ou a cb;:f the -1 tie -extra -c -are going into ----r the.service that really counts the second look at. an order:, ; , a're-check'or a load, an extra phone` call to:make sure something is is ' ngs like' It doesn't mean we won't make. mistakes We probably : will It does: mean-c►'e::afee1:.:.badl t .. when 'a mistake is made and it also Means that 'care is taken that it won't happen again. That's the kind of care we pledge to give you,. and all our customers, You'get' it * th' every order til' Shur -Gan 0 r8.2O 6