The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-31, Page 8„f
1. EDNESDAY,; MARCH 3110,-117f-
.A.. Champron:s
Return From
To Ashfic.
Back row, left .to right, Allan
Hackett , manager, Kevin Murray,
Ian Montgomery ,. David Parrish,..
Fred Black, Stewart Mann, Kevin
Ackert ,,,G1enn.Norningstar, ..
Front: row, •Larry. Hackett ,, Paul ;
Simpson, John Hamilton, Brian
Wall, Wayne Farrsh, Ken Reid .
absent. Wayne Belanger:.
Filar is Mathers 'of -Luc know
Bob Courtney and Mrs. Duncan
,Thorburn of Aruberley and Mrs..
Wrn. 'Arnold of Ripley attended •
the March rneeting•,of the Bruce
',Ara nc h 'cif.the_Genealo_gical Soc--,
iety which was hemi in the County
Library at Fort. Elgin.
Mrs, Bazil Und.erWood, presided
for the.•business. The University
of Western Ontario is anxious to
microfilm records of this area.
This emphasized the need for a
microfilm readerin our area.
Chris Peppier, assistant Librarian
,at the Bruce County Library, :ad-
dressed: the ':meeting. :it -Appears
thati:our Bruce Library has little
material tohelp genealogists,
while the number of people inter
ested 'in genealogy increased each,
year.. A .Branch Bulletin will be
sent out in April. The,April:
meeting will take'the form of a
dinner. meeting at Port. Elgin with
ario Genealogical Society , as
,guest speaker.. Mr. Silcox is a. ,
'fine speaker•and: a good attend-
lance :is expected.
Ivir. and Mrs. Frank Scott ,'
Michael and Mark have returned
to. live in Ashfield Township, hav-
ing lived fora few'years; near
Ivlossbank, Saskatchewan.•, Mrs.
Scott .is the former Fhyll„is Clayton•----'-•
Mr.. and Mrs. Warren. Rich of
Wingham visited on Sunday with •
Mr. and Mrs„ Oscar. White, and
with Mr. and Mrs. Ted White.'
Mr', and Mrs. Harry Coiling aril
family 'visited on Sunday with " '
Mr; and Mrs. Harold Johnston of:
Langside'.Y'.P..S. enjoyed a.
snowmobile party at the farm of
Mr. and •Mrs..Bob Bregri:nan. last
Monday. ' Mrs'. Bob Mann assisted
•Mrs. Bregman, serving lunch.:
and M. Donald. Young of
Toronto spent the week end with
other relatives.
Beginning next Sunday at Lang. -
side Church the church service.
will continu•e•to be 'at 12.'15 :witli
Sunday School after this service;
tikes Ripley Wind
Ori Sdpurda, March 2'0th the..
, winni
n learns
from March .13th'
played '
playedthesix winners from March,
i6th andon Saturday .night, Pres.
ide nt.
x e ,Jim Elliott presented the
trophy to Skip'Gary'Courtney.and'
his team, Elaine Pollock,
..Courtney ,and. Jane. West;• 2rid to
Donald McTavish,: Mildred Thomp
son, Wally Pollock and Joyce • : ;
• Courtney.
• Others} and their placings were •;
3rd , ,Ronnie Funston, sie o rock.;
'• 'Allan Colling.and Bill: Kempton;'
4th , Don Paquette . Marian-Garn-.:`
, _Jack Elliott, •Bill Peterbau:
5th°; :Harry Scott, Gladys.Nicho1.:,:
son, Norman . Barna.rd ,: .Marie. Col
ling; 6th Mervyn Funston,. Mar'
McTavish, Cliff Emmerton, Mar-
lene Coiling; 7th, Sandy, McChar
les, Lois Pollock,`Redvers John
Sion, John Ferguson; 8th, Gordon'
Patterson, Peggy .Md harles ,' •John
Rutherford,, George; Ursuliak, 9rh,
Harry Lolling,. -Marj' Hodge., .•Ivan
Cook,. Jack. Baiers;.10th, ' Clarence.
Pollock, Diane Brooks;. Ernie
Walden; Judy Collings lith, Jim
McDonald, Terry *Kenzie,
Wray Osborne.',: Bob 'Fair; 12th,.
Carl' Funston ' M r
.. a r<e McDonald',
ack Farrell, i•Marj Elliott•:
:Winning lst.,in: oderich the.'
same day were Cordon Rbulston,
Doug Lackey,' Jim McTavish and.
Allan` McTavish . ;Another troph
winner was Don McLay 'who skip,
ped the'winning rink ;in'.the . Post-
masters' . Bonspiel in .London..
On .Friday, March 26, the. Luck' -
now Juvenilesdefeated: the Preston.
Juveniles . in an exhibition hockey
game with a 9 to 7 victory. • • :
•;Goal scorers fgr.,Litcknow were
Andy Whitby' and. Jim MurraYwith
2 each while single oals were , g,•g c
scored by:Dave MacKinnon, 'Jon•
Emberlin Paul Fra•y ne ; Russ Mon.-
crief.and John'Ma:cKenzie,
Fleas Have.
service ani
Repairs, . Fast
•See -'us .for'exerienced servicing •and. re.
P 9
pairs onany auto problem, •large oismall;
From bumper,to bumper, top to baftorn. we.,
know how to ked cars ,going:..
►usX. Rooke'
hat ler—spring'—like weather slow -
down their •hockey activity.
On March.•20. in Lucknow ,they
tied. Ripley -2 .-2. Mark;;Haldenby:'
scored Lu'cknow's goals Brian•'
'arlsrearrd,`Ri`cke�'Sr Irwin scored,
for Ripley:•with assists going -to':.
Frank Dore, ,Larry Needham and •
'Robbie- Ferrell._...
On: March 25 ,, Lucknow Novice
played' Lucknow •Fleas. with the; '
Novtee wince_• ::g.�±- . 12aii�i;
Errington scored four goals for. the
Novice and Roddy. Havens orie.
Assists went to Paddy Murray,
David Aalders,. Steve Haldenby
and avid Err,'ngton; One e ch,
For the°Fleas•; Paul Hamilton and
Brian,.Elphick each had, a, goal and'
an assist. w
_: � �Lucktt ow_:'FT:�-.rid-=-13� p I€�-� •i ' y e -a -s-=
played' in Ripley March 26. Luck-
now won 4 - 2. Bradley Humph-
rey scored three for Lucknow and
Blair A lton one•. Assists went to
Pau) Murr'ay,, John Husk: Donald
Ripley .:Bantams, .with their;'
Coaches, Brian Wylds and Doug
Liddlethe Paisley Tourna
ment trophy :'receritly'. • In their
first game against Tiverton, they.
.'came out victorious' 7: 1. and in •
the'final game •a:fter getting a •
bye ,c. they,had'no"trouble elfin in-.
Sting Walkerton4 .= 1. :Members
of• the tearri; a,re •Goalie•, Kevin
Harrison and Rick Smith,,.
Forwards , ,David •McDonald,. Pet-
Ler—McDon ld ; Gre : d1e , -C-our-t--
ne,y Liddle Roger carrell Danny
',Walden Bob•Bissonnette , •Wayne
'Elliott., •Doug' Bissonnette; , Def:-
ence ,,Perry Elliott Carson
•b ooks;.Brian McKay, Ra y
Strauss, Donald Harkness..
:Lucknow Flea :hockey tearn:edg=
ed. Belgrave 2-O'on_Loniia,y night.__
in Luc:know .
Paul Murray and Steve .Sina,pson
scored the goals and Larry '•
MacPh=ersoii asstrte`d :on bath Bri ifi
:Elphi:ck had the shutout in the
'Lucknow . net. .
Mrs.. Koyle:,•who hasbeen••a'
patient. in Wingham,.and l5istrict,
• Hospital', •returned to her: home
last week••,
• The Young families froth' Lang
side attended a family gathering.
at, Belgrave on Saturday :evenin z
in honour of -Mr: and Mrs;. ,Gordon,:
Chapman (nee Doris Moore).ne'
Mr., and :Mrs Don Nickel -Of
Toronto retu rned••to their: honk
on Sunday, accompariied':by.
.Lynda McQuillin' who..returned to
Bloorview Hospital- a fter '
the holiday week With. hparents
Mr,•:and: Mrs. Dick
Ronnie and:,Barbara
Mr: and, Mrs. Bob Breg rnan ;
attended the. .funeral:of their 3=.
year: -old niece Paula .Keller at
Thamesford on Frida
Mr..: and Mrs 'Gordon, Wal 1 and
family ase
moving this 'wenekto:
theirhome on'Maple Street in•.
Wirig hain
Doug Wall received an' award••
at :Perth County •Science'Fair at,
Stratford last''Monday iris:
the award was for •outstandiu ,
presentation'.. He .attended•Wit'1i
of LPa�i=11
Secondary'School ,::Winglia m .
'Lu cckn o vv
MacTavishand Brian Gamble
scored for-Ripley'With assicrc
going to Ian,lacKay aldol; Frank
43eIrnore geas p4'ayam' tilt=L�trck=
naw +larch. 2'14 with Lucknow;
'edging the visitors.' 1,. Bla T
Alton and Irian Elphiclr each had •
a: goal for Lucknow with assists
zoin- to La ry,•;ariPhersori and
f-aul Hamilton. M tray. , ka.wh n-
r:e, : co.'ed :for Belt ore , .•
Two Toornuments
Ori Saturday, Match 20th, the
Lucknow Novice hockey team
travelled to Durhatri for the '`tit
'tle 1-Juskie"Novice tournament
which is an annual' event' ji that
-tio`wn --- 1os`rout• in their
first game by a score of .3 to 1 to
Blyth :who went on win the
For the last' outing of the sea
:soi;-the -locals took in'the Nov'
ice t.ourriar tent tt ':Mildmay on'
Saturday:•, March .2'7, In their
first garde they defeated Gerrie.
by a scored of 8. t� 2 1n their '
second •gatne of the day the Rip
ley boys were too iinich for then]
Defeating then),by ascore .cif .64..
Lucknow Bantam hockey tc ++i+
played Satuitiday in the South +,.nt)
ton tournament' an"carnc w`it +in
.a Whisker of winnrng•,the.sily !r-
They defeated Lionslllcad +:1
in the' first ganie and I'asar�I`•'
game )r.
The third of the t
the championship, sa.w Lug I nc���:
arid• bort Elgin locked at -`> Sit' r
regulation time .had been 'cow
pleted`.: -ln the 10 minute Ov er.
tinge ,: Lucknow took a(1' 1�:ttl
only to have Pot tie it at
Port' Elgin 'scored the winnir+:
goal;'a rather undecisi ie'onc•
which sa.wr officials with tl it
heads together before t%tc..
aiinouncert i t .Was 'made
Port Elgin•,ltazi.won 7-y