The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-31, Page 1• . : • ' • .0„14_,A4_.*ar InAdvAnce •-•-•f2.00-Extra'T-0-kk• RO WOM 3Tst, 171.*Sirt.10topy 15c 20 Pagis ••.• ficiai Presentation • i• , ,„ • .. • Ice Machine • 4•4,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.**********4.**...•••••••••••••••••••••.404. • • • • • • • * • * • * • • • • • * • • •• ••• • * . • • . •0.. • ; • t 1. It. was "musical chairs". at the Lucknow Public School on Monday of this week. - • : • With some ofthe renovation and construction close to comple fiOn , andworkmen ready to start new areas, Manday'schanges appear too.be a matter of "moving the inconvenience and:confusion around a hie'is'Classes were shift, ed to•new locations,. • Oracle 4 and 5 ,,which have been taught in the gymnasitim. sinceFall, were moved to the new Kindergarten room and special education room respective ly,•both. "almost" completed. , The science roorn has been 'vacated and now science will be •tau-ght in•the new .art room. The home economics room_has_Also_L____L_____ been vacated and students will * be'taught home 'ee in the Lucknow • 2. United Church.. • • •-• •• • • • * • • • •• • • • * *. • • • • • • •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• ••••••••••4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • ' t4 -Lug -know hion ice carnival was the occasion for the,offiCial.ritesnAtIon of the -new.iie making rnachine:at'the• Lucknow arena ta'the.arena COrn- .13UrchaSedby the.,Lions ham Art •A • Helm Welding:arid ,Machine for bout $1600 the eciuipment_hai- , been an exceptionally useful corn- - • -munity project by, the Lions ..-•Loc'- ally•Made it was purchased at:a particularly' attractive Price and: • Art. Helm 'donated much of his. :tithe toward this project,. • • , • . . • mittee , • . . . . . . , . • The event was a fOrrnality , as the tnachue has been .effeetively. in use all, during thepresent wine , • ure , e to r_ig,aroinaT . • . the ice machine, are Bill. Nelson, 1st vice president of the Lions 'Chit); Art Helm, A direCtor of the Lions and machine manufacturer; Grant GhirnshoiLions pres- ident Who made the presentation to Murray, chairman of the • Lucknow arena Operational:corn- tEnot„Iski.:.HoL*Otoop..cfpwlicH. Anit000000• In Cornerstone :: Sym 13roi. • o Lue knoW tee rit the d•einalition•of ; t •Catholic4Chnrch at , Holyrood which has been unused ." ,. for senie time. : • - • in the 'earnerttatie of the church a Chn.rell :&cunient ,"„writt.eri, ii- Lafln, was faund,as well as :Copies of the LuCknow Sentinel, TeesWat,i- ' • et NewS,•:'1'.Oronio'Clobe and Cath.7-. • •OiC:1;t6Aistet all of August 1899. • T ' e - • ' attfaChed,tO:theCapyOf the Catli-• • • .•oli Iteitte r' and it was addressed • ...to Father Corearah,. : • " , • , Receives Award For Contribution To Organic Chemistry .Professor J 8 Stothers, of the •'Departrirent•of-'Cliernittty,„ has • been awarded' the:1971:Marek' • Sharp and pohrpe, Lectirie A:Ward of the Chcnncalltistitute:•of Can- ada . The 'award IS ntade annual.7- lyto a scientist under 40, resid- ent rn Ca ria ' contribution in •arganic chemistry. • or biochemistryiwhae •. Canada, . '• • This: Marks the 4th time yeaTrrhat :a pa)rarDfric :Chemical Institute of Canada has • ---:••••••c-C)-NTI-NU ED -0N --#A 19. • JIM ARNOLD TO RETIRE Lucknow In Need The Lueknow, Group 'COmmittee of the8dy Scouts of Canada met ,at the horrie of the Chairman • • • .• inloss Township Dancan MaesEwah'thot •a wolf m Kmloss Townshiplast week Vq«e«eri t•he4th aniith:e� sions: • A hurit•ingparty of Dick and ' Harvey McQuillin, George Whitby , 'Duncan and Donald MaC Ewan were hunting several days ,last week, • ' . • • ••• • . • • a p agan le Ralph Pagan of Lucknow died at the Wingliarn and District Hospital • ., an Saturday, March 27 He was 81fae.,. • ' •. . • Dies Sucldenly • • Cecil..131ake :Of •DungannOrr died; suddenly in Goderieli-.AleXandta and Marine, Hospital Tuesday. He was 10 years of age. -• . The body is resting at the', Jack Treleaven .latt Wedney Johnstone •Funeral Home, , • , • night and were joined, by the new • LucknowTbe funetal will .be" Scouter 13i11 Searle and his • •.. at,2 'p.m. at Iiingannon: Assistant George Lucas .• Arrange- UP14d Church. : • • • snents were finalied to Meet --wit-hL•ByaS.c.-out-s-Pn•-•l\-landa The cemnifttee mustov./.look,. for a Chibmaster in•thelmmed-•'., iate future... This position can be, .fi4ed by either a w•omanorr a • Jiff ArnOTtryas been the. local Cubmaster for quire a titan.; 1 -N -U -ED -ON- PA, GE 2— • Ripley Family Flee Burnt Early Tuesday. • The funeral was conducted frorn the MacKenzie :MemOrial. Chapel • in Lucknow on Monday with tg.111- porary ento l_m_2the_ntd.b•Spirth,_Kfa- loss NlaUsbledrri., ° • . . eletitIffttMetelftiONOtententtOttell e*No-Ne\o'NlaNeava••iaavia•e, inter as Not Severe, Ind Did Damage • :You think we've had a -lot of • snow this year7 You may be Sur: prised.to.learn that we received 25 less inches•of snow than we did last winter:. The. Sentinel :requested ' ffOrn Harold Greer of Lucknow that he provide us• wit1i the snowfall :fig ures of this year. as compared with last ,year. Harold records the loc- al.'weaher.•for'the government` • weather bureat.r.,a pasiiiatbkhica_;_- hi father.„' the late Mel Greer, .alsohadfor many years.. it is• .apLiblie 'service post and the Greer .family have kept the records as:a. Mr. arid 1r Graharri •Qcstik• . . • . • .. • . •-••••••: •Inches of snowfa 11 ; •as.« recorded last winter, are as tallows; Octo,b•-• 7'er 1969, 11:57inches., , 1969, 25.5 inches; December 1969 '• and faimly of Ripley weefrced 40.5 inches, January 1970, 71.5 . • Linehes, Febru-a-r-y•J9-714,-4-i-riclaes,, _ 1Viareh 1970, 24 inches; April 1970,, g inches,, total- 2071 inches.- • • Thit Winterthe following totals • were rectrded; November 1970,-. i.uch-est-OecenTb , 41.7.5 inches; January 1971; 79' in- ches; f`tbruary 1911, 2.75 inches, March19.71, 2.5 inches; total • , . TOTflec afar' burig hoe -eat Tuesday tnorn-ing when..fire broke out in ;their home about .2 a.m. , • „ • The tan -lily were awakened from .a Fldj-Mr-SLr"---- Cook, bohna,. Cameron', Kevin, Helen and DaVid found the • '• .‘ .upstairs portion of the house on. heavy water and:smoke damage to the entire house, also di dI Severe fire damage•tO•the Upstairs bed., room of Mr. and Mrs. Cook Chief Doug`Lidclie, were �n • the scene until about 6 a , before the fire was•corripletely brought under contrca Fire -it . -bell-efed-tollaVe starterfliti'fairtfilMirtet.-Wr-s Dectinber spark...from the chimney, • LUC now. ltu rat' Society' S' firt Skdte -a ,thon was a trernett,-• douqiccessand attracted well 'over..100skaters tO 'the .Lue knoW • petty( on Tuesday and Wednesday • ----.-7' . . . : , .... • . . '.• Th'e• event kicked off.'at 12 ild•On', • •,•• . • .... • : on. Ttiesday when'thelibbon was,- „. ‘ .64 by 80b .onctirfq..i. president. .., .. ,.• • ' ' .- 7 0. .......f the tucknow.:AgritatitutalSo. . - ...„.......-_—........, . , ... tety... Twenty,lotir. hours lat,er; ..... eighteerrskaters were still on..tfie ..jFeand. many' others 'dropped, off :.. • ., . • litst a kW ,.houttbefore the end, - ' T lose 'who teirripleted the t were: Lynn:Hodgins, '-iiiqh..: •Englandour .,' Edward 'Ctrieyt. ', • : .. , Courtney , Daltoti„. 'Anita Doherty , Donna Leer, MUtray Button, Sharon Campbell,' Ursula Courincy.'„ Lmd 1 Purdon, Albert 1'.OrtYth , Wayne BelAiiger, "1eoitec .sOn , ea t her $tevenson:„ Gordan • . 131ack.', John MaFLO. Od • Ea0 of the ryinriers received . ....$1:5 from the Agricultural Society and a firither $1 each from A.rt 'Gilmore Of LuCknow.. Nancy Ettington„Who camp et- ied 20 hours ,,wat awarded $5 by the Agricultural 8ociety and . Marg,aret Vattyth recciveti froth the Society for the Comple& tion of 21 bout: •• A prize for the skater taising the most money will b awarded, when the final tabulation is made, Eachskater was sponsored by. the hour„ by local area residents and butinesS places „ A final tab- ulation had notbeen.made at the first of the Week, as all. money • had not been Collected by the • skaters but It was expected that the overall tit/004e for.the.-event would- ex4ed,'$.1§60. before" any expenses. . • • Those in charge Of the Skateata . • . . CONTINIMPN PAGE 1. 181.1-5 Tile:hes:, ' . . . • 'There Were twenty-one nights 6elowzero in 1969-70. The cold- est night was January 24‘1970,. ' : • 2245 below zero:. '. There werefourteen` nights__ .. ,_,, : ,• • . 1-ieiryvr-zeroHinl--97b-711. The a' old -.' est night was December when the mercury dipped to 'below zero, • '• The heaviest single day snow 284 1970',When. 12'inches fen, • , • • , • . rt•Wat wind velocity 'which . made thii. Winter a bad one. to tar: assetting. around was concerned:, : The snOwfalf W•at'an Average tfertOtetto.tit....,0,409000ttettittfq, .. 'Friends are holding a benefit dance in f4pley.on,Priday to assist the' family. Much of their cloth- ing, and personal possessions were, lost or damaged • k • r , • • 0'