HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 15. . .
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EgNE SPAY', MARcH, 24th, 1971
. . •
THE Lifi CK14,10W SENT 'REA tMcKNicow41
• reat Variety Of
•Accidents At
Wingham Hospital-
Linda Shaw., age 2, R. R..,2,
• BlEievalp;daughter of lvtr. and
Mr. Harvey Shaw., received•
painful,infuries.to her right arm -.
Match 18 When she. caught it in.a •
ent :Was in1/..estigate'd by'W"ingham
O.P.P. Fouloh.." . • .
Mrs. Irene•Jolinston„
Slippedon sorneice on her 'way. to.
work and.fractured heLrigbt
Charles Hayes. ;, R. R 2; Kin- .
carcline received painful injuries
tO his rightthumbat Hackett
,Farn-t Equiptrient. know. on:
.March Was helping to: un-.,
lOad a cot:6 planter, and .caught
. Mrs..Mary Nicholson, R. !
uc know , re.c.e iv ed lacerated
knife athti hoii.,
March' . •
rchnH,pder„on, P. R
. 4, Wing-
harn , lacerated,.his Chin ' . •
• • when Strtick. by a hoc'key stir k •
• the Ripley Arena:. .• ,
. , Miss :Dorothy 0' iylalley, age 21,
R. 'R 2, Teeswater, daughter of
1\.:fe., and Mrs; Thorns 0".Malley;,'
was driving.lorth of "Vvinghain..on
...,/lig'hway 4 -On 1\latCh 19 and,was.
.,,. Sid eSw iped, by another car, who
was travelling in'theOppOsite
She...rec•eiVed multiple.
lacerations to theright. hand Con;
•i)usionsto.thc f\.e.ft leg 'and was
t1',eated. and ri...‘leased'"'Mis Joan
22 ;:•her. sister, tZ,e-
. •
eived• Ektitti—lace.ratiortiqrnd
rhu rn h • berwcAentwo'pifice,Of
• 1\,le.11ie •Litlow Blu eva ,•
fall in het home. Apparently her
cane. Struck .her in the area of the
right eye. ;Shp: also injured: her
back.and Wrist. .•
K M111 -IS
GIBSON - to Mr. and.M.r.s.#
Gibson R R 5 e
I •
1v16.11i"d4). March. 15th, 19710-111 •
..Wingharit. and DiStriat Hospital
a son. Sean 1DZ)uglas; a brOther
foi"..David, Peggy and Christine.
PRIESTAP-.Gerald And lylaryLou
Priestap of Luc know e Very.
happy to anouncThe'bjrt•hof
their daughter Heather Michelle
on Mareh 15 , .1971 in•Winghani
arid -District Hospital, a wee
sister for. Bradley,
A kKEL.L .7 :to Mr.. and Mrs.'Peter.
Arkell :(13arbara Ritchie). of 'Wing.-
hain onFriday,' March 19, 1911
in Wingham and pistricX, Hospital,
a son, J'ohn Peter, 'first grandchild. •
for Mr... and Mrs; Clarence Ri'tchie
R. T5,Rckn�i nd Mr. and.
Mrs.WM: Peter Arkell, Teesw'ater.
• I •
.. •
Li V STON 4) • Mr. and Mrs
14 -Clifford LivingstO.n, .R, R. '1 Dun-
gannort, in Wingharn Hospital
on Tuaday, March:1-0th, a•,.daugh...
ter Lea Ann' Nicole, 8.tbs." 13 oz. ,
a sister ; for Stephen, Leslie and.:
Tracy. :
.Charles LebOeuf , age 22, .R.' R.
1?• $t. 1Oachirtt fell off a ,SnOW.r110
CO tiling down a till outside
.the village o.f orinOsa on MArch
21 and fraCttited his right leg.. '•
He wi admitted to hospital.. The
mishap was investigated by 1/4Wing-
ha m McKittriCk..'
Brianeathrttan., age 224.,
Wingham '4werVe.d 'his car to avoid.
hitting::AnOther cat and.strueic a
spowba !IR and liglitpost:on. the
East'side. of .loieplifne Street , •,.
• t red his 141.
• „ • • .
after treatment. ' Wingham
Town Poi,ice-, invest1.-
. • .
. „ . . .
faringtirne',puts the squeeze Qn everything.:
Your tirne,•'younrriOrie•end Your 'p'atienCe. .YOu.
..,"remernbeF what it's .like The'wa,itinq lirieups, •
i6p-slowpr.0.erlyehes; the cfeiayS. Everythirig
eating up %i.00lt time at a time when'you should • "
been,on th,e field
KathieertMorrison, age 7 , R.
1, 'LuCknOiAic.daiightec Of Mr,.
and struck het-head:against
post :'While to bOgga ping' and 'tee -
eiv.eda scalp, laceration.
. •
••• ...JOsepti'llalla"han,,'R. R. -2,
. fractured his,.,left ankle
•while :playing brOo.rnball at...the .
•• •
, Ernest • Button Blyth 'slipped on.
iCe'Outside,of his butcher shop.,in
•:Blyth on'March 22 and fractired:' •
.'his left ankle He t:tia, tteated.
And rtleased.': . • 4.
; Niet‘dii McAllister, ik R
Tpewater.,.fell off a scaffold at'
the Masonic. Lodge ,.:Teeswater."
• and'inittred.'hit' shoulder". Patiera:
was transferred' to:London Victoria
treated .a cc. id arm hut was released froni'ytospi.t,T
ilOspital 'via hospital Ambulance.
'0 PeattiresiieW 8lectrohome Total touch,
Tuning, Press a iiutto,rit,i,k:4rit.,.pictuife
. •
FV soreil ith
•• -•• • • . •„, • •• • .:•• • . •
• Suporb.00)fur41 wainut bpikraft abmet
pet Hilly • , •
*iced COr
F1ONE 528412
„ • "
'Ths yeae, take.. sortie of the squeeze ,out, of
$pring. •Plan your crop program and order. y.our
ptoduCtson needs now Br:a5$ured of. getting •
What you7tryahr, Where. you 4.Tnt it when you •, •
• Went ,iti. And..we'll be charginb-vOu thespreyail
ing.0pces, at' the tirhe f i,deliyery• so you
tan't lose:. • • •
:There realty isn'C1 reason .Why you
,'•shoul'Cln..1,•piace.'Your 'order' now instead of at ', .•
thepak of the season. Yoy..save in:the.long rum
. ti,AC:C11 complete drowpr*hiotion programs
w District
PHONE 528-2125
Cheque out
to crippled child
See what your dolkirs can do.
Support Easter Seals.
Following i aN partial list. of:
contributiOns. • Thok. 'Cleland ,
13iOwrrS-nrythe., RevR;%-c--v10
.Cienaghani Ale5c Maci<erfzie
David -,Dawson, RObt, Mapken21P's
Helen .Thompson.,, James MacTay.-'
ish"; R. J. C011ins, Mae Stuart,
1,:lOyd Ashton,
Bank of -Montreal, 'kith L,'T.iipnip.
son ICAdaret Ma11rn, i4, M.
Elphick, Robert W. •
B. Alid:ersort-;--,:trs7;7-..-
John Adams ,Martha SI:abed:and',
Mrs. Lloyd Avery D. b. H: Bain;
•Earl San, Steve•'St'others,, Nellie
Reid Andrew Gaunt, Gert Guik-
enia , Chas, Fowler, M. D. Kin
Cuint M. Curran, RusSel Alton,. •
Fred JacksOn , Harvey Livingston,,
J. Spivak ,Lloyd Graham ; Ada,
Webster ; E. .H, Agnew, Gi.
Prune, Wfii. J. IlOss Robert W.
Scott; Mrs:. A. YoDiepenbeekt
Warren Zinn Clattrice -GibbOriti
pts,rik Thqmpson Mt i1 Mc7
F •bnsigti dgar.,
Watson; W. F. Atidrew..
MacDonald, Hareldi.'Catnpbell„;
tierity Cattery
. •
O'Donnell, Sam. Alton , Jas. Mc.7
Douglas Grattan -1i G. £'
Cayley Simon deBoer, .1.." R. , •
R--F4play-sOnt.-.-W 3, .
Clare,. Wesley Joynt, Livingston • ".:.
N1enary; Prank G, Porter.
:Mrs.. E: Wightrnan: , Fr'n1< Ritchie i • '•
.6Ordcin `Mortison, Char. IvladDon•
ald , Jim Hunter M. Donaldon, •
Walter Dexter, •
Cam NlacDonald, Thos. Hackett,
Harold Blake,: Alex •Andrev.
matt irRIENDLy
avAil WitN F
PHONE 524.a4211
• •\.•
- - •
' • . ,•
; • " • - •
. •
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