HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 14PAGE. FOURTEEN
WEDNESDAY, • MARCH . 24th, 1971.
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PHONE 528-31.18
In terms of definition the week-
ly -newspaper-as-we • know -it ,-is-one
which is 'edited and published On ao
weekly 'basis. and falls into twcat-
egories larger and smaller. The. su
larger ones. ch as the Family Her'
ald"and The Free Press,:Weekly
but i�'_appeared,, HpW,7
ever we•do•' have the Star Weekly
and the 'Weekend Magazine' which
are published in conjunction with
the week end .daily papers. But
the•'one .with which` we are .present-
ly concerned is the beloved weekly
hometown paper Which emerges
from most towns •and villages from.
coast to coast •usually on a: `Wednes
day or, arid Thursday abrings the
printed word messages,,advertise-
ments, sports, human interest stor•
ies, general news;; you name it
they have it: and for me thee day
on hi it_ s_41ue has sp ,c ial „
meaning. •Very often there is •lit-
tle or no ;mail -throughout the. week
except perhaps an Unpaid account
but come' Wednesday 'or Thursday
one knows'he will be,rewarded for
going to the mail, box or:: Post'
• S'.rmcc�v-rrri-rrrn :�
local paper and' when that same.
paper 'goes on holidays,or is de
layed •for, sorrie inexplicable. real
on one.feels.a definite sense of.
loss.' It: is almost•like a ray of
sunshine on a cold . dull day in •
is help. wanted or work needed. It
of rs an excellent opportunity to
publicly say thank yo' for servie
es rendered... In fact ;the innum r
era'ble ways in which tt serves:
its' -readers are legion •,w.
In, this rapidly ciianging.world' •
where big things are getting
bigger and the, smaller .things'
sometirnes disappear,•le.t us -fere-
ently, hope that our looal :weekly
newspaper will:continue. to.cOme
to us on .even keel.• This could'
put the onus on the publisher him-
self for often times he must be
master' of the fate of• his paper;
and to turn out a good •paper:and
serve his readers weah,he must be.
dedicated to his work and any "
doubts or frustrations he may fees:
would be far ,outweighted by the
appreciation offthe .readers them_
selves and tthheir.actual,love for
the paper. , '
• 'A local Weekiy'newspaper
means enough to me. that whirr I
subscribe.. to the Lucknow Sentinel
should•:I• be in any sizable --town• in
Ontario'•I would stop at the nearest;
winter or a welcome shade tree
on a hot sultry day in summer,.
and what•better way'is.there to
Spend a:period-of •relaxation than
to sit'quietly down with the. home
town'weelcly ,'and. read and 7reflect
on.• the contents :therein. This '.
same precious ,paper does :not
-•stop within the 'confines of it's,
own particular domain but reaches'
out it's,: friendly informative word
into every province of Canada
into the far towering north,' and •
to. many of the states: of our neigh
bour to the south of us.and then
:takes wings across the skies .to
almost any corner df the globe
The advertisement•pag.es'inthis.
'same weekly contain a wealth of.
Information as to who has what
to sell,. omay.r ay. want to buy. ..it
inforrn•s us locally whether there
local., It.',had but'1 ..¢ in my
pocket and 'were obliged, to. choose.
between a cup of coffee and • e
weekly paper 1 would choos the
•' For shutins,•:intron ed or tots
ely people it is'aFmeans of corn
munication all. its' own.It gives
them an:intimate-relationship, with
their. corn'munity and a link with
a whole- series of tinycomrunitie;
which they could never otherwise
have. '•For: those Who „enjoy and_ :
are capable it creates a golden •,
Opportunity not :only. to gather
local,'iterns of news•and• present
them but.a chance ,for self expres-
sion on ariy subject 'of their
1 think the ultimate value of
'the weekly, newspaper •can.be
summed up ' and pro en• by the, -
innumerable .Letters' which come.';
to the' editor -such as:the :one.
which,appear'ed in the. Lucknow
Sentinel two, weeks ago.'from a
nonagenarian in Toronto. Read
it, 'reflect; and judge .for,yourself.
Receives av��rd'.
�o Slides Show
The Ripley and District,Hortic-
ultural Society held their meeting
on Tuesday; March 1. at 2`:-00
p.m. in St. •Andrew's United
Church: basement. The meeting.
was: oPerted�vith O C 'nada-and the
Lord's Prayer with Mrs 'Baas Van
der Hoek presiding.
Plans' were- discussed: for-attendi
ing the District Annual On.Satur•' .
da, .'. April ril 17 at .Lion's Head.
al arrangements were made for
the April 'meetin and it was .dec-
.ided-te�-iny-ite--both-t-h�e Wingharri
and Lucknow Horticultural Societ'=-
ies to this meeting.
May 1-8 was chosen as -#he -Bat -e•-.-
for the Spring Flower Show. Prize
lists for both theSprin.g and,Sum
met Flower ,Shows were made
available to the .time.mber's.. The
roll c:all was, answered b}i:the ex:
changing;of plants with 22 mem
Ivlrs.q David Elphick rrad:e the' •
presentation of the certificate , for
th.e "Award:of Merit"'to Mrs.
George MacDonald whohas com-
pleted .her terni_aspresiderisLand
has"been;an active meMber oyer:.
a period: of years.
-- Mrs ---0l- ver,- GGha-rles-cont
vened the program part 'of, the
,meeting.: She conducted. a cone-
test on newsp per articles and i
troduced the ;guest speaker
aret Machan.' She showed slides
on• E cpo 70 Japan and gave a very
interesting' -commentary as:`Well.
as'showing many articles. .of intim
erest-she. had-'"bro u$ -
ht b 'k war—
her." Mrs., George MacDonald
thanked her and presented. her
with :a' gift in appr_e_ciatioii-.
Queen• and Grace and luridh was •
us he
ob meet
Mortgage rates are lower
n . n and our capactty-tos�
you'witfi an ideal, custonl-
built-for-you''loan .was,
never greater., So don't let,
that "Where -will -I -.get -the=
money?". problem ,get you
-own, Hand -it over' to
understanding experts wh-o
have behind them over
eighty.years of experience
mortgagess- tO
s'ui't individual needs.
Solve your problem today
at Victoriia.and Grey. ;
'or soundcounsel and a .fair price on a' tonuaient
correctly designed from quality • material, rely. on
Silver Lake: Wl
SilverIake Women's Institute's.
March rneetuig was -'held -at .the
home of •Mrs..Harold Banneran°.
.The president Mrs. John Hodgins• .
presided.:Sh e weloonied the.
ladies and•opened the meeting
with-ttie.�s-ingittg—orthe •Institute
.Ode and repeating, the Mary Stew-
art Collect. 0
Mrs;'-Elhsoir•Had in gave he
treasurer's• report. The ,correspon
Bence, included an invitation from
-Ri<p1ey--Won e-ri nstittite=to tt-etid
the short.cotirse',"Fashion• Cues• for
You''. to. be held 'May 7 and from
Purple Grove' Worhen's Institute
•to join with thein for ,a ,bus trip
some. time in May.
Mrs.. Harold Bannerman and.
Mrs. Ronald Thacker' are the nom-
inating committee. It was,passed
-that�•a=dorrariorr l enc o B
lea Haven in Walkerton and to the
1st Kinloss Boy Scout'Committee•'
to help sponsor William Dickie to
the Boy Scout Jamboree in Japan:
Convener.. reports. were given' by
he a ta-nd-ing,corn-mitt s -•-•-
Rill call "One°way to irriprove.
our education after leaving
school" was answered' by the mem-
-Mrs:- 11'o-nret`” 1 'evitt edu'cafion
convener gave do inforrtiative
talk and showed' slides on home
decorating, aiso'displayed sever-
al of her, own oil paintings which
was of interest td:all.
Sunoco Nea#tng.�0il
P. •
<.•A ,top-quality clean -burning heat-
ing oil. Plus:' Automatic deliveries.
Free 24 hdurr'burner .service. Easy"
..year-roun.d:,payment plan _-Ge-t-
complete, carefree heating service.
Get Sunoco Heating 0i1. Call 'today_ •
. by the'makers of famous custom -blended.
Blue Sunoco Gasoline
529-75.24 � o
brother Passes
In His 38�h Year
ford: Wray -of Lo.
don•,,'former.ly of T'•urnberty._l ors ii-
ship„passed away at•St... Jascph's
Hospital'; London.on Wednesdc; ;•
March 1:0 1971in his•313th }(car
George was••the second son
late Mr. and Mrs. Gordon',
He was bornand'.educated in
Turnberry Township , , where he
i-es.ided, until r.y ars ago w cn •
lie became employed: with -the
Salvation 'Army., • Horton St ,; , 1.4;=
'George is - survived -by thre-e—
sisters Mrs. •Stanley (Doris) flays.,
of 1;loiick \Township ,Mrs. Jack
(l:iheen) Toms of Peterborough.,,
Mrs., Frank (Loreen)Alton of°
A -fi I{l=Towfiship-a. n&t-wq±-ls
ers John•of Turnberry'Town�ship
and Rev: Wesley of Vancouvc°r ;
Bi G also-twonFy neea nd
Pat' O'Hagan, Prop.
'Establishe'd Over Sixty Years
'Loafer* Hill; Manager.
Elgin and KCngston Streets"
Goderioh' 5241'
The nieeting. 'Opted by singing
He attended the'Centrah• 13aptist'
C-hurt-ih; nLgndon-and--was--viee--;=-=.•-•--
presidet.ofthe London Auxiliary
president y
;of the Ontario Chapter of the Can
ad•ian Hemophilia Society.
.;the'fun' raj cervice_was cort,duc•,
ted on Saturday,. March 13
Major Jae:k Barr and Major Hagg—
luno of the Salvation Army, Loci` •
•Ternporary entombrnent''was in
the Gorrie Cemetery Chapel,.
with final resting place i'n.Wox-
eter Cemetery.:'
?Pallbearers were"; fir.artir__.`
Inwood.., London; Raymond Stain- ,
ton, ,Goderich; Murray Hayden;
Jamestown; Lloyd Simnmons,lic
Willits and Murray Willits of.
'� tiriiberry. Y '
the "Queen" and "Grace':
Lunch was, served by the hostess
and her assis"tan"ts Mrs, Clarence;
Hedley and Mrs.. Ellison Hodgins.