HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 11•
EONESDAY, MARCH 24th'1911,
• •• 'We,are sorry to report Miss
• ; Annie Kennedy of Wingharn Wa-s
* last Week adninted to Winghani7'
Hospital, The eQrririllArtiy WiStt•
her a speedy recovery", • -..7s
Mrs. Lillian McClenaghan ad
Mildred visited last Thursday in,
gitehener. With Mr.,. and M.s '
:Percy lyleClenaghan.-
?4rs, Neil Mccalluiri and Alex
McKenzie of LiAcknow were Sun
• Reverend and M. GeOly.c.
Ball and Normary•Were,in 'i,'oronto
for the week end for the wedding
of Miss Imrain.e. Reverend J. M.
130yd of Preston occupied the
Pulpits of St. Andrews'qn. ipley
and Oiivet United Churches: Mr,
Boyd spole onkorne. Missions , •-
particularily•the work wJtl.i
rhe',Indiansof Ontario
his special interest. TheIndians
• day afternoon visitOrs, with her 'Mr Boyd ;ays fieed.co-opera4..
sister Mrs, Albert McQuillin.,
tion.411d consultationrather. than
• Mr. and Mrs. Carl meclena OWN 1•16ip
visited..Saturday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Henry and family •
at the home' of his mother Mrs •
' *Fiore nc e -Heriry-of'Teeswater,„ •
Mr.'and mrs. Wayne• Henry and ,
•' farnily leave on Tuesday for
Dartmouth, Nova „Scotia ,where
Wa yneexpects. to .be :stationed ,•for
• a few Years.: • •
• • , • . •
• Ronald /v1cBUrney of Hamilton
'spent. the week end with.his Par
ents. Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon. Me
,Ca,lvin713rick U.C.W. held
• • •their:•Day of Prayer on March 5 •
• • at the horrie of Mrs. Norman.
cohltes'..' Those taking,part were
• Mrs. Ken MasO I •MrS Alex,Rob
eitson ,• Mrs. ...ROy..PattisOn:, Mrs.
• Gordon McDurney, Mri. •LaWrerice
Taylor arid Mrs. Donald DoW.;
' • . Beecroft: • •
, • •
We are sorry to report thatIL:_i,
Mrs.. Roy Dawson was 'adMitfed. •
•• last Wednesday‘to:Sr.:Joteph!S
Hospital, • 6th 'floor rOorn 845,
Londan.. Thecorninunity wish
her 'a speedy recovery following •
•-••••• '• • - • ••
• • CarrnanWytockopMonday •
:returned, to driving a buIIc milk'-
. • ,
truck •• We hope he wil)„be able
to continue his worl<. •
•,•,'Ntiis Kathy Wybenga,p'efit.ihe
wepk.end• with her friend,Miss' •
Kathv,Purtion.• , ,
hail of Kitchener' and Miss Mild-
red \tc.ciOnagtia,n of GOderich. ,
:Were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Liliran NieClenaghan:: .
'• Visitors on Sunday_w.ith
atid'Mrs.:''I'erri Morrison •ceiebrat
Morrison's ,birthday.Were•
Mr. and Mrs Ray Meyers, Anne
and Kenneth MotriS012,..Of
-.• Wingharri and, Diane HiCki•of •
:Draytop, . • • ,.•
• :
Visitors'On Sunday with Mr and
•Mis: Ivan L,aidlaW 'and family ,
and ilerb Laidlaw were: Mr. 'and :
Moore and:family Of
* Wirighanf and, Mr. arid Mrs. Jack
. . •
'Kerr �fBlievaIe. •:•• '
Mrs; Purdon and Mrs.,
Bob Mowbray were Thursday,
evening visitors with Mr:. and Mrs.
Torn. lvlorrisOn.,
Mr.. and Mrs: Orland Itwin.and
family' were Saturday•evening
visitors with:Mr. and Mrs. Ivan • •
Laidlaw. •
' We are pleaselO report. that, ,
RussetliftOhie was discharged
from 'Win' h
Miss Diane Hicks and Jim Mor-
rison were SatUrdy evening
visitors with Mr, And Mrs. Jack
Morrison and family •
Little John Crcy, wiI e kA
and 'Mrs., Harvey Craig Of,Wing
M ,a e to return horrie7on
Friday. from.'Wink am and District
"Hpspital afiet a•bout with the
cold. •
Mr and Mrs. Aie?cr11.9berison,
Margaret and Marilynwere Sun-
day Visitors, with Mr.. and, Mrs'. •
Dawson Craig.. • • ••-•'` •: • •
MissEmriaRichatdson, .Who, has
been a patient inWingham.'Hos7.,
pital ; w•ds'able 'to return to her
horne•at iTeesWater on.mondaY: .
Lee McGuire of'Toronto spent.'
the week:end vrith'his.parents
Mr.and Mrs. Russel:MCGuire:
Other visitors with them .were .
Mr.. and Mrse. Du Bois and son
Vie:tor, , Wh`o.have leased the...
house . for. the' years -on .the
foriffer• Bob Moffat farm...The
are moving there the ,end •of
.re.tire ..then. . • .•
•• We are sorry to report Mrs., •
• Eunice i1iespie was adrriiited .
ort Sunday .to Wingharil••and', bist-
rict TIOspitar. Wee wish her a
speedy recovery.' • . ••• •
' Mr ,-,and 'Mrs. Cameron, Sint,,:'
Mons, and :Joann' Laidlaw. '
don and Mrs.• Ezra Scholtz 'were
StindaYviSitOrS'with;Mi::•and Mrs.
.Elisly,•LaidiaW and family.
•• The Kiillough Preibyterian . •
Women's Missionary Society met
on Wednesday at the home of.,,
Mrs.. TMacDonald. The-:Pres7
Went Mrs. Glen, Haldenby opened.
the 'rneeting with.a poem and
prayer. Roll call An Easter
•Custorn. Mts'..Glen Haldenby
was 'appointed to' give the closing
.prayer at the Maitland Presbyter-
ial at Brussels' on May leth, .
Mrs,: Don Reid and Mrs. Otorge
1-larknetS had the. Easter program•
and Scripture. •Meditation.and
prayei and the Easter Message was.
given by Mrs. Glen Haldenby.:
Tliere were several.contests;
•• Mrs, Lyman Sutton read:a s,
poern 7Eastertide".• /virs:, Tom
Ma e Dona ld read 'a poem."Spring"
and Mrs'. George Harknes'S read ".•
"The legend, of Violets". The
closing hymn was followed by. the
',Lord's Prayancl Grace., • ,'
•.Mria Lyman Sutton gave the
courtesy ternarks and, lunch . • •
Was served.
itecluirCh held
their rneegn." 'Satarda 9.3# a. Im•
at".the hOrne of their leader Mrs..
John.Gaiint.. is hv purdon preSid
ent• opened:the • ting 'with'the
4 -H pledge repeat% UnisOn.
Jean SiMpsOn rea 1 the Minutes.;
The.rolyeall was an ered by
•inembeis telling how. ,-.i.r.,'farnily
:liked the: baked custari, ley 'Made
for. thern. , • • •• . • ' . •
• The discussion on Mill( and
People was„-gtVen by/Mrs: John
'Gaunt: and Mrs:. Fred Tiffin, ,•
• .• Demonstraticins: given were by
Ruth: Elliott, who churned erparn.
.and Made butter. •The,butterh•
milk was used to makePink
Nnthei;: a drink Which was .made
by Ruth Elliott., andaij ,girls;,sa id
Y • ...cherlikCc1-15; : • :
:Purdon, Cheese .crisp was ,made•
by Wendy England and Janene,
Pardon: Whip Topping' was rtiede
by Kathy -Wybenga and Jean Simp •
sOn.tDish Washers were Lori
•Purdon and Kay, Wilken
The roll call for next Meeting.
at Kathy Purdon's home is "name
three possible varieties of cheese
an. give description Of each and
work. on the Record Books'. •
PHONE. 351.3861,.
67 .C111rIt A, 4:d�r,: tklinder
standard , • •
Friday, Mach 2604.1971 '•
one of our representatives. *,
• °MR. F.J.McNAB
will be at
In this district and throughout Canada many
persons and firms in practically all types of
• businesses including
,Agriculture • TOUrigt and Recreational
Businesses • Construction • Professional
k " Services • Transportation Wholesale and
Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing
,have obtained loans from the IDB to acquire
land, buildings, and machinery, to increase
working capital, to start a new business, and
for other purposes. If you consider that IDB
can be of service, you are invited to arrange an •
• Telephone:524.7337
...or in advance by -writing to
. • ,
, .
: •
A •
• . .
, • •
• ' ."- •
„ •
• :1' tEllfloPIPIENT BANK
61 Dundas Street, London' 14, Oitario
' • . .
• On Tuesday, March16 we Open-
ed our. nieeting••with a garneof
balf,f-followedby.a game of "Hot
RotatOe"... ••
Gail Hackett was Fairy Queen.
So she was given the crown to:
weaf far:the me,etitig. We • then
trad-Browirie'Ring 'with the Brown-
, ,
ies hopping their' Fairy 'Gold. In- 1
spection was:for complete uniform
and riaMe tags in heir beiet.: we
Closed BroWnie Ring with die
BrOwnie Pra yer
, ,
During PowWow. plans' were • •,
• r
..• .
Made to attend the' Guide meet- ,' • ,
:ing on 'Thursday nIghtn, Wherf three, ••• ". • -
of Our Brownies are to fi'y•up to ' • •
ey , •
puides.: Thare:Kathryn:,
McKim ,•.EttaBelle: MacDonald:,
arid Lorna Boyle. Brown Owl
explained the Thrift Badge •
the Pack so if any of the Brownie4.
wanted to start to work' for it they • .
,• • . '
• • . • , •
• , •
Misset lVarie -rklandr
Wilkins, Elva:Ritchie and Linda
Henderson have been:ipending
They were visiting niriA Ritchie
there for part of their holidays.
Mr. andMrs.. Allan 'Ritchie;
• bienda and Bryce and Mr. and
•Mts. •Wesley Ritchie were in Owen
Soundon ..,•„`"Adnday. Brenda was
interested ih lOoking through the ,
Regional ,Nurses', Training' school'.
to pass their test.. Nancy Thomp-
son showed her collection of • •.
At 'work period Brow.n•Owl test;-:
ed Kathryn McKim' and Lorna • • .,
Boyle for semaphore Which s, •
piaof the • Golden' Hand test.
While Tawny QWI worked with
ald made her p(idding-to finish . , • ' -
her, Golden Hand ..test. The ret • .
Of the Packplayed a'"&a....rne of • '• •
'Pass the Hat". ° •
We closed the meeting with 2 • •
the Squeeze and Brownie Taps., • • •
66 CHRYSLER, 4 door,. power '
, equipped '
67 FORD, 4 door sedan, 8iutomatic
with radio ••
66 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 autoniatic
----With radio -
FORD Caltotft500; 2 door .httrd
top, 6 autaniatic. and radio
DODGE, 4 door, 6 automatic,
• power steering and radio '
65 PLYMOUTH 2 door hardtop, 8
• FORD Cataxie 506, Cdoor
herdtop,,8 atittimiat!ie
6 PORI) 4 door 8 auto' triatic, pnwervj 65 'OLDSMOBILE, power iteeting,
steeri,„ •i:A. -A isoviniallinuill- Williimuld."1111.111.111111.11"....°111.1.1".11.11
brakes and radio • .
ng* radio
Mr. 'and Mrs,,, Frank Ritchie,
Frank 'Riesling and sons
were ai'MiltOn on.Tueiday, where
they visited Mit.. MarY NleAuley.
Mr. arid Mrs, W. G Hunter
,werelin_riatrulto - • 1..n.Apia.-L.R, -esda
visiting Harold Gardner. Harold
returned to LucknOW With them. •
He is presently a patient in Winghtil Hospital as he had, been in •
poor ,.health,dttring.lik_wintet.'
Mrs. John Emerson and Delbert,.
Nixon accdmpaniedHunters to -
Hamilton, WheTe Mts. rrierSon
remained fora few days to visit
Mr., 'and Mrs.: Whitley
Mr. and Mit, Ken Xirkland
of Toronto are„spending holidays
in Florida this week:
\, •
Phone 520,5802