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Dun annon'.UC�IV
ChurchAuxiliary g
• + On. Tuesday,. March 16th, at
Entertain U.. 2, o'clock the Dun annon tjnited
Church Women met in the church.
4 and. 5 of the United basement:. •Mrs. ' Wrn Wiggins
° Church Women were guests of opened the meeting .with ..a' poem.
the Presbyterian Ladies Evening entitled "The Le end of the
Auxiliary for their. March meeting, Shamrock".
`The meeting was opened by Our•theme.for the March meet'
ing was ."Bible Study" Mrs: Wig -
Mrs. Jack MacDonald. The hymn
"All people.that on earth do gins* title was. "Go Tell" , words`
dwell" was sung , followed by that Jesus 'gave his disciples in' -
prayr, \ Mrs. MacDonald then rrany places. We read a general
turned' the meeting over to Mrs. thanksgiving in unison.
Jim Arnold and Mrs. Clarence
from mark.
Bell, leaders of .Untts 4 and 5 of . and Acts , the•
John s.. Youngread Bible, Mr`s;
the U.. C. W.:"
• Mrs. Bell gave a;reading;fol*, Wiggins concludedthis part of the
• lowed by Scripture reading by .• raeeting withiprayer.
Mrs.Luke. Mrs. G • McNee .asked for the:
Harvey Webster from'
and two poems read by Mrs.•.Bob roll call, which was•answered by
Nicholls on stewardship R as it. is: fourteen,.members-•wearing some : generally practrsed by many:thing green.
Christians toda The leaders 'The treasurer's report was given.
aealt..briefly with b.. -- by Mrc H. Alton. ` Mrs- .Hasty
'tern. ' read thank -you notes, and. Mrs.
Drennengave the visiting re-
• port. .The visitors for April:'are.,
Audrey ;'Hast ,Y. `and Tina Eogtenberg,
'Ong April 15th: at one,,e'clock the.
' 'Barry Passmore , the latter' two Nile lad"'
ladies of
non.for a Pot Luck dinner.. Mr, .
are 'Win" ham
Bruce- Heath,Director of the
The .speaker for.theevening,;h
.Children's Aid for Huron :County .,
Mrs G A .. (Audrey) Tiffin of
Wrtrgham-was-introduced-b.: Mrs; leo sh-a-filin.
Y Mrs. McDonald' donated a
•a quilt
Mrs: Tiffin based her address • top to. the U.C. W. ,This. is to. be
on' "Stewardshi '" on there quilted -the last week in March, at
p, remark h
e home of Mrs Wiggins:
. of a . child,., who., on: his first time
attendin Church noticed a 'Cross Mrs.. Cecil' Blake gave a:con-
g test entitled; "I•m Just Back From
add ;asked his mother what the ,,:
plus, sign meant. 'She commented,
Ireland.. Collection was dedica
ted. by Nits. G. Errin ton.:.
on'the.;use of violence as;a. meth- Y $
McClena ghan lead` in 'further
od of solving some Of the world's g <.
Bible Study, from" Luke `13..There
problems and pointed:out the Y
w' as a discussion period, followed -
negative or .minus : value of such . �i
method`by the lades forming into small;
s..:We::are not asked. to die • ,
for Christ.,.. but .to' live for: hirn.. groups and, answering four ques
tions, •
• .'A duet. "Just.aslAm" :•,.was
sung very beautifully by .Mrs.
Jack McKim and.: Mrs. George -
Guest, accompanied by Mrs.
Our Christian stewardship is con-
stantly calling upon us''to make . ' Rev. McClenaghan closed the
• choices; not •choices between meeting with prayer. A Si.. Pat
good and. evil, :necessarily," but. rick's lunch .was served- by .Mrs.
. rather choices of•the; better ways" • R.•<Eed • .Mrs. W., Pentland, and
•of:spell ding our' Linre- y, rington -T-he=April
'Mrs. Tiffin stressed, the needfor rneeting:will be held at, Mrs. H.
.'spending a larger portion of our Johnson's home in Goderich,:on
time in prayer and 'meditation, April 20th; at 8.15 p. m..
that We Might live 'with, God as
well as for Him. The world jud-
us with two Irish selections on the
piano and Mrs. Jack Treleaven
gave an Irish reading. Pianist
for the�m_eexing ...Norma
fin referred•to the • ' en i Taylor, :who played' appropriate -
f wom , n in the „ y P P
life of Jesusand to the words of music while"'the members :gather-
" " ' ed" ,during_ the Offering and the
the. Hymn T_a.ke�-�Iy. Life-.--T-he._._ � �
ges the Church by the words and
the 'actions;of its people.
Before closing her. 'interestinSg
acid h 1enging-t-a1k Mrs. Tif----
Offeringwas received by Mrs. Hymn..'. '
Bruce Raynard and' Mrs. George ,
Stanley, and 'dedicated by'Mrs.
Frank Hawthorne.
Mrs.. Harvey Webster delighted
To -6/V
Phone 5284013
Mrs. George Newbold thanked
the speaker and all who had can-
tributed to the:prograri me. .The •
Hymn "Take My Life" was sung
and Mrs Arnold closed the' meet-
ing with,prayer. A delicious • .'
lunch was servedby the Presbyter
is n ladles,
itec urc
Whitechurch Y.P.S. held 'their
meeting Sunday evening March. 14_;
in the Presbyterian' church' Sunday,
School room with an attendance of
The president Ruth Elliott gave
thecall to worship and opened' the
meetilag with a sing song with.
pianist Darlene Simpson. Mr..
Victor' Wybenga read the scripture
:Mr. C. De Koeijer led in
prayer. The topic, The Restless
Ones. was;. thoroughly discussed' a's.
well as the 'problems of youth
today. .
• The collection.was received; and
the meeting closed. :
y g lunch.
Mrs', W ben a served
Calvin -Brick Messengers' held
their March : meeting: on' Sunda}. in.
the church The leader was
Alice. Beecroft and pianist.was
ane :, y oc
.w •_
The theme of the -meeting . as
Easter:. Dennis Thompson led' in •
prayer:. The scripture was read'
by-Marlene-McGee. Donald- • '
and Brian Shiell .received the
offering'which was dedicated by.
Alice Beecroft.
,Doreen Taylor read an''Easter
'poem "An Easter:Wish The
Herald Report was given by
Michael Moore;
Mrs. `Lawrence Taylor:gave the
story; Jesus kept His :Word. ,.Then
all went: to their: classes.
Rev. Robert :Nicholls; B A:
'MARCH 28th •
:LENT: s
10 a.m Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship:
1 p.m. Youth Confirmation Class,
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24th, 197.1
-0 PS runny ,noses -
L s Utfr teal
Action '
[jFIII.,:water! eyes:
IL Present lift
To father Cassano
Father Cassano' opened St
Jose h4 -C.1 , rnee ing_vith
Mass.. 'Mrs. Antone Van Osch •
:presidedon March 15 ,, 1971, . with .'
22 members .resent: Correspond .P. P
ence was' read. Two letters from
Malta. And Peru, were .inte'resting. •
Save 'your used -stamps. for the
missions in Peru.. In May', clothes.
will 'be sent to Madonna. House. at
Comberrrtere. • ' • :
The annual ineeting_will be
held' in April. so nomination forms
are'being collected by, Mrs'.. Gene
Rayne , Mrs. Reis Miltenburg
and Mrs. Carl Riegling. Return i
.the forms by March 31: • b�
This year St. Joseph's
are celebrating tleir`SOth anniv
:ersary:': It. was decided that all
members :would go out:for supper
At 'the Tiger Dunlop Inn sometime"
in May.
The C W: L. project , ;the cook
books,' arrived. Mrs Joe Court:
;ney and�'Mrs;. 'Mark -Dalton'are'n
charge ,
The Children's Aid Society have
a film.'available ."Where ever
there :are Children"' and this will
be shown at a future :meeting.
Watch magazines and newspap-
ers for pictures'.of people showing
The Olivet United Church
Women held :their • Mardi meeting
on•Thu'rsday evening at the home
s ��i�iTter=6ia'_ y
Mrs: Jack. McGuire's.grottp •
presented the worship program.
Mrs: M. Coiling and Mrs. White
'gave reports. cif the Presbyterial,
held in Luc'kriow recently;:
Mrs. •M,• Coiling acted as
.president for the business in •
;Which: 'much time was spent on': •
ways and means of refilling tine'
coffers. • ,'
Lunch was served by Mrs..Ger-
aid -Coping's group.
I heard about a ' man called
LJesus w
Who . went about
doing '
It troubles me that I am so
easily content
Wit lfjus going about.
CH RCH ...
The RevR. R. Odendahl'
MARCH 20th
St Paul's Ripley
AScension Kinlough 10:30 aim.
St. Peters Lucknow
htfreti School
St. Pauls, Dungannon
2nd' and 4th Sundays
Christ Church, Port Albert
1s4y8rd and. 5th Sundays
Presbyterian �sb terian" (hutch
ev.. Glenn Noble, B.A:,. B.D.
Phone 528-2740;
disrespect towards the police.:
Pictures' are needed for further
information dealing with the reso-
lution that was sent: in.
On. April 2nd at 0.00 a..dinner
will .be'served.to'the 22
from Moose Factory plus`. all the.
pupils of Kingsbridge grade -7 and'.
-S-Yorkers-ar-e-neede--d so contact •
Mrs .. John 'Howard , .
'On March 17, Father Cassano,
celebrated, his 15th, an 'iversary as
a` priest. A gift• of appreciation
was given' to -;him. 'Father stated .
that all priests. need. prayers_.to
help them in.their ;vocation.
Instead of mystery gift , a
donation. was given to .the Peace
and Development of other. count-.
ries Father Cassano -,stated that
this Lenten Season's'thene for all.
faiths •isto. help the people in -
underdeveloped countries, Please
usre the'banks.that 'were.handed.
out. There is a possibility' in the
Huron-Perth••area that mass will
'be. said. on Saturday instead of
closing missions because -of the
lack • of priests.
Mrs. Reis Miltenburg adjourn-
ed. the meeting .and Father closed
With prayer.: Lunch concluded
the meeting.: ,
10.00 a.m. Sunday :School
11:00' a.m. Morning Service'
Services: -
w 10:00 a.m. En lish;
2nd :Sunday 'Dutch
2:30 p.m. English' •
Denominational„, Radio Broad-
cast, "The Back To• God :Hour",
every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford)
- 2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen
Sound), - 6:00 .p.m..
1nIough A:
Mrs.. Jim Smith was hostess..for
the March meeting of the�4n• l c- --
An Church Women on Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. Gertrude,
Walsh presiding... The scripture
was red in .dialogue form from,
the ,Living-Ivlessage by lrs W lsli
and 'Mrs. 'Roy Schneller..• Prayers.
followed. ; .Mrs.:Howard ' •
Thompson„ --Prayer part.nexs secret•
ary ; reported :on'a recent letter-'..,
from the prayer partners Rev and"'
Mt, George Honour', who sent
warmest greet'ingsyto the• friends •
in ,this parishy
The world 'for the roll, ca 11
Was •"Forgive"`;: Correspondeirc
was read which included 'expt.csy
sions of thanks from the anti y:
of'the, late Mrs.. Ada. 11od ;.iris.
•The ladies were asked to 'keep in •
nJ,: d the Diooesap-annua 1 rn�ct
ing.to be held in St: James •
Church London on April 290, .,
Cards wete'signed for t:ho sick
and shut-ins;. -
Mrs:. William Cox and•••Mts' •,
-t e -
April meeting with Mrs. (;cor�;c
Grahartt'arid:Miss May Boyle eotty:
yellers. This will; l'>e ohscNod .as -
a quiet day-, it being .the.,'da} ihe. •
fore -Good. Friday+., =Mrs. 4�!tlsly'
closed the 'meeting. with •pra\ er..
Delicious refreshments' were
served by the hostess, and her ,
daughter-in-law Mrs. ilaroid
Smith Mrs. •Art" Haldefby
the courtesy remarks. • A hale
,quilt "Was q ii`lted during; the