HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 8A, . . PAGE :.EIGHT HE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • Rainbow League PLAY - OFFS • " High :single was rolled by Anna Johnstone with' 280 and the high triple by Marie Stewart with 692. Games.200 and over: Anna, Johnstone 280, 215; Madelaine -" ::Alton 272; Marie Stewart 258'., , 211; Marianna Porter 224,, . Tilly Wilson 224, 205 ,''Kay 'Craw - lord 210,•202, Loreen Alton 215., garb Whitby :213 , -Grace Hopf 204, •_ Joy Dennis 202,_.Arine Wise'r201 'Trudie: Nelsoit'ri 200: '' Team points:' Eileen Lavis' Reds • .2, Kay . • Crawford's .Violets' 5; 'Kathleen Forster.. s. Yellows 2 ,•'Jo . Y. Dennis Oranggs S; Kathy G,ibsosr_s- 7 ' Greens .0-, Anna Johnstone's Blues • Team standing:,Blues 7, Viol- ets 6, Oranges 5 ,Reeds 2-, Yellows , Greens LADIES ; 6:30 :LEAGU' Jean Phillips,was the---tbp--bowier - in the second week'of the Play- offs with a 28,2 single and:;,606 'triple.'. /Mens .i High singlebf'.the •evening went to, Fred'Horton with a score of 284. Ron Stanley,.took.h gl� triple . with a score of 725 • Gaines over 225:. Lloyd Ashton 274',, George .;Stanley 228 , Des Courtney 260, Jim Durnin 271, Fred Horton284, Jake Conley .247, .Y Hugh Johnstone 270 Ron Stanley ' 235, 250.,`240. Team points Owls 3,Cardinals 2- . vultures 4, Hawks 5;. ' Team standings:. Vultures 11•, _ Hawks. 8, 'Owls. 7, Cardinals ens P• Jack :Caesar was top bowler this week :.with. the high Single of 291. Points. won: Fords. 6, Pontiacs• 2 Oldsmobiles -5, Mustangs 2; Dod.- g, 4, au Leks 3 Garner • of 250 and over: Jack Caesar' 290,' 291, :Stuart : Jamieson 271, 259•; Roy Finlayson 260, Bill Stewart -273, Rick Jardine 252, Cam. MacDonald. 265, John Ruther- ford. 256 Art Young, 275.. . Playoff 'standings:. Mustangs 14•,' Oldsmobiles l2, Fords 12',. Dod"ges:a9; -Buicks 9; Pommes • p_ fines -of, -200 and-ovet::Jean----= Phillips 282,, Beryl Hunter 234, Anne Purney 253; Pearl Murdie 233-, Ferne MacDonald 231, Gay Garniss 204,, Mildred Cameron. 224, Marion•Mackinnon 222, ran -2B.7. . • Trudy Tearrl points: Belle Mole's Rub•- es 7.,• Catherine Schmid's Diam-' otids O;,Anna Mae Hunter's Opals 5, Mildred Cameron's Sapphires 2; Trudy Foran's Erheralds• 5 Marie Greer's• Pearls 2,.: ' Team staridi•ngs:bies 12, Opals 10,, Sapphires 9, Erheralds<,a It 'Pearls 4.,• Diamo'nd's 0, ,just, three weeks r•ernaining 'there'll be sortie Changes m ld'e'`y'; Celebrated 88th 1 BirfEl.4QYF Sunday . WHITECHURCH.NEWS ,. Mrs. Mary F. Chapman` cele-// braced her 88th 'birthday on:Sun- day by accompanying Mr. and . 1(Irs,, Russel Chapman,.to Grand - Bend , 'where they met Mr:. and • Mrs.' Ross Smith and family: Russel' Chapnian-returned; with .them to Toronto for a holiday:' •• Mr. and MIS. Herb Hunter and Trevor of Londoni.are spending •a weeks holidays with her parents. . Mr. .and Mrs. Wallace Conn and, other relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and. Mrs. •Earl Jamieson, ' were Sunday visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Tom Jamie son Russel•Ross and Doris . were at. Kitchener Hospital on Sunday • . where they'visited with Mrs: Ross and report, she:. is as well as can' 'be expected, Mr. -and Mrs;; .Ronald Jarnieson and: family on Sunday met. Ivlr. and Mrs..McGowan in .Kitchener. and Lori'Jamieson returned to • oro.. o • • " . - with. her grandparents ,Mr, and Mrs, McGowan.. Mr• 'and Mrs 'Herb'Hunter;: and Trevor .and 'Mrs. Wa lace: Conn were Sunday :callers. on Mr:'• and-Mr-s-Bill,Caslic-k-an f ` of Culross:. week end with her Mend ss Kathy Wybenga. Chalmers children of the .Chgirch will hold a :meeting in the Sunday School room next Sunday, March 28 during church service, All children are asked to, a.tt'e'nd, a,s. the election of offic- ers will;. take place. Congratulationsuto Mt t. Clan- •ence,Adams°of the village who' •. on Tuesday last, was a Hot Spot :winner, , Mr. and. Mrs . Roy •McSween• and Garry of Winghani were Sunday visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Arthur :Burrows. ., We are pleased to' report that ' Charles Leaver was, released from Wingharn and District Hos- .pital On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Melville 'Bee- croft•"of Otterville were week end Visitors with'•Mr• and Mrs Gilbert Beecroft. ' Mr.:and Mrs '.John Willis of. Toronto spent last week's holidays -with his mother 'Doris Willis and het parents Mr..and Mrs.,:: Bill Caslick of Culross.' .'Mrs.. Bill Evans returned .back to Listowel on Friday evening • n,- sa bus -ton to plc husband Bill Eyarrs.tnether at • Listowel. ' Mr: and'Mrs: Bob Whittle of. Toronto are: visiting'this •week:; at the horne of Mr.• and Mrs.• John` d am ly Jamieson and .family. The U. -C.•1 W. are holding • Mr, and. Mrs Gary Willis ander family of Atwood were Sunday visitorswith his mother 'Mrs. /Doris Willis. On 'Sunday. March. 2lst 'first day of spring; some back roads in .this area ;were snow blocked and some folks could .not get to%'church. Roy -Dawson'and 'Mrs. Robert. Hutchison'w.ere•: at St..Joseph's::Q,• Hospital, London on Tuesday to visit with Mrs.' Roy Dawson; 'a patient there who had undergone surgery. Mrs. Hutchison also' has a ,sister in Victoria. Hospi`fa1, London. = Miss Kathy ;Purdoh.spent. the ILI IaI I ISI II•I; IAI I:IaI LlslilIu (lI LIulI IRI I III I J unior .League "ss had a 'thigh singlet 'of,254'and a high double of 426.'' For the boys Jim Ritchie had a high single of 223: and a high double of 372.. Team points:. Lifesavers 5.,'' Wagon, Wheels 5, Chiclets :0,, and Potato Chips 0' Team t andi s ngs:, i.tfesave.r,, 6 chiclets 44 ;_ida,gon Wheels 43 arid Potato Chips 21. '.. •u - n ck ow. .• Dungannon •'Men's high 'triple Harold Erring- ton 702, and men's high single Barry McDonagh 2.78, ' . Ladies' high triple Wilma Chis, holrh 654, and ladies' high single Wilma -Chisholm 315. ; COUNTRY. Anna Dexter rolled"high single bf�lSl agti�9e �rth�h'gtr double of 354' for the ladies. For the men, Harry Lavis.rolled' a 244 single and C1'arerice' Bell adouble of385.. ' ' Team points won Carrot 5 :•___._ . Lettuce 3; Potatoes 2.and Turnips 0. Team standings: Mel King"s:. Carrots 65 , Henry Carter's Potat- oes 63, Clarence Bell's Lettuce '62 and Jack Campbell's'Turriips 50.. . Men over 259:: Barry McDonagh 278,•,Frank,Thompson'.266', Zeke Z-.erari:26i3 ; -.G-orcL-Brooks 263, Frank Hawthorne 256, ' Ladies over 225: Wilma•Chis= holm 315, Linda •Rathweal. 281, ' Cora "Thompson 253,. Marie Stew- art 244, 231, Dorothy Errington 244. , Mary Cl_ela nd+2__Ma. Fisher •234, Elaine Irwin 228, . • Points won: Zebras 7, Gophers 0Lions'' 7, Pole Cats 0; Cubs 5 Squirrels 2; Tigers 5., Coons 2;•• ,WOlvermes 4._ Beavers 3�, - , _ � , . Kangar oo"s �!, Chiprnunks 3, Standing s •'A Croup - Cubs 12 p Tigers. 9, Wolv'er'ines 7; Coons .7,. Sbuirrels 4, Beavers 3':,• 'B Croup - ,Zebra's 12, Kangaroos. Lions '9, Chipmunks'6 , ldophers ,4,.Pole Cats 2, WEDNESDAY,, MARCH 24th, •1971 their •Thankoffering meeting Wednesday, March 31 at;.2,30 in the church.., .The guegt 'speaker Mr. ' Streich, speaking onthe topic Welfare/. • Miss Joannitaidlaw of London , nurse in training, will spend this week's holiday with her par- ents. Tvlr.�' and. Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. The Old Tirn.e Hobby Craft . meeting was held Tuesday even: pg- ar-the-home--of Mrs: -E ra Scholtz., when ten ladies were. present working on knitting , urd . embroidery, :waking quilt ; blocks and sewing mat. ..:W,e are pleased to report that ,q; .'' Dennis,shultz was; kart, week released from Weingha rn Hospital , . We are leased xo report Mrs. C dries Showers of, Winghanr • has ben released from St.rJosephs' klospital, London and is Xow at the home.of h'er.daughter in .London. She has to return to the hospita l every other day for therapy. 'Her husband and'' Glen visited'with • her on Sunday.' .We are told the sap is running .good at the .present and those who Make maple syrup Fare 'busy` tapping •the .trees. • Ivlr:'.and Mrs., Gershom Jolml :stun ofWtngh'am received word •that.Mr.: and •Mrs, .Donald'Sinitlr and family are being transferred. from Charlottetown Prince Ed- ward Island to•Sault Ste. Manic`. Mr • Smith is their', grandson r,. an $...;Rrn. `ur.on and,. • Miss Beatrice• MMQuilliri;were in Waterloo•on•:Wed:nesday, where'' !They visited. with .Mr. and Mrs'. Donald Gaunt and Miss Barbara Ann Pu;rdon: In•the evening thV aetended Open House at• Lincoln -, :Heights Sehoal inL•Water-loo , where Bar'1lara Anis a teacher. Mr. and Mrs'. James Bean and ' la-rri'i-1:y'•of.:Galt were Suutlay Visic'-. ors with Mr.and, Mrs. 'Clifford Laidlaw. irIsIose In' elmore Seri�s -,On Wednesday, March''17 the Y. Lucknow girls hockey team trav- elled •to Belmore toplay the sec-.. ond,game:,in ;the best 2 out series., •i� Belmore;.defea ted' a now 3 2, 'Both Lucknow goals g were scored by Marg Chester: '• On Sunday , March' 21',, `a large crowd: turned' out in Lucknow to see -the girls lose 3 2• in over time against e Bnst lmore... Lucknow` gw'erec' re goalss, o ed by Donna -Greer and. Marg .Chester. ,. • 'eeees>Lose s::.` ose ne In Bader cls Tourney Lucknow PeeWee hockey, tea in, a • e a ,succesS�l season,. were defeated :by Dorc'hester'.4 73, in,'the Goderich. Young Canada.. 'floc key` Tournament on Monday;' The team won. their group in W.O..A.A.. play defeated Tees'-... water and Milverton in the play -' • offs', both irr two straight ga i,rres, and then lost out to. Hensa.11 es,tof-threi Exhibition Game Prestoir Juvenile hockey team will play an,exliibition game. in Luc know on Friday ,:.March 26 at against the Lucknow series., Bob 'Collins has been :in ch t r;c of the tem, assisted by `Kass Forster. , ,., . • :People who fly ;into a' rage. always make a bad la GET AWAY FROM IT ALL. COME fop THE LORD' SiMCOE, CLOSE: TO SHOPPING, THEATRES AND ENTERTAINMENT SPECIAL PRICE $54.90 PER COUPLE INCLUDES riday: ,-and-Saturdayigh bed sitting room, or best available: *:' Bottle of chaihpagne Breakfast aiic .dinner(tor ,2) on Saturday. ` ' Breakfast.. and' a}ty sigg see><ng:tour (for 2)on un a Please mention the get -away. Weekend to your travel agent air .. , reservations. . •. g. when you make your reservations; • ..-/• or m cot. . Ho to . TELEX 0143$' TEL 362.1848