HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 7WEDNESDAY,MARCH 24th 1971'
Wishes to thank' the following'sponsora'
Snowmobile Sale
Ted's , sand Serv;i'ce,'Londesboro, $10.00;. Petrie's
General Store, Port: Albert, $12.95; •Eedy's Bakery, Dunganribn,
$5,00;, Dawson's' General Store; .Dungannon, $5,00; < `Argyle
'• 'Marine, Goderich,. $114 85, Elliott's Beach Bar, Amberley, '$10.00,
John F. MacLennan Insurance Agent, Kin tail,;$10.00; Bob Mace,
Nay General ' Store, Amberley, . $10.00; Kintail General..`,' Store,
$14,5Q, Bluewater. Sports Shop, Kincardine, $12..66; Hackett,Farm
Equipment, Lucknow, $10.00; G. and E. Sales and Service, Luck
now, $10.00;' Donald •„A Duff, Skiroule Sales, Carlow, $10.00;
Gord's Sports and Cycle, Goderich, . $10.00; Rising's General
Store, Sheppardton, $10.00;, Chisholm Fuels,. Goderich, $10.00
•Art Helm Welding; Lucknow, '$10,00; Bud Hamilton, Lucknow,
$10.00; •J. W. Peck, Clinton, $7.95; H. Lobb and Sons Ltd., Clin
ton, $10.00 Huron Automotive, and. • Supply, Goderich,, , $6:95;
Stewart Aluminum Sales, Goderich, $10 00Freeman Olson,
Dungannon, $20,00,
:Special . thanks •to Goderich OPP and' St: JohnsAmbulance
for. being on hand
President Vice President
to make •it? You take some meat
D� .•• , , ( he tag • end ' of that roast willde)
• or some baton, some, cooked.
Our hearts go out in deepest` ; u
sympathy to Mr: and Mrs.•. Gerald
potatoes and an onion, Chop up
estop in .t a oss, o ' err •a.•
$g Yu '»re: ready - to
son'Kevin six months •old: o
y . serve it,. drop in
Mrs. Irvine . Eedy is in the hos it •as many: eggs as: you need , to
make ..0 the amount you need. '
al..,for observation and Mrs.. Don P' ..: ”
:McNeil is
helping out atthe • Scrambletogether and •serve with'
to st points and,,a green salad...Of in her, absence.
Card Party
Maple Grove L.O L.. 1044 spon-
-•sored a-ca-rd-Tparty-triTthe . ia1,
Hall on Monday evening with' 9
tables in play:
• High prizes went to. •Mrs., . Bert '-
Alton • and Allan Gibson with coni
solation prizes to'Mrs.,'•Frances.•,
Wilkins and, Donald. Ritchie.
• There will be •another card,
party in two. weeks.
Sev�rai: Froin Area
Winter Holiday
Several from this area are tab''
ing advantage of this week's
winter. holiday to travel and visit'
On Sunday Marsha. Huii'nphreyand
Maureen Bradley left from 'London'
airport to, fix, to Clevelandwhere
they will spend •the week with Mr.
and Mrs Attlee Wise' III" (Jean
Webster .
Mrsi. Delbert Wilson is spending
the,holiday in. Arizona' ' •
NIr; and Mts.: .lviery n 'Funston
e travelling for some days in
Florida, Mr. and Mrs 'Reg y
Fl d
along •with Mr. .and Mrs. ':Herb
En riierton iwenrbT bus -too
'Florida.•on Saturday:.-
Dianne Kempton.is ,spending a
few days, with ,het cousin Marilyn
,.Irw,in in London:• ,
Spring arrival on
P $ officially
Sunday and with' sunny skies;'.th`e
`return ofr:the robin and` even.the"
'skunks being .. out, we can look
hopefully ahead to nice• weather;
The bi-weekly was•'held
at. the L' O L. halt, Amberley on
Monday night. of last Week.',A:
:good. -crowd was on hand to enjoy`'
'the night.of cards'. Winners..
were high lady.; Mrs; Emule Mc
Lerman; high gent; Jack,Camp
bell luc y' raw : Ra ' '
. kyr , Y Collins1n..
Lunch: was served by°the commit
tee of Mr.. and. 'Mrs. Donald
Courtney a'nd.: Mr. and Mrs.,
God.fr g
i to 'u e ome..rom is
ja}zindindsok at the..Metropoli:ta-n
store. :His .inotheR; says, she's: glad
• :to have hizn home o 'she can •
'' fatten hirnhp;again Kids of
their own,don`t always ta'ke..time
fa eat .properly.
Mr. and Mrs "George R ivett :
had their .,granddaughter Miss
Donna Mason of Vanderloof B:.0
to visit• them:
There was' a real race on at.
,,-Orange Hall March 17 when`the
Women's 'Institute -put on a dessert
'euchre Mrs: JoY..Srnith dashed
down.the homestretch to: win 'by'a
nose with 5'3 points..: Mrs. Myrtle
Fowler was'racing her neck and.,
neckbut just: managed: to corral.
-47 points. Then,' Mrs; • Dora ';,
Brooks and Mrs Elsie Mtlntyre
lolloped along.i t
•27 and 16 points respectively. The
'dessert was luscious and in case
• you're ever: invited to gone of:
• 'these d.o's ,don't eat any dessert
t --home. Forrthat'matter-, , don'.t
': eat.' any lunch if you're On,a diet
• • There were two :e>;tra prizes
/.given. One for the:closest b rth.4..
day to Mrs. •Howard'Johnson and . Yours
e coo
you. n ay want to dci_.herhs Or - .-
swine.. 'Delicious and a .good way
to useup leftovers.t. • •
Say!. what are:we going to do,,
about the. Parish iall? :Seems .a
sharne.to "just let it go:by the
'boards. .it, holds a' lot ,of happy, ..
memories for a 'good many of •
Us.. Could :iny fellow citizens.:.
get. together., and turn.i:' into 'a
community' hall.: Perhaps there
•.could be games, hobbycrafts, •,
• tau.ght= a quiet room for reading
or study, a place for the kids'to, •
dance,: to a jukebox' under super
vision of.course and.a place •
where young.people with •children
could':go for 'an. earlytevening
game of cards, taking the kids
.with .them. ' These•are just:a few'
amount of real "talent there is,
around this countryside: we should
.be able to do something.
We41-moi t ek a +:e-tha-t'-s�all for:
this week I'd 'still like:to',,know
anything, you do
Having purchased the Lanes Store from Mrs..
Donaldson, -•we will ' taking over the store. April
• 1. Owing .t a h rtn ss of . iine our official. open...
1 •
open -
will' be held at a' later `date. s ' fi` ' ,
Jim and'.i Arnold
What is a' hometown' paper.? It .
is not Trudeau,, .Nixon, the, Ken-
nedys or what is goin ori' abroad;
It is not the. latest moon shot or
'Dior's .newest fashions in•Paris.
It is°the little., personal. trivialit-
-ies that make
paper.:Toahe stranger outside
► the community in'wliich'the„. '
paper circulates; these'trivialities.
rnay•seem .insig;nificant but -to the
past or present inhabitants they!.
God . _are needs of` ,•.:,
Pte: David Courtney •returned'
to his•, ship at Halifax after spend-
ing some' time off at his. parent's '
home,..Mr, and '.Mrs .Donald ..
Courtney.. aviit Wil1Tbe going
to Florida fora week. where the
boatwill be tied up for painting
and repairs: b
On Sunday
Vvr 'Ctheboys of "Cubs"
or• wne ecddrleamTiv -"" rl k f PineRihr heiyed a
MersarY to Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge: ' atirtpa ty•in the afternoon
Ruth Beer is home for, a,_ few • • along, with their ;leaders Margaret
,days from -Quebec before-:...• oiii- -un ,:_nne 'Co`utne =atTd Iv arsha -3-lurn=---
to visit her sister •Mrs,. Dwight Reids Corners W 1 phrey. ' .Following the outaing
Aldham at •Amiersrburg. .y. ever one returned to
•_The, oak_'m reading`tii-sem BRLEY4E home -for hot-dogs-'and-ether4
is In The Country of The Young refreshments.
by John.W, Aldridge, One thing, ;Mr,• and Mrs: Bob Mac Nay,
• - I'll say for me..:..Aldridge', -he ; Mr, and Mrs. Leonard -Courtney;'
and My. and Mrs. Bob Courtney'
nsswrll dol word where'
. g one However don't attended\the Junior 'A' hockey
• let that frighten"you. The 'boolt.grrnae.rn Gitclph on Sunday night.
ms Very licnetrating and spares t d "i'h,c Baine betweenn:c+uelph and..
no one. It seems the reason the . I)etroit w�as'a good one; arid it Was
}t ds ate drat a -awa s ecause= a--t•rcat_Lt see, the two boys of -
thein Arid (2) we did' crordie Bowe' - Mark and. Marty•
• The Reids Corners W0nien'S
institute'rnet in the church. base-
nient on Tu;es'day evening. of last
'week for -their March meeting.
The Pr'csident Mrs. Eldon Brad
Icy presided' and ic.corr'cspond
:once was read by• the secretary,
Mrs.• Cecil=E-liitnlaitre. -'I he roll
call 'iw'as. "ta ke a letter of the. word
Agriculture and use it to begin a
product of agricul''turc' or •indnst•ry
in. Bruce county
Mrs'. Dui can''rhorhut had the •
riot bold a Wall of .discipline
around t}701ij'for t}ern to fight •
against. 'Kids are like butter-
flies'); who need to beat their way
eoori , .in
strong. Seems kids :need a 'coc0-
6'n of discipline , arid We've .hcen
so' permissive that the, y don`t• ':et
this till ythe. get to cone te.. So � �.
e4av,-e4h riots---xn f-tzbtllions••.
' ortunatcly we can boli at most•
of our kids and say fuddle duddle.
Mr,: and 'Mrs. Arthur Eggleston.
'visited' friends: in the neighbour"-
hood for a few days.
SLUM. JLLION ! Isn't that •a
hut'ndin_ger of a word 1 How Baily
bf'Yout,oldtiitiers retnenber lni
the tisc.•of traps , picture"s, and.
!sott:Venir. articles alone; with her
cWti..cota'Mentary, ,she presented
a.vcry intcr,estiiig andinformative.
talk ori ,this imporTnt we rlci oil;
Contests,were coiidticted• by .
Mrs.'.John''McDonald and
following the Closing Ode; acid'
(;race, lunch was served by the
l ostcses,'N1rs. Donald Courtne rr
,Mrs. Joan 'McIonakd and kftsw .. _
Bob Courtney.
who seen to be off to a good
;tart in their own.}iockcy carters.
'Spending the Week end at their
homes were Judy Thorburn, Anne'
Cizioq-r-.Carol Getr-tilay._, S1a%rL..:.
icy Reid and Brenda. Humphrey.
Congratulations to Gary Court,
ney.whose curling team of. hitt ;r
self', Jane ' Wcst 3, Judy Coiling
and, ,Mbrrar-Culbert. won .1 t primo
Di the borispiel iii } ipley.ori ;Saltur'
duty,. •
At the Sunday lerVices at Pine'
live:r.'C}tore}I`, Mrs,, 13111
Seca sang
�j 1bve`ly solo "tJritil 7"rtieti'� p
Wendy Courtneh:and Mrs.. Bob
Courtney Weree or,anisand
1 - \ a
4 1
the community •
One vita role that' the: weekly
,p;per plays, as does, any
newspaper', is that of comrnunica:
tion. Communication is being
able to express' one's personal.
thoughts •and opinions freely ,• and
the paper makes this pos 'ible
through its letters to the editor',
editorials •aridP P
ersonal discre, an-
cies. It ;serves;•.asa. news bulletin„
for readersof all 'a es.. by recording
r:' Dan
. Dan. MacLean celebrated
is :.•t •irt ay. on eines, ay,
.March 17th:at.the home of Mr.' •
and"Mrs-. Ewan' MacLean, where
he makes =his home
L -Recent -visitors .w-ith-Mr and
Mrs.• E.wa,n, MacLean WereMr. and,
Mrs;. Allan. MacLean,;: Lexie :and"
hutncan of Collingwood
�N1rs.Frank MacLennan is,still.` :
a-= tient: in=hos 'ita-1--rn W n Karn
;. S.
Friends of :Toth MacDonald
will. be pleased •to hear She 'has
.r p
to Wingham hospital. '. •
Sympathy of th'e cornmunity is
personae announcements; social.
events , community projects ,,local
sports and school' activities., and
affairs of the church. It acts.as a'
median between the busines
world and 'its clientele.. ' This .is.'
aecompiished by.means of adv'er-
Ting. • This creates' an interested,'
informed and united community
and keeps former residents in
touch with old friends, neigh
ersona:: y t e most. important
4speots4f; ,the-: aper -1s tit'
means to me. Having ev
away from the community it is
like a, letter from home. • One -ca -n
take the hometown' paper', relax,
•and` go back to• his old community:
One • can share their feelings of.; joy,..
shock ,:surprise., :and' grief.
• Nor matter. how,'far you travel'
:from honie you .will always ,be
close,in spirit with. home
town paper.,.
extended' Miss Sadie Johnson in
the death of her.aunt `Ally Nelson,
who ..inade'her home with the
Johnsons., . While ..in this' area ..
Mr. Thomas Farrell is back:.in
the Lochalsh aea•askhe returned
home from visiting for a: few
•e iii Linc-arthne
after leaving Wingha. m Hospital...Mr.andMrs
Dan Wylds , Mr
and Mrs. ;Warren Wy lds and Mr.
and'; Mrs. Oliver .McCharles were!,
gurestg.:arthe, wedding dinner in
, honor of
Mr .and Mrs'. Brian •
WYlds,.recent neWiy weds T
dinner was held in Walkerton at
the 'Hartley House.
Ids' Il iigron.. Webster"has
g .
returned to her home from :hospit-
al in London and!Mr: •and;Mrs.
�4rtlee�Wise III laave di s tin. ,.:_
with:the Websters•froni.Cjeve;
•CALL.+US'FbR DE' ki t
Hallowen Farms
PHONE 529,7144