HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 6PAGE; SIX' 'THE,.,LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - • SUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE. AUCTION. -SALE OF-' FARM .IMPLEMENTS, IfAY. and SOME FOUSEHOLD FURNITURE will be .held for the ,estate OF THE LATE JOHN CONNELLY, Lot 9,,. Colborne Tnwi ship, 4 miles . north of Goderich on,Highway 21 On' SATURDAY, APRIL 3 1,:30 p.m. Implements International 656 Diesel' tractor, with 18 x .34 rear tires and 10 x..16 front tires, tractor in,.good as new, used only 280 hours Massey Harris 15 'run, power :lift . seed drill; Inter- national 81/2. ft. cultivator; 111/2 ft. Kongskilde cultivator; Cockshutt disc; Massey Harris one way disc New Idea power mower; . Massey Harrisside rake; International No. 37 baler with • bale . thrower,' 3' yrs.. old; •Cockshutt .wagon; '2 ` Massey Ferguson wagons; Smoker • 32 ft. bale elevator; Massey, Ferguson No. 82 self . propelled combine= with reels and pick up; 4" grain'auger•; Gehl forage harvester with motor; New Holland forage blower with; 50'• of pipes; 2 Forage wagons; 1 row New Idea corn, picker, like new; International 2 row mounted corn cultivator; ,1953 Fargo truck, :10 : ft. rack; d ' • , ells as is large vise; tarpaulins; , hammer. mill' & belt; universal 'milker and pipes; tools, etc. 1, Hay: 600 bales hay; 100 bales of straw. Some household furniture '. and- Con TERMS CASH Victoria & Grey• Trust, Goderieh Executors for the.. estate Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer,; Lucknow AUCTION:` :SALE AUCTION SALE of beef cattle, machinery, , household effects will be held for Eric :Parsons, Con. 7, Kinloss Township, 5 miles north ' of Lucknow and 2 miles west.' of Holy rood . on Saturday; March 27 at 1: p.m. • Terms Cash — Farm Sold Allan' Macl, Auctioneer CLEARING •AUCTION SALE of 24 ' DAIRY COWS, MACHINERY, HAYAND;,GRAIN will be held for. KEITHPRESSEY Lot 13, Con. 8, Colborne . Twp:, 2'. mile. woof of Auburn or 4 mile east of the Nile on, • MONDAY, APRILS at 1:30 p.m.. d oi`24Da ins: cs o of 19' young Jersey cows 3 Holstein cows, 1 Ayrshire cow, 1 Guernsey • cow; ' milk qUota subject; to board approval. A full line of .good farm Machinery including a W.D. 45 Allis Chalmers tractor with heat houser in near new condition m —' bine; 'Baler. 28 Beatty steel star chions (2 yr. old);litter carrier' bucket with 120 ft. track See sale bills for list of -machinery, hay and. grain. • TERMS CASH FARM. SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accident's BRIAN RINTOUL, Auctioneer Whitechurch, phone 357-2349 AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Livestock and some household articles will be held for Gordon. Stobo, 'Lot 21, Con. 7, Culross Township, ' one mile west of Teeswater, Thursday, •April 8, sale startingat 12 o'clock. Pull list will be printed in March 31ed- ition of local paper. Terris cash as farm has been sold: Auctioneers; A ` • Brian. Rintoul and Wallace Ballagh. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Fa.r_m_Machinery,-Nay_and_Grain Will Be Held .For:, " The Estate ,Of. The Late JOHN TAYLOR Lot 40, Con. 11, East Wawanosh Twp.,/2 Corners South Of WingIm and -1- Corner West Of - No. 4 " Highway On • SATURDAY, APRIL 3. "1:30 P.M. . Machinery: M F ±65-_ractor.__with manure loader : and' chains; M F ' 3: furrow plow; New Idea manure spreader ' 95 bu:; .Massey Harris :30 tractor; M.H; ..one way- `disc;= New. Holland - :Happy' ..andicrafte'rs; The fourth 'rneeting:,of St. Helen's' Happy •Handicrafters was held on March ,19. The meeting was op ned with the. pledge :and.' the roll call was.answer:ed by 17 Members. , The Minutes of the last .meet= • ing .were read. We'decided our irnext meeting would be.on,March 25' at: 1.30 p, rn FRIDAY, APRIL ,2nd . FORMOSA :COMMUNITY 'CENTRE CROP' CONVENTION 1:30 P.M. Bruce. County Soil and Crop Improvement 'Association • Notice To. Creditors NOTICE TO :CREDITORS NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN that . , all persons having. claims against the late . HAZEL ETHEL HODGINS, who died on the 4th day of • February, 1971, at the • Town of Bruce ::Farm ' Report Walkerton in the County of.Bruce, are notified .to a send their claims, U.S.' BEEF INDUSTRY duly -verified, -to the dersigned I spent -last -week -loo solicitor, before _ the• 3rd day of beef industy in the U.S. along with April; 1971: After said date the es- a bus load of Ontario beef men. tate will be distributed and the Ex- We were in , the mid -western ecutor will only be liable for claims states of Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, of which he has received notice: Colorado and Wyoming.. This, 'is - DATED at Walkerton this '18th a low -rainfall 'areawhere it is, --possible-la-feed-cattle-in-open WEDNESDAIY,. MARCH..24th,; 1971'' SKI. PARTY by Donna .MacDonald On -Friday March. 12,.the Grade. '8: class of ,Ripley -Huron CentraF"'. School loaded the' bus and went.` to. Happy • Valley Ski Resort in; Walkerton,:''Everyone enjoyed. t. themselves except two girls; • Shirley MacKay and Marjorie Fair. They'had both fallen and injured their ankles. It turned out, how- ever, that Shirley got the worst .• of it. ;:She 'received a broken bone :in her ankle. Marjoriejust hada bad sprain. Shirley returned to school Tuesday, March i6, after receiving he, r cast. "MILK by Debbie Pererbaugh The pupils of the Ripley -Huron Central School are now receiving, milk .with their lunch. On Mon- baler; M.H. 32 plate disc; New Hol- land mower, 7 ft.; Kongskilde triple K cultivator, 10 ft ;.M.H. side rake M.H. sd-iri11 I5 run, power lift; Chain . saw, Swath turner; Grass seeder, Cattle oiler;. Chain harrows,'. Diamond harrows; Land roller; Oat rc:I. r; 40 ft: ladder, 2 Wheel trail- er; Salt and mineral feeder; Chains, --shovel; farin--tools-, - Many numerous' small articles: :• . HAY and GRAIN: 12 ton mix grain : 6 • ton barley -3,009_:.:bales-:h'ay Executors or auctioneer will not be responsible for accidents, . . • TERMS CASH BRIAN RINTOUL, ' Auctioneer Whitschurch, Phone 357.2349 The discussion was "Darts" and "Seam Joining" . • ' We made darts using the:two Methods: tailor tacks and, tracing wheel. We then worked:. on our Separates the leaders assisted us. We closed with the Creed y of -M h;,ign. CARRUTFIERS & FARR, Walkerton,Ontario Solicitors for the Executor eef Health purse Elrnw�od Community Centre THURSDAY; APRIL :1st at 10 s30 a.m. SUBJECT. THE PROPER.. USE OF DRUGS. Sponsored by Bruce County Beef Improvement Association • RD OF EDUCATJOI Secrertary ant • he successful applicant-will---,have-except'ional°'proficiency rni shorthand',' typing and machine transcription for use in such secretarial duties 'as confidential correspondence and . he .tal Minutes at some ' evening meetings:. This • tling of requiresMa mature perso.,.,. _. ., . . position n having the ability • to acct t. responsibility with a minim_.tm oLsuperuision S>rarting'.salary will be .commensurate with qualifications 'arid experience, A full range of cost.shared.benefits include O.W.F., Q.H.$.I.P.. and O.M E.R,S. Pension Plan, :. by plicants should 'submit, a resume (preferatly typewritten) March 31st:.10 Miss M. Gordon,. , c/o The Huron County. Board of Education,. 97 ShipleyStreet,. Clinton, Ontario. Robert M. E l l otti Chairman of Board.• b. J. Cochranef bireclor •8f. Education'. • 'feed -lots with only a, narrow strip, of concrete: along the feeder. At. Manford's feed -lot'. we saw 100,000 head of •steersin a • pen covering ' aeres. . One of the noticeable, trends is< the establishment of custom; feed- lots where the operator charges for yardage and feed. These` seem to be working quite well and . are one of the main reasonsfor an increase in cattle numbers in that area. They were . finishing- cattle for 22 to •27 cents per pound` of gain, which included all .costs ex cept interest on the. cattle: Market lambs are being fed the same way andwe saw 1 000 head in one lot. 2 , t The beef men in the U.S. are op= timistic that beef prices. will .hold; which is good for Ontario. My observation' is that'. our pro- duction . technology; is as good as theirs, but our processing and grading are slightly behind. -They. are grading- • with the sidessplit to show the loin eye, anda lot of the `sides are' broken into large' cuts; and shipped in .boxes' on pal- lets. The packing companies are moving out .to cattle country ra her than staying in t e arge cities: like Chicago; M. R. Bolton,. Agricultural Representative This last hog price depression has been very -discouraging and there are still ' lots of hogs ' in North America • •which haven't ..found_,their. waly_.to-market4ex. - There are a few 'breaks .in the clouds however. One is that the priceof fish meal is coming down e -of --i eesusPeruvian production,..This will put pressure on all protein prices in general. It is felt that the big surplus of hogs should' work itself out as summer arrives and prices should -start`increasing in the fail. - Colin Reesor Assistant Agricultural Representative A KA �E;TACKAG�- . 'PACKAGE =- PACKAGE ' EVERYTHING Today there is a mix for almost every food item that you make. The commercial ones are convene ' lent, time. savin ave you ever, made.your own? In fact, Would' you. like to hear'. 'about a PACKAGED deal?' The Heine Economics Branch of the Ontario 'Department • of Ag- - rcultui•e.�..and-••-�'•obd--presents-�-a� great`iiew Food ]Drum "TRICKS WITH A MIX" ' , This FOOD 'FORUM will ''be held• in the Walkerton Legion Half Wednesday, March 31st at 8 p.m; YOU are invited duds i easbeck .Home Economist: • day, March 14, they were.to bring, $2m, 00 if they de ' 'milk, This s:them with a sere ing-of milk .for. a period.°of 22 days. It is"not necessary, that they • have it everyday. Either .choco- late or'white"milk is available. WHITECHURCH APPOINTED" MANAGER Mrs, Russel Gaunt .returned 'home on Saturday. after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. • Don Dirstein and Richard. at Ajax and,,with Mr. and Mrs•, Donalii • :gaunt of Waterloo. •'.Congratula- tions to Don Dirstein Who has been appointedManager. of `a Tor Tor- onto branch of the Royal Bank.' He assumed his duties on.Thurs'-• day last. . Visitors on the ;week' end with Mr. : and Mrs,. George Fisher anti s, arrut ers were Mr;, and F `Mrs.: Carman Machan of Kitchen- er 'Mr. and .Mrs. Elden' Lowry of Reids Corners, Mrs. . Irwin Carruthers and family of Goderich, Mr and Mrs. Duncan` Simpson of Icintail and Mr.: and Mrs. HerbhWins field -- . • Mrs.' GeorgeilkFisherof Ashvisited 411 Monday' with Mrs. Jantzi of Milverton:: Mr.. and'Mrs.. Clarence: Crow stop and family of Chatham',. visited' n the week end::'with his/. parents Mr. and 'Mrs, John Crow .' stop of Lucknow , Mr.; and ,Mrs, -Orland Irwin and family of West Wawnosh and, Mr.. and Mrs:` Ivan Laidlaw ands family..' Debbic •r'. L' rnained fora week's holidays.w.ith Janet Laidlaw. Miss`Joyce Tiffin spent. .Friday rida• evening with•her° friend Miss Janct Sleightholm. Mr. and: Mrs. ,Clarence Ritddc and farhily of.2nd: Concession, Kinloss visited •Friday eveniil . with Mr.: and Mrs, '.Elmer 'Slci i,.ht Jhot-i. an,' Miss 'Janet Beecroft.; Jim .and David •Beecroft' left: by car tb,. spend' this week vacationink in Florida . 'Mr. and Mrs,' Victor•Wybenya, John and, Clarence went :to. ' Toronto after church sery ie es. t -o • visit With -Mr.. and : Mr's. 'M. Wvh-• enga a.ncLfa.miLy . Henry Wybenga spent Sunday with his friend Simon de, Bocr,'of Langside , KINLO .. Mt. and Mrs. Art IlaIdcnbv. and. Mr. William Haldenby visited on, Tuesday with their' brother c;c•or.i;e Haldenby, who is a patient in St, Jose-pies--i-iospital .Lon rn-r A110. underwent further ey,e'sur�;c rr•o'n ,Thursday.: • Prie winners .the: euc;In1 pa rty-`t4I lolytood--on -Ttresd a y night'were: high lady, Mrs. ;1.lck Percy;'high gent' , Geraa(.l Ithiui:�; low lady, Mrs. Ellwood Elliott; : ' low gent,. Mr.' G•. Saunders, 3irthda' 'nearest March 17th .;is s . .ran, • au ' en. Mr,' and Ivtrs.'lack 'Scott ,r rt'. enjoying a holiday. in Florid Mrs. William etox is vis;'tin. t tix.: Edna and May Boyle du.rfty their absence."... Kenneth Ma•cDrnald of Kitc•'Ire'p'. et visited recentlywith his f1ir- ents.M'r. and Mrs. Tom old . He is 'recovering. from) ' ent ' heart surgery. ' Greg Shewell of:Sittscoe is visit ing•with •I rian Percyy