HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 4POUR 'THE LUCKNOW 'SE TI•NEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO•. WEDNESDAY,, MAR1 24th,• 1971 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD WWI G' Local and long distance Midwest- ern moving and storage. For free estimates call Eric Walden, Wing- ham, phone 357-3221. • • FOR SALE - seven Beatty hog water bowls; also -insulated therm-- ' . 'al -pane glass, one sheet 71 x 48 and two sheets 35 x 48 with slight im- perfection. Jim . Bradley, phone •.,395-2719: FOR SALE cob corn; also straw:: Gert de Jong, R. 5 Lucknow, phone. 395-2344: • • • AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace : Ba'llagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctoneere.. :Sales of all. types .• Phone :Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater ;392-6170 • SINGER• SERVIC.E.' • ' Repairs toall makes and rnodels;• Sales and Service' on new' products,? SINGER CO'. • OF CANADA Phone 257-3130. after' 6•.. p.m: STABLE CLEANING - • moving p manure- iles and .snow. plowing '• . with crawler machine..' . 'Symes Bros., ` .Lucknow; 528-5203 or .528- ,2608 528-•26'08 FOR SALE one 22'7- G. E...stand ard. range. one .reconditioned Hoov g er Spin-dry 'washOr: Greer :T. V: and Electric, Lucknow,. phone .528-3112. FOR SALE' Holstein ` bull and ltteifer calves,'' also beef:calves, : 9 days. ,to 3' .months old, delivered free •in,lots of 10 or more; Holstein heifers or steers. `400 to 800 lbs springing Holsteins and Herefords, Phone' Collect 395-2211, ' Elton Mc- Lelland, Route 4, Kincardine. (at', Bervie),' FOR.'SALE stock ,racks for ' 2 ton Chev truck. '. 'Apply:' Harold Cooper,.: phone `528.5555. •/ CUSTOM, SLAUGHTERING Ev'ery•, Tuesday. and Thursday: Pigs-and-Ca 'Cattle. only, Thursday in. by 1 p.m.. BILL'S MEAT MARKET' -"BERG STA B L•E-•-E QU;I-P-M EBT--• -- Contact Lloyd Johnstor., R,;R. 3 [•lolyrood, phone 395-5390, LUCKNOW CO-OP SPRING SALE Starts April 2nd Watch next week's issue for sale ad THE :.LUCKNOW' SENTINELis for sale at Mel Stanley's Supertest m ac s zn y H.. Discount in Lucknow, • • FOR SALE, •y- 1964''. Chevrolet, 6 automatic, good shape, safety checked. Selling at a sacrifice.. Phone 395.2937." COMET' WELDERS (180- .nd 300 arnp.) compressions, grinders, ? fer- tilizer augers,, power • bin, '•ieatiers, rods and accessories. Geoige Mes- senger, essenger area representative, R.R. 1 Ripley, Phone 395-281E. Smith Roles. Ltd London, Saskatoon. Try Comet.. before you buy. FOR SALE shire'boars and bred . gilts, 14 gilts. due April 1st, good weight Si, probe figures. Jack MacKenzie, R,R: 3 Lucknow, phone 395-5276. FOR ;A. GOOD DEAL ',On a• new or top quality •• used, car. .Contact ARCHIE HAMILTON At. W: J. ,Mills. Motor Sales Ltd:, Goderich, Phone Garage 524-7314 Residence' 524-9397 BACTERIAL INFECTIONS Use,. Nixon Sulfa methazine Solution 25% fast -acting, economical, all=par pose oral trea men or many • ac- terial infections of cattle,' hogs, sheep. Elmer Umbach Discount 'Pharmacy, Lucknow. • 'T:V. ANTENNA, SERVICE Repairs and Installation; 'Free Estimates, Year Round • Service,. FOR. SALE = 1. Minneapolis Mol- ne tractor, Jet Star 3, gas power-, ed, fully .equipped; 1 Over COMING EVENTS SURER CASH BINGO . Legion `Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 .p.m. Pot of Gold game • - winner .take ;• all. 14 reg ular games, $10 each. 2' Share the •Wealth games.A $30 Special. Jack- pot Game for•$120.00 on 60 calls or: $25 consolation prize. NF.U. DANCE . Dance to the music . of Don and the" Westernaires' . at , the . Lucknow Legion Hall, Saturday, March 27th. Dancing from 10 to 1. Admission restricted to persons over 21. Lunch provided, Sponsored • by' N.F.U. Local 335;. SPRING RUMMAGE SALE, The Olivet United Church Mes-' sengers are.hol'ding: their -Spring' Rummage Sale; on, Friday 'and Sat-' Ur ay pri former' Silverwood's : Building. WINGHAM' BINGO Wingham' Legion Bingo at The a, Legion Hall,•Witigham, Wednesday, y, March ,31st,. at 8:30 ,p.m; ' 15, reg- • WANTS WORK 'WANTED • - tile ceilings, g. paneling, remodeling,, all' carpent- er :work, pit silo , acorrcreto walls, and floors. Reasonable. rates. Roy Schneller, :Kinlough, phone :'Ripley 395-2221. WOUL• D L-IKE someone to plant 4 and harvest; flax or buckwheat; etc, etc. or would let 50 acres on shares,. Contact Box 51 Blyth: WANTED' bricks, cement blocWORKk, stone construction, carpet7. try, remodeling.....ands repairs, .jack; 'ins, and straightening, reasonable rates, . free estimates Worden Howald and Sons, , Lucknow, 528 2391. NOTICE „HILRAY:FARMS LTD, 'ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The .bes;in Horne GrOWn, Dry Fed Drug • Free Beef. .Try our Fi esh Glome Made Saisa'ge.• Custom l,il: ling by• appointment. . • . share -the - Doug 1 • - furrow. plow, .3 p omt hitch Lucknow 2 have the ealth ; • aures: $0,; , atm• : Lou's Beauty- -:1c - •�, • District Co -o � hone 528-2125:' ' `s special, must ' o Jack of •'• ame �` D /biker, h 364 3313 ' C 1 p pP g p g Lucknow. will 13 oug ar er one o - operated by Mi Elliott ,or the following four FOft:. SALE: .rope.tr.-co-Wel; We'• were., able, to get a: real hu•- on; special cards 3 for .50c or• • 7 for •`ee • _ Y p 560 on 6 `c' calls • with ' a• 35 , consol- i ss lect Box "467 Hai ver Ontario,: ' . � $ a $ > too � Linda • Ell' . f , . REAL SAW. GS / at .on.. Admission $1:00. •Extra and Hereford and Holstein. Alex Far-. 150 1.60, 170 180.. ' ; '20, 200 bushel: •$1.00: rish, � R, R, • 7 Lucknow=,:' phone 529-!' . manure ''spreaders 7305.: Also fertilizer .a readers: t•'5 �o over f P REFRIGERATION SERVICE • Guarameed service to all types s C implete appliance. repatits at • BURKE ELECTRIC Wingham 357.2450 Electrical: Contractors Appliances Motor Rewind 24 'Hour Emergency Service• . HIGHEST 'PREVAILING • PRICES paid for- dead and '•disabled cows and --horses. Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton.. Graf' Stock Removal.' SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO Open 7 Days and Evenings cost* on 1970 invoice ,„r'. • We, -have' several •36: - 40 48. 72 late: discs. 10 - '1.2..- 14 - 15 • foot cultivators' •., • • • Plows,; semi and mounted ;Corn planters• ' and seed drills ;For: Information Contact VAN EYL BIROS . Telephone 21; Clifford or , 528=3618 Lucknow. HALF. PRICE SALE, SALE_ ibasket r ,ANNUAL.MEETING The annual meeting of the sub - RECEPTION scribers of. •the Huron aria Kinloss The•;reception;,for Mr. and Mrs:. ; Municipal Telephone : Systcnm will .. Jim Brooks, which had' . been can - ',;be' held.. in ' the Huron Township celled, will b'e,,. held .:on • Friday, ' Hall; Ripley, Wednesday. :. :'March Marc 26th; in Ripley Township; 31st .. 197: at.: 8• Pan, for. th'e. put - Hall.. -Nom Dunsmuir's Orchestra, pose ofg receiving the auditor' .re-'• x�y,•.i ladies-please.bng lunch...: :;port: for the:year 1'970 and tiiscus- ---- .: sing, ' other business in Connection. BUS TRIP , with' the system including the, el.: A• 'Bus will leave ',for • Guelph ' at ection n of two commission ers A t•" Junior A. HockeY.PlaY-of s bet- , equcst .permission 'fromthc;Sub� 5. P.m. ' FridaY;•4March 26th •for the' this meeting thecotnnissioners will ; ween` Detroit Junior 'RedWin1s,scribers ao ,proceed_ to hacUnroll.' _ ___ ful, of • Household.'Brushes clearing and. Guelph Juniors: (Two sons of. .: Townshi;p ; Council ° issue. a•• clebent• at half`g `Gordie. Howe • playfor Detroit Red.' are not to 'exceed f " price Lucknow . District'e ed $125,000, u� lire . Wings) Contact MacNays,; Amber-.•. v , Co=op' ' Y pro ements, reconstructro� and .c� - - . - - • ley,., phone 395-5305. tensions: to' outside pant 4'•ai,!,ties p. ALL 1VIAT TEL CARS -�'� and 'Track . .. ;: ; ... - wroic_DA-N-GE NEARLY NEMA► -STORE. Lionel rthornten s p. r'r n :g . ' The Nearly New Store ' in lti ing .' 'll . b. � • h ld• . . April 'will.. open •Thursday, April, 1st of. quality, at :3 2nd`' at Brookside. Public Schooh• i , X 0 p:m.', in. the south east corgi Lacombe Dancing . 9:30P.M.'- 1 a.m.. Advance ''`net. of the' former: post'off office build e.:Austin , ... .g .:. .,• i tickets: 4.00 pex••cou 1'e r'85 00 at ing; from Wednesday' to Saturday 845.: P, Wednesday; . , for :,the month of April. ri1 ill •acre t • the door. Everyone welcome: Spon•, . P . • W P good od • near!, •new clean elolhin , oin•_at osed Sunday a.m. an District• Co=o _ _P r The •. Tuesday. 7 p.mp ., - - -- - -- -- Dan '• FOR SALE a number Dance wi e heFriday,April p Shop For Our Week -end Specials TRY OUR SUPER ICE-CREAM pure. re Yorkshire nand :Purebred- Y FOR SALE;' = Eeatty automatic: CONES boars, ready .for • servic •feed .rind manure .handling. equip . ,t.� . G:ALLONS-,85c mens:', stabling and' pressure .sys kerton carr" .� Sticiet .Y Y• , . Ro a1 -Canadian Legion :Branch O' B•`1 Y g. :Martin, phone Ripley:395 2 . , INCOME' TAX -SERVICE �^ SEED 9441.N; FOR. SALE R. ed by, the Lucknow. Agricultural g Y g inents -' •avers in' -basic herd etc.' d '• s, ar ey,. ' gg and 1VTi 'ed Grain jNo. 309, ;Lucknow,' will hold 'their cash or accrual• system, work.' done ,also Registered DANCE r - • �._.::_ and_-Gertr&er," _-: :. T - regular meetmg�°n _.T le slid Mar a farm,. •reasonable -fees:. , . � eed-Gra1n Grass •. ancc, ,sponsor,:. . Seeds•: Ho H _ .. e c r ' at 5.45 p.m. All• mender-_ FARM TAX, SERVICE me grown Alfalfa, Red elens Women s .Institutae, will be . - Clover,. Birdsfoot Trefoil, Timothy,held on Thursday, March 25th in• are requested to attend. Phone .1-438-0401,:.:... , •. . • ,, , , . y+ , ',Clipped Brome grass also al. other the•St: Helens Hall.`Tiffin's Orches • BOY ;SCOUT• -MEETING. a m Ser- F r gems. Contact Beatty _Cramm d Son at ,.Pin vice Centre, Clinton• 482-9561, ' Tax preparation,financial state a oo ` ` c • g Stock of No 1 at PICTURE FRAMING.'- our spec- ialty, wood -rand inet l Maxwel Photo Studio; Wingham. James ,Snyder; propriet.oi ; phone 357-1851: BAR1 . E-QUIPMEN'1' - complete line . of Acorn Equipment and Clay '• For cars, trucks, etc. ,Plastic, Equipment for pushbutton farm- custom . formed . in 3 dimensions.: in r', Westeel = Rosco Granaries; Instant. On, Instant' off advertisin • �' -Chore - Bo�y"Milking Parlours, Max Riegling, phone 529-7427:- ,)' ''Also. Complete Line. Of Corrug- ated Metal Culverts; lr 6" to 24" sizes on band at all times; • larger pipeby order Lowry Barn Supply, Amberley, 'phone 395-5286. 7'1-1MAGNEYIC SIGNS r: saes, .rder seed earl..- and take tra Ladies"• lease ori .:Bo = ar i _ in• Y p ... ng sand-ys� 11 to 14 -ears interested wiches; Boy Scouts. are asked • to •meet ,at FOR SALE . - /Red Clover seed, very good sample, lso Climax timothy seed: Fred Crawford, R.R. 3 Goderich, phone 529-7134:, delivery when you want it. We sell Stewart's and Pride Seed Corn, Order early for the • variety you want and arrange for usto do `your Planting, Seed inoculant in stock, Caston grain and seed : cleaning every day by appointment.: Roy Cramm and Son, Pinkerton, phone. Cargill 366-2394. SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS. HOU•SE'FOR SALE • - a two bed Anyone wishing to have , ex en room house on Inglis St., now, ' Luck sions on 'their silos or roofs, please three piece bath, living-roomand. call or write. This can be done -now. 'kitchen:_ . close to shoppingarea George Wraith, Box -95, ••Goderich Immediate -possession-..--Apply-- Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop Charles 'Congram, phone: Wingham 524-6511. • 357-3245. PLAYING'CARDS Plastic coated single. decks from $1.19 lip' as well as double decks . and. 'euchre decks (�euchre� ••cards` only ). ` Drop, - i n ; at . The Lucknow Sentinel: ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE; windows, doors, awnings, sidings; For free estimate call Roy( Emberlin,.:your local dealer. THE TEESWATER NEWS is nvailable at The Lucknow Sentinel, • lOc' per copy,, If ,you are interested in the dews of Teeswafer' and Dis� trict, rick Up s" eopy; FOR,SALE - 1969 Chev. Biscayne 4. door power s ering.' $950; 1969 Chev, 1/2 ton dela pick-up truck; 196' -Dodge-3---ton' s Ice -with -18 -ft livestock van; • in • tractors. 3000 Ford with Davis loader 900 hours;, Case • •model. 530 diesel, one year old; 950 David Brown with loader; 880 David Brown with loader; model 233 Nfassey, live power; 2 model 91 International self . propel- led combines; Better deals on new David Brown tractors Until the end of April, See Stan, Horsburgh at Maitland Farm Equipment, one mile north east of Wingham, phone 357-2744. • T YOUR MAN WI AUCTION and SALE MANAGEMENT ,SERVICE Contact "Bill" AFR.11, .1 •Kincardine PHONE 395.5491 "ANY TYPE OF 'AUCTION" :the Town Hall, Monday,: • :March` ir Yoe ote allow/4;1f,• ,-F29th-ati�7-r30-LL- m:-.Liinch=will-b� FO!l0wolgeRevfRY0000./ served: OVAL Wanted -- dead or disabled•' cattle and horses TOP PRICES. PAID APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS WANTED FOR B"• uilding Inspector for' the Township of Huron Duties to commence' April 1, 1971 Applications to_be ra. the hands of -the undersigi0.1- 8 p.m., April 50'' 1971. ° Earl Tont, • Clerk, FOR RENT Small animals:.over 150 __pounds .-.._' ._ I picked'•'up free of charge. We pay you for your animal 'at your farm; 24 ;HOU'R FAST EFFICIENT • : SERVICE CALL 'COLLECT 887-9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD ' SUPPLIES R.R. •2 BRUSSELS License No, 273-C-70. FOK-"RENT•-- 175 acres land -,111 ploughed for 'spring crop, will rent all or part. Donald Parrish, R,R, 7,, Lucknow, phone 395-5283.. NEEWSPAPE �� �/ L / / ./ w PONE • *for litOlott +M' coMMUNtiiIS 116 'NtiSt'I3