HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 3• IiiEptitsDAY, OlAkcit 24th, 1971
. .
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• Every Day•
•Low ces!
WO remove VW, •
rI#tIoHIk!t., •
efoontitios to
. meson.* tinny
•• LII.B, •
Tomato JUICE 3s°
• • '
1.1124.b. •
• This weekend the
•parade of shoppers
• wiII:head In the direction,
of .RED S.' WHITE t� pick
Buys, Features and OLD
. TIME VALUES . In the •
•,srodery department and '
• there's plenty to offer in
our meat and produce
departmenti *OW •
Do drop Ird
•, •
11 40( •
. .
impel* Oillimitolimilulimicitunininniquirlinitialillisilalivoll .• .
'49' •
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Mrs. fRa'y 1\-1urray ,,,Shelley and
•:'Shawna of Brampton are visiting:,
intucliriow With her:father Orland
Richards.. Mrs. Richards ispres-•;
London: •
' •
Mrs....Ron Itotliweil of.:Notwood
•visited the •tirst of this Week in
Lucknow with her mother Mrs.
,Mrs. lad( Meboriagh Of Luck_.:
•now is a patient inyictoria'.Fleti- •
pital, London. • .
Mrs; Alice mcKenzfe f LuCk-:
• ,•new,' hat .returnfd to her home.,
...from Vjetoria.ospital,_•-.LondonT- -
-• • :
mr, and Mrs, 'JIM 0•Donhell'•
• visited the formet's father in. St.,.
• • Sunday, • . .• •
I -Mrs. Lloyd Hunter returned
••.Pinecrett Nursing Home after
• .....being2aLpatientin--Victbria
al, toncion,for •two Weekg,
, Ton Morriton,'
tiateld. Ritchie, Gordon Montgorn-
• ery and Irvine Eddy 'of Lucknow
• 1,gion 'recently attended a Zone
Meeting krutsels.
•Mrs.. Ilarold Woods and Murray,
Of London spent. a week With. her ;
.parents Mr. and ,Mrs:'•johti',', : •
Dahrner of, Kincardine...•
ine-of—Gtki-erittf spent a •
'day at the same harrie; .Nancy
Dahrner isspending her holidays.
thrtrergralidp a rents7';',N4fT.-arird77-
Ivirs..Alf Fry of Auburn. • Mr,. and.
Mrs.: Jack Vahrher spent.a daY in'
Londoi44ately.-• •
Mrs Jack •.•IcKendrick..has roc -
cived word that Mr. Frani< Scott'
had sal:gc-fy" iit H4Lpt.[..
al, Detroit.. Frank and his,wife
• Grace have visited here with:her
cousin numeroustitries:: His
friends will be pleased to• knoW
that,he has returned to
• in Southgate , Michigan and, is
ntaking a. favorable • recovery ,
'Mr:. and 'Mrs., /401
,Windsor spent the week end with
Jack klci<erdrick. •
Riplevi. Lady 9c: know. Resident
DiesSuddenly Died At Age 64
. • , • •
•.A well-known member of, the .
cOmMunity, Norma McDonald,
h1ovedlvife of lenrieth-MiC,kay:;
passed away suddenly at her home
• Ripley orrThursday, March 18..
-8-he-Was born in Calurnet ,
gan on. December :19•,-...1909 datgh
.ter of the late Dan ,8. MacDonald.
d:Mafgaret Ann--MacKitinoh. :
• ,Mri. Jennie Mills of LUcknow ;'
who•has.been at King Norma was faithful member
.city vo,th her mrs•Tpri .of' Knox Prethyterian Onirch ,, . •
• -Haller—formtlie--pasf three months.; e4Tierribe-Flof-the-T-W--Avf-.S.--and-
. Catherine Dunsrnuir of Lubknow
returned hOrne Monday after' 'being
a 'patient in Wingharn •Hospi tal
since February 19th.
Mrs. John 'EmerSon-of Luckn
spe H a Mil
her Siiret7wi; • y:ic(Or
.Mr. . •
• ' • ...‘
Mr. and. Mrs. Torn McDonald
Of .cUelph.recently spent aday,
Mrs. Chas, btewaro.'speht a
fewdays last week visiting..amortg
• Mrsl, Peter Cook of LucknoW, is
a patient in Wingham and District
Hospital. She took ill while at
the funeraiserViet for her sister-
irlaw Mr .. tviilvert keid on Mon -
,day of last week.
. .
.;T;;• a patient in Wingharn and.
District Hospital.. She was moved
• •
....to :the hospital on Thursdayof last
Week, • .
, .
• and Mrs. 'Fraser Mackirinon '
Of the 4th of Kinloss visited
and Mrs. Charles Roeland jOhn 'of.
MilvertOn-on,-,Surt -a-y-r.
• Mrs: George Lobithart of Kinloss
Township , returned' from- Wing -
ham Hospital on:March 5 where.
the had been a patient since Dec-
er nd.' -81feit'nOW'in Luck-
tiosi at the home,of her sister Mrs
Johtlie Milis.
:Phillip from Walford..
A/WI-ea-VT-the Week end -With Mr..
and Mrs. 6.eorge -Saunders,: •
• . . . • ,
William Irvin of R. tuck-.
now teturried'home Saturday from
Victoria 'Ijospitai„ LondOri, Where:
he had been a patient for ten
days followitig'sn,fgery.
a past di:Stria-deputy of the Reb.,:
e1<ahl.,odge She gave freely of
lidr time and talents to many area
actiVitie .. '
r 01V -besides 'her. lifOarid
are two daughters,. Mrs..' George.,
(Jeanne Marie) MacLnnai1'Agin
court; Mrs. John (GWen)Pollock.,,,
Ripley; and tweIN'le grandehildren.
TO mourn her passing she alSo
:leaves fiVe sisters; Mrs. Wilfred
(Virginia). Hackett , Ashfield
ToW ns hi ;• _la
Lowry, Ripley; Mrs. Lawrence
(Lenore) Harrison, 6oderich; Mrs.
ton(Irene)Griffith, Bernie;
Florence, Ripley and One brother ,
.John C. Macpnald., HurO
Township: • . .
The innetal terVide WAS field •
from the MacLennan and Mc-
Creath Funeral Horne ai Ripley* ;
on Saturday, MarOh with
,Rev. Kenneth Rooney bfficiatiligw
The pailbearert Wre nepheWs
bonald. arid Randall Lowtyi
• Clare Milne Of 'LuOnOw passed '.
. •
• away in Wingharn and District •
Hospital on Friday, March ltlf, ••
at the ,age of 64:: '• ,-. . . .• • •
____Ifie...,.kiA,s_a_s_o_rEof,_the...1aLe_L.DatALJ, :•d.i...„1.L
Milne and Catherine Purves ark!
, • ,
was born in .LOcknow, on January
12th , 1907:
Clare' was a .shoernaker by
trade. and Worked at Clinton and
-fort-he pasrliinet ee try ears •
Clare, Eva and John bav:e.resided
in LUCknow-, •• " ?-.
Clare is also suryiVedby one,
sister, Mrs': i4`.•E. (gertha)
-enby•-of-ttilross Township. and •
two brothers Dave of Callendar
and. Fred of .Kitchener.
..The funeral service.was-held-- •
at MacKenzie memorraTthape
on Monday-, March 15 with Rev.
Glenn Noble .as minister.' ,
Pallbearer§ were Bill Haldenby.,
Dave Halderiby Rae fialdenby, ,
Doug Haidenb Fred Horton.
en: T . •
Temporary entombment was , '•
at .South Kinloss Mausoleum with_
final resting pia& South
. • • .
tonittety*.: -••• • , • .
ward and Douglas Harrison, C6Iitt6
ney MacDonald and' Cpl. James
Hackett. • :
The beautiful floral tributes and
donations, to the. Heart PUN shoe
ed the esteem in Which She "WAS
field in the ttinithittlity. •