HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-24, Page 2•
WEDNESDAY,, MARCH;,24th,. 1.971
} r "
- '
".T Town" -, On the Huron -Bruce Boundary
h• : Sttpoy
had when the .County' Beards: were
formed. two y ears ag9. .•
The breakdown and'' perce' mages*
are. ,as followsn each tc�a t Y
9 7 ' %
:Second C1a i1 ate `tratiog-Nirmb r -Q847
� Afternoon. �:
Established Published Each Wednesday
.. .,•.19.70
Memberof the CW.N.A and O.W.N,A. •, .\:
mm ,, �, A.. equts-i-t-ion pecr
surpluses I surplus
: ' sit Re uistion' pesrrease Recreas:e apP,led applied:
to the U.S;A. 00
Municipality Requi
` .q �T
Subscription.pp a`' ye4r. in advancer:
• Rate,• � Ye,..,. .. h - . ... .. ,, 87
• ' • Donald C. Thom Son, Publisher
- •
. Towns
'WEDNESD 'Y'. MA CH•`24th -197:: ::.
.. .- ,. , i . , �.
8 � 56`, fib :6,44 $ 13,712 „' •16.65 $ 71, :524; 13.;15
Chesley $ 2,3
1'p,897 ; < ' 5.87 17'4,,.731 5.87
,.. :,•
:.. •• .'.
Kincardine. 185,628 1.7.4,731,` ..:"
Porte Elgin •. • 166,177 144,623 21,554 , .12.97 149,672., '9.93 -
�� ,
-.. .r� .. . ,• . � .., -� _ ,� - �;• .
ztora : 4 .
,�.3•: .. •9.8,3
, 'Southampton • 1'47,865� :13.1;099:......_ __...16•,-766. 11-.34' 133,33 '
'Walkerton 2 71,47 168,778 102,.701• ,37.83 ,. .. 2 15.51
Wiar,ton 1 1,1,326 100,084; 11,24:2 10.10, 103,58 7,25
Sta. rtling .Revelation °et v-
, , , •
o inclal .and .Bruce Counties knOW it• the
A recent Ontario pr .v• , ,. : , ,
vernment Study- on tourism, In tourists who used to come to Grey ..
60 Y ,
• Ontario,• has come: up with, the •• anad •- .Bruce, but dont. come any
•�� mor.e'and knowwh know it; and .
«startling . revel. ation . that ;the• y ,
• A . : -
_. _ _•__ Counties of Grey -and Bruce,have • th,e; Department. Of• Tourism_ :a[1d_
an inferior road system. Now, ' Iniormatioif, know it. •,
.. Hepiaorth • :11,664. • 9;5.37 2427 • 18.24 10,041 13.91.
'24.3 •
Lion's Head.. 26' 287 19,8:39. 6',,448 24.53 15,892..'121243,...3:153.•'..
Lucknow .. - • 55,566 . 34', 569.. 20„991 : ' 37.79 ° 48,815 12 ,15 -
mi- '31,309 15,,.555 • •:15,754. ' 50.32 264411 •. 1,5:64
Y. • - . • 32, 208• 6.37. -
Paisley.34,398' 24,575 9,823 28..56
• K
', Ripley , • :18,981 15,672, • °3,309 � 17.43 • 15,672 17.43 :
Tara . • 37,240.-'25-,951.? 11,289 30:31 "-31,.0.9.0 `6!°; 1,1.:14
Tees water- 38;077 33,339 1.738 12.44 4 35 331.
"isn't. •that •somethin --and to think..;13,-.773
it took a Government study. ,, to , Now it someone :can lust con-
yearn; what the people of grey vine the Ontario Department. •of .
and• Bruce, Counties have known ,highways •that Grey: and'Bruce
Tiverton 10,492,: ,- .' � '3,281 . : 23 .. 8 2 124941 :' 6.'04.
Townships; •
and have been sereaming about reap are Aii inhabitedpart of the
1 Y•
15,619 '90,785. :• 24,83
'for -years.°, .,' ,. . ,�
" ' • , . Blit it's .eI1C011r , in � ' to 1Cn0„ w `.a011Tism :Winter OT SUQlmer ex-
.: .. • :. .,..
- that, .at least. one : Department, of highways to travel on .as an
sept. Y �• y
: Ontario . nmant at' lon .' io --' .
the tar Gover ,. g Other
'last ' in ..f t after twent -s veil, brighter'
•. .. , aC y e hien Were just imight:be br gh
' .. years, have' discovered the awful ; ' `. fox` �is.for ��ttenp art
_ : days ahead go p
• r7.26
truth -N e0 iO-whieh- utside--the.
'.. �avw, t�@S-o
�rlbe narlc , ,
235 •• 210 :074 • ,45,161. .,.. 213,225, 16.4
.. , ,. 6 •. _
�Amabel -
.Arran. l 32.53 • *.,93',665 .1 .39 •
05,7.OT . • : � 71:,:322 � 34,385 , � , 1 . ..
Brant': . 185,355 '17;039 : .': 1'08,3.1`6' 58..44 . 158,.479: •-15,0.0
, .93;759
Bruce 116 559 22 800• :.19.:56 .'" 96,'315,:'; 17,37
•. Carrick � ; '114.,:022 � : ' 44:,473 �•'6 •,A9 : '. ••
9 5 • 61...0:0„924711. 18:6 8
:Culross: • 83,'458 59,:658.: • 23.,800.•' 28;52 69,867 ' 16.28: •
Eastnor 91',416;" 84,59,3 • 6,823 • 7.46: 84,779
.: ' --t�� ple-0 : 3r-Of--0n�ti`
: •' and .Bruce know.•it,, Mid the •few Metro uses ',
... and':. the Golden ,
• .E1a'eitsi.e 01,512' 90,.3:65:-; ;11,1.47', 10.98' 90.,540 . ',10.'..81: ..
. ,_..
- .::17.59
_._ ._.._��
• _ _ ;,
' tour -sts"w o sffihrisk their necks :- s shoes and the FourH d-
. - Hor, e, , .
... .. •: ,..- .: , .. , � ..,, ,_ �
•• .•� . ,
and their. vehiclesW cometo Grey reds -and the Four -O -Ones;
• • � ':� ' • • �' '�, ,.
_ _., Gr-e�-nock:::... .�,- _.•69,27.•
' � � 31,763 , :1891' . 138,4Q5 •
-Huron • : , 1'
167,940 3677 ' •
: Kiri. and ':ne. . • •' 156 091 90• •, 399 65,692• : 42'.09 112 , 859. 27:70. •
K 7 3: :457 . ,45'.9.9; , X54 194. n' .21.39
iinlot4s � 68,936- • •.3 ,'479 ]�,. ,.
- 'N/�U�U,�1�,1�(!♦t/�{I�I�U�I/�I�U�II�I��l.�tl�ii�1�11�/�11�1�1)�•1
. Q,,
L d 0 ,66.3: 25.'06 31 `960' ,24 :9,8
in say :42,556::. 3i�3.. l ,, r ... ,
, :15 :6'
St., Edinunda' 67 `6 56'.693',* 10. 676 15.85: 5.6 '800 9
n •
au een' 109219 9:2x95 16,260�' 14..89 974076 11,12
a: Average' - Average
3 082.3 •-- •- 2;27.9'.:•862 2.6:0.4 2.642 '158 • :14.28'.
,. $ •,.; , 97: $' $8024529..:,... S , ,
rece ve.d.,personally...' Some mem-•
bets°•of council : felt that this was". •
"' . :
PiG.El :.
• •- •
v were not'aware 'until the •Marcih .
•. ,..
meetingof, e,otrncih that the deal
had. 'not been consummated . , No '
uti camebeforerc•
sol.. oras t e Ma h
meetin Councillor George New•
... g . , -g
bold stated hat:he,had used his''. ..,
-- •
• snow removal a on the
: w
sidewalks as an eme'r enc meas
•g. Y
i• :• ,. are.,,
' ..• ..
i g a epar< bill. of
'With a grader repair. •. ...Councillors
•Y • 1800 ,thi . e r;Council'.callin
. $ s•y 'ear'.•gave- •
, . '
• serious discussion. to the state. o.f .:
- ness: rocedur.e�and• � •
.not • ro er busi p � :..
P p
: -`;M•"
still held out:for: ro :erl ::itemized •,,, • • ori.
account on the firm s -stationer ;. °"
•'h• ' d s ss " , r ed the.
T. is i ion ,oda
T • HE -�EI�S
follow n `motion'and• amendment• • ` :S L .
'< A motion: to pay ` all,accounts,: D .•
: Twelve. tables en o. ed: the
was made b Councillors• Wraith S .y ,
:. Shoot Part on•Tfiursda " eueniri
•and S'olomon..•
�' '• '• .in ,the'.St'. Helen's -Hall :High
• :An -amend _ nt :wa :. rites went' to Mrs : Gordon •.Stiuth
mew s made by P
: e ;b ' :� nd Greer. ers ‘andBob Jefferson. wix�h:second
N w old a • • :
' :
, for the f high going, to Mrs.. Allan Cranston
g payment. o all g g g
• acc:ounts;,,includm .the one • in : and Oscar .Schefter, The 'travel:.
. •
- The
Al exander,Geo.r,
W lttroub
03 lYear 01
Native .
t .:The
,funeral service for,;'Mrs.'
g e Smith
• 15�' interest
' .
'on' Deficit: 15.6'9•;'
• �' CAFET I
• RA
All .of These schools lost:nroiirr`.
.on•their cafeteria service;
. told that `if a_ll
' alai=.: ...
sc.h.00]s char.. ed '40 cents an
g ..,
rional $2,5.81 (would be' Tea; liz«I:
a't, 45 ces ntthere., e would b
• • •
: • : : ; .. •. ; '• :. • the resent radera-snowtow: Itque
was re ortedah t ne present '.•• •
ader,'which, doubles as'a • snow •
: .. , .... low in the winter . was urch sed
. .. .. ,•. P: . • P �. •
used in 1963
question, when a properly item - • ling shoot went: to Mrs . Gordon .Y
•ized statement .wwas. received. Struthers and birthda nearest
Reeve Jo nt•vaeated ...the chair and to St. Patrick s•Da went to Mrs:::
voted for the •' ,Gordon MacPherson, The next:" ,.
o amendment which
ear-oldresident o•f:Shelburne';• ,
and•anative`'ogTu.ngannonWas •
held ol Monday lvlarch22atthe
Johnstone Funeral Hone, in ,Luck-
now:• :
$20,90A,..more •and at 50"cents , • ,
$32 ,E00.'•• Other sugestion for
cuttin . osts included cliriuna •.
tio. n of full course:• nieals,aud:..
oil snaclts yr tivitiat `
- :with,a,difference
between trade-in
tadei nand, machine
: • _
amountin gto• $9500,., It would
S. •n
cost, about .$14 ,.000. difference
now to eta ood ra ` er, • A
:, .. •- g t. g •. g d. .
lie arra-nge-t�-e�At�.,eca-5-di-sousse� `
carried party -4s -on -April •
, . .. s. Joseph Gaunt is a patient
Councillor• wtraith asked .for a
;-_ in Win 'ham: and D:istric.t Fios tal;
•..:. g . l�.
recorded , na .vote to Ole.amend. • ,. •..
YDan Rose of: Emo was a visitor ;
rrient, •
Thursda with ivlr. 'and Mrs:'
•. '_. '. •.•' Y.
This. matter prompted -.ted. a new'- on
- �• p P �iaxv��Webb
..yrs. "Smith'. died Frda' • March..
19 at, Shelbur-ne,
She Was the :f r 'er Clara'.Elia- ``
beth Ara,bel e Herr: dau titer• of
outside p arti•(' ''.
� 1 . • .P . �. .
to operate c ,feterias rode _
endent of the' board.:
wiped•th eter•ia•..
�� :._:..,.
, i :::
.with a-100 hour.minirriurn Per •.
month at $7,50.per hour for a'':
,.. .....
. ' • .
• . - . ' ' roonthh%�tota_1 of $25�Q. �Uncler
. ,
motion b Wraith ;arid Newbold: `.. �
, •. - Mr.,'arid Mrs. Leonard Corbett
.that in the future• �. all accounts - -. -,
of Alliston were Su>7day. •
subrnitted•,to.cbuncil be:p ro, erl .
evening visitors -with.. Mr,�;�a�.id�
P 1? Y 1
Geor e. Washin ton ]lerr .:a.nd
g g Y,, d.
,A ..nes Iv1ar Sava e :;and was born
g Y, g .
at Dun annb'n•on October 14 .180.7.
o rnT°ut is ou , a s6 W i �..
P g 1
out the defie✓3t, finance' chair ° °.
man Alan''Whicher of Wiartonw,' .
. -•
this arrangement the Lown• would
::. :r
be responsible for
itemized`. This motion assed _, . . `:
� Mr Allain Millet
unanimousl .
`,She was, lrnown 'to, her friends as
said •
.. : lubrication,,
,.. .. i ed es.: The
•,• .: _ insurance and cutting
g , K :._
.. . ,• . •
Discutei�n arose�.oncerniri the
r -u-- xn-�uol�rtow
to abandonin 'theivroDain.•- le ,
---�c : --
• _
L, .,
d`the�reselT�piu��drr� sllua.
would make the-c0-rnpa '
,... :... , :,.: ,,
,-,-.doing .the-leasin res'�onsible for. `•
.. a ,; . g . g P
. 11 ,repairs , with check overs,
ever 'month.• The'old• grader is,..
• ..,-.. Y , " . ;. , g :
worth about $4000 on a• trade, : '
.. - •
arltm st.ri son the street, It , •
P , g, . P . .. • • , .: .
..a , - :t . with r CONTINUED PAGE L•
was felt that witlarger cars, .. ,
some•were,overhanging'.and• that. 1m Margaret Ann Whitcroft,
future paintingof the. streets eanne Reid K` i
i ldenby, Lin-
J, m 1a
. •:-
should allow mare for.the da Walden- Shirley..
P aith. -
were• her fath r Geor e iN, }lerr
- g y
was the v1la :e druggist, She
gam gg.
attended .Ham College. Ilton Ladies Co
She w with' a, lovel so-
. •• .gifteY •
prano voice "and her fame as a
ex ended'••t'o include.alh schools•
bus; ;
where children. co.rrie by •
' ` hers
Qnl: two other :board naem ,
Geor •e • Loucks 0f. Chesle` •anal '••
Ernest P-rin lE=-of AmabeJ••?sta n rt
:. ., • . ,• m• O.
. .: •cil •that the ,machine. would be
• better kepi than:trad'ed . and. used
;•p , a s d
• .•Bested
as,a second,• '.,,c -
: m.a nine,_
auto. .Cart over'•1ines, .withi-x" •
.the view of the: driver were s'u -
• , as,i was .. , _.
-as:at was felt that ,present
•._ _
This wa .. .. .. '
s a fun evening. for the
skaters and two. clowns were'
.. _ ' ej
present•,to add to the merriment:.: •
, . a
singer was wideS read. In her �,'•'
widespread. .ed
oath slme had the 'opportunityto .
y ,
stud ., with the Metro 9li-tan O era,
.p• �,
` ..:- :.-:
Mr.: VJhicher.
•: Mrs. PercyPletsch of .Aller
r ..
_-... _, ••.. �_____ _; _...
a rkin.
m - . gs_: are no.t visible when be .�
; .
-Mother- . er-v - - hocolate..-_., -.-.-
s -s ed-�liot c
- :..._ .n--. - __ t,.
Int 902 in Port Arthur=,' sT�e'
: The lease• arrangement was •
• •
only brought forth. at council for ..
discussion` ur, oses:" The.dea'd' .
P P id
• not;find favour with all of: council,
others were• interested' in further
, .-.. _ �.
, ,
hind -the: wheel4 • .••
_ _ ,
have received coma
Taints about burnin refuse'at
p g
, ..
various locations in the villa e..'
,The bylaw officer was: to be In;
� • ' - .,
trusted to _o ..
a roach •bu _ .
s i n� s s
and doughnuts, ; '•
.• .. ,•
As of last Sunda•nig ht a total
Y . g ..,:
� of $227.00 had�een realized.
t -
All .returns were not, in •at that
time" . :. �,
�liha - h-�t-he_..t�,.. osc:.of
.__ , r ,;.
married. Alexander C; .Smith and' ,
moved to.Sault. Ste.. Mar'
.1904 where she spent .' .._. °'students,
• x most of her,
married life. R
looking for.•wa s to curtail th.e .
t~ .
defici rather. than cutt n T th.e.,
service't t
e roved 'laps foi ,
The board a p
.anraddition at Port Elgin that
. a.i�-tla�largesr
' g - rig -the e id tra;�u•srrr Borne
A. • g
cost• factors of the resent machine
' P
• .: Y as purchas•
over the ears since it w
ed; ui
.::. ; , , . , ..:
laces.on the north de f
p si O Camp-
bell Street -about cleanin u `'this'
g P, a
large burning area and garbage
litter: ; ' � �
a µend
„ ..
Skate -a -than is •to ra •s�
i money i ,
the ur s oseo•a
P.., P Iso of one was.
to ,bolster 'the child'setsJohntenders
i it and
to make' the commt'ini yraware
its Pistence;� All
11 ee
' , -,- , ,
P by two sisters 'aura•-
and Mare ar t ' . .
g et,.May and two broth'-
and ,Georg George,•
ent'ar, school•iti the county whir
800 pupils " .It. is' hoped, to'::c'a1i
-• ':
this week with the C•1ositis ,
°•d -ate Inri
early p .
' 1. ` }�
,.,, . payitient of an account which, had
•. • liot been itemized ,th.e first time
received. A follow up request
„ '
• • for an itemized account had prod-
uced•the information, but on a
•piee.e of paper that the Reeve'ha'd°'
--�-� ...
- • � _ • . .•
m . S4� ; ;,
,;• ''
-three Cif
these were achieved
, by' -the• et-'
usiasm, of the ;skaters,. •s•pe.ctat•-
ors,, n , the co
:a d community,,
The c"lu"b has .,.rong:.Sr
s been plagued
with dad weather this year, but
the; ate. look n ' for
scop g ward to next:
Pa llbeare�rs at the "f'unera�I were
Dona. ;.:David, Cassid . John
-: , •
air; ,Ernest Ariristron Jr. and
nest Tinct Tempora.r `
entombment was at South Kinloss
Mausoleut'n with Gt'eenh l,I Cern
eter the• fiiiai `re t'place.
y s Trig •
a ..
T�h a -d drtit7n wxli:, bo ahead
two phases t�,ecause there are •
already' six portable classroottis cn '
the site. The new classroottis,
are to be Dorn` Iete . for Septeiir-
.het, occ,u atmo` The rt ttasiitttl g;.
, p y h .
,and kindergarten Will have a
later Ad in