HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 20PAGE 'TWE! THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ • ,.r, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1�1'1kh 1971 ARRIVALS THIS MEN'S 1 e Sentinel. THAT a'reception was..held in the LUcknow Legion Hall on Saturday night for Dr. and .Mrs.: Alex Mac• ' Intyre of Alliston. Alex is' form erly of the 2nd of. lfinloss. Stu: - art. Collyer addressed the couple and 'Lloyd HaIl presented them •with'a gift of money.. THAT some' weeks new copy is • _Mori ;pient fv1...tha,n others. This :is one of those w.eeks... Some articles will have to be held over' until next week; ,Earlier submission of copy, when post- •.sidle.,, would help to alleviate this problem:. THAT Mr . and WMrs-. Bill. Wharry of .Lucknow returned to`.the ,vil- lage. on, Saturday,. March 6.th;. They, carrie'by air to. .London. Bill suffered a .heart attack while vacationing on the Keys.. in. Flor- ida on-ja u -a -r d--a-nd'has been convalescing in the south prior to •ma}king the.return t•rip home. uckno OUR"LOWESTTRrCES FOO McCORMICK'S'' Soda Crackers 7AN Orange Crystals DANISH KITCHEN12 OZ.; ' LUflheon Meat KLEENEX:'(Z IN. PKG';.) ::Paper, Towels' 'MAZOLA . 24 ,OZ. Corn....011'•: SAV.E: TO 15'c • •founds PRE -PRICED 99c 5 Pkgs.. 89e SAVE' TO 29c ,_ Ins..69c SAVE TO 10c ly 59c SAVE . TO 16c 'ay Only 69c. ****..*-********':******* BURN'S LINK STOCK UPf *. Il-Sousages : -- 2 -Pounds -i9 9 FULL STOCK; IN UPER SLIM FLARES BUTTON FRONT 'RIDER REGULAR JEAN LOW RISE .DROP •IN AND:MAKE'Y.OUR SELECTION WHILE, OUR STOCKIS.:COMPLETE. . �$'t'$9,rr1110.11.I�rtlrl`rrI1:IIIIIIIrrr,rr1II LADIES' AND, MEN 'S,:WEAR n :v ee� our Four area men spent ;last week on-a'tourof United States `agricul- •tu. ral .points of interest. • Russel Irvin and Warren Zinn of Ashfield , ' Glen Walden of Lucknow and Evan. Keith .of Kin'- loss w r ber-s of a:group of 36' Ontario farmers Who took the trip:arranged by.Glare Burt and ' sponsored by United Co -opera: tives of.Ontario' The . tour was listed as a beef feedlot study tour. . Leaving on ,the 7th by air frole Ttfrorito, they flew to Des Moines; Iowa ani travelled .by bus to the: stockyards--arOmaha, Nebraska-. They travelled by bus to' Kansas' .City, Missouri, visiting feed lots en route,• They flew from .Kansas 'ity� 'to Garden•City, Kansasw`he?e they toured a Meat packing,w_: 'plant. By,bus , they .trayelled'. Colorado and visited the U.S. Air Force Academy at Co1orado' Springs. Higtllight of the tour was, a -vis tt—crttTrMonforf ree:d`Lot x Greely, Colorado. The ',lot 'has , 200,0,00 cattle atall times: and co_ver's, 800. ac:res.._..They--feed400- -tons-Ofidry corn per;day at the.: - lot as well as'corn silage.' another point of interest was 'die,. Wyoming I-Iereford Ranch_at Cheyenne ,. covering -60,900 acres and stretchorsquare miles. The men 'arri'ed back in Toronto on Sunday night.. THAT •Barry K}lpatrick,:'son of.. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff 'Kilpatrick of this -comrnunity, recently completed an : 8 ,.432 mi1e..motor .trip .inth& Unite/9 States visiting' Acapulco, 'Mexico, Disneyland California :,,Grand canyon; Arizona; l:as Vegas; Nevada. The', trip was •made uging a `truck camper...'. THAT'Mr and Mrs. Simon de.: Boer of .Lucknow: left Tuesday, for Surrey; British :CQlumbia .for visit •with their daughter. Mrs:, Henk Kragg :and farnil The .•.trip byair from Mallon:and plan. to be away until.. May. se. i• I - THAT, Mr.. and Mrs Bf11: Crab rr r of lt. R.' 1 Lucknaw accompan. led .their daughter,a.nd'son:-in' law Mr And Mrs.. Gary Gauthier (Olive •.Gra.ham).of Sudbury on ,a two week holida' t They returned home ,ori Friday , of last week... • . THAT Myrtle Spivak of Dungannon. is now, writing.the '. el. Phone Mrs. Spivak 'with your news items; ' THAT tv1r.. and. Mrs: Bryce 1'1iorr'.of Lueknow a-nd-Mry and "' Mrs. 'Don Mason of Kincardine. • retuned on •.Sunday ,from a three,. week vacation at Winter Hatrett. . i' EF Drrda . THAT Lucknow :Dry Cleaners w44l' start a pickup anddelivery ser vice in the'village•'on Monday with details in their ad'vertise-, ireutls�wiereir this' issue ' THAT, winners in ,,rhe Lucknow Lions Club draw held inconnec tion with ttie ice caxnivaLon Friday .night ;. -were Invert Aa1de'r's of Lucknow . •:half beef; George Moncrief 'q f Ashfield ,hind quarter beef; Duncan Thorburn, Amberley , front quarter; Rod Finlayson.;, *Lochalsb, pbg,, of wieners. BURN'S Pure :Lad ********4 . OUR LOWEST PRICE!';' Pounds 39c 10 -***4-4-4-41-* VALUES EFF.ECTIVE' THURS., `FRIDAY; SATURDAY 10 MARCH .18, 19; 20 PHONE -.UCKNOW 528.3420 ' • �rends Honor has Long Service; yrs. ordon:Scott, Apley Fire Chief -:y Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon Scott, both naives cif the-L;a.ng .id.e -c_eM munity but residents of Ripley for many years, Were honoured at ',a. social evening in the township' • hall, Ripley on Friday night., 'Goordon recently completed 46 years of service with Ripley Fire' Department,, 22 of them as Fire Chief He was, presented' with a plaque wrist wateh and turn of money whileMoo &eott.was presented . .w \with:roses. Ripley addressed the'conple. thd. E3i11 TranterMade the presentation 'Others Balled. on .were lord; tare • associates of Gordon• in the Brw. c. County Mutual Fire.AiddAssoc•hV' tion, Fire Chief Biil Griffith• of 'Kiricardine 'Chief George Wl rfly of'Lucknow and former Chic# it t Meyer, of Teeswafer,• Doug. Liddle 'has 'sucoeeded': t ord' on as the Ripley Pire. Chief.