HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 18ON HARDWARE, FARM
= ° ,' ETC: •
WEDNESDAY, MARCH'; 17th, 1971
�cnavr me �rrwi� �r
SIZE 4 FT. x 8, FT.
PHONE 52.8-31'18,
Lions Again Head
Faster Seal FuncF
Seventeen'regional treatment
centres and the .Soeiety's Ontario•
Crippled Children's :,Centre in , •
Torontio,service over 14,500' crip
pled children throughout Ontario. •
But cold figures don't really tell
the story.: What does help to
tell it is a, glimpse inside where •
' the many .phases of the Society's
treatment program are being ad -
Here is the real story.. A.young-
ster lying .across a. support while
a thenTitt gently a:nd patiently
lifts.up'and down' a small and
,withered leg,' There are.many •
,pitiful little legs, scarred• from
operations, so thin and shrunken
:that the -foot looks rotes ly"
oversized on its spindly limb..
What a' -miracle it would be , what
a compensation for the other cruel.:
•'--and-sad=thrngs-o-t---if i s trou'-bietl
• • world',: if all'the legs•could be.
made strong again!
Yet,• such 'miracles are indeed
taking:place each day through. ..
the'work being,d ' b `h
io Society for Crippled- Children, •
which'offers 'one of the finest
habilitation prograin•the
world, roStrong hands are reaching
out to help,the Weak and -the un -
youngsters. Today ;230 service
.clubs, in Ontario, such as Rotary,
Lions,; Kinsmen and Kiwanis.;
are -assisting More than 14,500
crippled: boys and: girls through,-
out ..the: provnce., .• p
The annual Easter Seal e
iCainpaign'ne:eis a'great. deal .of
moneyto support the Society's •
work.. This year the campaign,.'
in Luc know is again being run by
`the Lucknow District Lions Club.,
:T-11s=n—q-better way of.park.-.
ing; the mirac'le.of .spring than to,
contribute'to the:•kind ofwork
whie-h-iseach-year-gerforTni the
equally joyful miracle:of placing
a • formerly helpless youngster ;on.'
two strong leg
leek FormatfQn
.or Tv�o DelegatQ�
0#ion Commffi'ee
All members were in attend-
ttend-ance , with `Reeve Robert Lyons.
presiding,for the March.'session
of West .Wawanosh Township
Council,.held Tuesday afternoon;1
March 9., at the home of the
Clerk. •
The Minutes` of the February •
meeting were read and adopted
ori motion, of Councillors Hickey
and McDonald. •
Two :delegations sought confer'
•ence time with Council. The.
first consisting of Vernon"Hunte:r,
Wm. McPherson ,._Keith. Kilpat
rick and'Ross Errington ,• request,
ed Council to form a Recreation-:
al Committee. in- West .Wawanosh
.Township.. .;After considerable•dis.
cussion, Council iinforrned the
delegation, that the matter, would
be dealt with. and serious Consid—
eration, be ,given to ttie request..
The 'second ••delegation , .Bev
McNay•,.John Austin, Allan Web
si=r an• .er.man'an ^yrs•erg e
appeared' on behaif of the Nation-
al Farmers' Union; Their plea •,
was' to have Council deal. in equal
fairness with the •Federation and '
the N:., F. U.. ,,in the matter of
t let y. C-ouncil's opiidou was
that it would, be itnpo s'b e
levy a rite on boll. associations
on the :tax ••r'oll but due .considera
tion-wou-lbe' given o a -sal io
to•.be fair to both.•
head per, spray for spraying
cattle, (3) the application, of ,John
'Rutherford to act•as Warble Fly
Inspector at $1 90 per hour be
accepted; :and (4) ;that th,e• cattle •
owners be charged 20.¢ per,head
per spray for 19,'71” spraying
Moved by Councillor McDonald,
seconded. by Councillor Aitchi
son that. the Reeve and Treasurer
be authorized to apply for the '
Statutory Subsidy on•1970. Road
expenditures. in the amount.. of
By-law #4, 19.71., .was given
third reading and finally passed
On motion of:Councillors Durnin
and Hickey. .This by-law , upon ..
,approval from the, Department 4f •
J-lighways, authorizes road expen--
ditures. in 1971 in. the amount of
• On motion' of Councillors
Aitchison and McDonald, By: -.Law.
# 5',• 1971, a 'supplementary road
expenditure by-law in the. amount
o .'1Q,000;00, ioasover:Dine-lialf
the' trade-in` price' on a grader,
was given third reading, and fin.
ally passed,•subject to approval
by the Department`of Highways
The Road Superintendent 'was. •
of t.ructed to a. s endeis
cr hm and ha alt ing_ap110.1 -
irnately 12,000 cu , :yds , gravel ,'
in the' Daily,Commercial•News',
n :for-one=w-eek•, March 19 -.-closing
date to ' be April 5.; on a motion
by Councillors Durnin and Mc-.
Donald. • .
The road accounts, were passed
for: payment,on' motion of Coun
cillors Hickey and Aitchison
By -Law # ;, 1971., levying ' '•
a :special rate on parts of Lots '2'S
and 26 Concession 11, was given
third reading:and finally passed
on motion of Councillors::Hickey
and Aitchison. ': , •
By=Law # 6, 1.971,,.authorizing
The: tenders" and , applications
received for the 1971 Warble Fly
'Campaign were opened at this
time. It was moved by. Council
lor Aitchison and seconded by
Councillor Durnin that(1) the
tender Of Murray Reid. of .Londes-
boro , 'to''supply approximately
600• pounds', of warble 'fly powder
(cii,,$5!..4.0 per l5 alb. , bag; (2) the
tender of Ken Weber 1.5e per
Support Easter Seals and see
what your. dollars can do ! Local.
chairman of the. campaign is
oCarneron MacDonald.
Card Party.
A c -a -rd p`rty`was`held�"at� the
Dungannon L.O.L. •1 -fall on.
Thursday; March, 11 w�ith'seven `:
tables in play •
High prizes Were wo i.by Mrs.
one _ .y.t e star=� rotda .nnigan nd :fa-&k`Erring
fortunate.'. h
TheOntario •Society i' iterlp -LL
pled ,Children: 'Catne.intO beiii "
in 1922 , ,when 10 Rota ry. 'C1u'bs got
together to7 assist 15 handicapped
ton.: Low .prizes 'w'ent to Mrs.
Wrrn, Wiggins and .Eric Wiggins.
There will be another card
party in two weeks,'
8teretary on phone;"':'Our auto-
matic answering device is away
for repair's. This is a person speak-
a levy to be ,collected from the `
ratepayers on June: 15 , 19,71,.,was
given,, third reading and finally
passed'on•motion of Councillors •
McDonald .and Durnin. The. rat(,•'
t be .ohargJJs estimated to
be 34, 43 mills Farm and Ret idcc; ..
tial , and .39.,78 mills' Comrner.cial ;
and Industrial„ The final levy of
taxes will be due on••Noven-tber
15, 1971,..rather than November 1;, ,.
as had•been originally planned;,
The foll•'owing•general: accot,
were: ordered: paid on, motion'ounf;
Councillors McDonald' and lluririn:
Allister Nivins , 19.70 mowing ai..
,Cemetery, Concession -2', 16.00;
J A. McDonagh., Councillors'
accident policy premium., 140; 00;
Skeoch.Business Equipment, Ellin;,
cabinet., 'index guides , 139. 26
Blyth District -Fire Area,..'1971 ex-
pense,4evy.., 200.00; Joan Arni
strong,; partial 'salary, .300.00;
Joseph Hickey', .Rpad convention
expenses' allowance , 55.90; Wel
fare accounts , 243.:00.3Treasurer
of Ontario, refund.of Provincial
grant Overpayment, $149 43';:
Treasurer of -Ontario , •refund ,bf •
•Arda grant'overpayment, 149,,43
Culbert, salary; 2:48.36,
G... Humphrey, operator',' 477`:47;
A. McDonald , wingnian; 308.5'9;
R. Phillips wingrnan, 28.0;70;
N McDonald", plowing' snow:,:
1.290.75, R: '-Hardy plowing snow;
`2130,-00; `C: •Nicholson, bull`
dozing snow , 108.00;....G. Srnytl'i ,
grader4haitts-and-W-e-Idintr41900; Pannabeekers,•`gas and anti
freeze.,.„26:•13, Chishofm4uels,
fuel and ta' , 658:05, D: R •Iv1:
Co. Ltd , fan .and clutch 'brake•
36:9.2 Lucknow :Sentinel , notice
and, tender, 5.55:; Signal Star
tender advertisement., .3.5(i,
•Lucknow Co-operative , 'batteries,
7':88, 'l'I Cti.lber , O G. R A
Convention; 55.00;
Road school., 6000 Receiver
General , . Unemployment Insurance, •
'30.00; ,'Canadian;'Imperial Bank •
of CoMmerce, - C.:P P ::arid
come. tax,:,193 66
. 1 4lerk
We meed space, for new
merchandise coming in!; •.
;WHEN' YOU BUY !71/2,'
SAW :FOR, $49.95
Cps&' Saucrs
When "You Buy One
,For $2.98
Kem and Ken Glo.
Pro Heritage Paints
.DRItt •
8' PCE.
G-'hanee with=