HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 15al.
WEDNESDAY, MARcli 17th, 1911
Editor 114, Chief. ,-- ligobtpd ft9QiieY
Mary lOacCii4rlesBarry MacI.ons14 . 14,74:ee,
bnThirdaY, evening March 11,,
• nearl 500 people attended the
__ • „•,. _ _
4, Pistrict High.schoo/ open
hCuse.for'Night school
The guests gathered atthe echool,
from 8,00 to 8.3 O. During this.,
half-hour they were able to
admire the work completed by
iriemi;ers•of the various classes.
Over one hundred oil paintings
,were.clisplayed on the south and,
backwalls of the gyrrinaSiurn.
These •artistic work S were 'free
hand dopies'apd originals. The,
classes of typewriting, needle-
work, upholstery and liquid env...
displayed around the gyrrin• ..,
The' official prograrnine Com7.
menced at' 8 30 with the
• ars WelcOrne,by W. Turvill. He.
iave.a hearty welcOrrie to all • ,
those who had rlass. Mrs Bissonn
Merri-Marc Priie presented. by'
Mys. C.. Walpole for the: beSt sew -
; • •
It was obvious frOm•the.show. •
Ellen , Joyce Miott ;•Katen
;,Elliott,,. Betty Ann.Godfrey Sally
'Harrisciii,.. Steve Johniton, Barry
MicaOnald, Shirley McCreath;
Da."Ve.,•Nagles, Donna Needhari,:
Shirley 1*holsoll;,.S4rIdy
Sheryl.PollOck,1 Robert Rooney
and Gertrude Lee„,Walden. .
. 'The highlight of the evening was
the Fashioh ShoW,. Mrs. F. Gem-,
mell.introduced each model and
described the .garments being
fashioned. The "tiny tots" dis. •
played' chitties their 'mothers had
.1.-nade as they tiptoed through the
brightly colored artificial flowers.
The .fashions were acrri
dopartied -
by_the sweet music of spring play,
led:bir :Margaret IvlacKay on the
Outfits, ranging from the
maxi to the mini, from pant •
snits to jump suits and from forrri7
al dresses to pyjamas were exhib-
ited. by the members Of the. sewing
.• 1
participated in this year. s classes.
lieintroduced theoeacherS for • •
the 'differentclasselsas follows
Mr T Mandell, •Driver:Educa-
tion, R.•Bali,,PphOlstery;
Mrs.. W Turvill, Physical fitness;:
•Mrs. W.•Gamble , ,Liqpid Embroid,
. Patterion,,,Typing;. Mrs.
R. Shit 11S ,,'Art;-/virs..F.,.."Genunell.
-",'SeViing. Mr; -Turvill theirmtrocr
• 111 "
that'a lOt of Work had been, put
forth..and that '12iPley's Easter
0arade,will certainlybe'colOUr-
erftii evening was
closed by refreshments served .
by the. cafeteria staff.
• "."--
• •
ticed Mr. •Me • ctonnell, the
superintendent Of the:Schools.'
Mr. MacConnell presented' the
merribers of the Driver.Education-
al Course with,their certificates:
Those receiving certificates Were:
• Former LuckiiOt
Resident Passes
StratfOrd On'Matcli 'ittt,. • '• •
She , was the fowler Myrtle:.
.(Hamilton) Graharn-, daughterof -•
the;lateMr,and Wt.,. Wils�n, •
Hamilton of Lucknow •
attended LuCknOW:publie arid. .
High School and then trained' as a
riuise at. Stratford Geneta14-iaspit,,'
al, ;She alsa'.altended Western •
University and.graduated.as' a
Public Health nurse
• Mrs. Quinlan is survived by
her 'husband Dr. Cecil Quinlan of
Stratford; one son•John Gratiani of
Scotia ‘, three' sisters, Mrs.
DouglaS,Graharn of
Mrs.. Fred Bridle of Dresden, .
Mrs.•:Garfield MacDonald of Luck.
now .and one brother Archie: Hain7
ihonibf Goderich.. Funeral
services were ,C�fidileted7fn. $trat,
fOrd.on Ivlarch•ld. •
able•to 'defeat their opponents
played'a. home hut `were unable
to score enough goals; :therefore.'
losing Ripley then headed
for Listowel Thursday evening
with hoi.,Jes 'of a victory.The
was faSt..,•aud tlie hii g
period the. score ‘,/4.. tied two: to
twee ''• Ripley.carne,oUt fighting.
hard ini,the third' but -r1. -4w
seernedlo find the holes as they
scored several. .times; The final
score ..was 10 *to ?: but the,game was.
close until the last .five trrinuts
)tist.• 0401
. .
77 •
• .'
. '•• ;
•c n
'Aftera.big viatory 'over List-,
•owel, in the ;first, game, Ripley lost
the last two games... its the, first
game Of this series .kple:y.Was
• ..
99c irch7"
HOT WATER BOTTLES . „ 99c each.
ASA TABS; 500's
-CONT-A-C C-01cPSTRivi 1.49
. _ _ $4.29
WAMPOi $1.69 '99c
. • With.htied
BRUSHES, '• whilethey
el •
• • • ' ' . .
Dore cleaned up on the,
"Mad Dog" from- Listowel. •
PEE WEE..! .• . ,
Ripley Pee Wees finishea:Off.
their serieswitti Tiverton with
.very;exclting gameon Friday.
nigbt Eachteam had won a •
.gaine previous to this encoUnter,
s� bothwere out d.eteirnined to •
win. .The checking Was.close for
ht e first period. •Each team • ..
tiurnagerFto-'s*e7a-goal... •The'
• ' •
eat. Acci ents:
Rona ld NicholsOn
, ,
Lucknow, , 'age .20, Was struck by a
hockeypuck inthe LucknpW arena:
March 3. causing a laceratiorr,
above his eft eye::
Fred Lovell, R. Re 5 ;.Lucknow
fell at home,onsothe ice' and-
fraetuted hisright arm
, •
John Schneider, 11; R.•p • Tees-
Water,..slipped while unloading -
lumber' at the Station in"Lucknow,.
He fraCtured.soihe ribs_ on . ,
righuside. • . . •
big MuSeheid, age HI; son of
• He nia _
action •Opened•uPqn the second • 'And r c
b id
period.Ripley scored three RR,4, Wingharn fell on the ice
tithes to take a, demanding 4.
in the Wingharn Arena while he
,The.htting was hard. With just. . ,
was. sitattng ano7receivea
5 mi 1 • h sio b ke
themselves Well in the 'Beeeher,Street , London,:driver Of
ibr,utliteforrnopopf::5paefnitglito inii4rrie
Elliottt' • • ,
,. andthemselvesrn Kernpion loseph•Sa
•• • ndets,, age 26, 31
with s e period• one car t avelling South on High.;
ended with a full,' penalty box , '•way 4; between Concessions '4,
,8,c 6, Morris Township was ',in. a
•head collision with a -Car driv
...`en by Janies A.Patterson, age 39,
• Mr. Pa ttersOrits wife ; Isabel .• ag
32 and bli-aistery-Mrs, EiTalr-fe
•Dykstra, .age 22 and husband.
Anthony, R. R.• 2, IngetsoiLWere
passengersinthr car. f
Joseph Sanders received ,shock
-and-a-deep-ehin:-Ideerati:x.in-and , •
!And. .4 score 4- 1 for Ri.pley .••
Tiverton carne out in the third •
periOd, 'arid threatened byscoring
4 oals to take a lead -5:- 4., Rip-.
ley pulled up their socks and'
16114 ,Ellfott. stored .t -O fltlTe
score'.. 'tVilth few minutes left to
play, little Chris MeGarveydec-
ided to be, the hero when, he scor-
ed to break the tie.. In:the last
nut ejr.tivig-to n-desperateiy,-pti.4-,
led their, goalie' btft they ;failed to
score. This was'Chris McGarvey's
night as, he reassured a ...tid4:5ty
*ley nOw proceeds. to'the winner
of the, WinghamTeesWater series,:
$00Y ' °
In last week's article
" ••••2 Le 2 ir••••..•
-Q TIPS, Reg 73c _ 44c
"GOLD" VINYL CLOVES :44c a pr.
LDIA.MOTHKILLER, 1 lb. tin, reg. . 61c
.• -. • • . • .
Reg. $1.49 Our Price 91c
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
t Pharmac
• „,
championship,. I forgot to meti'-
tion.the dediesated Cheerteadett:',
Sherry p011ock,•Carol FitilaysOn, ,
Susan. Bra d lc y and'. Gwen Anne
-Mat'ALA-lso other spot t,tiors----
aCtlic •gdme 'Were Mrs. CollinS,,,
Nit, TutviiI, Mr4 Coultes', ,
Nlargic 'Nth oka y (sorekeeper)
Kate Ihintcr ( sports _timer) and
enthiisinstic fans Mary Pace and
Ellen , Sorry.
'.•:.As part Of the special proirain,•.•
Mes for Education Week at. North
Ashfield school Mrs. Gilbert • ,"
Hamilton on Wedne0ay`after:noOrc.
showed pictures of her trip to '
Great 'Britain. •• •
An interesting item in 'Thurs, , - , •';
day's Flee PresS concerned, the , ••,'
workdope by Volunteer teachers `,..
in London ,Graham Mac Don
aid , daughter-in-JaW.pf.Mr. and .t.
:MacDonald of tuck-
'noW is 'principal of this' Adult .•
'Basic • Education •S-Ctioalr 7 7. - •
F..v4ti Keith hasaiierLaw_a_y4O •
Ithe past 'week with,...a, group on the
iUnited Co-operatives Beef , •
:through several states U. 8,..A •
-Rennie Graham of Toronto vis
red on the week end at the home
,of Mr. and Mrs: Allan. Graham. :
land with Mrs .. Dorothy MacKenzie •
of Teeswater.. • ,
Misses ,Eileen and Donna Burt .•
-1 of, London were h,orne tor the. . •
week'end. • , •
Dr, and Mrs, Aleic'MacIntyre • '••• .
rela- •
• • 7
.' •
tives here. '.4: large ctoWd attend, • :. .:
ed the reception in their honour . . .,.:
at rhe -Legion Hall -on
... •
evening. ' :. .. • . „ • ...
Lloyd Ackert ;• Mts... Barry john-.*,'..: .. :..
stein and 'William Dickie attended' ' •
a Leaders" „Training Course at
.,,•,-,- ;
Was,later released.. Mr, Elaine •,•' :111 -le Spring's St but RServe'llte
' Acton on the •weel end;
Dykstra suffered from shock, ,..
facial:and head lacerations; iaC-' ' . Mrs. Gecirgt..160:thart il ‘411°`lias
erated..1kft--4neentusions and been "A41:tient"ln wingbanl-and•
abrasiOnt, to tight tiatid', concuss- '1DiStrict Hospitalsince before
ion. She:Was adrnitted.to.hospital 'Christmas:Was able to retuThto
. •
LI -Sabel Patterson, Shock., ' • , ttiC.IctifloWhnlaLsotcwk:aerkt,,aFe spdtig
abrasions and contusions1,,Ar
to both ^
s...Ist.e.re..-:-------,---,---.' ' ' - • -'
knees, and admitted to hospit- a few weeks with her there
.1.e1iistdrica4kest4hetlien-i .. ' : • . ' ..'
- r
brought into hos,pitai via hospital for he March meeting for Kaitslita . •
ambulance; .Wingham b. Pep . Wornen's Institute planned for this
'C;,, L. Foulon investigated. Thursday at the hoVe of Mrs,.
Mrs. Alfred (Hilda Arin) Harry Lavis, — .
,. _
1<trritzr, .f -R-;•71, Portobsa ,, teeeiv' Nils. jefirtlerions-isTINTrit0
in Winghatn and bistiict Hospital.., .. ,
We wish her a speedy recovery, .
'Mr. and ivits, J. J...1-1Onstoti and
Deborah, Lynne of Guelph 'ere ; :. • ,
,10inday Visitors with hit patehic:
Mri and Mrs'. Hatyey gotittotii. • •
ed back injuries when the Snow -* '
:mobile which,she was driving fell
'Into an open ditch on the farm of
Michael Fisher, Culross Township,,
'She was renioved tO hospital via
a in bola tic ,