HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 11WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th, 1 THE LUCKNOW SEMTINE1-4 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGo :,ELSV OntariO fart 1� 1� Name �Imwoo ac in�ry lk gen.cyFederation of Agriculture ASA-RegionalOffice Murray Fraser of Dundalk and • Burton Hodginsof. Kincardine, Presidents,of the Grey and Bruce. County• federation of Agriculture have jointly:announced that agreement has'been reached•with. ,the•"Ontario, Federation of Agricul 'ture to transfer the operation.of the Ontario Farm. Machinery Agere Cy to Elmwood:., Bob Misch, Sec retary-Manager for the twocounty federations will be assuming the • tnanagement• of the Machinery Agency witchhas, beern import- ing farm.equipment and tractors. froth, England on behalf of Federa - tion members. Kn 'At the same time the, • Federations`announce that the .Ont - arid. Federation of _Agriculture will be establishing; the Grey -Bruce. office'at •Ellmwood!'as 'a. regional of C.P.A.' Jim Shiirreff offiice of Allenford, ford who•has been , Frel ' dma.n for the " P ast.15. months ir a, full time, ,Fi, eldinan;for the two counes:with•r Mischbeing • retained as office .niana er, . Ken retai g Graham;of Hillsburs, regional •Fieldmart•for •Q: F. A•. ,,.wilf also'.' he area..Ad`di's tiotial se retarial staff'w q that the involvement' of OFA will 'not change their programs nor the direction. of..managernent.of the ;r Elmwood: office . Management of they office will still rest primarily with the.two county federations;•.• 'Mr. Hodgins stated that'by ing OFA back to the people in 'the country ; our growing membership will have a mti'ch more easily accessible contact with the provin:• ,cial organization:.. He said , "In the past our members have come' to_think.of OFA as being centred in Toronto. This we hope to change by'providing.a direct link. between Grey -Bruce and Toronto; through additional informatiori:a services out of the office Mr., Fraser said he saw the move as a' big step in .enabling the 'two. counties to provide. more services ,to their individual, service mem bers , • on• a, group basis and ,to the affiliated' member bodies. ;'In ave e Staff and time. to orgaiize• as many as we'would have liked",. programs He •also stated' that with/QFA's . financial participation the move .: will relieve to, a slight' degree s. • • ill be has hampered the two. fedet___Lations hired to compensate :for addition;- al, functions to be carried out '• 'he regional .office will cow' true io service the two counties and will be financed equally tw;§.en;the three bodies' Bruce''. Federation , .grey, Federation. and.o. F:A.. • The change.:will take .effect March.,22nd. O.F.A.. 'sees this as a pilot project as It • P P ,does not have .any other regional • :offices inthe,province;.• Grey ••'•and Bruce Federations were the .first .in. the province to establish an of fice;with full time.staff so me 15 .years 'agog Agreement to eb ta s . lrsh the Elmwood. office as a re ional`offic.e follow's sever- g. 'a, 'al weeks ofd`c' , eks rls ,usson with. 'the , decision 'reached at' a 'Board'of a � Directos meeting ' ,ting 'of the•''Gre;y 'Courit . e. ' t•. de ation of Agt iculture y r in Markdale. The two pr_esidents in making the announcement emphasized 'ax .R�liefls: Good news was 'brought to Bruce County taxpayers when Alan, Whtcher; Chatrrian of the Bruce % County Board of Education':s 'Fin ance Con i ittee presented the 1;371 budget ;ata: special'board nieeting":held •in Chesley and' announced a• '15 C/ reduction in the .educational tax requisition for Bruce County this year: E lind-ie-at-edl-h'oweve"r; 't1it • changes iri`1ocal assessment and ,prrovincial••equalization factors will vary the it pact,..of this -re dt-Ftiotm--on-indi`vidiaal' "ntu ri%cpalW= hies: He brought further good news for Ilrtrcc County taxpayers when he stat"ed'that surpluses brought into C:out._ �orr�rer spool bo,i rcls the•county would be • credited 'back to the municipal- ities concerned in 1971, further 'reducing: the educational tax ,re _clttircniej s ie. also -stated-that one-third_ of the 'deficits brought into -County Board will be .assum— ed by theprovince in 1971, and' that indications are that further' provincial assistance will be tavai�l� able in 16'12•and•197 to retire the rr•einaxtitng• t'wo=t:'hirds t:4 the e in the past,. Wiwafl�sh Native i In $0�� Year ,ELLI• , Cailed ,home to rest by his. • Lord and Master after arlengthy, illness Mr. Elliott Taylor, former, ly of, Ripley , passed away in ,his 80th year. on Saturday, March 13, ;1971. He .was a "sdri of the late William Taylor and -Annie, 1Gicutre •of West Wawanosh. • : Ivir Taylor attended school in .West Wawanosh-and later farmed' with: his father Until 1933: He .was married 'to the former. Annie :Mae Havens of Waw:ota Saskat- chewan on, December 16, 1911. In 1934 .he and his 'fa:rnily' moved to Ripley where he becarma an active member of the com' munity,, member of the 'United Church,. served_on: the Ripley Town Council and as well' served as ,Police ofthe village for. a, :number of,years. After the sudden death ofh its wife in 1961, he, moved` t'o Listow eI and spent his retirement ears, living with his:'daughters,; Mrs.. Eimer (Etta) Morgan of Listowel' 'and: Mrs. Donald (Annie) Mason of Kincardine. • In 1967 Mr :Tayl'o&bec;ame :ser . . con ine, to his -bed -most 'of the past -three=— years” A 'shining light hasgone. out • OIyrood Institute lake Presentation.: KINLOUGH. NEWS The 'H. W I. met :on:Tuesday,'' 'a fternoon; at the home. of Mrs. Lorne Eadie.:; Mrs Morgan john-, stonpresided and the.me:etiing opened with the 'Ode and the: Mary Stewart. Collett;' ' The; finan tial staternent was given; 'also the correspondence from: the,recrea tiorial group the folk school,', Bruce•lea Have.n•:Auxiliary; ..Sr; training school:.Bruce Hi -t r Society' and a short course'which. will be held 'on 'March 31st`.,• The District Directors Meeting. for: _th.is_larea will be-he•'ld;-i-n-` Bervie The roll 'call was a•'•story from horse and buggy days. . Judgesi for the tea biscuit con-. .test were 'visitors , ..Mrs : Blake and but only.,:to rest and await the day •when he will ".once again be•re. - united with his family and" loved. ones Left to. mourn his passing are his two, daughters;,, Etta of Listowel: ". and :A:nnie of Kincardine four randchildren and :font' great g g,.. grandchildren... Two sons 'Willis n g and. Victor and one grandson re- 8 P. deceased shim.. Funeral' ser..vices were :held at the 'MacLennan -McCreath Funeral Horne in' Ripley on Tuesday, 'March 16th:at.2.30 p.m: conduct ed.'b the Rev . George N. Ball• of , Y g. Ripley .United-Chu�rch. 'cal Temporary internrnent'was som in- Ripley Cemetery Mausoleum , later to be. bured"i::n Greenhill .Ce:rnetery , Lucknow. lie was carriecil to. his final; �rest,inf; place by 1l er it�Iargan;--- 'Doiiald•`Mason, ;Robert Mason, • William Nelson;,. Roy Ira.vens and 1.3111 Taylor• • Sadly missed and ,always rent bcred s-farrri an i`loved— ones,' - prizes. were Mrs.. Parte McInnes and k1rs Frank la.ulden The person,— e -a -r t -P c t•h e*r 4o&t ge e -n waS, Nlrs.' 1loward iarris. It was dec ided to•.entertain the resideiits of I3rucelea Haven t year.... Mrs..P.. A. Murray., \1rs: Data .McInnes are: the iionririat ink; committee. N on by the Agricultural:- Society in the Brookside School. t icedurin the Mrs.. iMn 'Mclnnes reported' on. Miss Edna i3cyle was program • :n en.er-�l-tae r�rotco Nia otle is rich enough io do without neighbours." was given by 'Mrs,x John' Frook, •T.lii,s was followed.. Miiulden, '..' • Mrs. William •i'adie., a former.y t olyrood meth her., irit?oduc..ed the guest Mrs. A,. Orvis of'Wing•hain , wio- vem most = onstration or making flower A rrat- getiients from chettii'le and erolottr- ed`yarn, I\irs,• Lyrmmtat Sutton thanked. Mrs, Orvis and presented her with:a gift . M-i-ss'�1ary ladies favoured with a piailo nu.n ber and this was' followed by :a Sliarmmrocic Contest. The C nittiral Activities report was given•liy Mrs. Crank ;Aiaulden, She ttietitiotied the C'tthlic �Spcalt- ing-CO nt-ct't arid, 2 lso- Ile concert Agriculture arid 'Ca nadtia1i lndus 7.T.. tries'speaking about the 71st Con- vention of the Agricultural Societ= ies Mrs. •hloward l.fartis 'read an address and presented' !Aril.. Eric Parson with a''gift. Mrs. Parsons .,..who. .w lLle ve Soon.-foL E grai d fitting reply. Ellwood -Elliottread, an address and made a presentation 'tQ' 1\irs, John Crook who leaves •th'is.week. for F1anover _iro lso,.thaiiked everon.e..ftiir retiiemRmbering her.; These t'wo • nmernbers;will be gteat'ly missed and we wish. then the best,.. 0 Canada and Grace were'_sung livid: delicious refreshments, served. Thee April .Meeting wi11 be held'. in the hall wirh Mrs,, Lyman • ;stilton and Mrs .'• 1)an 'IvIciriney hostesses. 'i'his will be the alt'trtia Meet ing. aiyd the election` `ofOffxc� gyp,. 1 l • OPEN-•-MOIL;;--T[JE$;--V�1EED;Fir „SAT. _ :cm) THUR$ AYS ALL DAY IN BY 10 A.M..1' LOUT BY 6• P.M., DRY. CLEANING SHIRT SERVICE DAWSON'S GENERAL„STO RE • DUNG-ANNON' Are now agents for our cleaning service. PICKUP TUESDAY 'dr Ff U AY'AT 2 P.M. • PICKUP AND DELIVERY N • LUCKNOW: STARTS • MONDAY JUST PHONE 528.2335 / • BY -MR$. C. A BELL So rnany.things one could say • about Out town paper the Sentinel. !Every week there it who i's, oing w at,, .etc • T ey start tell- ing you things; about allages:from Senior :cit'izens to baby showers, fi)< Weddings , snowstorms ; . it is all'. 'th'ere in our town paper; skiing•; who won., Ms• inister's column, i ' ee i<ng. ,on to s'.us:a. the thin -as ha_natjsur-- p-eni°nbz�, - rounding countryside too.' Out paper has• pictures of' ladies 9'8 .`on' our , front page, - W e eek in-ett Town Paper .to see'.how. deep the.. ' storm's.'left the snow in places. How' :would we know• when, school busses :are '.ca ripened busses going• on special trips, people going .away , ,people corning`..back 'The weekly paper tells us where 'things are happening •and When, we even -know where our.Editor and his. family .have been on' 'their vacation. Our,P.P.�a p er is full of all .kinds of thin gs; .e dur Senior; Citizens never would' know .what is''happening• but our town paper tells them:. Our little town paper tells usall the, things each week wewould not know if. we .had no .rowrn sent a •Now would:• we know, Mr..so and so hads•his• Operation. read-- ing it in the' town paper; Many .more, things' '.• are there for all the ,country and town .ped 'le to .read. Keep telling -us> Don'where it is happening and. when. ' Many: new improvements have; been Made, by •'our' Editor , Fall for the better. • • MRS. w. A. CAMPBELL' ',Word, has;: been received: of the, death of Mrs. W A (Laura) .l' Campbell of Kingsville. She. .passed away in `hospital'on Februar 15th, following a: short Y g . illness. Mi.',Campbell.died sud denly following, a, coronary, in 1964.. They were, •r"esidents ,of Dttawa at that time Mrs. `Campbell is survived by :a dau ,ter Mrs.' M ('Eu ice) . '' o ett ' of Kin v nd' a ` 'on G y . 1� Kingsille 'and.. .. s , f .Billo Alberta;' . .Mrs: Campbell resided. in Ludic-. :now, whe•nher: son-in-law 'Mel pt....• 4• now .District High Schoo.1,and where:she urriade.many. friends;. Cheque out a cripple! child tod_ See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. IE' LOCAL er'Atir1Gi tUCKI LII iS SPON.SiOR D'lilr'� �. DISTRICT CAMPAIGN ;CHAIRMAN, AN": IS CA.1 110N WIacDONALI