HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 10FAGS TEN THE LUCKNOW• SENTLNEL.,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO• • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th, ,1971 M.. .,„ ,. :..., ..• f... ... .. , . . , ./,„.....:. . - ......„..,,, •.,... v • . , .. til+-WS ,li. CHRtST�A, ..„, R , ... .WHIT ,w andosofMonk�• d Mrs r mo !pia, Mr nand na an Ro 1 d ••E��- oule .., t s RICT .,..,„,..., : with reet and .Mr � , , rsrted,. ,Sunda, Sian of Lucknow v � y with 111'.,.)3 ee and.' m rs 1'resb teri:.an kV •'lvl S. C a ety are: boldin' their Ivlarch SoGl y . g rrieetin Thursday at 2 R, m. a $ the :home of•Mrs,, Johnsto n Conn•. in ham -were . and -,Mrs Chag rles Woods and Sylvia. of d tra and Egrn Mrs,_.Eiill` ord on and ar j nd n 's , and her�friendt, all f Y .4 Clinton', „ Mrs.. `Russel:Gaunt s ent the P, • week end with r _ M. and Mrs. . Don--I�irstein and 'Richard • . ii / :C.W '. _, • • • . : The M' rch:meetm of Trinity- ..:• . a g y : ,' , ' _ . • ' United .ChurchFWomen was held` :P : • in, the Sunda ' Scho p 1 roo .of the --- ,m. o ^ : Nile U.C.W.arena • ; : rch Women met Nzle United Chu . in the _Church,,`Thursda ,March y 11. with 14 ladies:` resent. ••''' i? (�MVR��; - W, PastormpvoortWoods • 'Stratford . , •• So'rvi' s,: 10.00 a:m, English. 2nd Sunday Dutch: 2:30: ' :m, 'E: �1ish' P Mr and-�Ivi-rs7erry •St Ma ,Ajax.; and family of London• visited rte Sunday with her��parents Mr. and r e Currie,: Mrs'. Georg. • We are •:to report that " sorry , urrie was admitted lvlon George' C . h m and District day, to; Weng a• - of - TOO LATE ROR LAST WEEK K, Mr. and .Mrs, Elwood, Groskorth air veal home from, Florida, on Tuesday morningoto' find the street Just recently ploughed but .his•owii. �,rt _ .�_ , , ,_ .y .. church , Thursday , th,. • March 11 y The Devotional period• on :"Christ-• ian Hospitality' was o ened with • P Mrs.• D:, A. Hackett reading the , ,, • ern How the: Great. Guest ' „'••:. , . • Came .,Sound) • ' Follown The theme, of the devotions was ..i Citizenshipand Social Action: •.•� Mrs': M. Jacobs and Mrs; A': Keir J , .. were unable to, be. present •so . Mrs„ L;, Christilaw and Mrs., H. Talmay conducted •the Worship _ VISITORS: WELCOME; Denominational' ,Rath o. Broad- • „ cast,,"The. Back To, God Hour every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford)„• — 2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen — 6:00 p.m. ' Hospital .where he. will, undergo sur g' Y : 'he .Community .wishes ' . him a.s eed . re.covery., ' amieson• , :. 1V1r ' and MrsJohn, t • Mr•: arid Mr's Tom Jamieson and: ere at Huronview ..'' n.sa'tuf_ay w driveway full of snow tror�! the sec ent storm ' •er ' Mr, and Mrs. Carman Mc'Quii- lin of, Guelph spent a few clays Y the first of the • week •with Mrs, , Albert' McQ iill�in. : • a-hymn.and• repeating . g:. ... . P 8 the Lords Prayer in unison, the . Seri ture read. from Matthew p 25 was taken by Mrs... Chester, . • Hackett. Mrs. D•. • A; Hackett , , conducted the meditation on the• „ ; • , .. "Wha:tas--Chri Service • , • Mrs: Talmay opened the• meet- • •iii with Pia er .and. Seri lure . . g y P Mrs. • L. .Christilaw read several items describing personal prob-' . lams followed by a ,qu'estionaite ,. . ,.... • ' ' " . L11tk11OW • ,. .: . on where the ' visited with . Clint y Mabel.. Sta leton: Mr: and Mrs...Elwood • . "Groskorth, spent Thursday and • ' Fr on>o where 'Elwoo .Friday in T r attended'bu Sine sessions and. . aul Groskorth and;., and Mrs.. P._ 1. and .her' mother. Ivlrs .Em.ma Y . Ba • • • • • gg • Mr'' and Mrs: ohn Jami. eson Dale spent the::week Ro ert.an p Mrs:. D. MacDonald of this. . community ; now of B,rucelea Y • Haven on Saturda .-last .cel•ebrat;- ed her: 90th Br'thda� ..: ,The • commu ends . la- Wiry ext c:ongratu p tions t Mrs.MacDonald'. • sent the: week end with Iv1r:•end • .. •. Mr .Jack; Coultas and .fanirly`at ' Oakville . .'When the. snow stor •n struck on the,..:week' end the- had to remain returning Hort* On . to a Iran: Hos ita1-._: p.. s p ,, . • ity? 'This portion of the Meeting. • ' as' closed 'with•. ra er:.rs. P y .• The roll call was answered, by•N • : - • • . • • - : ' ' . " .roverh" and its:: Bible reference.'President a Pd The treasurer: s,report;:was given,: .. with .deta its• on our catering'. to . �_ : . and discussion' and 'a poem "The' ' .: Power of the it Spirits ..' Mrs., a , P olio s ' ith Talm y Closed the .Dev n i 'Prayer. , � • • : • .' . The .lst, Vtce Mrs. ,Allan Dickson _resided for',the, h t of theMeeting, t' usiness r el Presb terianEhur�h Rev. Glenn Noble • •As B.D.a: • �. • •.. 52 • • FhOAe. � ' • : • : , P .4.11q4qt; t , • .,, • • • , • The roll. call wars 'answered b�y, .. :• rhe StudyBook Cha ter:oipresentinga tea towel for the P ••.,�. . N e�tico ; was• in ,the form of a skit � Church . kitchen: ' • •A••..Thank• You , .. •. - . • ,. : , ;.. resented k Mrs.: •Bert• Alton and . note will-, be sent to the, donor of . c, ... ri Y., ....,d Mrs•. CLff,Menary.. The program :the, Frig for,the.Church kitchen, r . ,� a '+ r • i•s H-2ia ••fan 1 0:00' a m.�; Sand ay School, • . 11.00 a m . M Service . orntng 'T...._Believe" b. : Mrs DouLL las- - _nard_ Treasurer'stire 'ort which showed •a' Be y ... g Ray P _rsse�Eioss-arid-Dori wP�P ar Kitchener on Sunday ; where they visited: With Mrs.: •Ross. a � atient . P •St Hosp-•ill. We are sort to' repot Pptins Schultz' is'a atie•nt;.in Win Thain p . andi;L?stri�t Hospital=. 1-le•:is''wish-• ed.'. a 'speedy re�er�r.- the.E-oar-:--± .:. •and. a reading its :the Driver by, balance.. on hand of $211r68: Mrs..: w . ne requested the U Mrs ' FrankRi chic ' Visits to the ` H. • Mc Whm t • - YLUCKNOW': h ho :W 'tai a' it • Qs i nd irses.allseLe_ :; C ._tQ 'liwa; q u t for "eic. P � .V`I`I 'at Ivla'r s: y ' Mr::and�'Mrs. Earl Caslick' and.::munit - • Mrs, iNallace,,Co n visited°..on: • Su :an Mrs.• Bordon ndayth,'.Mr. Scott of Ripley.. On Friday even- ing,:at the celebration in Ripley, g. P Y : in Gordon's .honour .forbein. a : g years,: he received d a^wrist a plaque'£an watch anda wife. • was presented: with a s P , e. •bouquet •of roses:. Mr..and. Mrs, . Fred ,Fells and Susan of Tor' onto visited •on Satur- day with .Russel .Ritchie, a patient ;at Win 'ham Hos tai: g. '1x11 ':and urdon o Mrs: Hector P f. Strathroy and Iv1r and, Mrs, :Rel n Falconer and'•famil rS r.:. o y o Sarnia ria - were weekend visitors with -Ms. ': `. • ' . • X , Barr : Tiffin of OS �� awa •s - en p. t . 'the week 'end with his patents Mr>, and ,Mrs. Dan :Tiffin: and • Karen ' e cr ft on • itte enB e o friday • e ndr att P don's •1 le ur birthday :party: Ke and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin 'accompanied anied Mr: and"Mrs. Jon,.- • Bateson of. Wi•n ham t'o Detroit •on ; $ b u trend .the f io Sat rday•to a ckey ane there: The .retrained at . S / Y. Detroit, over night arid' returned' . • borne to the' snow belt area• on da .'Sun'• y.. , Mr., and •Mrs: Leonard t3ailey :> l' of.Toronto spec t'.. • . , . _la, • ...: ,• , , .. .. • reported.by the members• :' .' , • • . An...Ea'ster Lily will .b'e.. purchased .Y . , _•:.: ..on for the Church for seer Sunda .. .. .. ... " ....The -matter of catering. to,three .... : , • Fa , )►. ," After,aome discussion regarding •: ... ,- • .: organizations' w•as discussed;; •and . " g g , to 'their . theAnnual- dinner and ••outing .in :. • ,: .• a motion was:made-Lo.• ke t ei,g ,... 'turn catering to Lion's: Su. er;: ` , the. Fall .it ,was decided to .contac't. $. PP :' ..: • • .. .: �• ltv was decided that. the _or. 'aniza ':. ane •childrens .hos ita : at •'Palrnei.•: � Ped tion did -not have the accomoda7 Ston •about- a -tour. , ,A riil5: will .... • tions, to consider the other two •• . he, the luncheon• Meeting' With., •• • • p , ,hi g, .Mr. , :. • :.. .•. • •t . meals mentioned: •. , `, Dtingannon...,The meeting closed :• • • •with the Miizpah Benediction • .• The SOciet is' invited to send- ' :.: ' - • . '• •'• • • ; •, . • y and lvlrs. R. Br><ndle:y and •.Mrs.• Mc' ,:., ..:.,College; . .. delegates to Westminster Clenaghan served• tea;andasocial :P , the a w e.k•end•of lvlay 28th to hour w:as'erijoyed • • .., ..... .. ; . p : 3Qth, to. CampMenesetun at g r�E�-• � -.CHUR �- Rev,olls,•'B: Robert Nieh A Minister' ,`. ' MARCH• 21st ., LENT .4, • 10' am: SundaySchool ' 11.00.a.m.:,Mo,: W !8 Worship . , 1 p.m; Youth `Cpnfn+matton• Class: .. • g,30.:m. AdultConBrmation class,; •: Godeneh June 16th•.'also the lst ': • , London CoPO*, • nferenee•Annual-:Meet:• Wishin ,:cards ordered' to let her g .' • - ;. ' : : ing March,16 ande , l7th..• :Mrs::. ,. , know.. The materials received :., • -.Harve : Ritchie stated•a one: from Sim were aro, ��� . • . - • v Ritchie ?�.y tuhY�. I. you .were. on trial for being a . Christian; would therebe,enouand.'fam ,ps9�tis _ •to some members to•make-•mto +article's •RoberL.Mowbra evi rice: to co .• ••• • o • .,., ` : , an, .•� dMMrs . A`: , y :: on• - • rMr., and• Mrs:.:Ross He riders on ► •Bar,bara;'Brendaand•[ionni;e of ': •�• Lucknow visite—Sund-a w±thh-her • T�. e . , • , week end at their farm nor here ancl. nd Mrs ..i tic Core ' . . weci'e:nd,a of TorontoMspegt the t . • •their:• farrrr• horiie a,t;iwtariloc,h•:.• -•-•• M;-;�- Russ cra:tuat�. -:' _ for the bazaar..• •• • : �..- het .•• • . The apron 'thai:had'been �.� s .,br-to- hLto the meetin � w•er-e• ' • .. .,� sister Mrs:' Walter Elliott, ,Mr: E Nott and farni . and* Mr.0., Wilbur enbe:r r, Lori and Kerr of were-Portvisitors:. Y with her parents.;Mr, and Mrs..' _. Albert Conites. Mr.,'aiid Mrs " lex war . he: ;amexDmee a1s and`..•Mrs: Murray Goiiltes -Dori ���oatio�p e•-geek-e:pd with his parents Mr.:,and:Mrs • ' . •, , '�'. r.:''-�nd4- Mrs:---1 visited Tuesdayat • Waterloo with mt. ,and Mrs:' Donald c, ,tuiat' Miss Linda McGee of I incion :spent the week, end:Wtlr Liar. par=': P • -ani. a �;� ;i - Monday-. ,and'•li'ke many ethers ou , i y c.drr is had to - blocked toads. t. . • 3 i•'. 'd Mr. and• Mrs. I3r11.(srrtoiil an dpi .tri sand Miss Leri Sn� wdcn •. D_ Du -Win eturncd pati Saturday _J = r 1' :: rich, after a two Weeks•tri + io•I10 . d .. .. - ... .. . ,, .g . r .. .. �. :. ou r�r 111[Jt u� ■ ,: eh , t . m , • .: $..,. judged •by,Mrs: • Gordon •Kirkland Y.• and. Mrs: Wm: G.'Hunter,.' With the prizes for '- fancy.. ion; :Mrs.' : Alex Hackett• ho .t• - , s . t work apron, [ ,,: TvCrs ,_Ge P Heni . hhlnr �' � ANGLICAN .CHURCHIN',/it. vcxivow� •`AREA- PARISH ,� - .: ....__ . t - ��� _. y,-��p_,��=�=-..-rid--. longwork a ron Mrs, B r . ;, .. P e.x Alton. The:meeting closed with' g. a ,hythe presid-•_ by.. P . , Tljiie; Rev: R: Odendahl' '''''•• ., • , ' 'Rector :.. , t . M r g ge_ra_teslt'e l=oiter ... ... , crit .. Lunch was served b co_ m•t• y in. charge, .Mrs: Chester Hack tee ••nr,fh .. RCH -21st' ' � .. L' , •,� 4'..•Mr - ett, :.. ... ' • - _Mr-Doug-:-.-Dou --Ra yna:rd,. Mrs. :. and.our capacity to serve. . : $ D.: A . Hackett. Thee ,hostess for ': you with' an ideal; custom-• A 1. f if e t .. built -for -you loan was, .• P e frig is Mrs. Reg " Broome call."A :Bible „' � , .Bible •nevergreater.'So don't let �: .. .. , ..:• .• ... . • that W = Verse about Easter,. with the .• here wil -I-get- - , 1 the. _ :p ,. ,. • . , t eenoe ' , St: P ._ , • -~ ,gym,$ Ripley. 9:15 a.m: ; Ascension. Kinlou... • h 10:0 .. • b1i a.m. St.••Peters Luckknow 11•.. 45 a m. ur ,. 001 JD:30-a.m - ' � ?'" tii°o-nE. " bl7�etn a down: a • H rid it 'over...I& .St. Pauls Dungannon3 • ., . .. . ,• . ttrtderstandin ex er.ts vvh. o , g p . • • behind •them over:. ,. have .. � p.m. •2nd and: 4th Sundays . et ht cat's ett: rierrce -...: Y pe ch; Poe . GET AWAY' PROM LORDx CQM E SIMC CLOSE: TO''"SHOPPINt a .THEATRES ':AND' NTERTAINM NT SPECIAL .PRICE 54,90 PER COUPLE INCLUDES id . � r,, . c e � iii el�ce-- •` ���ow-. uy g F• eed t i e.. am, dr a''ailabl ..st , ,ng es i#bttle of champagne ". Breakfast and' dinner ''for 2 on Saturda, •' , ,a •g i •e -R fiat= • in tailoringmora a es•.to • y . •• , g g . sort individual needs: • :_ �.. a Solve your 'pit tod'a'. LYNWS" Y P .y at Victoria and Gre . ' . • Y The i Pine. Inver United Chutch, , 3 pat, •• 1st, ,3140 and .5th -Sundays Match._rri � .. women 'held theire•e e a, r':.. �: _ in. t e C urc - dlN�� •. • , h o,n Tuesday '.. March'. y , , _ scripture r •. scripture With commentyby Mere' . , , VG witlr a good attendance. Mrs . � Leonard Cou�rth , convener of :. ���/ e Y 'thee meetin , opened With'a'VO : • g P se on Stewardship followed' .b• ` Y' a � Jack Carn;p and belt prayer by 1`,1rs: Lynn Lowry t�1 rs. Leonard ,oust: r, ; nay introduced this ;ears stud ` rr.. ' T A m Breakfast and , .i ''ur folr' 2� ort tl'rid y. le mention the c. Y' s seeing eht or a se get -away weekend to your travel'ag when you make your reserv�ations� , a a` S tm co a W'a e •,. TEL 36'1.1848 :.:.... TELE).( Q2.____,,,...4d0 . ' " QST �o��-��•�.:5�►�� � c net ,, �a `. j, • ; , iind NIII, nags .: ,., ,...Y • ', • Erin and Kingaton Streets' . QIdORrich' • . • - . 524- 73Q) .. , ,, ,.,:,. h ,mn.• Mrs: > i' ' ,' .:• , , . Y rife Gibson an - :�irs: Jit'ri:Jvesbitt were. pianists • ; ,, Lain), interesting answers wet g even to the .roll ca 1 - " :. ,. , Y so' r'na,ny �aornan doh t like to ta•`e :. k ail df frc e:" r nuring `., ting --he ,. �. .e . many 7nformatiwe facts orr clrese countries • The Meeting closed' g l sedgy will y he.. er rid lunch was'served by the a'esses lV rs • st 11don"I3rale. yrs " �i•,Iri Iloyd rid lite% g: � .•: , ',.,r .. • the worshi 'service g P CC?tirtii'i:e