HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 9igpsESPAY MARCH: 17 THE ° LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO; PAGE NiNE' 13Y BOB .dREER :. Last Tuesday, March 9th , the Lucknow Bantams won the West- ern Ontario championship with a Co 0 score over Palmerston, Goal scorers for Lucknow were, •Iara,Montgomery with 4 and Kevin Ackert accounting for:the other. Front row,. left to •right: Larry MacPherson,. Brian •E1phitck, •Bradley Humphrey,r;Brian. Murray., ,Douglas DorschtWayne M.cDon, agh; Austin O'Donnell: B1air�Alton., StevenSinipson, Paul Harrilton,•.Stev;en MacPher- san,,Jeff.;van.S'te•m'pvoort,_ Paul Murray:; .:.Bachrow, Harold''Greer, Charlie' . ,Ripley Fleas-- -A°tl Shut Out Locals• -,Ripley junior Fleas hocItey team defeated Lucknow 4' -f0 in RipleyMarch-"l�ih,.�, . ' Paul Coiling hada goal and :an assist Qther, scorers with one goal each , were Brian Gamble, Jeff McTav'id-r and. Brad Nixon Rob Farrell and Don• iiarris•each. had an assist:. Larry; Nixon and Brent"Colling shared the goaltending for Ripley_ :in recording the shut -out., OPEN' On -Thursday; `March .eleyOnth ,' but ,;;`ehool•,held its :annual ".Openn:. House'. ':Films were:.shown inthe auditorium from; eight to nine,.' The names: of 'these' films were, Mother Cat anthher Baby Skunks Telephone• for Help, Energetically '• Yours and A Place to Stand. The: classrooms were ,open and in sever • al of the classrooms pupils were working at'.projects or' giving dem onstrattotts, Many parents • and others from the area visited our school's open\'house which .was ',held during Education Week: • LEGION PUI3LJC' SPEAKING Public speaking was held at Brookside on February 19 with several'.contestants ,in each group --speaking on various topics The,. •winners` its the junior contest were Maty Anne Altort first',.' Na-ncy :Alton second and David Elliot iii'. • ,Bird price, In:the senior division, s; irst, was Ja net, Wliy.toc secdnd .\iary Bradley ;and ,third' Flora itil' SOra'. The ,cud ;TA -for Wi contests • school at Kincardine on March sixth for. the Legion Zone Finals .• but did' not place,. The'tois `of P 'top of speech was KN?(.. • BOYS VERSUS. STAFF Ori March fifth the boys volley balls team ,played, a game :against LOUGH Sympathy is extended to. the family of the late Mrs Ada 'Hod.- Ans.; who od.-gAns•,;.who. passed away in. Windsor on Monday;. Relatives. and' friends attended the 'funeral on Friday afternoon at the MacKen� tie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow. Mr.,and Mrs.. 'Chris Shelton,. whohave sPents the past, month in Toronto where he, has been the' staff. .The boys: won both.the • A receiving medical, attention, re;. games. played . The moneyraised from the sa]e:of tickets for the garne is •for,..V'i.ctoria ;':.our.: foster child' :ROOM 'kUNE ASSEME3LY Room Nine: held their assenibl on. Marc i th with the help of: their teacher Mrs Kennedy and,. rnusi'c teacher, Mr. Cameron. They ,opened their assembly With 0; Canada •and se-.ripture=readrng by •Kath•},�,E3ere. '' Fo.11owing a read big, by Elaine Stewart ,.they pr.es ented a. play entitled "The f army er and phis Wife...", •A Russian :.' i d-i-f-ht-y-w-e;rc.pr-esented and .;their assembly 'closed with. G'od Save the" Queen. turned home, on Sunday.. Those from: -a distance r:ho : attended: the funeral of .the, late 1�1rs:. Ada'•Hodgins• were Mrs .. Norine :Sieloff• and hertwo sons Elroy and•'Calvn• Sieloff of Det: rort; Mc'' and Mrs: Maurice Hod gins,' Mr, and 'Mrs& Ellwood Hod',- ins• and, their three children g... (,ary , Lori arid. :13radley , Mr a'nd, ••airs-: K -•a 1~Boyle , -MMrs 1,eai•'1 •Lloyd and,1\1•rs: Rath Mains, all:. Of ;London, Relatives and friends from hereattended the funeral of the a te-ir5-lrwrtt.:l letc}�e1 ('l vely� Stewart) at Paisley'on Friday . aft erniacin ., • . (Too Late For Last Week) Miss Donna: Masonof •V, anderhoof Masgn visited with Mr and Mrs;; Don iMcCosh and Dick on Monday. pThe ;Institute held' a pot ;lack '• tdinnei1 ineeti. ig last 'Wednesday eat the 'h of Mr.; and Mrs.. Jack° ,Farrell, . The farm pachinery °show was :in ,London thiseek..' Some., of, those • who. attended from ,this area were; Francis Boyle..; Roy Collins, .Don and .Dick McCosh,: Aural .Arai strong •. ,: Mg or an Johnston, Bob 'Emmerson,,Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon McDonald and "Mr , and :Mrs.. Don'• were, `ir5'; C. 'Brown ,and M'iss:. . Helen Thbt ipson of Lucknow and;. flier p tr:rc ipal of• Kin,gshridge Mary, Anne and'I, :.Nano}•••of the junior, division and 7atiet 0.nd ;Mary .1,0r, 'the senior div'_: isioti went to the Lucknow. Legion' on \ . txst t 0' ,'sn-y tlrerz pee c h.- 'Mary Anne A'ltoti,'wori first and Nancy Altort placed se_e:61XL. e Ja r e t W,t ytOtit- IC%l r . .Bradley placed m Luclrnow'..• On Nitirch tenth some of "the co trrstams from our 'ptiblic.speal Ing conte t went to Kin ,-sbrid,ge t�-k`• the aren't, Mary Anne Alton, our • first prise winner frons the junior contest rand Janet Whytock from the senior contest said their s eec11 „es tb rJ7.e lyttt i:ls-r�: i�i'n bridge Mar)? Aline 1`1 nd 'Janet were,.gw ard= ed` records, on behalf of the Kings bridge pupils and teachers.,. Other speakers;. at K n.gsbridge int hided two'from ri'ist ivawt nosh Central cltool And two froth: 1 > ti: *sl�ridge•w Mary Anne aiso.r'epretente bud..... SKATING AND 110CKtY (Jn Friday , Brook- • side •n.ils went to the Lucknow arena ,to eiijay.•free;sbuin;g•from:. 3:30 't.o 4.30.. The hoses, took. : the pupils'into skate and then tetra' ned to the school to goon their regulrtt r'us'ts 4fter'.sk�ttin�,: was over at`4"' the •staff•pia yed a .ame of hockey against the girls. ',Not .i11' the stafd layed--brit-.Che.one •• hat d play were Mr .:Errington , \-Ir Orr, Mrs. Allen, Mr.. Cameron, Mr - Fitilaysotr, Mt 4Vi''ll ins', Mind Mrs. Wilkins , with two Of the, mothers helpint; out. T-lie--se-Or&'-i_OT t i five to two for the staff:.: 13c• cause the ice had water on it , the la... Y crs 'froth loth- teams were wet 1� and\•tirecl,a.iter;thc ie last e ing xaiii: On Saturday, E chrtuary l 7 i3rook side.p1a,y'ed against i:'ur.kiiow,Otie, ,Tho st"'ore wia`s, five t.[i' one for . 13rooksid•e. On Tuesday, Marchthe r ig• - ers played the 13ruziis." . T fid score .for_ tae-;gta s�tc •t:o two ... . 11RFWI LL 'PARTY 'rri•eilds attended •a:'farewell .party Cor Mr. and Mrs. John.- -±rootonFr4aay evenrng ar the----. ..Uolyrood I ia11• Mr, and Mrs,, Lee Fairhall and hoy.s-of l\inc.ardifJe visited. Sunday with \1r., and ,Mrs, Frank N1 iulden, t t�'tl-4 e i t l \lr_. and \lrs,,. lack Scott are enjoy is.i a winter holiday. in Florid. atyd• her mother_ firs, Wier, Coit rs--w-ith E dna-:a•nd 'X -1-a 13oyl:e -`- while they are .sway. ,11r, atrtd rubs. Clen Stinson • grid • fait ily of 11 unilton 'visited ,over the w"eelk'.end with hes' parte cuts .\1T:..and Mrs Cliff•Rdhb,_ c oratession 10':: ,for The Bruins. The people sew. - the , oals were Philip Black ,ita,�, 1,� were .�_ - t� "for lot` the 1 angers andBill Alto the Brains with two each and liilip Chandler Mlle: got one for, •flit Bruins, itis, . ()nWI:ridoy, March ry tl'te llutrer flies pLaivcd,the Swans.' The scOte was three to erO f'or Butterflies in ,girls 'hockey g'atiiow.:_,.... TMATRE'. WINCHAM PHOi$E 3574630 SHOW TIMES:.. Friday and Saturdays at ° 7:15' and .9:15. All, other days, one show • at 8:0, except where noted on the -program. HU t FSI., SAT.;' MARS 18,, .19, 20 Adult Entertainment: M.. " 'he Call Me Il r.•. Tibbs". , ' olowr• Sidney :Poiti'er+,.Martin Landau Make sure. You see this: lated. dram a'featuring Sidney Pokier lt*4*.Rtik****. . '20. SPECIAL. Mgrs 11 Dolour •Seat4.15i1c___._. Bushell ;,�J ,. The World. D y of Praye% was well attended at.the Kinlough Presbyterian •Church. and the Rip- ley United Church. Misses. Heather and' -Corrine Boyle spent Saturday night at. the . d' home of Mr: and 'Mrs'. Cecil Sttt- • on and"boys. g Con ratulations to Mr;' and Mrs,. James (Wes),. Brooks who were „ married on, Friday'in•,the 'Ripley United' Church: •c^ GODERICH WAYNE., • A �i H.•arA-143,vtti fP(X1;,c;Kv ` • -.. • "RIO; LOBO" "T ttRdT"Yillt 11 a ,; .m. OnIY, arnd ' S6hnrUy lit 7:30` end, 940 p.m. CHILDREN'S MATINEES MGM �p►TU'R:DAY NIA -Flew 20 Doors Open 12:30 Two Snowrngs 1:00 part. and ATG SATS 66e sty►Ttr,g JUDY GARLAND FRANK• Ait(1RGA�1 r3AY ot>`rt a_ BERT`LARR`'aAGK HALEY 4n, It lison,22 'rua. 23 1:424 AsiAIV VAN iFf1 STRICTFO w Ieluwe 11 Of Ate 041 -Orn. CyN( 5h: ' w `ti'..liif: dalr:y of`to_ rhad houSeri ci 'rank perA film :4. ' 0.1e rTsiki PR roan 'Fi w{v.rt7tt)p'.; 'GREA1MOV1 MANiNG!" *--Ary r1MEs..