The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 8•
Don't let your wh;eels.:wobble causing tire
wear and troubles. See our ex erienced.
mechanics'. /for . precision front end align-
trent and. repairs: Drive safely:
Al ens 7 pin
Fred . Horton captured both high.
single and triple of .,the evening
with scores of 274 and 624
• Carnes, over 225::Fred,Horton
274,•.Ab Morton 234, Jake Conley:
232, George: Stanley 249, Hugh •
Joirzistone 248 eavy pa ter 236"
and .25$
Team Points: Owis 4, Hawks 3;
Vultures 7, Cardinals. 0. .
Team Standings: Vultures 7.
Owls`4,• Hawks 3---Carditrtls+:
Men's high triple went to Clap
ence' Greer .wit 787, whoalso
:,had the high single of 2.88.
Ladies high triple waswon by:
Dorothy=Emngtontli 66
'the high single by Marg .Finlay
with 260. .
Men over 250. Clarence Greer
288,-268, Jack Caesar 276; 252;.`.
ate ar a69 ,_263rGrant.: _ .. .
Chisholm 259, Donald .MaOKin
non 257 '
Ladies over 225 Marg Finlay
260 ;-C--ora--Thomp o0 1,L7M
Stewart 241, Gwen' Caesar 239,
Dorothy Errington 239, Irene
Blake 236., 'Linda Rathwell 236 , •
Barb Londry 233, Anna Johlistone
;-B avers U;
Coons 5 , 'Squirrels' 0; Tigers 4,
Waiverines 3; Zebras 5, . Pope Cat;
2; Kangaroos 5, Lions 2; Gophers
,4„, Chipmunks.3:y,
Group-7•A'retrrni-tintlirip Ctii'bs.
7, Coons 5 Y .Tigers 4, Wolverines
3, Squirrels '2;. Beavers '0.
'Group B` Team Standing: Zebras
5 Kangaroos 5, Gophers 4,
Chipmunks 3, Lions. 2, Pole eats
Rainbow legguE
ose-7=5 Irr�►ertime In .
first Gume Of O.M.H.A. Quarter Finals
Lucknow Midget hockey •team
travelled to Glencoe Friday night
for the first. ga me o:f ,the .O.•1\1... H. .
A. Midget D quarter, finals.
David .Cleland was in net to
start the game.; Lucknow opened.
the' scoring on a goal by Dale
Hunter from Andy Whitby: .
Glencoe tied it up while LucknoW
•had a rriarr'in the ;penalty 'box.
- en Fairish scored from Jim' Mur=
ray and the score at the end of •
the' first period wa. s. Lucknow '2, :
Glencoe 1. •
Doug Corrin•went in net. for
Uie.know in the secondperiod
encoe scored twice' to
Glencoe go ahead ,
3 to. 2. ,Jim• Murray tied a u.p
from .Graham Hamilton, and. Ken.
Farrish and went' ahead on a ;goal'•
_by Dave Black from •A•ndy Whitby'
and Graham Hamilton: •
. d .t..the
Only,two'teams ventured out
in the storm for Monday. nights
bowling with the :other teams bowl-
ing.Thursday .and Saturday •e'ven
High single ,and high' triple were
both bowled by. Kay •Crawford with
263 and. 653. '•;
Games '200 and'ever Trudie
Nelson 260, Marie Stewart 256, . .
Joy • Denni-s-.218 ; Barb-Sarider=son
215 ; 210 , 'Kathy' Gibson 207 Mur -•
iel Ritchie 206
Team point's: Kay Crawfords
Violets 7, Kathleen •Forster.'s
Yellows -O- Mon<da:y4Anna-John- =:
stone's •Blues ,1, Eileen Lavis' ,
Reds 0. (Thursday); Kathy: Gibson's
Greens 2, Joy Dennis' Oranges' 5
'Team standing: 'Greens 94,. Or-
anges 93 Reds, Violets,87,
Mires- 79 ,. • Yellows63
March 16
The Oranges .are Season champs.,
Congratulations !' Tension ran ;
-espec i ly-}h-iglriv ttrthe-• 1
teams' all in a"position :to win the
Kay Crawford roiled high single
and high 'trrpie-: for the' second'
week• in a row with 278 and 66.8., -
'Games: 200 and over:Kay
',Crawford 278 and 205, Anne
Wisser 277, ,Irene Nielson 266,
Marie Stewart 250 ,,,,229.; Barb
Sanderson _236 ,and 2 , oria
Ritchie 226`,• Kathy, Gibson 226,
Barb, Whitby 223 , Margaret Anne
Wilson 220, Mary Nelson 216
211, and 200 , Tillie Wilson
Joy Dennis 215, -Marianna 'Porter •
215 , Loreen :Alton 208, :Dianne
Carter 207, 'Grate Hopf. 201,
Madelaine Alton 200.
Teatti points: Eileen Lavin ke
Ka'thl'een For"ste.r's '
0; Kay Crawford'st Vit lett• 7,:
, 4
net ..for' ;the third period . Gl errtcoe.
scored two goals With •Lucknow,
corning back to tie it up at 5 all.
on a.: goal by ken Farrish from
Kim Cowan..,There .was 'a dispute
late in tliP,Period on a shot ht
Jim :Murray which seemed to be a
legitimate goal-, however the
Glencoe goal judge saidnot.•, and
the game went into -overtime.
Earl: in,the ,overtinie the sUie.
,roa 1 judge was relieved of ,his
job when he.i.nsisted"a "goal. had;_
beery sc:. by�.,G.oe. •
time the refereeslencwere in position
to see that the pick had neve left
the crease. , Glericoe scored •
twice late ii the '10 Minutes to
win by a 7 5,, count,
Lineup. for Lucknow was goal
David Cleland; -defence, Graham
Hamilton:, Wayne 'prti:cltard;
centre:, ,Ken:' Parrish; wings, Kirr
Cowan,; Jinn hlurray.; alternates ;
Andy Whitby., Dale Hunter, Dave.
Black,. Steve Hackett•, Ken Hama.
ton, Greg Hamilton= and Doug
The, second. game. was slated. for
Lucknow Monday.n ght. y
The boys and the manageinent
w:otild like•to thank the anony-
boys'lunch following the game in,
Fleas Tie< ;
The smaller Fleas Played in
.Lucknow on Saturday night again
st Tiverton: .Final score after .,
regulation timewas a; 0-0 tie::
Flea Tsai
��yth Tourn
The Lucknow Flea hockey_tutt'.
attended the Blyth hockey touraar
rnent on Saturday and carne home
witk the clutmpionsh>_p�.,
"They played against Clinton at .•
10.30 and won'.easily 6 - U•. Brian.
Murray registered, the shut -out,
Goal scorers were•Rau.l Haniiltou
and Steven S,impson., two each
with singles going to Donald Dor
scht and Paul Murray.
Assists went to Steven Simpson,
Paul Murray, Larry MacPherson;
Douglas; borscht , SteVen Mac.-
Pherson, Brian. Elphick and ,Blair
Alton. • •
At 1.30, the team played
against Belgrave. At the .end of
regulation time � the score•w,as
tied 2-.2.. In five minutes over
time' Lucknow scored two.goa's;
Final score'was Lucknow 4, Bel -
grave, 2. Steven, Simpson had•.
two,' goals and ,an assist,: Paul :
Hamilton and Larry MacPherson
each scored -once.. Assists went.
to Paul Murray , 'Steven•.MacPher.=
son, B1air, Altdn, Brian :Elphick:
•Clarence: Bellwas out in front •
thisw:eek'for the men with a 304•
:single, and a double of 450•.
•For the ladies we. have Sadie
Hamilton; with a.'1" sing]e and a
285 double. ;
Team points won: Carrots 5 ,•
Lettuce 3 T rni §•2 and Potatoes:
0, p..
Team Standings: Henry.Carters
Potatoes 61,''Mel King's Carrots •
60, Clarence Bell's Lettuce 59 , • '
Jack Campbell's 'Turnips 50..
Clarence: Greer is the; top bowl -
er this Week with 295, high .single
and high triple of 692'.
tvlu'stangs,5'., 1?antia Fords -3, 22
Buicks 2,•:Dod:ges'5 , Oldsmobi;les.
'Games of.250 and. over: Oaten'''.
Bawling league
Congrarulatibns,tothe Rubies •
who are the winners: in the seasons;
The high '.bowler. :on Friday
evening; was., Jean; Phillips: with a'
's_ingle. game :of 298and triple
of 749. Good bowling_le:an
Games of 200:a•nd over; Jean
Phillips: 298 , 255, •Ferre M•acDon-
ald`287, •Milcir.ed Cameron 288, ;•
Alarion'MacKinnon 230, [3ernice
Henry 220, ,Cather=ine Andrew
On:Tuesday:, March 9th the.
local Midgets,defeated Arthur'.:,
to'2 to:•win the Western•:Ontar•io:'
Championship final in•two ,;a:hes
Goal scorers forLucknow were• ;.•
Jim Murray with 3 and Graha•nl,
Hamilton=with. 2.'
Listowel• Fleas defeated l.uknoti..
-here on Monday hyYi,a• score `cif' :w
'Steven :SirisF son'scorcd'..t1 .:7;oal `.
assisted. by Larry; Ma'cPhc�r=on.
. M
Team points:. 3e11 Mole's Rubies novice Lose 6
7 , Anna Mae -Hunter's Opals ,0; '
Warie Greer's Pearls•5 ,''Mildred
C.arnert n's •Sapph4ires-2;-Trudy
Foran's Emeralds' ,' Catheri1ne ,
Scltrni'd's •5Diamonds 2. , s
The Rubies and Diamonds bow
led �their'regularly 'sched:uld Feb
;runty 22n'd girlies=ilii nesda
evening March 2nd , with:the
Rubies taking 5 points and the•..
ce Greer 295;' yalter Arnold 251,:
Tom Hackett 264, Reg Jones •270,
Standings: Mustangs•12 Olds-
mobiles`7 ;: For"ids 7; Buld.RF&
Pontiacs h, Dodges, 5.
Diamonds 2,_;
Games :of 200 arid' over: Beryl
Hunter 287 ,Jean ~Phillips 223
betty KirklancL201i., •
Team stan'dtngs fhtbies 119 t ,;:
Pearls .90 , Opals, 86 Emeralds 81,:
Sapphires 77•, Diamonds 72..
The first week in the, play -Offs
began with .some good bowling.
Ferric MacDonald taking top
::place with -a 301 single
triple, w
Games' of 200 and over; Fesne
,MacDonald' 301, Anne Turney
207, 'Marion :Carnpbell 244;
Trudy Foran 203, Jean Phillips
,24.0 ' ax -i , ..
Mildred Cameron 225
Tearn `points: Mildred
Card ron's Sapphires 7, Cather-
ine Schmid's Diamonds'0Anna
Mae Hunter's Opals. -5; Trudy-..._.. --
Poran's Emeralds 2 i3e1le Mole's
l ibies 5 , Marie Greer's Pearls 2,•
Teari standin s:' Sapphires 7,.
'Opals 5, Rubies 5, Pearls 2,
Errieralds 2e,Diamonds 0.
Lets go teams, we've still font
'Weeks to bowl,
Ze n.-GatraSs-had-thel a,glis n'_gle
x;238 and a high -double -of 407;.
' Ricky Irwin had a .high, sin•
196 and a high double of 3.9.0
Team points:. Chiclets •5,• Wagon
Wheels 3 ,• Lifesavers 2 and "Potato
Chips ,0,
earn stan• ings: Lifesavers 57,
Chiclets 44„Wagon Wheels 38 and
Potato Chips 21.
Ka'thy,Gtbso'ni's Greens 0 Joy
Dennis' Oranggs 7.,, Anna john=
stone's Blues 0.
Team standing: Oranges 100,•
Reds 95 Greens 94',• Violets. 94:+. ,,
Blues; 79, Yellows 63.,
n "Lucknowth i e
March: l.Oth`•the'•Lucknow Novice'
.took on:the-:Tiverton tea af . J'his,
•tutned'otit to be the final. game:in '
the best •of threes series .in .the.•zone
Tiverton came out on top by a •
score of 6 to' 1. Lucknow'•s, al'; • • .
was scored by David Errin Ttoil'
,wi:th assists going t o paddy Murray
a•nd Grant Gilchrist: •
'one S28-802