HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 715— 1970!s inSatiOus..,m5kfeitt, sedans and 2 and 4 • door hardtops in Fords, :Chevrolets, Pontiacs including Catalinas, SkylarkBuicks and :Cutlass OldsnicobileS OTHER MODELS . • _ .". ..• • , • , 1969 FORD custom; power seering i„— 1969 CHEVELLES, a 2'door hardtop and a 4 dbor sedan 1969 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door hardtop_ 1969 CHEVROLET. Bel Air sedan 5 --I:969 PONTIAC Parisiennes, in 2 and 4 'door hardtops 1969 IMPALA Custom 2. door hardtop " —1969-FORD-C--ustoirr-100 - 1968 PONTIAC Parisienrlei 2 door hardtop . fully equipped • --1968-PONTIAC ,Laufefitian-sedan, 6 -cylinder: . 2 1068 CHEV Impala, 4 door hardtops •, , • , • . : • . .1..„ • S. *. WEDNE$DAY.MARCH 1971 mrs. Glenn Martin Of. theTine River Cheese Factory went•into hospital on Wednesday of last week for surgery „following an attack of appendicitis. We are •glad to report that she is recover- mr, yern9r BrOWm,,was able, to. return*i his pt., Clarke. bOrrie‘ ft'er a 'stay,,in Kincardine Hospit- al.' . , Thursday•night several from • this area attended. AChievernept • Night of the Night Claves at Ripley District High School. A • wonderful display of oil paintings and other handicrafts was in evid- • .ence and the. fashion show put on by the sewing class was really appreciated by the large • audience. , ° . I • THE LIOCICN,CIvi SENTINEL 41)CKNOW, ONTARIO • Cord.; Party; ..Maple' rove 1044 sponsored a • icard, party in Zion:Hall on Mon-: day •of this week, • • • igkprizes w :Iton and:Bett Alton, Consola- tion pries. went ,.to Mrs., Wilfred,' Hackett and, Ilarvey Alton.: • , •There will'be.Another‹card •pa.rty rie4t, *eek,' , • • ST, PATRICK DANaE • • The•Pine River IJ.C. W. spon- ored,aSt. 'Patrick's dance for the comrnunity,bn Friday night ' in the Reids Comers Comniunity • hall, • A good crowd .was, on hand ° to enjey, the variety of dances including, snowball,', elimination, Sadie Hawkins and 'spot dances. Carol. and Pte.' David Courtney Mr. arid Mrs. GaryCourtney and Steven; and Mrs. Wrn. Coprt- ney were. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs'. John Norman; The Men'enjoyed a drive to Candu in the afternoon; Mr. and Mrs.., Glenn Campbell visited in Atwood last week end and like several others spent a. few• extra days:away on account of•the storm. With milder wea•tk- er" this week•we hope our. stormy days are•soonoyer for this 'yar • Peter Walden and Dennis'Court ney,'went to London. Wednesday night to bring Mary*Walderi honie for a few days of holidays:. Mary ii\a third ear - • • • • cere ony, k pt everything going at a lively pace assisted by the . cornmitteesOf Mary. Gibson, Gayle • Lowiy. , Mary McNay," Linda Camp- bell arid Evelyn •BradVey. Lunch Kinioss N ive Died In Windsor MR$1„,AL:FRF0 dealt' Of Mrs:. Alfred Hog Of 1551 Do ugall Wind- sor, formerly of Kinloss Town., ship, occurred at "Hotel. Dieu HQ$ - pitat , Wi rld WI all y , March 8th in her 90th year, Mrs. Hodgins was the former ',Adeline Elizabeth Cox datighter of John Cox and Mary BOyie. She WaS, born at Lot 3 concession 9•, KinlOss ToWnship, on April 13, • ,‘ On Odtober*3; 1901 'she married Alfred Hodgins of Kinloss Town- • ship;•;•, • Following their marriage the. couple farmed on Concession 10 .until. Mr . Hodgins'Aeath in.1930. 'Mrs.. Hodgins continued farming op, the home farm for a time,: :She them -resided With her- d a u ghter4a---- *Detroit until five years ago when she moved to Windsor. , Mrs. HOdgins is survived by her daughter 'Mrs.. RUdy (VOrine) • Sieloff'of.Detibit; Michigan, a ,•'• son Maurice Hod.ins'of LOncion;. at LOndon.Victoria Hospital: •' . • At,th.e Sxinday.service at pine River Church; Mises Mary.arid Helen. Kempton and Shannon Lee •• ?\,I • nd Mrs Donald COUrtne the song "I have Joy in my 'Heart I. Iliree-graridchildren, Ellwood • .. Hodgins of London, Elroy . • - Sieloff of St.. 'glair. Shores and Calvin'Sielbff of Detroit; five great' grandchildren, Gary., • .and Bradle r• lidof Londori Used •cars from '65 to'68 in various models sedans, hardtops and 4 door —,90% of all cars are V8, power steering and ,a11 automatic • 1970 CII:EV 34 ton pickupwith engine 1968 cnv ton pickup with automatic transthission 1967 FORD 14tt. stake body .` 1967 cfiEvrtoizr, 1 ton panel, V8 1966 C iA:a t-,ga 1966 citzvv, ton panel • iitunbei.of Econoline and Chevy Vans trbili '64 to' '67 oseysotokowootevsbovvvvwysisis euttelsMotors 80.Servic;Station ••Phene 8814173 • Ronald 4nd Kenneth Sieloff 'of aliiri•ShOreS;,*. • ' Cox of Holyrood, hirs Hodgini.was 'Vredeceased..: •by her husband'anditvvo brothers,. Rev,. George cox. and; Wiiliarryp.. Cox both of Kinloss .Township. •••.-, • The funeral service was held at: MacKenzie Memoia1 Chapel, Luckriow. on Friday I'4ac01.1 12; . • Rey'.. R. T. •Odendahl, ,ot the KinloUgh 'Anglican Church, t, • •Was miniter Ternporaryento brile:ntWas 'at South, KinlosS /vlauSoletini :•. ,with final:resting.place,, ' ' • Greenhill •Ceinetery, '.. • ':•,Pallbeareit were HOdgini, . 'Karl Boyle; jack Sett,,..*Perry flodgins,„: Lloyd 'Johnston, .Grant., tekenSWiller„, ••,'• ' : :. Fo1Iowintheserv.i,ce at' the: .,Chapel; relatiVeS and friends • were.receiVed.by.the family •• . • and a luncheon.Was served at .i. the Mayfair Reitanrant hy the• . An g c a riTeliprpir'Notnirtot-77-77 the lididginS„ faMilY were: fitliful.:Members...: PAG so.veos 1. BRUSSELS CENTRAL, . .• PUBLIC SCHOOL' : Mach 22nd,, .197 at.' 2:00 p.m. •• • 4-H Calf ,Citib — Brussels 4-H Grain Corn Club • 2. HOWICK CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Monday, March 22nd, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. • Howick 4-H Calf Club — •North Huron 4-11, Corn Club. 3, 13LYTI4 PUBLIC SCHOOL Tuesday, March 23rd, 1971 • at 8:00 p.m, Blob Dairy Calf Club' Blyth Belgrave 4-11 Beef 6 Club --BIy!h 441 Corn Club 4. F. -E. MADILL • ,SECONDARY SCHOOL ednWaY, March 24th,• 1971 __ Dungaannot an:°°4-Fi'PanCa.lf C• lub ILucicnow 4-H Calf Club Lucknovi 4-H Grain Corn • The Huron Countr4-0 Machinery Maintenance ClubI and the Huron County. 4-11 .Conservation Club will be organized at k later date. Enrolinentleria-dan be filled out and handed in at the Or- ganizational Meeting for these clubs and any other clubs that you may wish to join. You may also enroll by sending 'your application form to the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, Box 159, Clinton, Ontario • • . All boys and girls who have reached \their .12th birthday by • January .1st, 1971 and have not reached their 21st birthda b e' o, jom, one o these clubs.' If you are a parentwho would like to'see your child join a 4-H Club, please feel free to contact Leonard MacGregor, Exten- sion Assistant, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food at • 482-3428 or in the evenings at 5246614.. HURON COUNTY 4-H AGRICULTURAL CLUB S' ASSOCIATION On TueSday:,'`Xlatch 9 there; w ere 'Only•ele Vert BroW hies and :three tweeplesin,.attendance .for the:Meeting; . • : .." • ,Aftcr Fair • Oucert Lorna BO ie riace&-tle,---9,2oadstto.017-w-e-ha-d•. Brownie Ring tf.aClSixer collect•-' ed Fairy Gold froin her Six and,. ' • inspeet fon•was•to see if all firowin,- Aes' had put their me tag in, their • . During Tow' WoW Debbiebeilt 'slteWed the Brownies her tulip, • plant and Lorna Boyle read her NtfeDonald showed the outfit she • had' knit for her.doll; ..• 'At Work period. ProWn Ow) work- ed with the Golden .Bar and Gold -2, en:Ladder Brownies.and TaWn"," Tp*WTI.TOTR-ed7v;rff showing.tliein how to.tie their • : .13rownierie. While Brown Owl • 7 tested Etta Belle MacDonald Lorna' BOyle and Xathryn 1\lc kith for knitting:, the refit Ortfie-Pack • • played.42me gape' "Tiave You , Ever Seen A nitek4', "Pas S the 1 Tat :and '` One , Two „Three" We elOSed our meeting with the Soneeze t3rOwhi Prayer nil everyone left by the Ardh, • (Too Late For Last .Weetk)',.' . • A • . • euchre party was'held in ,• Amberley L Q. L.• hall on Mon- diy of last week: A good crowd was in'attendance and • ' . prite,s. were high lady 1CIt?!.!•Leotiard Reid, high gent -; • Robert CaMpbell and lucky draw :Mrs., Leonard Eirnes, ;Mrs, Jennie Robb, residing haw'. in LuCknow; and forriTerly of this area , fell at...her home on Friday 1. and ffered.'a fradtured-hip.. Everyone here wiSheS her a•,good recovery , • '‘ • . , • The • Worlds Day or prayer was held in Pine River United o gtp-ida-a-kernbon.t.rritig•tl**.- serVice Mrs Lynn Lowry and • Mrs. Ernie oibsort provided specH. ial:musit On the 'organ and piano.. the;Theme .fOr, the day was ':'A . •NeW People for 'A NAN•V•Age"'. Mis 'Duncan. Thorburn prepared and gave a splendid Messa ge. on this theMe. • Dianneken-iptonucali '.tourtney and Joan. Ferguson were . • int;iwen SOund-on Saturday. as • part Ripley_DiStrict High'. ;•Seho61 senior, girls basketball' team.' This tea in won the COWASSA charn ionshi Con rat. tiatibns. TTT•, Mr. and Mrs.. Bill:KeMpton left on Friday to.sperid a few days in Nashville, Tennessee:, ' • Moe Leonard of. Cooksville visited on theyeek•Tend With, Pat Courtney, , • s9. - • CHURCHA.NtliAL • • • • "..• Kingibtifig! Guides• The First Kingsbridge Gi1. • held their weekly Meeting • .•in the church hall with 14 mem be -1.s present'. The'rne'eting:Was' A *' opened with a prayer- by Judy Tigert and tolicall.• °•••' • • Lt. McLenrian orgahized 'some ' games, which were enjoyed by ,a11. .. • the guides: 'After the.gameS. • " CaPtain suggested the guideS. 'should make4 quilt fOr their, :good, turn and giVe"it to aineedy 4 ' The new guides learned their .2 •• ''' ''• .. .• , , • , • reef knot.' Kingfishers had •Carrip•!- it• • , . ''.. . f.ire, which included songs, skits, ,' . '. • andgarties. • '• '..., • .: , ''... ., ., • The meetirig.clOsedWith.a .. . ..„ . prayer. by Li.. 'McLennan arid•taps.... . ..,.ii • ' . • DOUGLAS POINT V .• • • by. Patti MacDonald ,*•-•..Pat Kelly, Public Relationsman for Douglas Point,, 'visited our school on Friday, 'March5..He told us•thany interesting .facts'•:_ ta-bouuthe operations going On dp, 'at Douglas Point,. Mr.. Kelly showed us •a very interesting. ' -The anntral Meeting of Pine'. River United Church was held. - • SKATING PARTY • • :on Sunday follo.Wing a noon, Itinch, by, Carol Mac Ka y • eon in the Church basement.' ttev . On March 19th the pupils of ,_ • Mr, Hill conducted the meeting Ripley -Huron 'Central School are, with Mrs. Mervyrnj..4iston.as_stor asLing. •. •tary. RepiiiiWere heard and other :at the Ripley Arena: It was post- buSiness.detailswere diScussed„, OOned froth February l2th because We were sorry that the stormy ecattse of'the StOrMy 't,,Qeather. Weather kept several frOm attend- 0,* • MisS Kathy' Elmes ,,,Toronto 'spent the week -end at her parents home, •• '•• P, Pte. David COurtney HalifaXi • is home to spend 4.tat.tpe. . • weeks with his at its Mr, and Mrs, ppttaktiCoutthey, Thesrade eight ski trip took place liSt Ftiday':- Everybody ate ind climbed on the bus at 12:16 ta.. itart their journey to Happy Valley ' .in Walkerton. Everybody eNoyed ,theihselvet'and wish td thank Ny. ,Stanley 'tiot giviqg